67 research outputs found

    ATXN2 and its neighbouring gene SH2B3 are associated with increased ALS risk in the Turkish population

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    Expansions of the polyglutamine (polyQ) domain (≥34) in Ataxin-2 (ATXN2) are the primary cause of spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 (SCA2). Recent studies reported that intermediate-length (27–33) expansions increase the risk of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) in 1–4% of cases in diverse populations. This study investigates the Turkish population with respect to ALS risk, genotyping 158 sporadic, 78 familial patients and 420 neurologically healthy controls. We re-assessed the effect of ATXN2 expansions and extended the analysis for the first time to cover the ATXN2 locus with 18 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) and their haplotypes. In accordance with other studies, our results confirmed that 31–32 polyQ repeats in the ATXN2 gene are associated with risk of developing ALS in 1.7% of the Turkish ALS cohort (p = 0.0172). Additionally, a significant association of a 136 kb haplotype block across the ATXN2 and SH2B3 genes was found in 19.4% of a subset of our ALS cohort and in 10.1% of the controls (p = 0.0057, OR: 2.23). ATXN2 and SH2B3 encode proteins that both interact with growth receptor tyrosine kinases. Our novel observations suggest that genotyping of SNPs at this locus may be useful for the study of ALS risk in a high percentage of individuals and that ATXN2 and SH2B3 variants may interact in modulating the disease pathway

    Analysis of the relationship between tax revenues of public investment expenditure in the regions in Turkey

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    Kamu harcamaları ekonomik sınıflandırmaya göre cari, yatırım ve transfer harcamaları olarak üç gruba ayrılır. Yapılan ulusal ve uluslararası çalışmaların çoğu, bu harcamalar içinde yatırım harcamalarının üretim ve hizmet potansiyelini daha fazla arttırdığını göstermektedir. Yatırımlar sonucu üretim ve hizmet kapasitesinin artması milli gelirin ve istihdam oranlarının yükselmesine sebep olur. Kamu yatırımlarının ekonomik ve sosyal açıdan sunduğu bu olumlu etkileri, devletin vergi hasılatına ve bütçe dengesine de olumlu bir şekilde yansır. Kamu yatırımlarının ekonomik ve sosyal açıdan olumlu etkilerini incelerken, sadece bu harcamaların miktarı üzerinden değerlendirme yapılması yeterli olmayacaktır. Yatırım harcamalarının ekonomik ve sosyal geri dönüşü bakımından etkili ve verimli alanlarda kullanılması kritik öneme sahiptir. Bu alanda daha önce yapılan çalışmalar genellikle yatırım harcamalarının ekonomik etkinliğini ve ekonomik büyüme üzerindeki etkisini bölgelere veya ülkeler genelinde ölçmeye yönelik yapılmaktadır. Ancak kamu yatırımlarının vergi tahsilatına etkisi hakkında doğrudan yerli ve yabancı literatürde yeterli çalışma bulunmamaktadır. Çalışmanın amacı; Türkiye'de kamu yatırım harcamalarının vergi hasılatına katkısını çeşitli bölgeler itibariyle ampirik olarak tespit etmek ve kamu yatırımlarının etkinliğinin bu alanlarda yüksek olduğu bölgelerde, hangi sektörlere daha ağırlıklı kamu yatırım yapıldığını ortaya çıkarmaktır. Vergi tahsilatını artırıcı özelliği olan sektörler tespit edilerek yatırımlar bu alanlara yönlendirecektir. Böylece kamunun kaynaklarını daha verimli, etkin kullanılması sağlanabilecektir. Belirtilen amacı gerçekleştirmek için çalışmada panel veri yöntemi kullanılmıştır.According to the economic classification of public expenditures, three groups are allocated as current, investment and transfer expenditures. Most of the national and international studies show that investment spending in these expenditures has further increased the production and service potential. The increase in production and service capacity of investments leads to a rise in national income and employment rates. These positive effects of public investments on the economic and social side are positively reflected in the state's tax revenue and budget balance. When examining the positive economic and social impacts of public investments, it would not be enough to make an assessment based only on the amount of these expenditures. The use of investment spending in efficient and productive areas in terms of economic and social returns has critical importance. Previous work in this area is usually made to measure the economic efficiency of investment expenditures and the impact on economic growth in regions and countries. There is not enough domestic or foreign studies about the impact of public investments on tax collections. The goal of the study; to identify the contribution on tax revenue of public investments in various regions in Turkey as empirical and to find out sectors which are heavily publicly invested in regions where the efficiency of public investments is high in these areas. Sectors that have the feature of increasing tax collection will be determined and investments will be directed to these areas. Thus, it will be possible to use the resources of the public more efficiently and effectively. Panel data method in the study was used for to realize the stated purpose

    An update on molecular biology of thyroid cancers

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    Differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) is the most common endocrinological malignancy. There are several histological variants such as papillary and follicular thyroid carcinoma. Many patients with well-differentiated subtypes of DTC are cured by surgery alone or with radioiodine, while poorly differentiated types usually have a worse prognosis. The aggressiveness of thyroid tumors is closely linked to specific gene alterations.Several diagnostic and prognostic molecular markers such as BRAF and RAS point mutations; RET/PTC and PAX8/PPARγ gene rearrangements; MAPK, PI3K, p53, Wnt-beta catenin, HIF1α and NF-kappaB signaling pathways; microRNA profiles and aberrant methylation have been demonstrated in more than 70% of DTC. Diagnostic use of these molecular markers may be optimized for identifying higher risks of mortality, tumor recurrence and metastatic potential. Understanding the molecular biology of thyroid cancers can be an important avenue for diagnosis and treatment of radioiodine-refractory or inoperable DTC patients with novel molecular targeted therapeutic agents. © 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd

    Education And Related Expenditures As Forms Of Public Goods And Services: A Comparison Of Turkey With Oecd Countries

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    Günümüz küresel dünyasında eğitim beşeri sermayenin temelidir. Ekonomik kalkınma ve büyüme için beşeri sermaye fiziki sermaye kadar önemlidir. Eğitim bireyin ve toplumun gelişiminde gerekli olduğu için ekonomik kalkınma ve büyümeye katkı sağlar. Bu özelliklerinden dolayı, eğitim hem kamu hem de özel sektör tarafından sunulması gereken bir yarı kamusal hizmettir. Eğitimin toplum ve bireyler üzerindeki olumlu etkileri, çoğu ülkenin dikkatini eğitim harcamalarına yöneltmiştir. Bu çalışmada Türkiye'deki eğitim harcamaları analiz edilecek ve daha sonra Ekonomik İşbirliği ve Kalkınma Teşkilatı (OECD) ülkeleri ile Türkiye'deki eğitim harcamaları karşılaştırılacaktır. Bu analizde Türkiye'deki eğitim harcamalarının son 10 yılda düzenli bir şekilde artmasına rağmen, eğitim hizmetlerinin nitelik ve nicelik açısından değerlendirilmesine olanak sağlayan toplam eğitim harcamaları, eğitim kurumlarına yapılan harcamaların gayrisafi yurtiçi hasıla (GSYH) içindeki oranı, eğitim kurumlarına yapılan harcamaların toplam kamu harcamaları içindeki oranı ve yıllık öğrenci başı yapılan eğitim harcamaları gibi göstergeler açısından OECD ülkeleri ile kıyaslandığında son derece düşük olduğu görülmüştür.In the current global world, education is the basis of human capital. Human capital is as important as physical capital for economic development and growth. As education is essential for individual and societal development, it also contributes to economic development and growth. These properties render education a semi-public service that should be offered by both public and private sectors. Due to positive effects of education on individuals and the society, many countries have directed their attention to education spending. This study investigates the education spending in Turkey and then make comparisons with Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries. The analysis shows that, despite the steady increase in expenditure on education during the last decade, total expenditure on education is extremely low compared to other OECD countries in terms of indicators like spending on educational institutions as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP), spending on educational institutions as a percentage of total public expenditure, and the amount of annual educational spending per student, all of which provide solid criteria for a qualitative and quantitative evaluation of educational services

    The Relationship Between Tax Collection Rates And Social Factors Affecting Voluntary Tax Compliance: A Survey In Selected Provinces In Eastern Black Sea Region

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    Geçmişten günümüze ülkemizde vergi, devletin en önemli finansman kaynağı olduğundan devlet için son derece önemli bir yere sahiptir. Vatandaşlar açısından ise gelir, servet ve harcamalarda daralmaya sebep olması, kişisel karşılığı bulunmaması ve zorla tahsil edilmesi gibi nedenlerden dolayı vergiye gönüllü uyum kolay olmayabilir. Devlet vergiye gönüllü uyumu sağlayabilirse, kamu hizmetlerini yerine getirebilmek için ihtiyaç duyduğu finansal kaynağa daha rahat ulaşabilecektir. Yapılan çalışmalar, ekonomik ve mali faktörlerin olduğu kadar sosyal faktörlerin de vergiye gönüllü uyumu arttırabileceğini göstermektedir. Vergiye gönüllü uyumu arttıracak sosyal faktörler arasında vergi bilinci, vergi ahlakı ve vergi konusunda kamu otoritesine duyulan güven konuları yer almaktadır. Bu çalışmada söz konusu konuların Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi’nde seçilmiş illerde (Samsun, Trabzon ve Giresun) yaşayan vatandaşların yaş, cinsiyet, eğitim durumu ve gelir seviyeleri gibi demografik faktörlerle ve bu illerdeki vergi tahsilat oranlarıyla ilişkisi incelenmiştir. Demografik faktörlere göre vatandaşların vergi bilinci, vergi ahlakı ve vergi konusunda kamu otoritesine duyulan güven konularına ilişkin anlamlı farklılıklar tespit edilmiş, bunun yanı sıra illerin vergi tahakkuk ve tahsilat oranları ile de sonuçların uyumlu olduğu tespit edilmiştir.From past to present, tax in our country has had a very important place for the state because tax is the most important financial resource of the state. In terms of citizens, it may not be easy to voluntarily adapt to the tax system due to the fact that it causes a reduction in income, wealth and expenditures, there is no return in exchange and it is charged against one's will. To the extent that the state ensures voluntary compliance, it will be able to reach the financial resources needed to fulfill public services. In the past research, it is argued that economic factors and financial factors as well as social factors may increase voluntary compliance. Social factors that will increase voluntary compliance include tax consciousness, tax ethics and trust in public authority about taxation. This study investigates the relationship between demographic factors such as age, gender, educational status and income levels of citizens living in selected Eastern Black Sea Region provinces (Samsun, Trabzon and Giresun) and the tax collection rates within the same region. Significant differences have been detected in terms of citizens’ tax consciousness, tax ethics and trust in public authority on tax matters based on demographic factors. Also, the findings are compatible with the tax accrual and collection rates across the sample provinces

    The Effect of Public and Private Sector Fixed Capital Investments on Gross Domestic Product and Employment in Turkey

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    Purpose: The aim of this study is to analyze the effects of public and private sector investments on gross domestic product (GDP) and employment econometrically with the panel data method in order to determine the efficiency of investments in Turkey. Design/Method/Approach: In the study, the possible effects of public and private sector investments on GDP and employment in Turkey are examined by dividing them into agricultural and non-agricultural sectors. Since the data of various sectors within a certain time period will be used, time series and horizontal cross-sectional data will be analyzed using the panel data method, which allows them to be used together. Four different models are created in the research. Among them, the effects of public investment expenditures on GDP in the period 2004-2020 in Model 1, private investment expenditures on GDP in the same period in Model 2, public investment expenditures on employment in the period 2014-2021 in Model 3 and private investment expenditures on employment data in Model 4 will be investigated. Findings: The results obtained from the analyses show that public and private sector investments have a significant and positive impact on GDP and employment in Turkey. Practical Implications: It is generally accepted in the public finance literature that investments will positively affect economic growth, production level, employment and regional development if they are used in productive areas. Originality/Value: What makes this study different from others is that the relationship of public and private sector investments with both GDP and employment is analyzed separately. In this way, a comparison can be made from point of public and private sector investments in Turkey in terms of the contribution of investments to both GDP and employment, and an answer can be sought to the question of how correct the policy of increasing the share of the private sector in investments, especially in recent years, is in Turkey. Research Limitations/Future Research: This study will make a significant contribution to the literature on the economic effects of public and private sector investments. Disclaimer: This article was produced from a doctoral thesis. Paper type: Empirical JEL Classification Codes: H54, E22, E01, E2

    Comparison of gated myocardial perfusion SPECT, echocardiography and equilibrium radionuclide ventriculography in the evaluation of left ventricle contractility

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    Objectives: in this study, we investigated the reliability of gated myocardial perfusion single-photon emission comput- erized tomography (GSPECT) for the evaluation of left ven- ricle (LV) function. We compared left ventricle ejection frac- on (LVEF) calculated with GSPECT with the values derived rom planar equilibrium-gated radionuclide ventriculography ERVG) and echocardiography (ECHO). Study design: Forty-eight patients with suspected coronary artery disease (CAD), who were referred for evaluation of myocardial perfusion and LV function and underwent two-day 99mTc-MIBI protocol GSPECT and ERVG, were examined etrospectively. LVEF was calculated with GSPECT Myome- rix software, and wall motion and thickness were calculated with QGS analysis program. in the ERVG study, LVEF val- ues were calculated using left anterior oblique images. in the GSPECT and ERVG study, wall motion was evaluated visu- ally and scored. LVEF values and wall motion data measured with ECHO were noted. Results: For all cases, there was a significant correlation between LVEF values calculated by GSPECT and ERVG. Numerical LVEF values of 30 patients measured with ECHO howed no significant difference from the values measured with GSPECT. When 240 segments obtained from 48 patients were examined, the correlation between GSPECT and ERVG was 77.5% and between GSPECT and ECHO was 75.4% by visual wall motion analysis. Quantitatively calculated wall motion and thickness scores of segments visually defined as normokinetic were significantly higher than segments visually defined as having contraction defect. Conclusion: GSPECT can be used safely in clinical practice or the evaluation of LV function. Quantitatively calculated wall motion and thickness scores are promising methods to verify he visual evaluation.Amaç: Çalışmamızda, sol ventrikül (SV) fonksiyonlarının değerlendirilmesinde ‘miyokart perfüzyon gated SPECT’ (GSPECT) yönteminin güvenilirliği araştırıldı, GSPECT ile hesaplanan sol ventrikül ejeksiyon fraksiyonu (SVEF) ortalaması planar ‘equilibrium gated radyonüklid ventrikülografi’ (ERVG) ve ekokardiyografi (EKO) ile elde edilen değerlerle karşılaştırıldı. Çalışma planı: Koroner arter hastalığı (KAH) şüphesi olan miyokart perfüzyonu ve SV fonksiyonlarının değerlendirilmesi için iki gün Tc99m-MIBI protokolü ile GSPECT ve ERVG görüntülemeleri yapılan 48 hasta geriye dönük olarak incelendi. GSPECT Myometrix yazılımı ile SVEF, Cedars-Sinai Quantitatif Gated SPECT (QGS) analiz programı ile duvar hareket ve kalınlık skorları belirlendi. ERVG görüntülemesinde sol ön oblik görüntüleri kullanılarak SVEF değerleri hesaplandı. GSPECT ve ERVG görüntülerinde; SV duvar hareketleri görsel olarak değerlendirilerek skorlandı. Olguların EKO ile belirlenen SVEF değerleri ve duvar hareket bilgileri ile karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: Olguların GSPECT ile hesaplanan ortalama SVEF ile ERVG verileri arasında iyi derecede korelasyon bulundu. EKO ile ölçülen nümerik SVEF değeri olan 30 olgunun; GSPECT ve EKO ile hesaplanan SVEF değerleri arasında belirgin fark olmadığı görüldü. Kırk sekiz hastadan elde edilen 240 segment incelendiğinde, görsel duvar hareketleri açısından GSPECT ile ERVG arasında %77.5 segmentte, GSPECT ile EKO arasında %75.4 segmentte uyum saptandı. Görsel olarak normokinetik segmentlerde hesaplanan hareket ve kalınlık skorları, kontraksiyon kusuru izlenen segmentlere oranla belirgin yüksek bulundu. Sonuç: GSPECT’in SV fonksiyonlarının değerlendirilmesi amacıyla klinik pratikte güvenle kullanılabileceği, kantitatif olarak hesaplanan duvar hareket ve kalınlık skorlarının görsel değerlendirmeyi desteklediği düşünülmektedir