98 research outputs found

    Composición química de semillas de zanahoria (Daucus carota L.) cultivadas en Turquía: caracterización del aceite de semilla y del aceite esencial

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    Chemical composition and physical properties were established in carrot (Daucus carota L.) seeds from Konya, Turkey to investigate their potential uses. Mature seeds were evaluated for moisture, crude protein, crude oil, crude fiber, ash, HCl-insoluble ash, total carbohydrate, essential oil yield and weight of 1000 seeds. Also, relative density, refractive index, free fatty acids, peroxide value, iodine value, saponification number and unsaponifiable matter were determined in the seed oil. The main fatty acids identified by gas chromatography were petroselinic (59.35%), linoleic (11,82%), palmitic (10.01%) and stearic (2.41%) acids. Mineral contents (Al, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P, Se, Sr, V and Zn) of seeds were also determined by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES). The seeds were found to be rich in protein, fiber and ash. The essential oil and edible oil compositions of carrot seeds from Konya were investigated by GC and GC-MS. The oil yields of essential and edible oil from carrot seeds were established as 0.83% and 7.84%, respectively. The major constituents of seed essential oil were carotol (66.78%), daucene (8.74)%, (Z,Z)--farnesene (5.86%), germacrene D (2.34%), trans--bergamotene (2.41%) and -selinene (2.20%). Whereas, carotol (30.55%), daucol (12.60%) and copaenol (0.62%) were the important components of edible carrot seed oil. However, the dominant component of both oils was carotol.Se determinó la composición química y las propiedades físicas de las semillas de zanahoria (Daucus carota L.) obtenidas en Konya, Turquía, con objeto de investigar usos potenciales de las mismas. Se determinó la humedad, el peso, el contenido proteico, en aceite, en fibra, en ceniza, en ceniza insoluble en ácido clorhídrico, los carbohidratos totales, y el rendimiento de la obtención de aceite esencial a partir de 1000 semillas maduras. Asimismo se determinó la densidad relativa, el índice de refracción, el contenido en ácidos grasos libres, el índice de peróxidos, el índice de yodo, el índice de saponificación y el insaponificable del aceite de la semilla. Los principales ácidos grasos determinados por cromatografía gaseosa fueron petroselénico (59.35%), linoleico (11.82%), palmítico (10.01%), y esteárico (2.41%). El contenido mineral (Al, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P, Se, Sr, V and Zn) de la semillas fue determinado por espectroscopia de emisión de atómica (ICP-AES). Las semillas resultaron ser ricas en proteína, fibra y ceniza. Las composiciones del aceite esencial y del aceite comestible fueron determinadas por GC y GC-MS. Los rendimientos de aceite esencial y comestible fueron 0.83 y 7.84%, respectivamente. Los constituyentes mayoritarios del aceites esencial fueron carotol (66.78%), dauceno (8.74%), (Z,Z)--farneseno (5.86%), germacreno D (2.34%), trans--bergamoteno (2.41%), y -selineno (2.20%). Por su parte, carotol (30.55%), ducol (12.60%) y capaenol (0.62%) fueron los componentes principales del aceite comestible

    Features of garbage recycling in nantun, jiangsu province, China

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    The composition and harm of rubbish from Nantong, Jiangsu Province, China, summarized the nantong traditional processing method of garbage and industrial power generation method and its related technology, combined with actual examples in nantong implements classified collection, garbage disposal and recycling, so as to realize the reduction and recycling of waste treatment

    Determinación del contenido de ácidos grasos, tocoferoles y fitoesteroles de aceites procedentes de varias semillas de adormidera (Papaver sommniferum L.)

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    The fatty acid, tocopherol and sterol contents of the oils of several poppy seeds were investigated. The main fatty acids in poppy seed oils were linoleic (687.6-739.2 g kg-1), oleic (141.3-192.8 g kg-1) and palmitic (76.8-92.8 g kg-1). The oils contained an appreciable amount of -tocopherol (195.37-280.85 mg kg-1), with a mean value of 261.31 mg kg-1 and α-tocopherol (21.99-45.83 mg kg-1), with a mean value of 33.03 mg kg-1. The concentrations of total sterol ranged from 1099.84 mg kg-1 (K.pembe) to 4816.10 mg kg-1 (2. sınıf beyaz), with a mean value of 2916.20 mg kg-1. The major sterols were -sitosterol, ranging from 663.91 to 3244.39 mg kg-1; campesterol, ranging from 228.59 to 736.50 mg kg-1; and Δ5-avenasterol, ranging from 103.90 to 425.02 mg kg-1. The studied varieties of poppy seeds from Turkey were found to be a potential source of valuable oil.El contenido en ácidos grasos, tocoferoles y esteroles de aceites de varias semillas de adormidera fueron investigadas. Los principales ácidos grasos en el aceite de semilla de adormidera fueron el ácido linoleico (687.6-739.2 g kg-1), ácido oleico (141.3-192.8 g kg-1) y ácidos palmítico (76.8- 92.8 g kg-1). Los aceites contienen una cantidad apreciable de -tocoferol (195.37-280.85 mg kg-1), con un valor medio de 261.31 mg kg-1 y α-tocoferol (21.99-45.83 mg kg-1), con un valor medio de 33.03 mg kg-1. La concentración total de esteroles varió desde 1099.84 mg kg-1 (K.pembe) a 4816.10 mg kg-1 (2. sınıf beyaz), con un valor medio de 2916.20 mg kg-1. El principal esterol fue el -sitosterol, que varió desde 663.91 a 3244.39 mg kg-1; el campesterol, que varió desde 228.59 a 736.50 mg kg-1; y el Δ5-avenasterol, que varió desde 103.90 a 425.02 mg kg-1. Las semillas estudiadas de las diferentes variedades de adormidera de Turquía pueden ser una fuente potencial de aceites con valor añadido

    Antifungalana aktivnost biljnih etarskih ulja i odabranih sojeva Pseudomonas spp. na Phomopsis theicola

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    Development of natural plant protection products as an alternative to synthetic fungicides is of significant importance regarding the environment. This study was carried out with an objective to investigate in vitro antifungal activities of several essential oils extracted from oregano, basil, myrtle and Turkish pickling herb, and the plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria in the genus Pseudomonas, against the phytopathogenic fungus Phomopsis theicola. Microdilution methods were used to determine the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of selected antimicrobial essential oils (EOs). All EOs exhibited significant levels of antifungal activity against the tested fungal isolates. The oregano EO was found the most potent one (MIC - 5.5 µg/mL), followed by basil (MIC - 75.0µg/mL), myrtle (MIC - 775 µg/mL) and Turkish pickling herb (MIC - 7750 µg/mL). Inhibition of Ph. theicola mycelial growth was observed for all tested Pseudomonas spp. strains. K113 and L1 strains were highly effective and achieved more than 60% of fungal growth inhibition using the overnight culture and more than 57% inhibition by applying cell-free supernatants of both strains. A future field trial with K113 and L1 cultures and cell-free supernatants, containing extracellular metabolites toward Ph. theicola, will estimate their effectiveness and applicability as an alternative to chemical protection of apple trees.U novije vreme intezivno se radi na razvoju bioloških sredstava za zaštitu bilja, koja bi se uvodila kao zamena za sintetičke fungicide. U ovom radu ispitivan je in vitro antifungalni uticaj nekih etarskih ulja (EU) i odabranih rizobakterija koje stimulišu rast biljaka iz roda Pseudomonas na fitopatogenu gljivu Phomopsis theicola. Minimalne inhibitorne koncentracije (MIC) etarskih ulja su određene mikrodilucionom metodom. Sva primenjena EU su ispoljila značajni antifungalni efekat na ispitivani izolat gljive. EU origana je ispoljilo najnižu MIC od 5.5±0.51 µg/mL, zatim ulje bosiljka od 75.0±5.7 µg/mL, mirte 775±45.0 µg/mL i turske kisele biljke od 7750±4.5 µg/mL. Proučavan je stepen inhibicije porasta micelije Ph. theicola primenom različitih sojeva Pseudomonas spp. sojevi K113 i L1 su ispoljili visoku efikasnost inhibicije od preko 60% primenom dvadesetčetvoročasovnih kultura i preko 57% primenom filtrata supernatanta. U narednim ogledima u polju primenom kulture i supernatanta K113 i L1, koji sadrže ekstracelularne metabolite, proceniće se njihova efikasnost i mogućnost korišćenja kao alternative hemijskim sredstvima u zaštiti jabuke od Ph. theicola

    The effect of fermentation process on bioactive properties, essential oil composition and phenolic constituents of raw fresh and fermented sea fennel (Crithmum maritimum L.) leaves

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    800-804The influence of fermentation on antioxidant activity, total phenol, total flavonoid and phenolic compounds of sea fennel and also volatile compounds of sea fennel essential oil was investigated and compared with fresh samples. Antioxidant activity, total fenolic and flavonoid contents decresed from 89.79 to 63.13%; from 259.58 to 77.92 mg/100 g; from 2114.67 to 390.50 mg/100 g, respectively. Twenty-six and thirty-three components of sea fennel oils were identified in raw and fermented sea fennel, accounting to about 99.99% and 99.44% of the total oil, respectively. The raw and fermented sea fennel leaves contained 22.31 and 1.32% sabinene, 12.08% and 7.45% limonene, 10.30% and 11.61% β-phellandrene, 8.59% and 9.17% (Z)-β-ocimene, 7.08% and 3.55% α-pinene, 28.36% and 42.05% γ-terpinene, 2.57% and 8.64% terpinene-4-ol, respectively. Dominant phenolic compounds were (+)-catechin, gallic acid, 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid and p-coumaric acid. Generally, all of the phenolic compounds reduced the effect of microorganisms during,. However, essential oil contents of sea fennel were not effected from fermentation process

    Determination of fatty acid, tocopherol and phytosterol contents of the oils of various poppy (<i>Papaver somniferum</i> L.) seeds.

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    The fatty acid, tocopherol and sterol contents of the oils of several poppy seeds were investigated. The main fatty acids in poppy seed oils were linoleic (687.6-739.2 g kg<sup>-1</sup>), oleic (141.3-192.8 g kg<sup>-1</sup>) and palmitic (76.8-92.8 g kg<sup>-1</sup>). The oils contained an appreciable amount of -tocopherol (195.37-280.85 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>), with a mean value of 261.31 mg kg<sup>-1</sup> and α-tocopherol (21.99-45.83 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>), with a mean value of 33.03 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>. The concentrations of total sterol ranged from 1099.84 mg kg<sup>-1</sup> (K.pembe) to 4816.10 mg kg<sup>-1</sup> (2. sınıf beyaz), with a mean value of 2916.20 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>. The major sterols were -sitosterol, ranging from 663.91 to 3244.39 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>; campesterol, ranging from 228.59 to 736.50 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>; and Δ<sup>5</sup>-avenasterol, ranging from 103.90 to 425.02 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>. The studied varieties of poppy seeds from Turkey were found to be a potential source of valuable oil.<br><br>El contenido en ácidos grasos, tocoferoles y esteroles de aceites de varias semillas de adormidera fueron investigadas. Los principales ácidos grasos en el aceite de semilla de adormidera fueron el ácido linoleico (687.6-739.2 g kg<sup>-1</sup>), ácido oleico (141.3-192.8 g kg<sup>-1</sup>) y ácidos palmítico (76.8- 92.8 g kg<sup>-1</sup>). Los aceites contienen una cantidad apreciable de -tocoferol (195.37-280.85 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>), con un valor medio de 261.31 mg kg<sup>-1</sup> y α-tocoferol (21.99-45.83 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>), con un valor medio de 33.03 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>. La concentración total de esteroles varió desde 1099.84 mg kg<sup>-1</sup> (K.pembe) a 4816.10 mg kg<sup>-1</sup> (2. sınıf beyaz), con un valor medio de 2916.20 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>. El principal esterol fue el -sitosterol, que varió desde 663.91 a 3244.39 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>; el campesterol, que varió desde 228.59 a 736.50 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>; y el Δ<sup>5</sup>-avenasterol, que varió desde 103.90 a 425.02 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>. Las semillas estudiadas de las diferentes variedades de adormidera de Turquía pueden ser una fuente potencial de aceites con valor añadido

    The effect of fermentation process on bioactive properties, essential oil composition and phenolic constituents of raw fresh and fermented sea fennel (Crithmum maritimum L.) leaves

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    The influence of fermentation on antioxidant activity, total phenol, total flavonoid and phenolic compounds of sea fennel and also volatile compounds of sea fennel essential oil was investigated and compared with fresh samples. Antioxidant activity, total fenolic and flavonoid contents decresed from 89.79 to 63.13%; from 259.58 to 77.92 mg/100 g; from 2114.67 to 390.50 mg/100 g, respectively. Twenty-six and thirty-three components of sea fennel oils were identified in raw and fermented sea fennel, accounting to about 99.99% and 99.44% of the total oil, respectively. The raw and fermented sea fennel leaves contained 22.31 and 1.32% sabinene, 12.08% and 7.45% limonene, 10.30% and 11.61% β-phellandrene, 8.59% and 9.17% (Z)-β-ocimene, 7.08% and 3.55% α-pinene, 28.36% and 42.05% γ-terpinene, 2.57% and 8.64% terpinene-4-ol, respectively. Dominant phenolic compounds were (+)-catechin, gallic acid, 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid and p-coumaric acid. Generally, all of the phenolic compounds reduced the effect of microorganisms during,. However, essential oil contents of sea fennel were not effected from fermentation process

    The Effect of Spice Powders on Bioactive Compounds, Antioxidant Activity, Phenolic Components, Fatty Acids, Mineral Contents and Sensory Properties of &ldquo;Ke&#351;kek&rdquo;, Which Is a Traditional Food

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    &ldquo;Ke&#351;kek&rdquo;, which is a dish of Western Anatolia, Thrace, the Eastern Anatolia Region, the Black Sea and Central Anatolia, is a traditional dish made mainly of split wheat and meat&mdash;although it varies according to the regions in Anatolia&mdash;which is usually made at weddings and holidays. In this study, the effects of thyme, coriander and cumin spices on the fat content, bioactive properties, phenolic component, fatty acid composition, mineral contents and sensory properties of &ldquo;Ke&#351;kek&rdquo; were investigated. The oil yields of &ldquo;Ke&#351;kek&rdquo; types were determined to be between 14.90 (control) and 21.20% (with cumin). Total phenolic and flavonoid contents of &ldquo;Ke&#351;kek&rdquo; types&rsquo; added spices were established as between 7.02 (control) and 77.10 mg/100 g Gallic Acid Equivalent (GAE) (with thyme) to 20.24 (control) and 132.14 mg quercetin equivalent (QE)/100 g (with thyme), respectively. Moreover, the antioxidant activity values of &ldquo;Ke&#351;kek&rdquo; samples varied between 0.04 (control) and 2.78 mmol Trolox Equivalent (TE)/kg (with thyme). Among these phenolic constituents, gallic acid was the most abundant, followed by catechin, rutin and 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid, in descending order. Oleic and linoleic acid contents of the &ldquo;Ke&#351;kek&rdquo; oils were detected between 25.51 (with thyme) and 30.58% (with cumin) to 38.28 (with cumin) and 48.49% (control), respectively. P, K, Mg and S were the major minerals of &ldquo;Ke&#351;kek&rdquo; samples. Considering the sensory characteristics of the &ldquo;Ke&#351;kek&rdquo; samples, &ldquo;Ke&#351;kek&rdquo; with thyme was appreciated, followed by &ldquo;Ke&#351;kek&rdquo; with cumin and &ldquo;control and Ke&#351;kek&rdquo; with coriander in decreasing order