30 research outputs found

    Retrospective analysis of stoma-related complications

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    Objective: One of the few factors, that affect life of peoplehave stoma negatively, are complications developing intissues where placed stomas or near stomas. We aimedto evaluate the stoma practices performed frequently inour clinic.Methods: Between January 2008 and December 2011,the records of 96 patients who had stoma retrospectively.Factors indication for stoma, emergency procedure, preoperativestoma, type of stoma and complications sitingrecorded.Results: Ninety-six stoma patients were examined. Ofthem 66 (68%) of them was male, 30 (32%) of them wasfemale. The mean age was 58.8±12.6 years. The mostcommon colostomy patients were diagnosed obstructionof colon(66%) and ileostomy patients were diagnosedanastomosis protective ((75%). The most common typeof stoma were as follows 54 loop colostomy, 16 end colostomy,10 tube gastrostomy and 7 loop ileostomy. Theoverall complication rate was 48%. Both elective andemergency stomas had similar complication rates. Themost common complication included peristomal skin irritation(63%), peristomal infection (25%) and prolapse(5%) The stoma with the highest complications rate wasloop colostomy (57%).Conclusion: In our opinion, mortality and morbidity ofstomas may be decreased with the meticulous surgicalprinciple, regular follow- up and patient education. J ClinExp Invest 2013; 4 (1): 63-66Key words: Stoma, colostomy, ileostomy, complicatio

    Effects of cruroraphy and laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication procedures on pulmonary function tests in gastroesophageal reflux patients

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    Annakkaya, Ali Nihat N/0000-0002-7661-8830WOS: 000333151800015PubMed: 24600501Gastroesophageal reflux disease plays a role in the etiology of asthma, chronic bronchitis, aspiration pneumonia, bronchiectasis and interstitial lung fibrosis by affecting the upper respiratory system. To investigate the changes in pulmonary function tests in patients who underwent cruroraphy and laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication for gastroesophageal reflux disease. Between January and October of 2012, cruroraphy and laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication have been carried out on 40 patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease in the Department of General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Duzce University. Patients had pulmonary function tests were measured preoperatively and on postoperative day 20. Increases in forced vital capacity, forced expiratory volume in 1 second/forced vital capacity and forced expiratory flow between 25-75% of vital capacity were observed postoperatively in all patients and these increases were found to be statistically significant (p=0.001). Change in the forced expiratory volume in 1 second was not statistically significant (p=0.182). We conclude that treatment of reflux in early stages by surgical procedures could prevent development of chronic lung disease by safeguarding the pulmonary system functions

    Rectum Perforation Secondary to the Enema with Garden Hose: A Case Report

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    A 73-year-old male patient was admitted to the emergency department with severe abdominalpain. It was thought that the patient might have colon perforation with the patient’s history,physical and radiological examination. In the patient’s history; since his youth, it wasunderstood that when he has been constipated, he has made an enema with tap water byattaching the garden hose into the rectum and connects the other end to the fountain. In thiscase report, we wanted to present the colon perforation during the hose penetration, andperitonitis of the patient who had foreign body penetration chronically into the rectum with thepurpose of making enema periodically, and the operation performed after. Since our patientwas a delayed case, we quickly initiated resuscitation, prophylactic antibiotherapy, andunderwent protective colostomy in our operation. We think that colostomy reduces themortality and morbidity in delayed cases.Yetmiş üç yaşındaki bir erkek hasta acil servise şiddetli karın ağrısı şikayetiyle başvurdu. Hastanın anamnezi, fizik muayene ve radyolojik tetkikleri sonucunda kolon perforasyonu olduğu düşünüldü. Hastanın anamnezinde; gençliğinden beri, kabız kaldığında rektuma bahçe hortumu sokup hortumun diğer ucunu da çeşmeye bağlayarak çeşme suyu ile lavman yaptığı anlaşıldı. Bu vaka sunumunda, kronik olarak rektuma dönem dönem lavman yapmak amacı ile yabancı cisim penetrasyonu olan hastanın, hortumun penetrasyonu esnasında kolon perforasyonu, peritonit ve sonrasında yaptığımız operasyonu sunmak istedik. Hastamız gecikmiş bir vaka olduğu için hastaya hızlı bir şekilde resüsitasyon, proflaktik antibiyoterapi başladık ve hastamıza operasyonda koruyucu kolostomi açtık. Kolostominin gecikmiş vakalarda mortalite ve morbiditeyi azalttığını düşünmekteyiz.2-s2.0-8508984700

    Acute calculous cholecystitis caused by Candida lusitaniae: an unusual causative organism in a patient without underlying malignancy

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    WOS: 000254711300012PubMed: 18362405Candidiasis of the gallbladder is an uncommon cause of acute cholecystitis. Candidal cholecystitis is seen especially in patients with malignancies. In the present case, we report that acute calculous cholecystitis was caused by Candida lusitaniae in a 33-year-old patient without underlying malignancy. According to our review of the literature, this is the first report of acute cholecystitis caused by C. lusitaniae

    Recurrent Breast Abscess Caused by Corynebacterium amycolatum: A Case Report

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    WOS: 000264805800025Corynebacterium species are an uncommon cause of breast abscess, and Corynebacterium amycolatum is rarely described in the literature. In the present case, we report recurrent breast abscess caused by C. amycolatum in a 39-year-old patient with normal immune function. Pathological diagnosis was granulomatous mastitis. The patient was treated with incision and drainage and ampicillin-sulbactam treatment. To our knowledge, this is the second report of breast abscess caused by C. amycolatum

    Intussusception of the appendix induced by sessile serrated adenoma: A case report [Sesil serrated adenomun uyardı?ı apendiks i?ntüsüsepsiyonu]

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    PubMed ID: 23011836Intussusception of the appendix vermiformis is a rare condition. It occurs mainly in infants and children. Here, we report an intussusception case that occurred in a 65-year-old male presenting with repeated periumbilical pain, nausea, vomiting and febrile sensation. The appendix was seen to be intussuscepted at laparoscopy. The invaginated segment was reducted and simple appendicectomy was carried out. Histopathologic examination revealed a sessile serrated adenoma at the wall of the appendix, suggesting it as the cause of the intussusception

    Sesil serrated adenomun uyardığı apendiks intüsüsepsiyonu

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    Apendix intüsüsepsiyonu nadir bir durumdur. Literatürde yayınlanan olguların çoğunu infant ve çocuklar oluşturmaktadır. Biz burada 65 yaşında tekrarlayan karın ağrısı, mide bulantısı ve kusma ile merkezimize kabul edilen erkek hastayı sunduk. Laporoskopide appendix dokusu invajine idi fakat redükte edilebilme ihtimali vardı. Bu nedenle basit apendektomi gerçekleştirildi. Histopatolojik inceleme apendix lümeninde sesil serrated adenomu göstermiştir ve bu da intüsüsepsiyonun kaynağının bu lezyon olduğunu düşündürmüştür.Intussusception of the appendix vermiformis is a rare condition. It occurs mainly in infants and children. Here, we report an intussusception case that occurred in a 65-year-old male presenting with repeated periumbilical pain, nausea, vomiting and febrile sensation. The appendix was seen to be intussuscepted at laparoscopy. The invaginated segment was reducted and simple appendicectomy was carried out. Histopathologic examination revealed a sessile serrated adenoma at the wall of the appendix, suggesting it as the cause of the intussusception

    Radyoterapiyi takiben rektosigmoid striktür: Nadir bir olgu sunumu

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    Radiotherapy is a frequently used medical treatment method after gynecologic malignancies. This treatment may causes serious intestinal complications. Our case is a 54 years old woman, had been applied a radiotherapy following operation due to endometrium cancer. One year after the treatment rectosigmoid stricture was grown up. Resection and side to side anastomosis was applied to the patient. İntestinal complications after radiotherapy is associated with high mortality and morbidity.Radyoterapi jinekolojik malignansilerden sonra sıklıkla kullanılan medikal bir tedavi metodudur. Bu tedavi ciddi intestinal komplikasyonlara neden olabilir. Bizim vakamız, endometrium kanseri nedeniyle operasyon sonrasında radyoterapi uygulanan 54 yaşında bir bayan hastadır. Tedaviden yaklaşık bir yıl sonra rektosigmoid striktür gelişti. Rezeksiyon ve uçuca anastomoz hastaya uygulanıldı. Radyoterapi sonrasında intestinal komplikasyonlar yüksek mortalite ve morbidite ile yakından ilişkilidir

    Retrospective analyses of the acute pancreatitis with patients in the west black sea

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    Giriş: Bu çalışma ile kliniğimizde akut pankreatit tanısıyla takip edilen hastaların etiyoloji, tanı ve tedavi yöntemleri, morbidite, mortalite ve Ranson kriterlerinin prognoza etkisi retrospektif olarak analiz edildi. Gereç ve Yöntem: Düzce Üniversitesi Genel Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı’nda 2003–2008 yıllarında 44’ ü (%70.9) ) hafif, 18’ i (%29.1) şiddetli toplam 62 Akut Pankreatit (AP) vakası retrospektif olarak analiz edilmiştir. Bulgular: Akut pankreatitin etiyolojik nedenlerden safra taşı 40 (%64,5), idiyopatik 11 ( % 17.7), hiperlipidemi 4 (% 6.4), alkol-hiperlipidemi 3 (%4.8), alkol 2 (%3,2), ERCP sonrası 2 (%3.2) idi. Akut pankreatit tanısıyla takip edilen hastaların ortalama yaşı 59.6 (18 – 84) olup, 23 (%37)'si erkek, 39 (% 63) 'sı da kadın idi. Biliyer pankreatitli 40 hastanın 14'üne Endoskopik Retrograd Kolanjiopankreatografi (ERCP) uygulandı. Biliyer pankreatitli hastaların, 2 sine de persistan biliyer pankreatit nedeniyle, 6 sına da kolesistit eşlik ettiği için ilk 48 saat içinde, 23 hastaya da akut atak sonrası kolesistektomi uygulanmıştır. Bilier pankreatitli İlk 6 vakanın 3’ üne laporoskopik kolesistektomi yapılırken açığa geçildi. Lokal anestezi altında 2 hastaya peritoneal lavaj, 4’üne tanısal diyagnostik laparoskopi, 2 ‘sine de nekroz eksizyonu yapıldı. Ortalama hastanede kalış süresi hafif olgular için 9.8, ağır olgular için 11.2 gündü. Şiddetli gruptan etiyolojisi idiyopatik olan 3 ( % 4,8) hasta exitus olmuştur. Sonuç: Akut pankreatit mortalitesi yüksek seyredebilen bir hastalıktır. Akut pankreatit etiyolojisinde en sık biliyer nedenler rol oynamaktadır. İdiyopatik AP ikinci sıklıkta rol oynadığı, alkol oranının oldukça düşük olduğu izlenmiştir. Biliyer pankreatitli olguların tedavisinde ilk aşamada ERCP faydalı bir yöntemdir. Mortalitenin genelde Şiddetli AP’ li hastalarda gözlendiği gibi tanı,tedavi ve takip bu hastalarda önem arz etmiştir.Introduction: In these study patients who were our clinic with an etiology, diagnosis and treatment methods, morbidity, mortality and effect of Ranson criteria to prognosis were examined retrospectively. Material and Method: In the study 44 mild and 18 severe total 62 AP cases among 2003-2008 at the General Surgery of Duzce University were analyzed retrospectively. Results: A etiologic factor was 40 (66,7 %), gallstone 11 (17, 7%) idiopathic, 4 (6,4 %) hyperlipidemia, 3 (4,8%) alchol-hyperlipidemia, 2 (3,2 %) alcohol, 2 (3,2 %) after ERCP complications. Patients were followed up with a diagnosis of acute pancreatitis, the average age of 59.6 (18 - 84) and 23 (37%) were man, 39 (63%) were woman. ERCP were performed to 14 patients with billiary pancreatitis 2 patients for the persistent billiary pancreatitis and for the 6 patients cholecystitis accompanied pancreatitis in the first 48 hours period, 23 patients following the acute pancreatitis attack were performed cholecystectomy. Acute pancreatitis patients first 6 cases of biliary 3 reputations have been switched to laparoscopic open cholecystectomy is being performed. 3 patients peritoneal lavage under local anesthesia, 4 patients’ diagnostic laparoscopy and 2 patients nerosectomy were performed. Mean hospitalization times were 9.8 days for mild and 11.2 days severe. In the severe group idiopathic a etiology 3 (4.8 %) patients were exitus. Conclusion: Acute pancreatitis is a disease that can watch a high mortality rate. Biliary factors were the most common etiological factor. Idiopathic AP played a role in second place and we have observed that the effect of alcohol is quite low. In biliary acute pancreatitis ERCP is a useful method in the first stage. Overall mortality in severe AP, as observed in patients with the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up was important in these patients

    Batı karadeniz bölgesindeki akut pankreatitli hastaların retrospektif analizi

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    Introduction: In these study patients who were our clinic with an etiology, diagnosis and treatment methods, morbidity, mortality and effect of Ranson criteria to prognosis were examined retrospectively. Material and Method: In the study 44 mild and 18 severe total 62 AP cases among 2003-2008 at the General Surgery of Duzce University were analyzed retrospectively. Results: A etiologic factor was 40 (66,7 %), gallstone 11 (17, 7%) idiopathic, 4 (6,4 %) hyperlipidemia, 3 (4,8%) alchol-hyperlipidemia, 2 (3,2 %) alcohol, 2 (3,2 %) after ERCP complications. Patients were followed up with a diagnosis of acute pancreatitis, the average age of 59.6 (18 - 84) and 23 (37%) were man, 39 (63%) were woman. ERCP were performed to 14 patients with billiary pancreatitis 2 patients for the persistent billiary pancreatitis and for the 6 patients cholecystitis accompanied pancreatitis in the first 48 hours period, 23 patients following the acute pancreatitis attack were performed cholecystectomy. Acute pancreatitis patients first 6 cases of biliary 3 reputations have been switched to laparoscopic open cholecystectomy is being performed. 3 patients peritoneal lavage under local anesthesia, 4 patients' diagnostic laparoscopy and 2 patients nerosectomy were performed. Mean hospitalization times were 9.8 days for mild and 11.2 days severe. In the severe group idiopathic a etiology 3 (4.8 %) patients were exitus. Conclusion: Acute pancreatitis is a disease that can watch a high mortality rate. Biliary factors were the most common etiological factor. Idiopathic AP played a role in second place and we have observed that the effect of alcohol is quite low. In biliary acute pancreatitis ERCP is a useful method in the first stage. Overall mortality in severe AP, as observed in patients with the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up was important in these patients. © 2010 Düzce Medical Journal