39 research outputs found

    European Identity and National Attachment: Harmony or Dissonance

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    The paper is designed to answer such questions as where does the development of a new common European identity stand, which countries or regions show stronger or weaker European identification inside the EU, how has this changed over the past decades in the process of the enlargement of Europe, what is the value content of the new common identity, and how is this affecting traditional national attachment and identity. The empirical foundation of our study is the international comparative empirical research series of the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP), in the years 1995 and 2003, which was designed to reconstruct the stock of knowledge of national and European identities in the member states. This study uses temporal and spatial comparison to consider national connectedness and the characteristics of European identity in various countries across Europe. Based on this data, in our paper we make an effort to explore what characterizes national identity in Europe, how people see foreigners and domestic minorities, whether we can identify the development of a transnational or supranational identity that goes beyond national identity, if there is a new frame of identification for people in Europe and to what extent we can expect increasing conflicts between the two types of identities

    Nation and Migration

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    Nation and Migration provides a way to understand recent migration events in Europe that have attracted the world’s attention. The emergence of the nations in the West promised homogenization, but instead the imagined national communities have everywhere become places of heterogeneity, and modern nation states have been haunted by the specter of minorities. This study analyses experiences relating to migration in twenty-three European countries. It is based on data from the International Social Survey Programme, a global cross-national collaborative exercise. In the authors’ view, a critical test for Europe is its ability to find adequate responses to the challenges of globalization. The book provides a detailed overview of how citizens in Europe are coping with a xeno­phobia fueled by their own sense of insecurity. The authors reconstruct the competing social reactions to migration in the forms of integration, assimilation, and segregation. Hungary receives special attention: the data show that people living there are far less closed and xenophobic than they might seem through the prism of a media-instigated moral panic

    Inter-EthnicRelations inEurope

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    A köznapi igazságossági ítéletek és a generációk közötti igazságossági elvek Közép- Európában = Everyday justice judgements and generational justice in Central Europe

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    A kutatás célja az volt, hogy elemezze a társadalmi, és ezen belül a generációs igazságosságra vonatkozó köznapi nézeteket. A 2008-as kutatás szorosan kapcsolódott egy nemzetközi összehasonlító vizsgálatsorozathoz, amely 1991-től kezdve négy hullámban vizsgálta a társadalmi igazságosságra vonatkozó attitűdöket. A negyedik hullámnak az a sajátossága, hogy a hagyományos standard igazságossági blokkon túl egy „generációs igazságossággal” foglalkozó blokk is belekerült a kérdőívbe. Az adatfelvételt 2008 nyarán a TÁRKI végezte 1100 fős reprezentatív mintán, illetve egy pótmintán a megkérdezettek nagykorú gyrekeinek körében. Az adatelemzésre 2009 tavaszától kerülhetett sor. Mivel a kutatás közpénzen zajlott, az adatok 2011 őszétől a TÁRKI-ban szabadon hozzáférhetőek lesznek. A projekt ideje alatt előadásokat tartottunk Berlinben, Bielefelden, Haifán. A kutatás lezárásaként 2010 őszén önálló panelt szerveztünk a Magyar Szociológiai Társaság éves közgyűlésén. Már a pályázat ideje alatt két jelentős publikáció mutatta be a kutatás eredményeit. 2011-ben megjelent az a kötet, amely a pályázathoz kapcsolódó összes tanulmányt egybeszerkesztve megjelenteti. (Az igazságosság labirintusaiban Sík Kiadó Budapest.2011. 184 old.) A kutatásban Örkény Antal és Székelyi Mária vezetőkutatók vettek részt. Emellett több PhD és mester szakos diák is bekapcsolódott a kutatásba, név szerint Koltai Júlia, Herman Zita és Ignácz Zsófia. | The research was dedicated to analyze the everysay social justice judgements and attitudes in the Hungarian society with a special focus to the generational concerns. The 2008 research is closely linked to an international comparative research series started in 1991 aiming to examine social justice judgements and expectations in international comparison. The fourth wave of the project included the standard justice questionnaire, supplemented with a new block on generational justice concerns. The survey was conducted in summer 2008 and carried out by the TÁRKI team. The representative sample size was 1,100 people, added up 400 adult descendants of of the respondents. Since the research was financed by public sources, the data will be freely available from autumn 2011 in the Hungarian Data Bank. The main findings of the project were already presented in different conferences (in Berlin, Bielefeld, and Haifa). In 2010 an independent panel was organized in the Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Sociological Association. In 2010 two major publications were released, and in 2011 we published all the major findings in a book titled In the Labirinths of Justice (Budapest: Sik Kiadó, pp. 184) Two seniour researchers participated in the project, Prof. Antal Örkény and Prof. Maria Székelyi. In addition, several master's and PhD students joined to the research, namely, Julia Koltai, Zita Herman, and Zsófia Ignácz

    Középiskolások társadalmi cselekvési mintái

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