27 research outputs found

    PISCES-v2: an ocean biogeochemical model for carbon and ecosystem studies

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    International audiencePISCES-v2 (Pelagic Interactions Scheme for Carbon and Ecosystem Studies volume 2) is a biogeochemical model which simulates the lower trophic levels of marine ecosystems (phytoplankton, microzooplankton and meso-zooplankton) and the biogeochemical cycles of carbon and of the main nutrients (P, N, Fe, and Si). The model is intended to be used for both regional and global configurations at high or low spatial resolutions as well as for short-term (seasonal, interannual) and long-term (climate change, paleoceanogra-phy) analyses. There are 24 prognostic variables (tracers) including two phytoplankton compartments (diatoms and nanophytoplankton), two zooplankton size classes (micro-zooplankton and mesozooplankton) and a description of the carbonate chemistry. Formulations in PISCES-v2 are based on a mixed Monod-quota formalism. On the one hand, sto-ichiometry of C / N / P is fixed and growth rate of phyto-plankton is limited by the external availability in N, P and Si. On the other hand, the iron and silicon quotas are variable and the growth rate of phytoplankton is limited by the internal availability in Fe. Various parameterizations can be activated in PISCES-v2, setting, for instance, the complexity of iron chemistry or the description of particulate organic materials. So far, PISCES-v2 has been coupled to the Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean (NEMO) and Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) systems. A full description of PISCES-v2 and of its optional functionalities is provided here. The results of a quasi-steady-state simulation are presented and evaluated against diverse observational and satellite-derived data. Finally, some of the new functionali-ties of PISCES-v2 are tested in a series of sensitivity experiments

    Model constraints on the anthropogenic carbon budget of the Arctic Ocean

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    International audienceThe Arctic Ocean is projected to experience not only amplified climate change but also amplified ocean acidification. Modeling future acidification depends on our ability to simulate baseline conditions and changes over the industrial era. Such centennial-scale changes require a global model to account for exchange between the Arctic and surrounding regions. Yet the coarse resolution of typical global models may poorly resolve that exchange as well as critical features of Arctic Ocean circulation. Here we assess how simulations of Arctic Ocean storage of anthropogenic carbon (Cant), the main driver of open-ocean acidification, differ when moving from coarse to eddy-admitting resolution in a global ocean-circulation–biogeochemistry model (Nucleus for European Modeling of the Ocean, NEMO; Pelagic Interactions Scheme for Carbon and Ecosystem Studies, PISCES). The Arctic's regional storage of Cant is enhanced as model resolution increases. While the coarse-resolution model configuration ORCA2 (2∘) stores 2.0 Pg C in the Arctic Ocean between 1765 and 2005, the eddy-admitting versions ORCA05 and ORCA025 (1∕2∘ and 1∕4∘) store 2.4 and 2.6 Pg C. The difference in inventory between model resolutions that is accounted for is only from their divergence after 1958, when ORCA2 and ORCA025 were initialized with output from the intermediate-resolution configuration (ORCA05). The difference would have been larger had all model resolutions been initialized in 1765 as was ORCA05. The ORCA025 Arctic Cant storage estimate of 2.6 Pg C should be considered a lower limit because that model generally underestimates observed CFC-12 concentrations. It reinforces the lower limit from a previous data-based approach (2.5 to 3.3 Pg C). Independent of model resolution, there was roughly 3 times as much Cant that entered the Arctic Ocean through lateral transport than via the flux of CO2 across the air–sea interface. Wider comparison to nine earth system models that participated in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) reveals much larger diversity of stored Cant and lateral transport. Only the CMIP5 models with higher lateral transport obtain Cant inventories that are close to the data-based estimates. Increasing resolution also enhances acidification, e.g., with greater shoaling of the Arctic's average depth of the aragonite saturation horizon during 1960–2012, from 50 m in ORCA2 to 210 m in ORCA025. Even higher model resolution would likely further improve such estimates, but its prohibitive costs also call for other more practical avenues for improvement, e.g., through model nesting, addition of coastal processes, and refinement of subgrid-scale parameterizations

    Physical pathways for carbon transfers between the surface mixed layer and the ocean interior

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    International audienceAlthough they are key components of the surface ocean carbon budget, physical processes inducing carbon fluxes across the mixed‐layer base, i.e., subduction and obduction, have received much less attention than biological processes. Using a global model analysis of the preindustrial ocean, physical carbon fluxes are quantified and compared to the other carbon fluxes in and out of the surface mixed layer, i.e., air‐sea CO2gas exchange and sedimentation of biogenic material. Model‐based carbon obduction and subduction are evaluated against independent data‐based estimates to the extent that was possible. We find that climatological physical fluxes of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) are two orders of magnitude larger than the other carbon fluxes and vary over the globe at smaller spatial scale. At temperate latitudes, the subduction of DIC and to a much lesser extent (<10%) the sinking of particles maintain CO2undersaturation, whereas DIC is obducted back to the surface in the tropical band (75%) and Southern Ocean (25%). At the global scale, these two large counter‐balancing fluxes of DIC amount to +275.5 PgC yr−1 for the supply by obduction and −264.5 PgC yr−1 for the removal by subduction which is ∌ 3 to 5 times larger than previous estimates. Moreover, we find that subduction of organic carbon (dissolved and particulate) represents ∌ 20% of the total export of organic carbon: at the global scale, we evaluate that of the 11 PgC yr−1 of organic material lost from the surface every year, 2.1 PgC yr−1 is lost through subduction of organic carbon. Our results emphasize the strong sensitivity of the oceanic carbon cycle to changes in mixed‐layer depth, ocean currents, and wind

    The fate of pelagic CaCO<sub>3</sub> production in a high CO<sub>2</sub> ocean: A model study

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    International audienceThis model study addresses the change in pelagic calcium carbonate production (CaCO3, as calcite in the model) and dissolution in response to rising atmospheric CO2. The parameterization of CaCO3 production includes a dependency on the saturation state of seawater with respect to calcite. It was derived from laboratory and mesocosm studies on particulate organic and inorganic carbon production in Emiliania huxleyi as a function of pCO2. The model predicts values of CaCO3 production and dissolution in line with recent estimates. The effect of rising pCO2 on CaCO3 production and dissolution was quantified by means of model simulations forced with atmospheric CO2 increasing at a rate of 1% per year from 286 ppm to 1144 ppm. The simulation predicts a decrease of CaCO3 production by 27%. The combined change in production and dissolution of CaCO3 yields an excess uptake of CO2 from the atmosphere by the ocean of 5.9 GtC

    Grid degradation of submesoscale resolving ocean models: Benefits for offline passive tracer transport

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    International audienceA numerical solution for an idealized double-gyre is used to investigate the sensitivity of ocean dynamics and passive tracer advection to horizontal resolution (Δx) in a mesoscale eddy rich regime. In agreement with previous studies, we find that ocean dynamical solutions are strongly sensitive to grid resolution. With mesoscale resolution (Δx~O(10) km), eddies are marginally resolved and their impact on tracer transport is not well represented. At submesoscale resolution (Δx~O(1) km), the number of mesoscale eddies and their energy is increased, due to the resolved submesoscales. The changes are mostly seen in the vorticity and vertical velocity fields, and are less obvious in the temperature field. In contrast, we demonstrate that the offline transport of passive tracer is not altered when the finest scales (O(1) km) present in the dynamical solutions are discarded. We do so by showing that dynamical solutions obtained with Δx~O(1) km can be degraded (following a flux preserving procedure) down to resolutions Δx~O(10) km without significantly impacting passive tracer solutions. The reason for this stems from the level of dissipation/diffusion required during the integration of the dynamical model which smoothes variance at wavelength smaller than at least 5-10 Δx. This result is used to derive a method which alleviates data storage needs and accelerates tracer advection simulations, with a gain of the order of 103 in computing time. The method involves three steps: (1) on-line resolution of the dynamics with Δx~O(1) k), (2) degradation of the 3D velocity field on a Δx~O(10) km grid and (3) off-line tracer transport with the degraded velocity on the ΔX grid. It opens promising perspectives for submesoscale bio-physical modelling at reduced numerical cost

    Why Do Oceanic Nonlinearities Contribute Only Weakly to Extreme El Niño Events?

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    Extreme El Niño events have outsized global impacts and control the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) warm/cold phases asymmetries. Yet, a consensus regarding the relative contributions of atmospheric and oceanic nonlinearities to their genesis remains elusive. Here, we isolate the contribution of oceanic nonlinearities by conducting paired experiments forced with opposite wind stress anomalies in an oceanic general circulation model, which realistically simulates extreme El Niño events and oceanic nonlinearities thought to contribute to ENSO skewness (Tropical Instability Waves (TIWs), Nonlinear Dynamical Heating (NDH)). Our findings indicate a weak contribution of oceanic nonlinearities to extreme El Niño events in the eastern Pacific, owing to compensatory effects between lateral (NDH and TIWs) and vertical processes. These results hold across different vertical mixing schemes and modifications of the upper‐ocean heat budget mixed layer criterion. Our study reinforces previous research underscoring the pivotal role of atmospheric nonlinearities in shaping extreme El Niño events