13 research outputs found

    High-pressure phase transition and properties of spinel ZnMn2O4

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    X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, magnetic measurements, and a single-crystal x-ray structure determination at normal pressure have shown that Jahn-Teller active manganese ions in ZnMn2O4 are present in one valence state (III) on the octahedral sites of the spinel structure. The high-pressure behavior of ZnMn2O4 was investigated up to 52 GPa using the energy-dispersive x-ray diffraction technique and synchrotron radiation. The structural first-order phase transition from the body-centered to primitive-tetragonal cell takes place at Pc=23GPa. The high-pressure phase is metastable down to normal pressure. The c/a ratio reduces from 1.62 to 1.10 above Pc and remains nearly pressure independent in the high-pressure phase. The transition is attributed to the changes in electron configuration of the Mn3+ ions. According to the crystal field theory, the eg electron of octahedrally coordinated Mn3+ is either in the d2z orbital or in the dx2−y2. In the first configuration the MnO6octahedron will be elongated and this is the case at normal pressure, while the second configuration gives the flattened octahedron. In the high-pressure phase some proportion of the eg electrons of the Mn3+ ions is moved to the dx2−y2 level, which is revealed as an abrupt fall of observed magnitude of the distortion of the bulk crystal above Pc

    An endothelial regulatory module links blood pressure regulation with elite athletic performance

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    The control of transcription is crucial for homeostasis in mammals. A previous selective sweep analysis of horse racing performance revealed a 19.6 kb candidate regulatory region 50 kb downstream of the Endothelin3 (EDN3) gene. Here, the region was narrowed to a 5.5 kb span of 14 SNVs, with elite and sub-elite haplotypes analyzed for association to racing performance, blood pressure and plasma levels of EDN3 in Coldblooded trotters and Standardbreds. Comparative analysis of human HiCap data identified the span as an enhancer cluster active in endothelial cells, interacting with genes relevant to blood pressure regulation. Coldblooded trotters with the sub-elite haplotype had significantly higher blood pressure compared to horses with the elite performing haplotype during exercise. Alleles within the elite haplotype were part of the standing variation in pre-domestication horses, and have risen in frequency during the era of breed development and selection. These results advance our understanding of the molecular genetics of athletic performance and vascular traits in both horses and humans.De två första författarna delar förstaförfattarskapetDe två sista författarna delar sistaförfattarskapet</p