27 research outputs found

    Biological and morphological aspects of Plectris aliena (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae) in sugarcane in Brazil

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    Plectris aliena (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae) Chapin is a species already recorded causing serious damage to various cultures in North America and Australia. Although its occurrence has recently been reported in Brazil, information about its distribution, taxonomy, and biology is limited. Thus, this study aims to report this new occurrence of P. aliena in Deodápolis (Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil), as well as to present bioecological and morphological aspects of this species. In this way, the seasonal distribution and the life cycle was studied in the years 2017 and 2018. The larvae were sampled through trenches made in the soil and reared in the laboratory. Adults were captured using “Luiz de Queiroz” light traps. Adults have body with dense white hairs, antennae with 10 antenomeres; they measure approximately 12 mm in length, and their antennal lamellae are larger for males than females. The larvae reach 30 mm in length in the third stage and pupae show about 19 mm in length. The life cycle of this species is univoltine. Due to the great diversity of Plectris and the scarce information available about this species in South America, this study will facilitate its identification in the field and indicate the best time for monitoring in sugarcane crop

    Biological and morphological aspects of Plectris aliena (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae) in sugarcane in Brazil

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    Plectris aliena (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae) Chapin is a species already recorded causing serious damage to various cultures in North America and Australia. Although its occurrence has recently been reported in Brazil, information about its distribution, taxonomy, and biology is limited. Thus, this study aims to report this new occurrence of P. aliena in Deodápolis (Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil), as well as to present bioecological and morphological aspects of this species. In this way, the seasonal distribution and the life cycle was studied in the years 2017 and 2018. The larvae were sampled through trenches made in the soil and reared in the laboratory. Adults were captured using “Luiz de Queiroz” light traps. Adults have body with dense white hairs, antennae with 10 antenomeres; they measure approximately 12 mm in length, and their antennal lamellae are larger for males than females. The larvae reach 30 mm in length in the third stage and pupae show about 19 mm in length. The life cycle of this species is univoltine. Due to the great diversity of Plectris and the scarce information available about this species in South America, this study will facilitate its identification in the field and indicate the best time for monitoring in sugarcane crop

    Prediction of occurrence of Diabrotica speciosa using the laboratory degree-day model

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    Foram determinadas, neste trabalho, as exigências térmicas (graus-dia) e a previsão de ocorrência de adultos de Diabrotica speciosa (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) em condições de campo (telado). Empregaram-se as temperaturas do solo e do ar no modelo linear de graus-dia, determinado para o inseto em condições de laboratório. O número de graus-dia acumulados para o desenvolvimento de D. speciosa foi determinado efetuando-se o somatório diário de unidades térmicas, a partir da temperatura-base de desenvolvimento (11,04ºC), utilizando-se, como dieta de larvas, raízes de milho cultivado em vasos. O valor da constante térmica (K) foi empregado para determinar a previsão de ocorrência do inseto, com base nas temperaturas médias do solo e do ar, registradas durante o período experimental. Independentemente do ambiente em que a temperatura foi registrada (ar ou solo), os valores de graus-dia acumulados para o desenvolvimento de D. speciosa foram significativamente inferiores ao valor de K obtido no laboratório. As temperaturas do solo (registradas ou estimadas a partir da do ar) e a do ar proporcionaram uma previsão de ocorrência do inseto significativamente diferente da observada experimentalmente. Todavia, a previsão de ocorrência com base na temperatura do ar foi mais discrepante em relação à observada experimentalmente, do que quando as temperaturas do solo (registradas ou estimadas) foram empregadas.The goal of this work was to determine the thermal requirements (degree-day) and the prediction of occurrence of adults of Diabrotica speciosa (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) under field conditions (screenhouse). The soil and air temperatures were used in a linear model of degree-day, determined for the insect under laboratory conditions. Thermal requirements for the development of D. speciosa were determined by the daily accumulation of thermal units (degree-day), starting from the base development temperature of the insect (11.04ºC), using corn roots cultivated in pots as larvae diet. The value of the thermal constant (K) was used to predict insect occurrence, based on the mean temperatures of the soil and the air recorded during the experimental period. Regardless of the kind of temperature (air or soil) employed for the thermal requirements accounting, the accumulated degree-day values for the development of D. speciosa were significantly lower than the K value achieved in the laboratory. The soil or air temperatures provided a forecast of occurrence of the insect significantly different from that observed experimentally. Nevertheless, the occurrence forecast based in the air temperature was less accurate than when the soil temperatures (registered or estimated) were used

    Danos do percevejo barriga-verde em milho

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the potential damage of the green-belly stink bug, Dichelops melacanthus, to corn in greenhouse and field conditions. Three trials were carried out. In the greenhouse, corn plants in the V1 stage were evaluated after each of them was infested with one insect in four developmental stages (nymphs of the third, fourth, and fifth instars and adults) during 14 days. In the field, corn plants in four developmental stages (V1, V3, V5, and V7) were infested inside cages with five adult stink bugs, also during 14 days. In another trial in the greenhouse, the same treatments of the field trial were conducted during 14 days, but with an infestation intensity of one bug per plant per pot. The control treatment was without infestation. In all trials, damage scores were attributed to the corn plants and the dry matter of the aerial part of the plants was determined. In the field, stem diameter and grain yield were also evaluated. Third-instar nymphs do not cause significant changes in the dry weight of the aerial part of the plant and in the damage scores, compared with the control treatment. Infestations by adult stink bugs cause more damage to corn plants in the V1 and V3 stages, both in field and greenhouse conditions.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial de dano do percevejo barriga-verde, Dichelops melacanthus, em plantas de milho, em condições de casa de vegetação e campo. Foram realizados três ensaios. Na casa de vegetação, plantas de milho no estádio V1 foram avaliadas após cada uma ser infestada com um inseto em quatro estádios de desenvolvimento (ninfas de terceiro, quarto e quinto instar e adultos), durante 14 dias. No campo, plantas de milho em quatro estádios de desenvolvimento (V1, V3, V5 e V7) foram infestadas em gaiolas com cinco adultos do percevejo, também durante 14 dias. Em outro ensaio na casa de vegetação, os mesmos tratamentos do ensaio em campo foram conduzidos durante 14 dias, mas com intensidade de infestação de um percevejo por planta por vaso. O tratamento testemunha foi sem infestação. Em todos os ensaios, foram atribuídas notas de danos às plantas de milho e determinada a massa seca da parte aérea das plantas. No campo, também foram avaliados diâmetro do colmo e rendimento de grãos. As ninfas de terceiro instar não alteram significativamente o peso seco da parte aérea das plantas e as notas de danos, em comparação ao tratamento testemunha. Infestações de adultos do percevejo causam mais danos em plantas de milho nos estádios V1 e V3, tanto em condições de campo quanto de casa de vegetação

    Danos causados por larvas e adultos de Diabrotica speciosa (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) em milho

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    Diabrotica speciosa (Germar, 1824) is traditionally a polyphagous pest during the adult phase although with some preference for bean and soybean leaves. In the past years, however, the larval phase of this chrysomelid achieved the pest status likewise other species of the genus in the USA causing severe damages to the root system of corn. The aim of this research was to evaluate the damages caused by different population levels of D. speciosa to corn roots and by adults to corn, soybean, bean and rice leaves. A significant decrease in the dry weight of corn roots, in the dry weight of the upper part, and in plant height in comparison with the control plant was observed even in small larvae population densities. The economic threshold level was less than 40 larvae per plant. The adults had significant preference for bean and soybean leaves while corn and rice were less consumed.A espécie Diabrotica speciosa (Germar, 1824) é, tradicionalmente, na fase adulta, uma praga polífaga, embora apresente certa preferência por folhas do feijoeiro e soja. Entretanto, nos últimos anos, a fase de larva deste crisomelídeo adquiriu o status de praga, à semelhança de outras espécies do mesmo gênero nos EUA, causando consideráveis danos ao sistema radicular do milho. O objetivo da pesquisa foi avaliar os danos causados por diferentes níveis populacionais de larvas de D. speciosa às raízes de milho, e, pelos adultos às folhas de milho, soja, feijoeiro e arroz. Desde as menores densidades populacionais de larvas, houve redução significativa no peso seco das raízes do milho, peso seco da parte aérea e na altura das plantas em relação à testemunha. Constatou-se que o nível de controle está aquém de 40 larvas por planta. Os adultos tiveram significativa preferência por folhas do feijoeiro e soja, sendo o milho e o arroz menos consumidos

    Soil insects associated with sugarcane crop in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

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    ABSTRACT: Pest insects are one of the major factors affecting the productivity of sugarcane, and especially those associated with the soil, which damage the crop if not controlled. There is little information on the insect associated with the soil in the sugarcane crop in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. This study evaluated the occurrence, abundance and population variation of soil-associated insects in sugarcane crops in four counties in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul during a period from September 2009 to August 2010. For the capture of insects, deep in the soil trenches were (50 x 50 x 30 width x length x depth). It was observed that county of Maracaju has a high incidence of soil insects in sugarcane crop. Specimens of the family Scarabaeidae are abundant in sugarcane fields of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, being Liogenys suturalis the predominant species. Soil insects of the Chrysomelidae family were found with greater abundance in Dourados and Naviraí while Noctuidae, represented only by the Hyponeuma taltula, occurred mainly in Dourados. Insects of the family Termitidae occur in sugarcane fields in the counties of Maracaju and Naviraí but not in Nova Alvorada do Sul and Dourados. Sphenophorus levis and Metamasius hemipterus were alsoreported in the sugarcane fields from Maracaju, being the occurrence these species the first record in the Mato Grosso do Sul State. The determined occurrence of different soil insects in the sugarcane fields may help in their management in the four counties studied

    Polinização e polinizadores na produção de frutos e sementes híbridas de abóbora (Cucurbita pepo L. var. melopepo)

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    O efeito de três níveis de proteção da flor da aboboreira (Cucurbita pepo L. var. melopepo), com e sem polinização manual, e a faixa horária em que ocorre polinização efetiva, entre o período de antese e fechamento da flor, foram investigados em função da produção e qualidade de frutos e sementes híbridas da aboboreira. Também foram determinados: a entomofauna visitando flores da aboboreira; a flutuação populacional de Apis mellifera, Trigona spinipes e Diabrotica speciosa, durante o período matinal; a taxa sexual floral (Flor ♂ : Flor ♀); e o padrão de frutificação do progenitor feminino durante o período de florescimento. A aboboreira praticamente não produziu frutos e sementes quando sua flor foi excluída da visita de insetos. A polinização manual foi tão eficaz quanto a polinização natural com relação ao número de frutos produzidos por planta, e de menor eficácia - com relação à produção de sementes por planta. A polinização da aboboreira foi naturalmente completada por volta de 6:45 h, sendo a abelha Apis mellifera o inseto predominante em visitas às flores da aboboreira. A taxa sexual floral variou de 0,53 a 2,5 flores masculinas para cada flor feminina (0,53 - 2,5 ♂ : l ♀ ), durante o período de florescimento no campo experimental, e a frutificação do progenitor feminino ocorreu no período inicial de seu florescimento