7 research outputs found

    Qualidade óssea de ratas wistar em crescimento alimentadas com ração hiperlipídica

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    A relação entre a obesidade e o tecido ósseopermanece contraditória, mesmo após anos deinvestigações. Os resultados são inespecíficos,sobretudo, quando é avaliado o efeito de dietas ricas emgordura em modelos experimentais. O objetivo desseestudo foi avaliar a qualidade óssea de ratas wistar emcrescimento alimentadas com ração hiperlipídica. Foramutilizadas 20 ratas pós-desmame. Elas foram divididasigualmente em dois grupos, sendo PAD: ratasalimentadas com ração padrão AIN-93 e HIP: ratasalimentadas com ração AIN-93 modificada de modo aconter 60% da energia em forma de gordura. O períodode tratamento foi de 5 semanas. As ratas foramsubmetidas à eutanásia por doses excessivas deanestesia e, após necropsia e dissecação, as tíbias foramanalisadas quando à Densidade Mineral Óssea (DMO),Resistência Mecânica e Análise microestrutural atravésda Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura. A DMO foiestatisticamente maior no grupo HIP em relação aogrupo PAD, entretanto, a resistência mecânica foiestatisticamente igual entre os dois grupos. Amicroarquitetura permaneceu similar entre os doisgrupos após análise quantitativa. Foi possível concluir,portanto, que embora a DMO tenha sido maior no grupoalimentado com ração hiperlipídica, a resistênciamecânica e microarquitetura óssea permaneceu intactaapós 5 semanas de tratamento.The relationship between obesity and bonetissue remains contradictory, even after years ofinvestigation. The results are non-specific, particularlywhen it assessed the effect of high-fat diets inexperimental models. The aim of this study was toevaluate bone quality of wistar growing rats fed withhigh-fat diet. 20 post-weaning wistars rats were used inthis study. They were equally divided into two groups,PAD: rats fed with standard diet AIN-93 and HIP: ratsfed with a modified AIN-93 diet to contain 60% ofenergy as fat. The exposure period was 5 weeks. Therats were euthanized by overdose of anesthesia and,after autopsy and dissection, tibiae were analyzed whenthe Bone Mineral Density, Mechanical Strength andMicrostructural Analysis by Scanning ElectronMicroscopy. BMD was statistically higher in the HIPgroup compared to the PAD group. However, themechanical strength was statistically similar betweenthe two groups. Microarchitecture remained similarbetween the two groups observed by quantitativeanalysis. It was concluded, therefore, that althoughBMD was higher in the group fed high-fat diet, themechanical strength and bone microarchitectureremained intact after 5 weeks of exposure

    A low-cost wireless system of inertial sensors to postural analysis during human movement

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    The dynamics of the human body has generated considerable recent research interest among scientist devoted to reducing the number of injuries and for performance improvement. In these studies, the investigation is usually addressed by means of commercial devices based on video recordings. However, these systems based on video recordings are usually expensive and require suitable laboratories for their use, which makes it unfeasible to collect data for activities outside controlled environments. In this work, we have shown that it is possible to present similar results with a much lower sampling rate, focusing on the evaluation of minimum and maximum values of the gait. As a result, it has been possible to develop a wearable, compact, portable, low-cost, wireless and embedded system to simultaneously analyze the three-dimensional angular position in eight points. This technology can be used in many sorts of environments. It is also possible to access information in real time with reliable and accurate measurements by means of simple modelling for the use of fusion techniques implemented in the microcontroller. Tests were conducted to evaluate the metrological characteristics of the system using the Complementary Filter (CF) and the Kalman Filter (KF). An algorithm of evolutionary strategies tuned both filters, providing errors of less than 5% for static situations in the measurement of the angular position over the entire system utilization range. Our results have been compared with the commercial system Qualisys Motion-Capture. The statistical method elaborated by Bland and Altman has been used. We have found our method yields a motion analyses in good agreement with results using post-processed video

    Effects of long-term administration of omeprazole on bone mineral density and the mechanical properties of the bone

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    OBJECTIVES: Epidemiological studies have shown a relationship between long-term use of proton pump inhibitors and bone metabolism. However, this relationship has not yet become established. The aim of the present study was to analyze the mechanical properties and bone mineral density (BMD) of rats that were subjected to long-term omeprazole use.METHODS: Fifty Wistar rats weighing between 200 and 240 g were divided equally into five groups: OMP300 (omeprazole intake at a dose of 300 µmoL/kg/day); OMP200 (200 µmoL/kg/day); OMP40 (40 µmoL/kg/day); OMP10 (10 µmoL/kg/day); and Cont (control group; intake of dilution vehicle). The solutions were administered for 90 consecutive days. After the rats had been sacrificed, their BMD, the mechanical properties of the dissected femurs and their serum Ca++ levels were analyzed.RESULTS: The BMD of the OMP300 group was lower than that of the controls (p = 0.006). There was no difference on comparing the OMP200, OMP40 and OMP10 groups with the controls. The maximum strength and rigidity of the femur did not differ in the experimental groups in comparison with the controls. The OMP300 group had a statistically lower serum Ca++ concentration than that of the controls (p = 0.049), but the other groups did not show any difference in relation to the controls.CONCLUSION: Daily intake of 300 µmoL/kg/day of omeprazole decreased the BMD of the femur, but without changes to the rigidity and strength of the femur in adult rats

    Efeitos da administração em longo prazo do omeprazol sobre a densidade mineral óssea e as propriedades mecânicas do osso

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    Objectives: Epidemiological studies have shown a relationship between long-term use of proton pump inhibitors and bone metabolism. However, this relationship has not yet become established. The aim of the present study was to analyze the mechanical properties and bone mineral density (BMD) of rats that were subjected to long-term omeprazole use. Methods: Fifty wistar rats weighing between 200 and 240 g were divided equally into five groups: OMP300 (omeprazole intake at a dose of 300 moL/kg/day); OMP200 (200 moL/ kg/day); OMP40 (40 moL/kg/day); OMP10 (10 moL/kg/day); and Cont (control group; intake of dilution vehicle). The solutions were administered for 90 consecutive days. After the rats had been sacrificed, their BMD, the mechanical properties of the dissected femurs and their serum Ca++ levels were analyzed. Results: The BMD of the OMP300 group was lower than that of the controls (p = 0.006). There was no difference in comparing the OMP200, OMP40 and OMP10 groups with the controls. The maximum strength and rigidity of the femur did not differ in the experimental groups in comparison with the controls. The OMP300 group had a statistically lower serum Ca++ concentration than that of the controls (p = 0.049), but the other groups did not show any difference in relation to the controls. Conclusion: Daily intake of 300moL/kg/day of omeprazole decreased the BMD of the femur, but without changes to the rigidity and strength of the femur in adult rats. © 2Objetivos: Estudos epidemiológicos mostram uma relac¸ão entre o uso em longo prazo de inibidores de bomba de prótons e o metabolismo ósseo, porém essa relac¸ão ainda não está estabelecida. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as propriedade mecânicas e a densidade mineral óssea (DMO) de ratos submetidos ao uso de omeprazol em longo prazo. Métodos: Cinquenta ratos Wistar, entre 200 e 240 g, foram divididos igualmente em cinco grupos: OMP300 (ingestão de omeprazol na dose de 300 moL/Kg/dia), OMP200 (200 moL/ Kg/dia), OMP40 (40 moL/Kg/dia), OMP10 (10 moL/Kg/dia) e Cont (grupo controle; ingestão do veículo de diluic¸ão). A administrac¸ão das soluc¸ões ocorreu durante 90 dias seguidos. Após a eutanásia, foram analisadas a DMO, as propriedades mecânicas dos fêmures dissecados e a dosagem de Ca++ sérico. Resultados: A DMO do grupo OMP300 foi menor do que a do Cont (p = 0,006). Não houve diferenc¸a na comparac¸ão entre os grupos OMP200, OMP40 e OMP10 em relac¸ão ao Cont. A forc¸a máxima e rigidez do fêmur não foram diferentes nos grupos experimentais quando comparados ao Cont. O grupo OMP300 teve concentrac¸ões séricas de Ca++ estatisticamente menores do que o grupo Cont (p = 0,049) sem diferenc¸a entre os demais grupos em relac¸ão ao Cont. Conclusão: A ingestão diária de 300moL/Kg/dia de omeprazol diminuiu a DMO do fêmur, porém sem alterac¸ões na rigidez e na forc¸a do fêmur de ratos adultos.