18 research outputs found

    Development of Cascara Tisane with The Addition of Dried Pineapple (Ananas sativus) and Rosella Flower (Hibiscus sabdariffa)

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    Coffee cherry skin, a form of coffee production waste that accounts for up to 60% of the total yield, contains natural antioxidants that have the potential to become functional foods. Cascara Tisane is a brewed beverage derived from dried coffee cherry skin. Adding other ingredients to this product can help increase consumer acceptance in Indonesia. In this study, the additional ingredients used were dried pineapple and rosella flowers. To determine the effect of adding these ingredients, it is necessary to identify the drying temperature and chemical and organoleptic characteristics to produce Cascara Tisane products according to the Indonesian National Standard (SNI). The research consisted of two stages, namely (1) the identification of the drying temperature of coffee cherry skin and (2) the formulation of the addition of dried pineapple and rosella. The drying temperatures used were 45 oC, 50 oC, 55 oC, and 60 oC. The sample formulation consists of four levels, namely code 126 (75% coffee cherry skin, 15% dried pineapple, 10% rosella): 216 (65% coffee cherry skin, 20% dried pineapple, 15% rosella); and 616 (55% coffee cherry skin, 25% dried pineapple, 20% rosella). Chemical characteristics analysis was conducted on moisture and ash contents, as well as antioxidant activity. Furthermore, a hedonic test was used to evaluate cascara tisane products' organoleptic characteristics (aroma, taste, color, and aftertaste) with a 5-point hedonic scale. The results showed the optimum drying temperature of coffee cherry skin at 45 oC, with the most preferred formula being formula 616

    Production of Biodegradable Straw from Banana Peel

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    This study aims to determine the effect of enhancement in stirring temperature (75oC, 80oC, 85oC) and type of plasticizer (glycerol and sorbitol) on the characteristics of biodegradable straw from ambon banana peel waste and to compare them with the characteristics of conventional boba’s straws. Methods used in this study were tensile strength, elongation, biodegradation, and water uptake tests. The result showed enhancement of stirring temperature and type of plasticizer did not significantly affect the characteristics of biodegradable straws from ambon banana peel waste (p > 0.05). Enhancement of stirring temperature will increase the tensile strength and water resistance value, but decreased elongation and biodegradation value because enhancement of stirring temperature will decrease the water content and increase the molecular density. In addition, plasticizer will increase elongation value and level of biodegradation, but decrease tensile strength and water resistance values. Plasticizer has the ability to increase the elasticity of polymers, as well as increase water absorption because it has hydrophilic hydroxyl groups. Biodegradable straw that have been developed has a colour of black, being rigid, with a length of 13 cm and an external diameter of 1.2 cm. The colour and external diameter of biodegradable boba’s straw looks similar with conventional boba’s straw but shorter in length. Therefore, ambon banana peel waste was promising to be used as an alternative material for biodegradable straw in the future

    Development of Sago Analog Rice with The Addition of Glucomannan Flour Using Value Engineering Method

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    Analog rice is an imitation of rice made with non-rice ingredients such as tubers and cereals as an alternative healthy food. However, the existence of analog rice has not been fully known and accepted by the public due to a lack of knowledge. The physical characteristics of analog rice do not resemble paddy rice and still have several attributes that interfere with consumer acceptance. Adding glucomannan to make analog rice is expected to improve product attributes. This study aims to determine the priority of product development attributes and produce analog rice with the best concept through high value. The method used in this product development is value engineering, which has five steps: information, creativity, analysis, development, and recommendation steps. The best concept for analogs is rice made from sago with an additional composition of 0.07 gram glucomannan flour and 7 ml pandan essence oil. Sago analog rice with 0.07 grams of glucomannan and 7 ml pandan essence oil has 83.74% carbohydrate, 3.02% fat, 4.53% protein, 8.15% water content, and 0.55% ash content.

    Analisis Kinerja Mutu Prototipe Greening Material Lumut Berdasarkan Perubahan Skala Warna L*a*b* dan RGB

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    Quality performance greening material of moss was pursued based L*a*b* color scale and RGB index. The research objective is to test the quality of performance greening material of moss based on temperature parameters. Then determine the optimum point temperature greening material of moss in a controlled environment by color change parameters. The research was pursued by testing a prototype greening material of moss (sphagnum sp) in confined space, three treatment temperature are average temperature 28 ±20C, high temperature 33±20C and 38±20C as the extreme temperature, with 500 ml water stream for 2160 minutes and without watering for 1440 minutes. Indications of quality performance can be seen by L*a*b* and RGB color change. The results were confirmed by using photosynthesis rate. The best performance is in the extreme temperature treatment by flushing, with 34.71% of G index. The research concluded has satisfied quality performance greening material of moss in maximum.ABSTRAKKualitas performansi greening material lumut diyakinkan berdasarkan skala warna L*a*b* dan indeks RGB. Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk pengujian performansi mutu tumbuhan lumut dalam prototipe greening material berdasarkan parameter suhu. Kemudian menentukan titik optimum suhu greening material lumut dalam sistem lingkungan terkendali dengan parameter perubahan warna. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menguji prototipe greening material lumut (sphagnum sp) pada confined space, dengan tiga perlakuan suhu yaitu suhu rata-rata 28±20 C, suhu tinggi 33±20 C dan suhu ekstrim 38±20C dengan penyiraman air 500ml selama 2160 menit dan tanpa penyiraman selama 1440 menit. Indikasi performansi mutu dilihat dari perubahan warna Lab dan RGB yang didukung dengan laju fotosintesis tumbuhan lumut. Hasil performansi paling optimum yaitu pada perlakuan suhu ekstrim dengan penyiraman dengan indeks G 34.71%. Kesimpulan dari eksperimen ini bahwa kualias yang paling memuaskan dari kinerja mutu prototipe greening material lumut pada perlakuan suhu maksimal

    Potential Utilization of Sesame Seed Coat as Raw Material for Flour Production

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    Sesame seed coat is a by-product from hulled sesame seed industry which has high nutritional content but still has low economic value because it is only used in animal feeding.  The purpose of this study is to explore the potential of sesame seed coat as a raw material for making flour by looking at the protein content, dietary fiber, food safety, and antioxidant potential so it can be recovered and used as a value added product. Temperature and time in drying can be the factor that determines the final quality. This study was conducted to investigate the best experimental design in combination of drying temperature and time to acquire the best water content, protein content and fiber content on flour. Testing for microbial contamination with total yeast and mold count and testing for chemical contamination of heavy metals such as mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), and lead (Pb) were also carried out to ensure food safety. Testing for antioxidant activity and ferulic acid content were also carried out to determine the potential of sesame seed coat flour as an antioxidant-rich food. The results of this study showed that the best temperature and drying time for making sesame seed coat flour was 60oC and 6 hours. In that conditions, the water content, protein content, total dietary fiber content, antioxidant activity, and ferulic acid content were 13,3333%, 7,3537%, 21,6947, 5.871,2381 ppm, and 8,749 mg/kg respectfully for each category. In the microbial test, the results showed that the number of molds and yeast was 8 x 103 colonies/g, while for the chemical contamination test, it was 0.04 mg/kg for mercury, 0.67 mg/kg for cadmium, and undetectable amount for lead

    Extracting Consumers’ Perceptions for Indonesian Spice Drinks Using Social Media Data Mining and Kansei Engineering

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    Local factors and global influences shape consumers’ perceptions through social media. In this regard, spice drinks as an agribusiness product have received increasing attention due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, understanding consumers’ perceptions is crucial for promoting the development of spice drinks. This study aims to (1) extract consumers’ perceptions of spice drinks based on discussions on social media using sentiment analysis and (2) classify the factors influencing their perceptions using factor analysis. The input dataset was obtained through Twitter data to acquire Kansei words. The results disclosed that Twitter could extract Kansei words and validate consumers’ perceptions of spice drinks as an agribusiness product. The sentiment analysis revealed 78% positive and 13% neutral tweets. Subsequently, an online survey was conducted among 495 respondents aged 18 to 41, distributed through various social media platforms from June to August 2022. The respondents were Generation Z and Millennials, with Generation Z referring to individuals born between 1997 and 2012 and Millennials born between 1981 and 1996. Factor analysis identified four principal components influencing consumers’ perceptions toward spice drinks: positive attitudes were associated with the quick, milky, mixed, healthy, quality, energy, fresh, warm, and safe; benefits were affiliated with the words enjoy, rest, life, smile, and story; quality concerned easy, flavour, and spicy; and sensory dealt with sweet, aroma, and bitter


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     Strawberry (Fragaria sp cv Holibert) is a non-climakteric fruit which have high value with high  consumer demand. Tropical environment conditions can deteriorate and decrease quality of their fruit. Objective of the research were to identify quality characteristics of fresh strawberry that storages in tropical environment with and without temperature controlled.Strawberry fruit were sampled from mountain area in Ketep, Magelang, Central Java. Several quality parameter were measured include physical parameter (fresh weight, weight loss, skin texture and color) and chemical parameter (water content, soluble solid content, vitamin C and titratable acidity). Then, fresh weight of strawberry were  compared with IQS 8026-2014 using control chart. Storage conditions were tropical condition without controlled temperature and controlled temperature at 4 oC and 10 oC. Result shown that chemical parameters of fresh strawberry were optimum at 4 oC storage condition for water content and soluble solid content. Physical parameter of fresh starwberry were better conditions at controlled environment. The standard quality  was confirmed with class 1 for weight averages >15-20 g/fruit for best fruit . Tropical conditions were deteriorate quality and shortage shelf life of the strawberry

    Pemanfaat deep seawater dalam produksi tomat yang berkualitas menggunakan nutriet film technique

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    Controlled environment in agriculture with hydroponics for enhancement agricultural product quality

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    Underground water pipe system for hydroponics cooling in the greenhouse

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