10 research outputs found

    Dasar Program Perencanaan Dan Perancangan Arsitektur (DP3A) Perencanaan Kawasan Publik Space Di Lahan Bekas Terminal Bus Kartasura

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    Perencanaan Kawasan Public Space Di Lahan Bekas Terminal Bus Kartasura adalah menata atau membangun kembali Terminal Kartasura lama yang sudah tidak terpakai untuk digunakan kembali sebagai ruang public space yang berfungsi untuk mewadahi kegiatan masyarakat Sukoharjo khususnya dan masayarakat Surakarta secara umum sbagai tempat refreshing atau penyegaran yang dapat diakses oleh semua orang tanpa dipungut biaya contohnya untuk tempat jalan-jalan di sore hari, jogging pagi hari, bersepeda, bermain skate board atau hanya sekedar tempat bersantai untuk melepas lelah bagi pengguna jalan yang sedang melintas melewati Kartasura. Merancang kembali bangunan Terminal Kartasura lama menjadi uang public yang mampu mewadahi segala aktifitas semua warga masyarakat dari kalangan usiasebagai tempat penyegaran dan bersantai dari hiruk pikuk pekerjaan sehari-hari, dengan penekanan pada konsep desain arsitektur lansekap dan vegetasi, disertai bangunan-bangunan penunjang aktifitas segala kegiatan pada area tersebut. Menggunakan bahan material pilihan penutup tanah atau lantai yang bersifat soft atau lembut, sehingga para pengunjung tetap merasa nyaman dan sejuk walaupun berada di tempat yang jauh dari vegetasi dan dalam keadaan cuaca yang panas

    Perancangan Solo Pet Center Sebagai Sarana Edukasi dan Rekreasi Keluarga

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    Pet Center is a place that provides all sorts associated with pets ranging from equipment and needs of the animal, the animal care and animal health. Some facilities available in Pet center is usually a pet shop, pet hotels, pet grooming and pet clinics, but in Solo themselves some of these facilities are not located in one place. Based on these problems, the authors will design a vessel that can accommodate all the activities of the animals contained in one place that consists of pet shop, pet hotels, pet grooming, pet clinic, pet training activities, animal competitions and several other supporting facilities. In addition, also in the city of Solo was still a little for tourism-related esukasi about animals, then the Pet Center is to increase tourism related about animals (pets). In line with new ideas and hopefully in time writer Solo Pet Center can be useful and beneficial for the animals, animal lovers as well as those common in the city of Sol

    Redesain Stadion Satria Purwokerto dengan Mengintegrasikan Fasad Bangunan Seagai Arena Olahrga Wall Climbing

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    Sport arena Satria is a sports complex which has a land area of 12 ha, located in Purwokerto City, Banyumas Regency. In the Satria Sports Arena complex there are various venues such as football venues, badminton, futsal, field tennis, wall climbing, shooting, and SKR (Sasana Krida Raya). Stadium Satria is the only stadium used as homebase football club PERSIBAS Banyumas in the second caste competition of the League of Indonesia. Satria Stadium facility improvements needed to support the implementation of League 2 or Premier League division. The development of rock climbing sport in Banyumas Regency is rapidly progressing, it is marked by the many communities that are formed in Purwokerto and Banyumas residency, in addition to rock climbing athletes in Banyumas regency have many achievements in the national to international arena. To maintain these achievements it is necessary to place a training camp that meets international standards. From these problems comes the completion of the design in overcoming the problem, which is redesigning Stadium Satria by utilizing the facade of the building as a wall climbing sports arena. Where the stadium structure can be utilized as the main structure of the wall climbing arena regardless of existing standards of both the standard on the stadium and the standards that exist in the wall climbing sports arena, this can make a stadium building that has its own characteristics. Keywords: Football Stadium, Purwokerto City, wall climbing sports aren

    Brebes Brambang Park: Pusat Industri edukatif bawang Merah dengan pendekatan Eco-Turism

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    Tourism is one of the leading industrial sectors that continues to experience rapid development. Brebes Regency is one of the cities in Indonesia which is expected to be able to take advantage of its various potentials, such as the shallot agricultural sector which is the leading sector of the Brebes district itself. The existence of Shallots in Brebes Regency has the potential as a tourist attraction area that needs to be developed as a tourist attraction for Brebes Regency. Tourism in Brebes Regency still needs to be carried out in optimal and professional development stages by all related parties to be able to create a tourist attraction for tourists. The existence of Shallots in Brebes Regency has the potential as a tourist attraction area that needs to be developed. that the Shallots of Brebes Regency have the potential to be developed into a tourist attraction based on an industrial center and argotourism, besides that the existence of a Shallots tourism center can be useful as a place to educate the public regarding the importance of managing or conserving Shallot Farming

    Perancangan Wonogiri Art and Culture Center sebagai Ruang Budaya di Kabupaten Wonogiri

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    Art and culture is a hereditary heritage. Each region has its own style of art and culture. Wonogiri Regency is an area with quite a variety of artistic and cultural styles. One of the artistic artifacts found in Wonogiri Regency is the art of wayang kulit, batik and pottery / ceramic crafts. In addition, there are also art attractions such as traditional dance, music, and performance arts. Besides functioning as entertainment, art can also function as a medium for education and promotion. The obstacle faced in Wonogiri Regency is the unavailability of a container or space that can accommodate massive and adequate artistic and cultural activities. Therefore we need a place that can accommodate regional art artifacts as well as space that can be used for artistic activities. So that from this place, people can use it as a means of entertainment, learning, and also the promotion of regional arts and culture

    Dasar Program Perencanaan Dan Perancangan Arsitektur (DP3A) The Prambanan Garden Hotel

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    keseluruhan untuk jasa pelayanan penginapan, penyediaan makanan dan minuman serta jasa lainnya bagi masyarakat umum yang dikelola secara komersial. Perancangan The Prambanan Garden Hotel terletak diarea sekitar kawasan Kota Sleman Desa Ngebruk, Kec.Brebah,Kab.Sleman. Daerah Prambanan yang terletak diperbatasan Jawa Tengah dan DIY adalah daerah yang mempunyai banyak objek wisata candi. Objek wisata utama adalah candi Prambanan.yang letaknya tersebar didaerah wilayah Prambanan, dengan obyek wisata utama Candi Prambanan. Selain candi Prambanan di wilayah itu terdapat Candi Kalasan, Candi Boko. Untuk dapat menunjang bidang pariwisata dan meningkatkan jumlah wisatawan ke Prambanan maka perlu disediakan penginapan dengan berbagai sarana dan fasilitas menarik sehingga banyak wisatawan yang kerasan betah di kawasan Prambanan. Oleh sebab itu,untuk mengatasi masalah diatas perlu adanya suatu perancangan penginapan hotel yang harus diterapkan pada area sekitar kawasan Prambanan. Untuk itu dengan perancangan ini bisa menampung para wisatawan maupun pengunjung dan diharapkan dengan adanya perencanaan dan perancangan ini, mampu menghasilkan suatu desain yang dapat mengatasi problem-problem tersebut. Konsep perencanaan dan perancangan bangunan ini berkonsep Green Building, dengan poin beratkan Garden (urban ferming/agro organik).Bangunan merupakan bentuk bangunan tinggi dengan mengutamakan view

    Konsep Perancangan Arsitektur ( KPA ) Perancangan Wonosobo Heritage Museum Dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Naratif

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    A number of cultural heritage objects discovered by residents of Wonosobo Regency, Central Java, have been neglected because there is no museum that specifically accommodates historical relics in the Wonosobo area. In the end, the objects were only entrusted to local residents, while waiting to be taken by the Yogyakarta Archaeological Heritage Conservation Center. Until now, the Wonosobo Regency Government does not have a museum storing cultural heritage objects. In fact, people quite often find historical objects around where they live. Create an analysis process for all data obtained, but consider the scope and limitations of the discussion to achieve the design goals. The descriptive method used is, namely. describe the problem to obtain a design solution. How to design the Wonosobo Heritage Museum with a Narrative Architectural Approach as a place for educational cultural heritage preservation. Designing a museum building as a place to preserve historical heritage, introduce/promote other temples, dance in Wonosobo, Teh Tambi, increase tourist interest and improve the economy of local residents

    Pengembangan Kawasan Batik Girli Di Sragen Sebagai Desa Wisata Yang Berkelanjutan

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    Latar belakang Desa Pilang, Kecamatan Masaran, Kabupaten Sragen merupakan kawasan penghasil batik terbesar di kabupaten Sragen. kawasan penghasil batik terbesar ini lebih dikenal dengan Desa wisata batik Pilang. Akan tetapi hal tersebut tidak didukung oleh fasilitas ataupun infrasuktur yang baik dan kurang dikemas dengan konsep yang baik, sehingga menjadi desa wisata terbesar dikabupaten sragen dengan produksi utamanya adalah batik. Permasalahan yang muncul dari Pegembangan Kawasan Batik Girli Di Sragen Sebagai Desa Wisata Yang Berkelanjutan ini adalah bagaimana menata suatu kawasan industri batik Girli yang sesuai dengan konsep ramah lingkungan yang berintregasi dengan alam dan menjamin masyarakat dapat memenuhi kebutuhannya tanpa mengurangi kesempatan pemenuhan kebutuhan untuk generasi mendatang. Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah Adapun tujuanya adalah menjadikan kawasan batik girli Sragen sebagai desa wisata yang yang berintregasi dengan alam dan menjamin masyarakat dapat memenuhi kebutuhannya tanpa mengurangi kesempatan pemenuhan kebutuhan untuk generasi mendatang Keluaran yang ingin dicapai dari Pegembangan Kawasan Batik Girli Di Sragen Sebagai Desa Wisata Yang Berkelanjutan ini adalah Perencanaan kawasan batik Girli Sragen sebagai Desa wisata yang fungsional dapat membawa implikasi bagi peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat

    Kudus Exhibition Center Penekanan Pada Arsitektur Post Modern

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    Exhibition Center Holy emphasis on Post Modern Architecture is a building of the central container of coordination of activities related to the conference and exhibition providing the facilities and the ingredients in the sanctuary with an emphasis on post-modern architecture by combining the characteristic of the holy city with Modern Architecture. The background of the establishment of the Holy Exhibition Center this because of limited space or container for MICE activities in Kudus very limited and does not have the complete facilities and the presence of the Holy Exhibition Center is expected to push the rate of the economy in the Holy city. Implementation of the Convention and the exhibition is expected to be a trigger for the development of industrial economy. From the context of the above relationship can be seen that the activities of the convention and exhibition business activities. Coupled with the Holy enormous potential in the convention and exhibition sector. The absence of a building Exhibition Center Holy specifically accommodate the activities of convention and exhibition facilities and ingredients that give in the Holy city. Of the potential of the Holy city, the Holy Exhibition Center is the perfect set up in the Holy city and the future prospects expected to overcome the existing obstacles to the development and advancement of the Holy city

    Magetan Leather Craftman Center Dengan Pendekatan Industrial Architecture

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    As time goes by, the leather craft industry in Indonesia is increasing. One of the craft industries that has a high chance of becoming a driver of the local economy is the leather craft industry in Magetan Regency which is slowly experiencing development apart from in the manufacturing sector, but in terms of marketing it is also experiencing rapid development. The leather craft industry in Magetan also has the potential to become a special interest tourism destination with an educational perspective. . However, until now this potential does not have the facilities that can accommodate it properly. The growth movement in the labor-intensive industrial sector requires more support so that the leather craft industry, especially in the city of Magetan, can develop further. Based on these problems, the author proposes a design for a leather craft center for craftsmen and visitors which aims to be a facility that accommodates leather craft industry activities with supporting facilities for educational leather craft tourism. The design concept applied to the design of this leather craft center is industrial architecture. With the existence of this leather craft center, it is hoped that leather crafts in the city of Magetan can develop further with an increase in the local economy, leather craft activities can run well, and the leather craft center in the city of Magetan can become an iconic place for interesting educational tourism