9 research outputs found

    Prakiraan Kebutuhan Energi Listrik di Wilayah PT. PLN (Persero) Rayon Bangkinang Menggunakan Prangkat Lunak LEAP (Long-Range Energy Alternatives Planning System)

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    The growth amount of Kampar Regency resident is 14.57%, is growth has increased the need of electrical energy. Therefore to make the electrical consumption supply at Kampar Regency sustainable, it needs electrical energy consumption forecast. This paper purposes electrical demand forecasting for 2016-2025 to predict the level of consumption (demand) of electricity per sector tariffs for PT. PLN (Persero) Rayon Bangkinang regency. Data required for this research was included PLN data on the number of customers and energy consumption in each tariff level sub period 2014-2016 and data of alternative energy potential (Biogas) in kampar regency is utilized as a source of electrical energy. The mechanism of forecasting is composed by following processes, firstly demand is calculated based on the amount of electrical energy consumption activity and the amount of electrical energy consumption per activity (energy intensity). Next, once those data is obtained and it is calculated and analyzed by LEAP (Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning System). In the end the result will compared to data from PT. PLN. In 2016, base PLN data was 17.868 MWh. In other hand, the data from LEAP software was 17.868 MWh. The difference is only on energy consumption of one sector while in household sector from PT. PLN was 12.844 MWh, but data obtained from LEAP software was about 12.845 MWh. The results obtained from the electrical energy demand forecast is totally in the year 2016-2025 shows a positive trend that is increasing from 17.868 to 43.514 MWh. The average growth per year is 10,39%. With so large number growth in demand for electrical energy in the region of PT. PLN (Persero) Rayon Bangkinang, it is needed a new plant that will be able to fill the needs of electrical energy in the future. In kampar regency by 2015 there are 30.473 cows that can be used for biogas energy sources, the potential of electrical energy that can be utilized from cows dung processing into biogas energy is 21,273 MW

    Rancang Bangun Perbaikan Faktor Daya Otomatis Berbasis Smart Relay pada Jaringan Tegangan Rendah Tiga Fasa

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    Power factor is one of the problems in the electric power quality improvement. Power factor value that is too low can result in some electrical equipment can not operate properly. In many ways, low power factor need not cost cheap. To assist in the use of power factor correction capacitor banks to provide reactive power in the system. To improve the power factor is low, then the study will be compensated automatically by using smart relay as a switch to the capacitor bank. Cosphi great start on system is 0,26 lag with the addition of 2,08-33 µF capacitor to cosphi be 0.99 Lag

    Analisis Rancang Bangun Pembangkit Listrik dengan Mesin Sepeda Motor dengan Penggerak Mula Terkendali

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    Utilization of DC motors for moving the mechanical drive in place of the gas starter (prime mover). Which controlled by a controller to regulate the movement of the voltage controlled DC motor power window. Change of generator output voltage will read the sensor voltage Vout generator converted to a voltage which in this Vdc. Voltage read ATMEGA8 Mickrokontroler IC by using the ADC will determine the movement of the motor as the controller of gas, if the voltage is less than 220 V to its minimum voltage of the motor which has coupled on gas prime movers will rotate clockwise so the motor is pulling gas to reach the expected speed of the generator and its reverse in case of overspeed which causes more stress then the generator will rotate anti-clockwise so that the gas will drop to adjust the speed generator. So, rotation of DC motors forward and reverse and at a predetermined voltage level is normal voltage 220 -230 V motor will stop, and will hold the gas engine driving the generator speed will be maintained so long as the voltage under normal conditions 220-230 V.

    Perancangan dan Pembuatan Prototype Catu Daya Tegangan Output Konstan Mengunakan Teknologi Konverter Step Up Kapasitas 320 Watt

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    Boost converter is a dc to dc converter with an output voltage is higher than the voltage enter consisting of at least two a semiconductor ( transistors and a diode ) and a coil the depositary as an element of energy .Output boost converter in tentukkan by duty cycle of pwm that where enlarged duty cycle pwm and an output voltage is boost converter will go up and vice versa sags duty cycle pwm and an output voltage is boost converter down .On this thesis was built by a boost converter that could raise its 12v dc voltage into 55v dc and capable of flow the burden until 2.21a .The signal source pwm of mikrokontroller , switch mosfet use , inductance an air core and a diode use a kind of fast recovery to keep the level of voltage in useprisoners as a voltage divider befungsi as a series of feedback from output boost converter adcmikrokontroller to

    Peningkatan Minat Pelajar untuk Mempelajari Sistem Otomasi Berbasis Arduino

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    Mikrokontroler Arduino telah digunakan untuk meningkatkan minat pelajar dalam mempelajari sistem otomasi. Pelatihan sistem otomasi berbasis Arduino dilakukan dengan metode studi berkelompok dan berbasis proyek. Peserta diajarkan untuk memahami berbagai perintah dan logika yang dapat digunakan dalam pengkodean integrated development environment (IDE) Arduino. Peserta juga merakit dan merancang rangkaian light emitting diode (LED) yang terdiri dari rangkaian LED tunggal dan rangkaian LED yang terdiri dari minimal 4 buah LED. Proyek yang dihasilkan adalah rangkaian smart home berbasis voice recognition yang dapat dikendalikan menggunakan koneksi Bluetooth melalui smartphone Android. Berdasarkan hasil kuesioner yang dibagikan, ditemukan bahwa 80,5% responden menyatakan belum pernah belajar Arduino sebelumnya. Kemudian, terdapat 67,1% responden yang menyatakan memahami materi yang disampaikan dan 19,5% sangat memahami. Menariknya, terdapat 59,8% responden yang menyampaikan bahwa materi yang disampaikan menarik dan 39% menyatakan bahwa materi tersebut sangat menarik. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa peserta pelatihan telah mendapatkan pengetahuan baru yang telah meningkatkan minat peserta untuk mempelajari bidang sistem otomasi

    Legal Protection of Vehicle Users by Under Age (Minors) Viewed From the Perspective at Present Act No.22 of 2009 on Traffic and Transportation

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    The research problems are how the legal protection of motorists under the age of the offenses traffic violations and how efforts and the role of the police in dealing with traffic violations committed minors. Research result This is the legal protection of motorists under the age of criminal acts against traffic violations that should Criminal sanctions imposed on the child must be based on truth, justice, and child welfare. Criminal punishment or actions to be accountable and beneficial for children. The judge shall consider the situation of children, the state house, state of the environment, and social counselors report. Children who are no older than twelve (12) years, although with a criminal offense can not be put on trial the child. The effort and the role carried out by the police in tackling traffic offenses committed by children under age (minors) namely with the preventive and repressive efforts

    E-Tutorial: Pemodelan Dan Simulasi Respon Transien Arus Dan Tegangan Pada Rangkaian RLC Menggunakan ATPDraw

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    The aim of this paper is to depelove teaching aid for Electrical Circuit subject. Voltage and current transient analysis in RLC series circuit had been coohsen as examples. It used ATPDraw for analyzing and modeling the circuits. It is hoped that by using this teaching aid and simulation, the result of voltage and current transient in an electrical circuit will be obtained easly and fastly than hand calucated method. The final product of this teaching aid will be converted to a video tutorial. Using this video tutorial, the students can review the subject by themselve. Finally, it is hoped that using this video tutorial, the student’s understanding in electrical circuit subject will increase. All of simulation results in these cases study had been compared to hand calculated method and other software (mathcad). From the graphs results, ATPDraw has the same result with mathcad simulation