97 research outputs found

    A Inspection and Quarantine Bureau Performance Appraisal Investigation Based on The Balanced Scorecard

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    随着世界经济全球化的进程不断加速,中国正在以越来越快的速度融入到全球经济中。提高政府的管理效率和管理效能,已经成为应对经济全球化,提高中国国际竞争力的必然要求。作为同外经贸关系密切的检验检疫部门,更需要加快改革,努力提升自身的管理水平,以适应形势发展的需要。 本文首先简要介绍了公共管理理论和平衡计分卡理论,接着分析中外政府开展绩效考核工作的经验和教训。然后从检验检疫系统的使命出发,具体分析了A局目前面对的外部环境和内部环境,提炼出A局当前的战略重点。 然后,以使命和战略为指导,从受众服务维度、学习和成长维度、内部流程维度、财务预算维度四个方面初步构建出A局的基于平衡计分卡的绩效考核系统。整...As the world economy continues to accelerate the process of globalization, China is integrated to the global economy quickly. Improving the government management efficiency has become the request of adapting economic globalization and enhancing the Chinese international competitive power. As a government department with tight relations to foreign trade, Chinese Inspection and Quarantine Bureau sho...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:20041511


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    为了得到高倍频的微波信号,实现获得了一种基于外调制技术与级联光纤环微波光子滤波器(FRMPF,fiber ring microwave photonic filters)的新型倍频微波信号光学产生技术。利用外调制的方法,采用大功率信号驱动马赫曾德尔调制器(MZM)得到了高阶谐波信号,再利用级联的FRMPF进行选频。理论计算与实验测试了FRMPF的滤波特性。通过调节每个FRMPF的环长,利用第1个FRMPF将基频信号与三阶谐波滤除,再通过第2个FRMPF将二阶谐波滤除,最终得到四倍频信号。研究结果表明,利用频率为2.018 3GHz的信号驱动MZM,得到了频率为8.073 2GHz的四倍频信号,信噪比(SNR)大于13dB。国家自然基金青年科学基金(61205059);教育部博士点基金(20120121120037);中央高校基本科研业务费(2010121059)资助项

    The Development of a New Type of Medical Rehabilitation Brace for Lower Limbs

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    本文阐述了一种新型医用下肢康复支具的研制过程。该装置主要由承重装置、负重装置、负重调节装置以及压力检测装置等结构组成,具有调节、设定以及控制负重载荷等功能,可使行内固定术后的下肢骨折患者早期进行负重、行走功能锻炼,促进其骨折愈合及肢体功能康复,减少术后并发症,具有一定的实用价值。The paper expounded the development of a new type of medical rehabilitation brace for lower limbs. The device was mainly composed of different structures including the hip weight-bearing device, the foot weight-bearing device, the weight-bearing adjustment device and the pressure detection device. The brace was designed to allow patients to carry out weight-bearing exercises and walking exercises in early postoperative period after receiving internal fixation of lower limb fracture. It could also promote fracture healing and functional recovery of lower limbs and reduce postoperative complications, which is of certain clinical value

    Enabling Technology for The Next Generation Vir tual Pr ivate Networks

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    近年來虛擬私有網路之技術及應用, 隨著網際網路的成長已迅速發展並引人注 意。然而,現有虛擬私有網路雖然技術及 標準推陳出新,在數據資料的安全性,服 務品質(QoS)保障,計價機制的引進,多元 化多媒體服務,以及在有線及無線寬頻接 取網路上提供虛擬私有網路的能力上,均 仍有極大的發展空間。因此,最近在工業 界及學術界均已掀起探討下一代虛擬私有 網路關鍵技術之研究風潮。本研究群乃預 計以兩年時間投入下一代VPN 之研究,其 中並特別強調、在服務品質、計價機制、 以及無線接取這三個領域之關鍵技術。本 計畫第一年先分別以三個子計畫進行測 試,在一方面先各自規劃出可行之架構, 第二年將逐步地相互整合,最後提出一個 下一代虛擬私有網路之具體雛形。technology and applications of Virtual Private Networks (VPN) have made significant progress and have attracted much attention. Although different technologies and standards for realizing VPN have been proposed and promoted in areas such as data security, QoS guarantee, pricing mechanism, streaming data and multimedia services, and wired/wireless broadband access, there is still much room to grow. Therefore, both the industry and the academic researchers have started the discussion about the research of the next generation VPN. This research team shall dedicate 2 years to the research of key technologies for the next generation VPN, and shall focus on 3 major areas: QoS, pricing, and wireless. In the first year , three subprojects have proposed novel architectures for these areas, and then we will graduately integrate these architectures and finish their implementations. Next year, we will finish a prototype for the next generation VPN


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    智慧型ATM網路控制管理系統設計與製作 (II)─總計畫

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    Enablers for Internet QoS Query,Measurement and Allocation

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    多媒體內容傳遞網路前瞻技術之研究-子計畫一 多媒體內容傳遞網路封包分類排程技術之研究(1/2)

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    本研究至目前為止,在多媒體內 容傳遞網路封包分類技術架構的有以 下三個領域,已有較明顯之工作之進 度,分別涵蓋從頭端、傳遞網路、以 及到接收端的完整實驗