16 research outputs found

    Structural health monitoring and bridge condition assessment

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    Thesis (Ph.D.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2016This research is mainly in the field of structural identification and model calibration, optimal sensor placement, and structural health monitoring application for large-scale structures. The ultimate goal of this study is to identify the structure behavior and evaluate the health condition by using structural health monitoring system. To achieve this goal, this research firstly established two fiber optic structural health monitoring systems for a two-span truss bridge and a five-span steel girder bridge. Secondly, this research examined the empirical mode decomposition (EMD) method’s application by using the portable accelerometer system for a long steel girder bridge, and identified the accelerometer number requirements for comprehensively record bridge modal frequencies and damping. Thirdly, it developed a multi-direction model updating method which can update the bridge model by using static and dynamic measurement. Finally, this research studied the optimal static strain sensor placement and established a new method for model parameter identification and damage detection.Chapter 1: Introduction -- Chapter 2: Structural Health Monitoring of the Klehini River Bridge -- Chapter 3: Ambient Loading and Modal Parameters for the Chulitna River Bridge -- Chapter 4: Multi-direction Bridge Model Updating using Static and Dynamic Measurement -- Chapter 5: Optimal Static Strain Sensor Placement for Bridge Model Parameter Identification by using Numerical Optimization Method -- Chapter 6: Conclusions and Future Work

    Web Invoice Management System Based on Asymmetric Encryption and Barcode Technology

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    目前,发票管理上假票泛滥、大头小尾等违法行为大量存在的严峻形势使税务部门迫切需要开发一套能有效遏制发票违法行为的发票管理系统。本文基于非对称加密及二维码技术设计并实现了一个Web开票系统。整个系统共分八个模块:发票内容非对称加解密,发票密文二维码图像生成与解码,发票开具、验证、检索、统计、电子发票导出等发票操作,纳税人、税务人员等基本信息管理和批量导入,发票类别及限额管理,顾客管理,主营货物管理,系统管理。 本课题利用非对称加密及二维码技术,对发票重点内容进行非对称加密,并将密文生成二维码图案随同发票明文打印在发票内,提高发票的防伪强度;采用XML格式作为电子发票的载体,对电子发票的发展进行...In the current management of invoices, there is an abundance of injurias such as the rampancy of fake invoices and the phenomenon of more moneys on exhibit and lesser moneys on counterfoil. Such a severe situation cries for an invoice management system that can effectively check these injurias. Based on asymmetric cryptography and two-dimension bar code technique, this project designed and realize...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X200823005

    Applying Environmental Kuznets Curve to EIA on an Industrial Park Planning

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    以可持续发展为目标的规划环评要求对规划区域的社会经济与环境状况的相关性进行分析。文章引进了环境库兹涅茨曲线(EKC),用于福建省某一石化工业基地的规划环评中的经济发展与环境保护协调性分析,研究了当地经济与工业废物排放的耦合程度,丰富了规划环评的方法。This paper introduces the Environmental Kuznets Curve as a tool to analyze the correlation between social economy and environmental quality in a case study in an industrial park where EIA is carried out on the planning of the industrial park


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    从我国患流行性疾病的沼泽绿牛蛙(Rana grylio)中分离到的3株病毒RGV(Rana gfylio virus)9506, RGV9807和RGV980,属于蛙虹彩病毒(Ranivirus)。从美国分离到的FV3 (Frog virus 3)是蛙虹彩病毒属的代表株。运用分子生物学和分子免疫学的技术方法,对蛙虹彩病毒不同分离株RGV9506, RGV9807,RGV9808以及FV3的部分分子生物学特性进行了研究。通过虹彩病毒主要衣壳蛋白(Major capsid protein, MCP)基因中已知的保守序列一对特异引物,从RGV9506, RGV9807, RGV9808和FV3中各扩增出一个大小均为531bp的基因片段。对所扩增出的基因片段测序并进行比较,显示出很高的同源性,而由各基因片段所推导的氨基酸序列同源性超过97%.利用酶切对3株RGV的基因组进行限制性长度多态性(Restriction fragment佩engthpolymorphism, RFLP)分析,显示它们的基因组结构有一定差异。RGV9506基因组经限制性内切酶Hind III, Xba I, K.pn I和BamH I分别酶切后,各自得到8, 16, 19和24个片段。克隆了Xba I的4个片段J, L, Q和P,并测定了它们的核普酸序列,大小分别为4032bp,3495bp,1737bp和1011bp,软件分析推测这4个片段各自含有3, 3, 1, 1个开放阅读框。在制备了兔抗RGV9807抗体的基础上,通过ELISA, SDS一PAGE和免疫印迹方法比较3株RGV和FV3之间的免疫原性。结果表明兔抗RGV9807抗体至少能识别3株RGv中6条相同的结构多肤(78,59,49,44,34和16kD )和Fv3中的5条结构多肤(98,78,49,44和1&D)

    Effectiveness of psychological interventions on depression in patients after breast cancer surgery : a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

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    INTRODUCTION: Breast cancer has become the most common cancer in women. With the improvement of medical treatment for breast cancer, extended survival and low recurrence rates in breast cancer have been achieved. However, as a threat to the survival and quality of life, long term depression in patients with breast cancer has attracted more and more concern. In clinical practice, individually delivered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is widely used to deal with the depression in patients. Among the articles published, many of them showed that individually delivered CBT intervention could effectively reduce depression symptoms in patients after breast cancer surgery. But the strength of the effectiveness is unknown because these studies had not been combined into a systematic review. On the other hand, some articles have conflicting results showing no significant difference. Thus, it is meaningful to do a meta-analysis to assess the effectiveness of individual delivered CBT interventions on reducing depression in patients after breast cancer surgery. METHODS: A comprehensive literature search was performed through English electronic databases and Chinese electronic databases, including: Medline (Ovid), PubMed, Cochrane library, CNKI database, WANFANG and VIP database. Only randomized controlled trials (RCTs) with high quality were included in this meta-analysis. Quality assessment of included studies was conducted by two reviewers based on the Jadad scale independently. The pooled effect of mean difference in depressive score between baseline and post-treatment was analyzed based on different outcome measure instruments (SDS, HADS and HAMD) separately. RESULTS: 1882 articles were identified by the literature search. Of these, 13 RCTs with 966 participants were included in the meta-analysis. In SDS subgroup, the pooled standardized mean difference (SMD) comparing the intervention groups to the control groups was -0.87 (95% CI=-1.03, -0.71; overall effect Z=10.84; p<0.0001), which indicated a large effect size based on Cohen's d value (Cohen's d =-0.87). In HADS subgroup, the pooled SMD comparing the intervention groups to the control groups was -0.50 (95% CI=-0.98, -0.02; overall effect Z=20.6; p=0.04), which indicated a moderate effect size (Cohen’s d =-0.50). In HAMD subgroup, the pooled SMD comparing the intervention groups to the control groups was -2.61 (95% CI=-4.07, -1.14; overall effect Z=3.49; p=0.0005), which indicated a very large effect size (Cohen’s d =-2.61). In general, the overall effect size of individually delivered CBT on reducing depression in women after breast cancer surgery was large. Meanwhile, there was no evidence of statistical heterogeneity. CONCLUSION: This meta-analysis showed a significant efficacy of individually delivered CBT in the reduction of major depression in patients after breast cancer surgery. The level of evidence is high. In addition, CBT is feasible and well accepted by breast cancer patients, no matter delivered by psychotherapists or well-trained nurses. Depression is often associated with poor quality of life thus CBT should also be beneficial for improving quality of life by reducing depressive symptoms. Therefore, it is suggested that individually delivered CBT can be used in clinical breast cancer care for patients after surgery. However, further researches with better design and bigger sample size are needed to give more valid and reliable results and greater effect size on long term outcomes.published_or_final_versionPublic HealthMasterMaster of Public Healt


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    目前 ,越来越多的研究资料表明交感神经系统 (SNS)参与了应激的免疫调节作用。有关研究主要集中在SNS与免疫系统间的解剖基础及相互作用、SNS参与应激的免疫调节作用的实验研究以及SNS与下丘脑 -垂体 -肾上腺轴 (HPA)间的相互作用等几个方面。综合阐述这些研究结果 ,并着重分析SNS、应激与免疫系统间的相互作用及其机制


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    目前 ,越来越多的研究资料表明交感神经系统 (SNS)参与了应激的免疫调节作用。有关研究主要集中在SNS与免疫系统间的解剖基础及相互作用、SNS参与应激的免疫调节作用的实验研究以及SNS与下丘脑 -垂体 -肾上腺轴 (HPA)间的相互作用等几个方面。综合阐述这些研究结果 ,并着重分析SNS、应激与免疫系统间的相互作用及其机制。</p

    Cognitive Function of Patients with Schizophrenia:Test of a Neuropsychological Training System

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    目的:探讨测试精神分裂症患者认知功能障碍的新方法及其临床使用价值。方法:应用YWG 神经心理训练系统测试精神分裂症51例(分裂症组)、正常人42例(对照组)和抑郁症32例(抑郁症组),比较各组间测试项目的平均反应时(mS)和错误率(%)。结果:分裂症组与对照组配对比较,各项目的反应时延长58~75%(P0.05)。分裂症组内男女、病程长短相比各项同反应时、错误率无差别(P>0.05); 用药1周以上者单侧脑功能反应时明显缩短(P=0.05)、各项目错误率均有下降趋势(P>0.05); 病情未控制组单侧脑功能反应时延长45%(P0.05)。结论:YWG 神经心理训练系统测试结果可反映精神分裂症的认知功能障碍及病情严重程度,因此可以作为认知功能测试方法之一用于临床

    Adaptação de workflows dirigida por contexto aplicada ao planejamento de saúde

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    Orientadores: Claudia Maria Bauzer Medeiros, André SantanchèTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Sistemas de Gerenciamento de Workflows (WfMS -- em inglês) são usados para gerenciar a execução de processos, melhorando eficiência e eficácia de procedimentos em uso. As forças motrizes por trás da adoção e do desenvolvimento de um WfMS são aplicações científicas e de negócios. Esforços conjuntos de ambos resultaram em mecanismos consolidados, além de padrões e protocolos consensuais. Em particular, um WfMS científico (SWfMS -- \textit{Scientific WfMS}) auxilia cientistas a especificar e executar experimentos distribuídos. Ele fornece diferentes recursos que suportam atividades em um ambiente experimental, como prover flexibilidade para mudar o projeto de workflow, manter a proveniência e suportar reproducibilidade de experimentos. Por outro lado, apesar de poucas iniciativas de pesquisa, WfMSs não fornecem suporte apropriado à personalização dinâmica e baseada em contexto durante a execução; adaptações em tempo de execução normalmente requerem intervenção do usuário. Esta tese se concentra em superar essa deficiência, fornecendo a WfMSs um mecanismo de ciente do contexto para personalizar a execução de workflows. Como resultado, foi projetado e desenvolvido o DynFlow -- uma arquitetura de software que permite tal personalização aplicada a um domínio: planejamento de saúde. Este domínio foi escolhido por ser um ótimo exemplo de personalização sensível ao contexto. Procedimentos de saúde constantemente sofrem mudanças que podem ocorrer durante um tratamento, como a reação de um paciente a um medicamento. Para suprir a demanda, a pesquisa em planejamento de saúde desenvolveu técnicas semi-automáticas para suportar mudanças rápidas dos passos de fluxos de tratamento, de acordo com o estado e a evolução do paciente. Uma dessas técnicas é \textit{Computer-Interpretable Guidelines} (CIG), cujo membro mais proeminente é \textit{Task-Network Model} (TNM) -- uma abordagem baseada em regras capaz de construir um plano em tempo de execução. Nossa pesquisa nos levou a concluir que CIGs não suportam características necessárias por profissionais de saúde, como proveniência e extensibilidade, disponíveis em WfMSs. Em outras palavras, CIGs e WfMSs têm características complementares e são direcionadas à execução de atividades. Considerando os fatos citados, as principais contribuições desta tese são: (a) especificação e desenvolvimento do DynFlow, cujo modelo associa características de TNMs e WfMS; (b) caracterização das principais vantagens e desvantagens de modelos CIGs e WfMSs; (c) implementação de um protótipo, baseado em ontologias e aplicadas ao domínio da saúde e enfermagemAbstract: Workflow Management Systems (WfMS) are used to manage the execution of processes, improving efficiency and efficacy of the procedure in use. The driving forces behind the adoption and development of WfMSs are business and scientific applications. Associated research efforts resulted in consolidated mechanisms, consensual protocols and standards. In particular, a scientific WfMS helps scientists to specify and run distributed experiments. It provides several features that support activities within an experimental environment, such as providing flexibility to change workflow design and keeping provenance (and thus reproducibility) of experiments. On the other hand, barring a few research initiatives, WfMSs do not provide appropriate support to dynamic, context-based customization during run-time; on-the-fly adaptations usually require user intervention. This thesis is concerned with mending this gap, providing WfMSs with a context-aware mechanism to dynamically customize workflow execution. As a result, we designed and developed DynFlow ¿ a software architecture that allows such a customization, applied to a specific domain: healthcare planning. This application domain was chosen because it is a very good example of context-sensitive customization. Indeed, healthcare procedures constantly undergo unexpected changes that may occur during a treatment, such as a patient¿s reaction to a medicine. To meet dynamic customization demands, healthcare planning research has developed semi-automated techniques to support fast changes of the careflow steps according to a patient¿s state and evolution. One such technique is Computer-Interpretable Guidelines (CIG), whose most prominent member is the Task-Network Model (TNM) -- a rule based approach able to build on the fly a plan according to the context. Our research led us to conclude that CIGs do not support features required by health professionals, such as distributed execution, provenance and extensibility, which are available from WfMSs. In other words, CIGs and WfMSs have complementary characteristics, and both are directed towards execution of activities. Given the above facts, the main contributions of the thesis are the following: (a) the design and development of DynFlow, whose underlying model blends TNM characteristics with WfMS; (b) the characterization of the main advantages and disadvantages of CIG models and workflow models; and (c) the implementation of a prototype, based on ontologies, applied to nursing care. Ontologies are used as a solution to enable interoperability across distinct SWfMS internal representations, as well as to support distinct healthcare vocabularies and proceduresDoutoradoCiência da ComputaçãoDoutor em Ciência da Computaçã