2,832 research outputs found


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    Survey of location-centric target tracking with mobile elements in wireless sensor networks

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    介绍目标跟踪的过程以及移动跟踪的特点;通过区分目标定位为主的方法和目标探测为主的方法,介绍定位为主的移动式目标跟踪方法(称为目标的移动式定位跟踪; )的研究现状;分析和比较不同方法的特点和应用领域,发现现有方法虽然可以提高跟踪质量、降低网络整体能耗,但是还存在一些问题。基于此,总结目标的移动; 式定位跟踪方法在方法类型、网络结构和节点模型等方面可能存在的研究热点,指出其研究和发展趋势。The basic process of target tracking and the properties of tracking; solutions with mobile elements were introduced. By distinguishing; location-centric methods and detection-centric methods, the current; research status of the location-centric target tracking methods were; reviewed. The properties and application fields of different solutions; were analyzed and compared. Although the existing solutions can; significantly improve tracking quality and reduce energy consumption of; the whole network, there are also some problems. Based on these; discoveries, some possible research hotspots of mobile solutions were; summarized in many aspects, such as method types, network architecture,; node model, and so on, indicating the future direction of research and; development.国家自然科学基金资助项目; 国家科技支撑计划项

    West China Border Research

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    優秀な資質の学者 天児慧

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    Modern American Suburbanization and the Baby Boom Generation

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    二战后,美国郊区化的进程逐步加快,美国郊区人口也出现了第二次爆炸式增长,郊区的发展建设进入了一个新的阶段,出现这样变化的其中一个重要原因就是“婴儿潮”一代的出现。“婴儿潮”一代是第一个在郊区成长起来的一代,他们的生活经历一直受到美国学术界的关注。大量“婴儿潮”人口向郊区的迁移,推动了美国战后郊区化的快速发展,而以中产阶级为主的白人郊区生活,不仅为对“婴儿潮”一代创造了良好的成长环境,而且对他们世界观和价值观的形成也起到了相当重要的作用。当这一代人进入老龄化之后,一部分人选择搬回城市,一部分则就地老龄化,这些对美国郊区的发展也构成了极大的考验。本文通过把“婴儿潮”一代和美国郊区问题相结合,希望由...After the World War II, the suburbanization in the United States accelerated, which led to the second explosive growth of the suburban population and a new stage of suburban development. An important contributing factor to such change is the appearance of “baby boomers”, which is the first generation to have grown up in the suburban areas, and whose life has been an issue of concern to US academia...学位:历史学硕士院系专业:人文学院历史学系_世界史学号:1032006115015

    特集4 : 研究解説 : セラミック・メタル接合界面原子構造の三次元高分解能電子顕微鏡解析

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    高分解能電子顕微鏡にとって三次元解析がいかに重要な課題であり技法的に難しいかをセラミック・メタル接合界面の原子的構造の解析例を用いて解説した。アルミナとニオブの単結晶を固相接合した界面に生成する原子的階段構造は、この接合体で両者の熱膨張係数の差に由来して生ずる熱応力を緩和する機構として多様な役割をはたしており、三次元解析によるその形状の把櫨が大切である。小特集 三次元像の技術と応

    Circular RNA CircHIPK3 Promotes NCI-H1299 and NCI-H2170 Cell Proliferation through miR-379 and its Target IGF1

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    背景与目的已有的研究证明:环状RNA是一类在哺乳动物中普遍存在的具有稳定闭合环状结构的内源性RNA分子。环状RNA; circHIPK3(circular RNA HIPK3, circHIPK3)在肝细胞癌(hepatocellular carcinoma,; HCC)中表达水平较高,促进肝癌细胞生长。但是其在非小细胞肺癌(non-small cell lung cancer,; NSCLC)中的作用及其调控机制尚无文献报道。本研究拟探讨环状RNA; circHIPK3对NSCLC细胞系NCI-H1299和NCI-H2170细胞增殖的影响,并进一步研究其调控的分子机制。方法Real-time; PCR法检测circHIPK3在NSCLC各细胞系中的表达水平。CCK-8实验和克隆形成实验检测过量表达和干扰circHIPK3对细胞增殖的影响; 。双荧光素酶报告基因实验分别检验miR-379与circHIPK3及miR-379与IGF1 mRNA的结合情况。Western; blot和ELISA检测细胞内外的IGF1蛋白表达水平。结果环状RNA; circHIPK3在6株NSCLC细胞株中均有表达,其中H1299表达最低,H2170表达最高,通过转染过表达的circHIPK3可显著促进NC; I-H1299细胞增殖,干扰circHIPK3可显著抑制NCI-H2170细胞增殖。miR-379可与circHIPK3及IGF1; mRNA直接结合。过表达circHIPK3导致IGF1表达量上调,干扰circHIPK3能够下调IGF1表达水平,转入miR-379; mimics恢复了circHIPK3稳转细胞株IGF1表达水平的上调及细胞增殖表型。结论环状RNA; circHIPK3在NSCLC细胞系NCI-H1299及NCI-H2170中可通过miR-379调控IGF1表达促进细胞增殖,环状RNA; circHIPK3可能成为非小细胞肺癌治疗的新靶点。Background and objective It has been proven that the circular RNA,; possessing a stable covalently closed continuous loop, is a type of RNA; molecule which is expressed widespread in mammals. The circular RNA; circHIPK3 is abundantly expressed in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and; promotes tumourgenesis. However, a role for circHIPK3 has not been; systematically examined in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). In this; study, we investigated whether circHIPK3 has an effect on cell; proliferation in the NSCLC cell lines NCI-H1299 and NCI-H2170 and the; underlying molecular mechanisms. Methods The expression of circHIPK3 was; measured by real-time PCR in NSCLC cell lines. Nuclear mass separation; experiment was used to detect the location of circHIPK3 in cells. The; gain and loss function experiments were used to examine the; proliferation of NCI-H1299 and NCI-H2170 cells by Cell Counting Kit-8; (CCK-8) and the colony formation assays. Then, circHIPK3 was cloned into; the downstream of the luciferase reporter gene which activity was; detected to verify whether miR-379 could bind with circHIPK3 or IGF1; mRNA. The protein level of IGF1 was detected by Western blot and ELISA; in circHIPK3 overexpressed/knock-down NCI-H1299 and NCI-H2170 cells.; Results CircHIPK3 was generally expressed in six kinds of NSCLC cells; lines we detected, and the expression level was highest in H2170 and; lowest in H1299. Overexpression of circHIPK3 obviously promoted; NCI-H1299 cell proliferation and knock-down of circHIPK3 inhibited; NCI-H2170 cell proliferation. In the luciferase assay, miR-379 was; observed to sequester circHIPK3 and IGF1 mRNA with potential binding; sites. Furthermore, we found that the overexpression of circHIPK3 could; increase the expression levels of IGF1 and knockdown reduced it.; Moreover, up-regulation of miR-379 rescued the phenotype induced by; overexpression of circHIPK3. Conclusion CircHIPK3 could promote cell; proliferation by a circHIPK3/miR-379 pathway in NCI-H1299 and NCI-H2170; cells and might be a potential tumor biomarker for NSCLC.国家自然科学基金项

    Delay-Constrained Mobile Energy Charging in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    为了延长无线传感网的生存期,基于可充电的移动设备,研究设计了一种无线传感网中移动式能量补充的方法,移动节点可以在为传感器节点补充能量的同时收集数; 据.首先,通过将无线传感器网络监测区域分割为大小相同的子区域,该子区域内的节点组成一个簇;其次,以一个簇内的总能量为计算依据,设计移动节点的路径; 生成算法以确定能量高效的移动路线;最后,使用10种不同的随机网络拓扑图进行了仿真实验,以节点移动速度和时延为限制条件分别得到了对比数据.结果表明; ,本文提出的算法与NJNP( nearest-job-next with preemption)算法相比在时延相同的条件下( 800; s),生存期提升了6 000 s左右,在节点速度5 m/s条件下生存期提升了将近14 000; s.证明本文所提方法有效地提高了充电效率,延长了网络的生存期,可用于大规模的无线传感器网络.In order to prolong the lifetime of wireless sensor networks by using; energy-rechargeable mobile devices,this paper designs a mobile energy; replenishment method wherein a mobile element gathers data and recharges; sensors simultaneously. Firstly,the whole sensor network is divided into; several sub-regions equally and the sensors in each sub-region are; formed into a cluster. Secondly, considering the energy in a whole; cluster,the mobility path is designed to find the energy-efficient; mobile trace of the mobile element. Finally,in the simulation; experiment,we used ten different random network topologies to show the; comparisons with extensive simulation experiments under different; velocities and deadlines. The results indicate that the proposed; algorithm increases lifetime by approximately 6 000 s compared with; Nearest-Job-Next with Pre-emption( NJNP) under the deadline of 800 s.; Moreover,the proposed algorithm increases lifetime by approximately 14; 000 s compared with NJNP at velocity of 5 m/s. Thus,the proposed; algorithm can improve recharging efficiency and prolong the lifetime of; wireless sensor networks,which can be used in large-scale sensor; networks.国家自然科学基金资助项目; 福建省高等学校杰出青年科研人才培育计划资助项