1,769 research outputs found

    On the Development of the Arbitral Tribunal to the Subject Matter Jurisdiction of ICSID--On the Perspective of “Investment” Definition

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    在争端解决方面,管辖权的准确界定和合理维持是争端解决机制得以顺利运作的核心要素。作为国际投资争端解决的权威机构,解决投资争端国际中心(ICSID)在解决投资争端中的重要性日益凸显,而客体管辖权作为其管辖权的重要构成要素值得我们深入研究。经考察ICSID仲裁庭的仲裁实践发现,仲裁庭为扩大其管辖权,在争端解决实践中采用了扩张解释方法,片面地维护外国投资者的利益,置东道国国家主权于不顾,甚至导致个别缔约国的单方退出。然而,ICSID的生命力是建立在国家同意基础之上的,缺少缔约国的支持,其威信和生命力都将无所依附。因此,在解决外国投资者与东道国之间的国际投资争端时,仲裁庭应合理权衡利弊,在外国投资者利...An accurate definition and reasonable maintenance over the jurisdiction is an important prerequisite for the successfully functioning of international investment dispute settlement mechanism. As a prestigious dispute settlement institution for international investment, ICSID’s subject matter jurisdiction constitutes one of the most important elements of jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunal, which...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院_国际法学学号:1362013115022

    The fate of umbilical cord derived mesenchymal stem cells and their effect on local microenvironment after limbal injection

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    目的:近年来,间充质干细胞(mesenchymalstemcell,MSC)结膜下注射被用来治疗眼表化学伤,在动物实验中表现了良好的效果。但结膜下注射后MSC的命运及其对局部微环境的影响还不清楚。我们通过在大鼠角膜缘注射人脐带间充质干细胞来探究MSC在角膜缘球结膜下的存活、迁移、增殖、分化及对角膜缘微环境的影响,同时观察MSC对眼表上皮增殖及分化的影响,以及对角膜缘干细胞损伤的修复作用。 方法:采用改良的胶原酶及透明质酸酶联合消化法分离培养获得人脐带间充质干细胞,并进行流式细胞学鉴定。SD大鼠右眼颞侧角膜缘球结膜下注射2╳105个MSC的DMEM混悬液,左眼相同部位注射同样体积的DMEM培养...Purpose: Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC)-based therapy has been proposed as a therapeutic strategy for ocular surface diseases over a decade. Previous studies mainly focused on their therapeutic effects on corneal wound healing, while the fate of MSCs and their effect on the local microenvironment remains unknown. In this study, we used rat models to investigate the survival, migration, proliferation...学位:医学硕士院系专业:医学院_临床医学硕士学号:2452013115353

    Translocation of Mixed lineage kinase domain-like protein to plasma membrane leads to necrotic cell death

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    在最近的研究结果中,混交激酶域蛋白Mlkl(mixedlineagekinasedomain-like protein)被确认为Rip3蛋白在细胞坏死信号通路中的下游蛋白。然而,Mlkl如何 在细胞坏死信号通路中行使怎样的功能,尚未明晰。通过在Mlkl基因敲除的细 胞中回补Mlkl蛋白进行一系列的研究,实验数据表明,Mlkl蛋白氨基端结构域 是其在坏死通路中行使功能的必要部分。在坏死过程中,Mlkl蛋白形成多聚体; 或者在细胞中利用分子生物学手段人为地诱导形成Mlkl蛋白多聚体,也能够引 起细胞坏死。并且,只有Mlkl蛋白的氨基端结构域,而非羧基端结构域部分的 多聚,可以引起细胞...Mixed lineage kinase domain-like protein (Mlkl) was identified as downstream of Receptor interaction protein 3 (Rip3) in Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha (TNFα) induced necrosis. However, the exact function of Mlkl in necrosis is largely unknown. By reconstituting exogenous Mlkl in Mlkl-KO cell, we found the integrity of Nterminus domain of Mlkl was required for it s normal...学位:理学博士院系专业:生命科学学院_生物化学与分子生物学学号:2162013015412

    Study on the methods of synthesis of fullerenes by controlled electric heating

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    碳元素是人类最早认识的化学元素。1985年,Kroto、Smalley和Curl在气相实验中发现了富勒烯C60。这种由相隔五元环与六元环构成的中空碳笼分子的发现,使人们对碳的存在形式有了全新的认识。此后,富勒烯科学快速发展成了一个重要的学科分支并逐渐形成了一个成熟的新领域。近年来由于富勒烯类物质在超导、太阳能电池、催化、生物医学功能等领域的广泛应用更是受到了极大的关注,而富勒烯广泛应用的实现不能不在富勒烯可进行工业化生产的前提下。目前,合成富勒烯的方法已有许多,但富勒烯的产率都不高,并且C60及其他富勒烯的生长机理至今还没有一个让人完全信服的解释。富勒烯家族里的理论物质种类有很多,但是实验中得...Carbon is the earliest known chemical elements by human. In 1985, the fullerene (e.g.C60) , which is consisted of twelve five-membered-rings and a number of six-membered-rings, was found in the experiment by Smalley、Kroto and Curl. This important discovery made people have a new understanding of carbon element. Since then, the rapid development of fullerenes has become a new branch of discipline a...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_无机化学学号:2052013115153

    The Humble Opinion On The Revenge In Song Dynasty

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    中国传统社会高度宣扬礼制,重视孝义伦理。复仇观念得到儒家文化的理论支持,一直在传统道德领域大受赞赏。它从单纯的情感本能,转化为个人孝义的体现。随着国家公权力的强大,规范复仇行为的准则被逐步纳入律法体系,这有助于进一步审视礼法关系。在法律体系的建构中以礼入法,使礼制与法律文化的碰撞迸发了激烈冲突。不同时期的复仇法律时紧时松,自统治者至民间舆论的复仇态度也都不断变更。法律缺失和司法腐败使复仇现象循环反复。立法上对复仇的纵禁反复,是影响社会意识的短期因素,司法审判上宽纵复仇则产生长效作用。宋初统治者宽赦减免复仇者,对复仇思想在宋代的发展便有较大影响。 审析宋代相关复仇事例可以看到,儒家孝义思想的影...In Chinese traditional society, people highly promoted etiquette, attached great important to the ethics of filial piety. While theoretically be supported by the Confucian culture, the concept of revenge is popular for the people obey traditional ethics. Revenge transform from simple emotional instincts into the personal manifestation of filial piety and ethics under the influence of Confucianism....学位:历史学硕士院系专业:人文学院_中国古代史学号:1032011115216

    On Administrative Explanatory Documents Applied and Quoted by the People's Courts

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    行政解释性文件是其他规范性文件的一种,《最高人民法院关于执行若干问题的解释》(以下简称《若干解释》)第62条第2款规定人民法院可以在裁判文书中引用行政解释性文件。但是,行政解释性文件具有复杂多样的特点,其在裁判文书中的“引用”地位很难一概而论。为了弄清这一问题,本文以该条规定为中心,通过对相关司法文件以及一些典型案例的分析,初步厘清了人民法院引用行政解释性文件的宏观态度与具体做法。本文除引言外共有四章: 第一章对行政解释性文件的类型及表现形式予以简要介绍,主要包括行政解释性文件的学理分类、相关规范对行政解释性文件的分类以及实践中行政解释性文件的各种表现形式。 第二章对人民法院适用但不引用相...Administrative explanatory document is a kind of regulatory documents. The judicial interpretation made by the supreme people's court on implementing The Administrative Procedure Law of The People's Republic of China provides that the people's courts may in the judgments cite administrative explanatory documents in article 62, paragraph 2. However, administrative explanatory files are complex and ...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_宪法学和行政法学学号:1362009115020

    Study on the HDM Catalysts for Ni Removal of Ni-TPP; Preparation, Characterization of LaNi1-xCuxO3 Photocatalyst and its Photocatalytic Activity for Water

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    原油重质化的逐渐加剧产生了两方面的影响。一是渣油产量增加,使得渣油加氢处理技术越来越受到关注;二是渣油中的金属镍和钒杂质含量随之提升,这对于整个加氢处理过程有很多不利的影响。因此,研究镍、钒的脱除机理和方法包括相关催化剂对渣油深加工意义重大。 本文主要研究内容和获得的重要结果如下。 (1)开发一种制备加氢脱金属催化剂的方法,即以氯化铝、碱式碳酸镍和钼酸铵为原料,尿素和碳酸铵为添加剂,通过一步控制组分析出法制备MoNi-Al2O3HDM催化剂。此方法由于无需过滤和洗涤,缩短了制备时间和降低过程成本。研究表明,制备的催化剂具有较好的孔隙率,且Ni、Mo等活性组分分散均匀。 以溶解在液体石蜡中的模型化合物镍卟啉(Ni-TPP)为评价对象,对所制备的MoNi-Al2O3催化剂进行活性评价,并与浸渍法制备的相同组分催化剂进行对比。实验结果表明,一步法制备的MoNi-Al2O3催化剂对于镍卟啉的脱镍反应(以下简记为HDM)具有优异的活性。 (2)选用不同的制备方法如水热和溶胶凝胶法及不同的添加剂制备NiW非负载型HDM催化剂,运用XRD、BET、TPR和XPS等手段对催化剂进行表征,结果表明:(a)无论是采用水热合成法还是溶胶凝胶法制备NiW非负载型加氢脱金属(HDM)催化剂时,若加入合适的添加剂,则其HDM活性显著提高,尤其以加入尿素效果最佳。(b)无添加剂所制NiW催化剂的孔隙性质较差,当加入添加剂后,孔隙性质明显改善,尤其以添加尿素最为显著。(c)尿素不仅可以络合金属离子,而且还具有燃烧和助燃作用。这些作用提高了金属组分的分散性,同时促进催化剂的还原硫化,从而提高其HDM活性。 (3)研究不同预处理方法(还原或硫化)对NiW非负载型催化剂物化性质及HDM活性的影响。选用NiW非负载型催化剂作为研究对象是因为:①此类催化剂不存在载体的影响,金属组分间相互作用较为简单,其作用机理容易了解;②此类催化剂有可能提供较多的活性中心数目。利用BET、XRD、TPR、H2-TPD、XPS和TEM等手段,对上述系列催化剂分别进行表征,以建立不同预处理方法与催化剂还原(硫化)程度及活性相结构与催化性能之间的关系,探讨其内在规律。结果表明: (a)无论是硫化态催化剂还是还原态催化剂,在合适的W/Ni比条件下,都能得到较高的HDM活性,脱镍转化率高于99.0%。对于硫化态催化剂,合适的W/Ni比较大,范围为0.25-0.35,而还原态催化剂合适的W/Ni比为0.1-0.25。可见,高活性还原态催化剂需要更多的Ni组分。 (b)对于硫化态NiW非负型催化剂,XRD和TEM图显示其存在诸多相关物种(相),如Ni、Ni3S2、NiOx、WS2、WOx、WO3和NiWO4等,这些物相体量分布可以通过变动W/Ni比和硫化条件(强度)来控制。 在低的W/Ni比条件下,主要存在五种物相Ni3S2、NiOx、WOx、WS2和WO3,并且这些物相的量应当在合适的比例范围内,才能获得高的HDM活性。当W/Ni比过低时,后面三种物相过少,将使总体HDM活性降低;当W/Ni比过大时,催化剂难以硫化,也使活性减弱。 (c)对于还原态NiW非负型催化剂,原位XRD图及相关研究结果显示存在诸多相关物种,如Ni0、NixOy、WOy’、NiWO4和WO3等,这些物相体量分布可以通过变动W/Ni比和还原条件(强度)来控制。 还原态NiW双组分催化剂,也显示了较高的HDM活性,说明非硫化的催化剂也有内在活性。从原位XRD及H2-TPD结果推测可知,H2在Ni0或者NixOy上吸附形成解离的活泼氢原子,然后氢原子迁移到酸性位WOy’,这与HDS催化剂的遥控模型类似。 在低的W/Ni比条件下,Ni0位点较多,H2-TPD第一脱附峰面积较大,且随着W含量逐渐提高,WO3点位也增多,使溢流氢数量增大。对于高W/Ni比或单W催化剂,Ni0数量很小或者不存在,所以难以检测到第一脱附峰。 (4)加氢脱金属催化反应的动力学研究一直是人们关注的热点之一,这方面的研究不仅在理论上有重要的意义,而且对相应工艺条件的优化也具有参考价值。因此,进一步考察经不同预处理方法获得的NiW非负载型催化剂的HDM活性与反应条件如反应温度和反应时间,以期对反应历程有所了解。 对溶解在液体石蜡中的卟啉镍模型化合物进行HDM反应,结果表明,延长反应时间和提高反应温度将会促进卟啉镍的加氢反应,有效地提高脱镍率。 (a)对于硫化态催化剂,通过分析、综合先前和本文的研究试验结果,初步提出如下反应历程和活性相模型。 反应历程: 对应的活性相模型(多相共存)可简示为: (b)对于还原态催化剂,通过系统研究,初步提出如下反应历程和活性相模型。 反应历程: 对应的活性相模型(氢溢流):With the vast deposits of heavy crude oils in several parts of the world, it will have a significant impact on two aspects. One is the increasing amount of residua, which makes the hydrotreating process receive more and more attentions; the other is the abundant and undesirable metal Ni and V, which will produce much adverse influences on the hydrotreating process. These trends have emphasized the tremendous importance of the research on the removal of metals. The predominant research content and result obtained from experiment are summarized as follows: (1) A new approach has been developed for the first time to prepare HDM catalyst. Videlicet, a series of NiMo-Al2O3 catalysts are prepared by one-pot method with controlled precipitation of AlCl3·6H2O, (NH4)6Mo7O24·4H2O and NiCO3·2Ni(OH)2·4H2O using urea and ammonium carbonate as additives. This method shortens synthetic process and lowers costs due to free of filtering and washing. The characterization results show that the effective hydrotreating catalyst prepared by optimum urea additive has high porosity and well dispersed nickel and molybdenum oxide particles. The HDM of Ni-TPP dissolved in liquid paraffin was used as a model reaction for estimating the activity of the above prepared catalyst samples. For comparison, the reference catalyst with same components were prepared by wet-impregnation method. The results show hydrotreating catalysts prepared by one-pot method had high HDM performance. (2) Different preparation method (such as hydrothermal method and sol-gel method) and various additives was chose to synthesize NiW unsupported catalysts, and the resultant catalysts were characterized by XRD、BET、TPR and XPS. The results show that (a) All additives used in hydrothermal or sol-gel enhance the activity of NiW unsupported catalysts in HDM of Ni-TPP, especially urea additive most effective. (b) unsupported catalysts prepared with additive had well porosity, especially urea additive most best, whereas NiW catalysts prepared without additive had bad porosity, (c) Urea employed as additive not only chelate metal Ni and W ion, increase the combustion rate and undergo a decomposition process (endothermic reaction) that could contribute to the reduction of the combustion temperature, but also can improve well-dispersed Ni- and W-oxo species and facilitate the formation of reduced and sulfided catalyst, ultimately enhence HDM activity. (3) The effect of the pretreatment conditions such as sulfuration and reduction on the structure properties of the NiW unsupported catalysts and the HDM activity were investigated. Choosing NiW unsupported catalysts as model study is just to ① simplify the catalytic system without the influence of metal-support interaction and ② have much possible active site. BET, XRD, TPR, H2-TPD, XPS and TEM characterizations were studied with a view to establishing the relationship between active structure and catalytic performance of these pretreated catalysts (a) The catalysts were studied in the variable W/Ni ratio. Reaction of the unsupported NiW catalyst pretreated in reduction or sulfidation conditions with Ni-TPP at 220 ℃ in the presence of H2 obtained high HDM activity, respectively, at different W/Ni ratio. Sulfided catalysts with the W/Ni ratio of 0.25-0.35 can give the HDM activity of 99.0% or above, whereas the suitable W/Ni ratio in reduced catlysts is 0.1-0.25, suggesting more Ni component is needed in reduced catalysts. (b) For sulfided NiW unsupported catalysts, XRD and TEM results show that there are some relevant species such as Ni, Ni3S2, NiOx, WOx, WS2, WO3 and NiWO4, and the relative speciation of these phases can be controlled by parameters as the W/Ni ratio and sulfidation condition. At low W/Ni ratio, Ni3S2, NiOx, WOx, WS2 and NiWO4 are coexisted in catalysts. The high HDM activity can be obtained only when the amount of these species is in an appropriate ratio. When W/Ni ratio is too low, the HDM activity is reduced due to the lower amount of WOx, WS2 and NiWO4. When W/Ni ratio is too high, the NiW catalyst is difficult to sulfide, which also make the activity drop. (c) For reduced NiW unsupported catalysts, in situ XRD result show that there are some relevant species such as Ni0, NixOy’, WOy’, NiWO4 and WO3, and these species can be adjusted by the variable W/Ni ratio and reduction condition. Reduced catalysts also show quite a measurable activity in HDM of Ni-TPP. Hence, it may be assumed that non-sulfided catalysts show some intrinsic HDM activity. According to the outcome of in-situ XRD and H2-TPD experiments, it is suggested that H2 dissociates on the Metal Ni0 or oxide NixOy into highly reactive hydrogen species (H•), which then spills over onto the Bronsted site or Lewis site of oxide WOy’. This process is similar to Romote-Control model of HDS catalyst. The amount of H2 adsorbed both in the low and high temperature stage increases with the increasing of W content and reaches a maximum, then decreases and even disappears at W/Ni atomic ratio of 0.75 or above. For the catalyst with high W/Ni ratio or single W, the concentration of Ni0 is so little or none that it is hard to detect the hydrogen desorbed on the catalysts. (4) The theory of the kinetics of HDM is focused on by researcher and developed with the experimentally supported assumptions, such insights may provide the basis for a better optimizing of the reaction condition in direct demetallation and hydrogenation routes in HDM. Issues explore are elucidation of the HDM reaction mechanism of Ni-TPP in the presence of sulfided or reduced catalyst and the influence of reaction condition such as reaction temperature, reaction time, H2 partial pressure and catalyst weight on the HDM kinetics. HDM of Ni-TPP results show that long reaction time, increased catalyst weight, high reaction temperature and elevated H2 partial pressure will greatly promote the hydrogenation of Ni-TPP and effectively enhance the removal of Ni. (a) For sulfide catalyst, from the previous studies and our experimental results, we preliminary propose the intrinsic HDM kinetics and model of active species. HDM kinetics: Model of active species (multiphase coexist): (b) For the reduced catalyst, based on the systematic studies, we preliminary propose the intrinsic HDM kinetics and model of active species. HDM kinetics: Model of active species (multiphase coexist):学位:工学博士院系专业:化学化工学院_工业催化学号:2062010015362

    Study on the HDM Catalysts for Ni Removal of Ni-TPP; Preparation, Characterization of LaNi1-xCuxO3 Photocatalyst and its Photocatalytic Activity for Water

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    原油重质化的逐渐加剧产生了两方面的影响。一是渣油产量增加,使得渣油加氢处理技术越来越受到关注;二是渣油中的金属镍和钒杂质含量随之提升,这对于整个加氢处理过程有很多不利的影响。因此,研究镍、钒的脱除机理和方法包括相关催化剂对渣油深加工意义重大。 本文主要研究内容和获得的重要结果如下。 (1)开发一种制备加氢脱金属催化剂的方法,即以氯化铝、碱式碳酸镍和钼酸铵为原料,尿素和碳酸铵为添加剂,通过一步控制组分析出法制备MoNi-Al2O3HDM催化剂。此方法由于无需过滤和洗涤,缩短了制备时间和降低过程成本。研究表明,制备的催化剂具有较好的孔隙率,且Ni、Mo等活性组分分散均匀。 以溶解在液体石...With the vast deposits of heavy crude oils in several parts of the world, it will have a significant impact on two aspects. One is the increasing amount of residua, which makes the hydrotreating process receive more and more attentions; the other is the abundant and undesirable metal Ni and V, which will produce much adverse influences on the hydrotreating process. These trends have emphasized the...学位:工学博士院系专业:化学化工学院_工业催化学号:2062010015362