536 research outputs found

    Study on Content and Speciation of Arsenic in Some Chinese Traditional Medicine and in Vitro Bioaccessibility

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    中药是一个复杂的体系,按来源可分为动物药、植物药、矿物药,按处方可分为单味药、复方药,此外还有原药材、中成药,煎煮、炮制、水飞,片剂、饮液、颗粒、药丸等形式的细分,这成为中药中砷含量和形态分析的瓶颈。通过调研,发现中药中的砷主要有两种来源:一种是在种植、加工、制造过程中被污染而引入可溶性砷盐;另一种以雄黄等矿物类药材及其制剂入药而引入不溶性砷盐。由此,本论文选取六种有代表性的中药:天王补心丹、参茸补肾片、黄芩等三种不含矿物类药材的中药和六神丸、牛黄解毒片、雄黄等三种含矿物类药材的中药来进行相关的探索。 本论文由四个部分组成:1.文献综述;2.中药中砷的含量检测;3.中药中砷的形态分析;4.中...In the field of arsenic speciation analysis, experts and scholars from home and abroad have done much reseach, however, few of which covered Chinese traditional medicine. Subject paper focuses on analysis of arsenic in some Chinese traditional medicine.Total four chapters:1. Literature review; 2. Determination of arsenic in Chinese traditional medicine; 3. Analysis of arsenic speciation in Chine...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院化学系_分析化学学号:2005130183

    On The Power of Enterprise Sanctions

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    企业作为经济组织,要完成它既定的生产经营目标,需以良好的生产经营秩序为前提。为使日常管理能顺利有效进行,内部秩序得以维护,一般而言企业都制定有内部规章制度。但如果企业仅仅有权制定各项规章制度,却对劳动者违反规章制度、有损企业利益、有碍顺利实现生产经营目标的行为无权实施惩戒,则企业正常生产经营秩序的维系实无可能。 如果没有惩戒权作为后盾,企业规章制度就会成为一纸空文,承认企业享有一定的惩戒权是必要的。然而,由于企业与劳动者存在利益不一致之处,如果对企业惩戒权的行使缺乏必要和有效的限制,就极易侵害劳动者的合法权益,因此企业行使惩戒权的行为应受到严格限制,必须在法律允许的框架内进行。我国现行劳动法...A good production operation order is the premise of an enterprise which is the economic organization to achieve the production operation goal. In general, the enterprise has its own internal regulations, which enable it to maintain the internal order to carry on routine business smoothly and effectively. However, if the enterprise has power to draw up regulations but has no right to enforce sancti...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:X200512017

    Comparative studies on size-fractionated biomass and primary productivity of phytoplankton between Tieshan Harbor, Guangxi and Shenhu Bay, Fujian

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    浮游植物是海洋生态系统中最主要的初级生产者,通过光合作用将CO2固定为有机碳,浮游植物作为海洋动物直接或间接的饵料,在海洋生态系统的物质循环和能量流动中起着十分重要的作用。不同粒级浮游植物具有不同的物质循环和能量流动途径,研究不同海域浮游植物生物量和初级生产力的粒级结构特征及时空分布对于认识该海域生态系统动力过程及其微食物环的作用具有重要意义,对海域生物资源开发利用亦有指导作用。 2010年4月(春季)和8月(夏季),对广西铁山港和福建深沪湾分别进行两个航次的浮游植物种类组成、丰度,叶绿素α和初级生产力粒级结构的调查研究,探讨浮游植物丰度和生物量的时空分布、粒级结构特征、初级生产力水平及其环...Phytoplankton is the main component of primary producers in the marine ecosystem, which photosynthesizes to turn carbon dioxide into organic carbon. Phytoplankton is ingested by marine animals directly or indirectly, which plays a significant role in energy flow and nutrient cycling. Different size-fractioned structure of phytoplankton has different nutrient cycling and energy flow. Studies on bio...学位:理学硕士院系专业:海洋与环境学院海洋学系_海洋生物学学号:2242008115150


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    Influence of UV-irradiation on the Composition of Fatty Acids in the Vegetable Oil

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    采用酯化衍生-气相色谱/质谱法分析了5种市售植物油中的10种脂肪酸,脂肪酸总量在葵花籽油和玉米油中最高,在花生油和菜籽油中最低,橄榄油居中。组成分布特征以油酸和亚油酸占绝对优势(84.8%~94.7%),但橄榄油中油酸和亚油酸的比值为1.0,显著高于其他油脂。500 W汞灯作光源,模拟光照24 h后,脂肪酸整体都呈现下降趋势,其中葵花籽油的下降幅度最大(50%),而玉米油的下降幅度最小(30%);随光照时间延长,油酸与亚油酸的比值呈逐渐升高的趋势,但反油酸与油酸的比值虽有所降低,但不同油脂之间差异较大。总体而言,光照可以降低植物油的营养价值成分,在贮藏和使用过程中,应尽量避光保存。A total of 10 fatty acids in 5 kinds of vegetable oil bought from local supermarket were analyzed using esterification-GC/MS.The highest concentrations of fatty acids were found in sunflower seed oil and maize oil,followed by olive oil,peanut oil and colza oil.The composition of fatty acids in vegetable oil was characterized by very high oleic acid and linoleic acid,accounting for 84.8%-94.7% of the total fatty acids.The ratio of oleic acid to linoleic acid was 1.0,which was much higher than those in other oils.A 500 W mercury lamp was used to produce UV light source and the irradiation period was set as 0,8,16 and 24 h,respectively.The highest loss of fatty acids was found in sunflower seed oil(around 50%) while the lowest loss was found in maize oil(around 30%).The ratio of oleic acid to linoleic acid increased with irradiation time,while the ratio of trans oleic acid to oleic acid showed slight decrease trends and varied from oil to oil.In general,the vegetable oil needed to keep in dark place during the storage and in use in order guarantee the quality

    Present Situation and Developmental Tendency of ball-pressure test indentation size Measurement

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    从球压试验压痕尺寸的传统测量方法、压痕尺寸测量的新技术两个方面对该领域的国内外研究进展进行了综述,总结了有代表性的研究成果并指出其未来的发展趋势。The present status of ball-pressure test indentation size measurement research is summarized through the following two aspects: the conventional ball-pressure test indentation size measuring method and new techniques of ball-pressure indentation size measuring.Finally,trend of development is pointed out

    Reflections on Conventional Statistics in the Big Data Era

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    本文在大数据时代背景下,将统计学与大数据有机结合,剖析了大数据时代给统计学带来的变革,阐述了大数据为传统统计学带来的发展机遇。为了保持统计学旺盛的生命力,本文对统计学的发展提出了几点思考。In this paper,statistics and big data are integrated based on the operation of conventional statistics. We analyze the changes and development opportunities brought by big data to statistics. Also,in order to keep active,we propose some suggestions on the development of statistics.国家社会科学基金项目重大项目“大数据与统计学理论的发展研究”(13&ZD148);; 国家统计局统计科学研究所研究基地项目“网络舆情分析的统计方法及其应用”(201407)资

    Review of sea anemones compound and bioactivity

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    海葵(sea anemone)又名海菊花,多指腔肠动物门(Coelenterata)珊瑚虫纲(Anthozoa)海葵目(actiniaria)动物。海葵一般分为爱氏海葵科、链索海葵科、细指海葵科、投海葵科、固边海葵科和绿海葵科等6科37种[1]。海葵体型大多呈圆筒状,触手以辐射对称状在口周围形成数轮,广泛分布在热带和温热带海域,主要固着在海中岩石上或泥沙中。我国海域均有分布


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