67 research outputs found

    Uniform convergence on a Bakhvalov-type mesh using the preconditioning approach: Technical report

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    The linear singularly perturbed convection-diffusion problem in one dimension is considered and its discretization on a Bakhvalov-type mesh is analyzed. The preconditioning technique is used to obtain the pointwise convergence uniform in the perturbation parameter.Comment: 12 page

    Using the Kellogg-Tsan Solution Decomposition in NumericalMethods for Singularly Perturbed Convection-Diffusion Problems

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    The linear one-dimensional singularly perturbed convection-diffusion problem is solved numerically by a second-order method that is uniform in the perturbation parameter . The method uses the Kellogg-Tsan decomposition of the continuous solution. This increases the accuracy of the numerical results and simplifies the proof of their -uniformit

    A note on a generalized Shishkin-type mesh

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    The one-dimensional linear singularly perturbed convection-diffusion problem is discretized using the upwind scheme on a mesh which is a mild generalization of Shishkin-type meshes. The generalized mesh uses the transition point of the Shishkin mesh, but it does not require any structure of its fine and course parts. Convergence uniform in the perturbation parameter is proved by the barrier-function technique, which, because of the unstructured mesh, does not rely on any mesh-generating function. In this way, the technical requirements needed in the existing barrier-function approaches are simplified

    Analysis of the truncation error and barrier-function technique for a Bakhvalov-type mesh

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    We use a barrier-function technique to prove the parameter-uniform convergence for singularly perturbed convection-diffusion problems discretized on a Bakhvalov-type mesh. This is the first proof of this kind in the research literature, the barrier-function approach having only been applied so far to Shishkin-type meshes

    The development of a general model for implementing an integratedmanagement system based on risk assessment in processes of organization

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    Osnovni cilj disertacije je kreiranje modela integrisanog sistema menadžmenta zasnovanog na proceni rizika aktivnosti unutar procesa organizacije. Doktorskom disertacijom je uspostavljen model koji je, između ostalog, obuhvatio: • Procenu rizika za svaku identifikovanu opasnost u procesima organizacije, sa aspekta standarda od interesa • Projektovanje dokumentacije integrisanog sistema menadžmenta na osnovu visine procenjenih rizika Poređenjem projektovane sa postojećom dokumentacijom, u tri realna preduzeća, zaključeno je da je obim i struktura dokumenata optimizovana za uspešan menadžment rizicima, što snižava troškove i omogućava efikasno upravljanje preduzećem.The main objective of the P.h. thesis is to create a model of an integrated management system based on risk assessment of activities within the processes of the organization. Doctoral dissertation has established a model that, among other things, included : • Assessment of risk for each identified hazard in the processes of the organization, in terms of standards of interest • Design of documentation for integrated management system based on the level of estimated risk Comparing projected from existing documentation , in the three real companies , it was concluded that the scope and structure of documents is optimized for succesfull risk management, which lowers costs and enables efficient management of the company

    The development of a general model for implementing an integratedmanagement system based on risk assessment in processes of organization

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    Osnovni cilj disertacije je kreiranje modela integrisanog sistema menadžmenta zasnovanog na proceni rizika aktivnosti unutar procesa organizacije. Doktorskom disertacijom je uspostavljen model koji je, između ostalog, obuhvatio: • Procenu rizika za svaku identifikovanu opasnost u procesima organizacije, sa aspekta standarda od interesa • Projektovanje dokumentacije integrisanog sistema menadžmenta na osnovu visine procenjenih rizika Poređenjem projektovane sa postojećom dokumentacijom, u tri realna preduzeća, zaključeno je da je obim i struktura dokumenata optimizovana za uspešan menadžment rizicima, što snižava troškove i omogućava efikasno upravljanje preduzećem.The main objective of the P.h. thesis is to create a model of an integrated management system based on risk assessment of activities within the processes of the organization. Doctoral dissertation has established a model that, among other things, included : • Assessment of risk for each identified hazard in the processes of the organization, in terms of standards of interest • Design of documentation for integrated management system based on the level of estimated risk Comparing projected from existing documentation , in the three real companies , it was concluded that the scope and structure of documents is optimized for succesfull risk management, which lowers costs and enables efficient management of the company

    Influence of Occupational Stress on Organisational Performance

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    The effective occupational health and safety management system is aimed to reduce risks of injuries and occupational ill health in the organisation. The relation between occupational health and safety management and organisational performance has already been researched and established by some researchers. By creating safe and healthy environment, top management invests in optimal business conditions with agile work power that can fully contribute to achieving company goals, but the expected results and achievement of set goals may vary depending on stress-related working climate. The influence of stress factor as mediator between occupational health and safety management and organisational performance was a subject of research that is shown in this paper. A survey concerning constructs related to the topic was carried out in Serbia, and the results of the survey were analysed using structural equation modeling (SEM). The results of the research proved that occupational health and safety management system has a direct impact on employees\u27 stress, and their stress has a significant, mediating, influence on organisational OHS performance