264 research outputs found

    The Reception of Modern European Art in Calcutta: a Complex Negotiation (1910s-1940s)

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    This article analyzes the reception of Modern European Art in Calcutta in the early decades of the twentieth century. In the initial years, the knowledge of the European avant-gardes was limited. It then got rejected as a legitimate source of influence by the Bengal School ideologues close to the nationalist movement. In the early 1930s, the painter Jamini Roy paved the way for a new aesthetics which rejected the Bengal School ideological project and turned to folk arts as models. The style he pioneered naturally appealed to the global modern sensibility. The 1940s are marked by a phase of enthusiasm for European avant-gardes and the departure of many Indian artists to Paris

    Motivational interviewing as a way to promote physical activity in obese adolescents: A randomised-controlled trial using self-determination theory as an explanatory framework

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    International audienceUsing self-determination theory (SDT) as an explanatory framework, this randomised-controlled study evaluates the effect of a motivational interviewing (MI)-based intervention as an addition to a standard weight loss programme (SWLP) on physical activity (PA) practice in obese adolescents over a six-month period. Fifty-four obese adolescents (mean age = 13 years, mean BMI = 29.57 kg/m²) were randomly assigned to an SWLP group (n = 28) or SWLP + MI group (n = 26). Both groups received two SWLP sessions, supplemented for the SWLP + MI group, by six MI sessions. Perceived autonomy support, perceived competence, motivational regulations, PA and BMI were assessed at baseline, three and six months (i.e. the end of the programme). MLM analyses revealed that compared to SWLP, the SWLP + MI group had a greater BMI decrease and a greater PA practice increase over time. Moreover, the SWLP + MI group reported greater autonomy support from medical staff at the end of the programme, greater increase in integrated and identified regulations and a stronger decrease in amotivation. MI appears as an efficient counselling method as an addition to an SWLP to promote PA in the context of pediatric obesity

    L'Eprouvette: A Special Place to Get a Flavor of Research and to Debate about Research Issues

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    L'Eprouvette, the public laboratory of University of Lausanne, is dedicated to science outreach and promotion of dialogue between scientists and society. The laboratory provides direct access to techniques and instruments in order to engage in informed and critical dialogue about the social and ethical issues of sciences

    From medical data to simple virtual mock-up of scapulo-humeral joint

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    The surgical operations of shoulder joint are guided by various principles: osteosynthesis in the case of fracture, osteotomy in order to correct a deformation or to modify the functioning of the joint, or implementation of articular prosthesis. At the end of the twentieth century, many innovations in the domains of biomechanics and orthopedic surgery have been performed. Nevertheless, theoretical and practical problems may appear during the operation (visual field of surgeon is very limited, quality and shape of the bone is variable depending on the patient). Biomechanical criteria of success are defined for each intervention. For example, the installation with success of prosthetic implant will be estimated according to the degree of mobility of the new articulation, the movements of this articulation being function of the shape of the prosthesis and of its position on its osseous support. It is not always easy to optimize the preparation of the surgical operation for every patient, and a preliminary computer simulation would allow helping the surgeon in its choices and its preparation of the intervention. The techniques of virtual reality allow a high degree of immersion and allow envisaging the development of a navigation device during the operating act

    Soft swimming: Exploiting deformable interfaces for low-Reynolds number locomotion

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    Reciprocal movement cannot be used for locomotion at low-Reynolds number in an infinite fluid or near a rigid surface. Here we show that this limitation is relaxed for a body performing reciprocal motions near a deformable interface. Using physical arguments and scaling relationships, we show that the nonlinearities arising from reciprocal flow-induced interfacial deformation rectify the periodic motion of the swimmer, leading to locomotion. Such a strategy can be used to move toward, away from, and parallel to any deformable interface as long as the length scales involved are smaller than intrinsic scales, which we identify. A macro-scale experiment of flapping motion near a free surface illustrates this new result

    Predicting persistence or withdrawal in female handballers with Social Exchange theory

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    International audienceTwo complementary studies were conducted to explain the dropout phenomenon with French female handball players, utilizing the tenets of social exchange theory (Thibaut & Kelley, 1959; Rusbult, 1980). In the first study, the aim was to more fully explore the sources of enjoyment by emphasizing the key variables in the costs/benefits analysis. We postulate that the costs/benefits analysis consists in each athlete estimating the probability of reaching the most desired consequences for him or her (e.g., learn and improve skill, affiliation with others, be better than the others). The subjects were 488 French women aged from 15-19 years. Structural equation modeling (SEM) revealed that enjoyment in handball was predicted by a latent variable (named perceived benefits) subjacent to perceptions of competence, autonomy, relatedness, progress, coach's support, and time of play. In the second study, we tested a sport commitment model based on the social exchange postulates, using SEM analyses and a prospective design over 8 months. In view of the results of study 1, we replaced the construct of enjoyment with perceived benefit. This analysis provides a more comprehensive understanding of the enjoyment construct and is more consistent with the notion of cost and benefits outlined in social exchange theory (Thibaut and Kelley, 1959). Participants were 253 French handball players between the ages of 14 and 16 years. A first set of analyses, focused on the differences, showed that dropout players perceived themselves as significantly less competent, less autonomous, less related to their team, lower in progress and less supported by their coach than persistent players. The second set of analyses with SEM revealed that the commitment level was positively associated with perceived benefits and negatively with social constraints and alternatives opportunities. Finally, a lack of commitment led to dropping out of the sport 8-months later.Deux études complémentaires destinée à mieux comprendre le phénomène de l'abandon chez des handballeuses françaises à partir des postulats de la théorie de l'échange social (Thibaut & Kelley, 1959; Rusbult, 1980), ont été conduites. La première étude s'est intéressée aux sources du plaisir lié à la pratique sportive. Nous avons postulé que l'analyse coûts/bénéfices correspondait à une estimation d'atteindre les motifs les plus importants de pratique (e.g., apprendre et progresser, avoir des amis, être meilleur que les autres). Les sujets étaient 488 handballeuses françaises âgées de 15 à 19 ans. Les résultats d'analyses par équations structurelles (AES) ont révélé que le plaisir en handball était prédit par une variable latente (dénommée “bénéfices perçus” dans l'activité) sous jacente aux perceptions de compétence, d'autonomie, d'affiliation, de progrès, du soutien de l'entraîneur, et du temps de jeu moyen en match. Dans la deuxième étude, nous avons testé un modèle de l'engagement sportif basé sur les postulats de la théorie de l'échange social, en utilisant des AES et un suivi longitudinal de 8 mois. Au regard, des résultats de la première étude, nous avons remplacé le construit de plaisir par celui des bénéfices perçus. Cette analyse permet une compréhension plus complète des notions de coûts et de bénéfices développées dans la théorie de l'échange social (Thibaut et Kelley, 1959). Les participants étaient 253 joueuses âgées de 14 à 16 ans. Les résultats ont montré que les joueuses qui avaient abandonné se percevaient moins compétentes, moins autonomes, moins liées à leur équipe, moins en progrès et moins encouragées par leur entraîneur que les joueuses persistantes. De plus, l'AES a révélé que le niveau d'engagement était associé positivement aux bénéfices perçus, et négativement aux contraintes sociales et aux activités alternatives. En retour, un faible niveau d'engagement prédisait un taux élevé d'abandon 8 mois plus tard

    Mothers' Expectancies and Young Adolescents Perceived Physical Competence : A Year-long Study

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    International audiencePerceived physical competence can be an important predictor of the physical activity behavior of children and adolescents. Investigated in this study was the role of mothers' expectancies effects in shaping their child's perceived physical competence. Data were obtained from 156 French children and young adolescents and their mothers. Structural equation modeling revealed that mothers' perceptions of their child's physical competence predicted their child's own perceived physical competence one year later, independent of the child's previously demonstrated physical ability and the child's initial level of perceived competence. Child's gender moderated the relation in that mothers' perceptions of their daughters' competence were related significantly to their child's perceived competence but that relation was not present between mothers and sons

    Attentes de motivation et comportements différenciés de l'enseignant d'Éducation Physique et Sportive à l'égard de ses élèves : une étude en contexte naturel d'enseignement.

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    International audiencePrevious research set in both educational and sport settings has examined the relationship between, teacher's and coach's expectancies and differential behaviors issued to students and athletes. The purpose of the present study was to extend this line of research by analyzing consequences of a not much studied pre-existing expectation (i.e., non induced) – the one related to motivation – on the frequency, content, and style (i.e., controlling vs. autonomy-supportive) of interactions between PE teacher and his pupils. 144 pupils and their teachers from 7 classes were examined during physical education classes. The teacher's expectancies were assessed at the beginning of the academic cycle. Teacher-students interactions were taped and systematically coded with two instruments at 4 different occasions. Results showed that teacher's expectancies were related (1) positively to technical instruction and autonomy-supportive style, and (2) negatively to negative affective feedback and controlling style. These different dimensions could constitute important mediators of Pygmalion effect in PE.Le rôle des attentes du superviseur (e.g., enseignant d'EPS, entraîneur) sur les comportements qu'il manifeste à l'égard des supervisés (e.g., élèves, athlètes), est un thème qui a été largement appréhendé en contexte éducatif et sportif. L'objectif de cette étude est d'étendre cette ligne de recherche en analysant les conséquences d'une attente préexistante (i.e., non induite) peu étudiée – celle relative à la motivation – sur la fréquence, le contenu, et le style motivationnel (i.e., contrôlant vs. soutenant l'autonomie) des interactions qu'un enseignant d'EPS entretient avec les élèves. 144 élèves issus des 7 classes et leurs enseignants ont été observés en cours d'EPS. Les attentes de l'enseignant ont été mesurées au début de la séquence d'enseignement. Les interactions enseignant – élève ont été enregistrées durant 4 leçons, et codées à l'aide de deux instruments. Les résultats montrent que les attentes de l'enseignant sont associées (1) positivement aux informations techniques et à un style soutenant l'autonomie, et (2) négativement aux feedback affectifs négatifs et à un style contrôlant. Ces différentes dimensions pourraient constituer des médiateurs importants de l'effet Pygmalion en EPS

    A map of the diversity of RNA3 recombinants appearing in plants infected with cucumber mosaic virus and tomato aspermy virus

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    AbstractIn order to better understand the role of recombination in creating the diversity of viral genomes that is acted on by selection, we have studied in detail the population of recombinant RNA3 molecules occurring in tobacco plants coinfected with wild-type strains of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) and tomato aspermy virus (TAV) under conditions of minimal selection pressure. Recombinant RNA3s were observed in 9.6% of the samples. Precise homologous recombination predominated since it was observed at 28 different sites, primarily in six hot spots. Imprecise homologous recombination was observed at two sites, particularly within a GU repeat in the 5′ noncoding region. Seven of the eight aberrant homologous recombination sites observed were clustered in the 3′ noncoding region. These results have implications on the role of recombination in host adaptation and virus evolution. They also provide essential baseline information for understanding the potential epidemiological impact of recombination in transgenic plants expressing viral sequences
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