216 research outputs found

    Functional equivalence of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor transmitter binding sites in the open state

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    The subunits of the muscle-type nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) are not uniformly oriented in the resting closed conformation: the two α subunits are rotated relative to its non-α subunits. In contrast, all the subunits overlay well with one another when agonist is bound to the AChR, suggesting that they are uniformly oriented in the open receptor. This gating-dependent increase in orientational uniformity due to rotation of the α subunits might affect the relative affinities of the two transmitter binding sites, making the two affinities dissimilar (functionally non-equivalent) in the initial ligand-bound closed state but similar (functionally equivalent) in the open state. To test this hypothesis, we measured single-channel activity of the αG153S gain-of-function mutant receptor evoked by choline, and estimated the resting closed-state and open-state affinities of the two transmitter binding sites. Both model-independent analyses and maximum-likelihood estimation of microscopic rate constants indicate that channel opening makes the binding sites' affinities more similar to each other. These results support the hypothesis that open-state affinities to the transmitter binding sites are primarily determined by the α subunits

    Characterizing the roGFP2-Orp1 Fluorescent Biosensor for Detecting Oxidative Stress in Mammalian Cells

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    Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disease involving the death of neurons in the substantia nigra and loss of the neurotransmitter, dopamine. The disease leads to progressive loss of motor control. Exact causes and mechanisms by which Parkinson’s disease proceeds are unknown, however, previous experiments determine oxidative stress in mitochondria as a factor that results in cell death. Strategies have been implemented to generate fluorescent biosensors to monitor reactive oxygen species (ROS) concentrations while simultaneously measuring the spatiotemporal distribution and correlation between the ROS, cellular function and organelle. Orp1, an enzyme found in yeast, is a sensitive oxidizing species and when coupled with fluorescent protein, roGFP2, the pair acts as a fluorescent biosensor for the ROS, hydrogen peroxide. In this study, Orp1-roGFP2 protein was expressed and purified from bacterial cell cultures and hydrogen peroxide oxidation assays were conducted to compare performance against characteristics reported in the literature.Orp1-roGFP2 is a fluorescence excitation ratiometric probe and the biosensor signal is obtained by the ratio of fluorescent intensities measured with 390 nm and 480 nm excitation. Sigmoidal kinetics were observed for biosensor oxidation by hydrogen peroxide. We also observed the Orp1-roGFP2 is highly susceptible to air oxidation. Finally the mitochondrial targeting mito-Orp1-roGFP2 gene was subcloned into a GW1 plasmid vector for mammalian expression. Future work will entail transfection of mitochondrially-targeted Orp1-roGFP2 into cultured mouse midbrain neurons to enable live-cell imaging of mitochondrial oxidative stress in cellular models of Parkinson’s disease

    Fluorescent Protein Biosensor for Use in Parkinson\u27s Research

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    Purinergic signaling is a type of extracellular communication that occurs between cells, mediated by adenosine triphosphate (ATP), adenosine diphosphate (ADP), and adenosine. In Parkinson’s Disease, purinergic signaling is disrupted, which contributes to neurodegeneration. In order to monitor this change in cell-to-cell signaling, there is a need for the development of a fluorescent protein (FP) biosensor to study the changes in the concentration of the signaling molecule ATP and its decomposition bioproduct ADP. This summer a genetically encoded ADP sensor that measures changes in ADP concentration was developed. This sensor utilizes Forster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) which is a sensing technique that is based on the energy transfer from a donor FP to an acceptor FP. Since this transfer is distance dependent, a change in the sensing domain allows for detection of ADP concentration through changes in fluorescence emission. To develop this FRET based sensor, we are utilizing a cyan-yellow FP pair, as well as a non-fluorescent protein that binds to ADP. Using traditional cloning methods, a small library of ADP sensors from five different versions of both the cyan and yellow proteins was created. This library was screened in E. coli cultures using a method developed to optimize an ATP-sensor. The cloning for this sensor has been confirmed and the library is being tested for sensors responsive to changing concentrations of ADP. With confirmation of a responsive sensor, this sensor design will be validated, allowing for further optimization of this biosensor for the study of purinergic signaling and neurodegeneration

    Engineering Bioluminescent Sensors of Cyclic AMP to Study Opioid Signaling

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    Opioids are small signaling molecules which bind to opioid receptors on the surface of cells. The kappa opioid receptor (KOR) is one of three major types of opioid receptors found in human neurons. When an opioid binds to a KOR, a variety of biochemical signaling pathways are activated inside the cell. Each of these pathways are associated with different physiological effects of KOR activation. The production of a small signaling molecule, cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), is known to be inhibited during KOR activation of the analgesic (pain-killing) signaling pathway. The ability to interrogate the individual responses of KOR signaling pathways in a living mammal would greatly improve our understanding of how opioids work in the brain. To this end, we have developed a biosensor functioning via bioluminescent resonance energy transfer (BRET) as a tool for both fluorescent and luminescent ratiometric quantification of cAMP. We couple two fluorescent proteins, emitting at different wavelengths, to a luciferase which provides chemiluminescent excitation energy for the complex. The intensity of the two emitted wavelengths vary inversely to each other in response to the presence of cAMP. Calculating the ratio of the two emission intensities creates a metric for cAMP concentration that is normalized to the concentration of our sensor, allowing quantitative comparison across trials. The application of our sensor for dual-color live-cell microscopy was demonstrated in mammalian cells using fluorescence and bioluminescence microscopy. Further proof-of-principle studies in KOR-expressing mammalian cells demonstrates the viability of our sensor for live-cell KOR signaling

    Perancangan Typeface untuk Kompas.id

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    Kompas.id merupakan media digital berbayar pertama di Asia Tenggara. Kompas.id sendiri merupakan ekstensi dari Harian Kompas yang dirancang untuk merangkul gaya hidup audiensnya yang berubah menjadi serba digital. Berita diinformasikan melalui website dan aplikasi. Perbedaan media dan resolusi layar mempengaruhi pertimbangan dalam pemilihan font. Pada penerapannya, font yang digunakan saat ini masih belum mencerminkan identitas Kompas.id. Secara fungsi, legibility font pada layar digital juga masih kurang baik. Hal ini dikarenakan kontras stroke yang tinggi. Berhubungan dengan masalah tersebut, penulis merancang typeface untuk Kompas.id yang dapat diaplikasikan ke dalam medianya yang berbasis digital. Perancangan ini dapat dicapai dengan beberapa metode penelitian yang akan digunakan oleh penulis, yaitu dengan menyebarkan kuesioner secara online, wawancara, observasi, studi literatur, studi existing, dan studi referensi. Typeface ini akan dilengkapi dengan type specimen book. Font yang telah dirancang akan menjadi identitas visual yang mencerminkan citra Kompas.id dan dapat diterapkan pada medianya yang berbasis digital


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    Fellowship (Greek: koinonia), as one of the church's vocations, should be able to bridge differences and change social life. However, the reality is the opposite. Christian fellowship sometimes becomes closed to people with certain social status differences. This paper aims to show that fellowship among believers can break down barriers and change lives. Through qualitative research that uses social and textual criticism methods on the Epistle of Philemon with the help of some related literature, an understanding is shown that an enslaved person who is guilty repents. Returns to his master are still counted in the Christian community and involved in the ministry. In the end, this paper concludes that a healthy Christian fellowship can transform lives. Within the Christian community, there is acceptance of one another and giving space for all people with different social statuses to actualize themselves in the life of the church, including in the community's social life.Persekutuan (Yun.: koinonia) sebagai salah satu tugas panggilan gereja seharusnya dapat menjembatani perbedaan dan mengubahkan kehidupan sosial. Namun, kenyataan yang terjadi justru sebaliknya. Persekutuan Kristen terkadang menjadi tertutup bagi orang yang memiliki perbedaan status sosial tertentu. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan bahwa persekutuan di antara orang percaya mampu meruntuhkan sekat-sekat penghalang dan mengubahkan kehidupan. Melalui penelitian kualitatif yang menggunakan metode kritik sosial dan tekstual atas Surat Filemon dengan dibantu beberapa literatur terkait, diperlihatkan pemahaman bahwa seorang budak yang bersalah, bertobat dan kembali kepada tuannya tetap diperhitungkan di dalam persekutuan Kristen dan dilibatkan dalam pelayanan. Pada akhirnya, tulisan ini menyimpulkan bahwa persekutuan Kristen yang sehat dapat mentransformasi kehidupan. Di dalam persekutuan Kristen ada penerimaan satu sama lain dan memberi ruang bagi semua orang dengan status sosial yang berbeda untuk mengaktualisasikan dirinya dalam kehidupan gereja, termasuk dalam kehidupan sosial masyarakat

    Perancangan Konten Media Sosial sebagai Media Informasi dan Promosi Ruangguru

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    Di era digital ini, banyak perusahaan yang menggunakan media sosial sebagai media utama dalam menyampaikan informasi dan promosi. Hal ini juga dilakukan oleh Ruangguru, PT Ruang Raya Indonesia, sebagai perusahaan di bidang pendidikan berbasis teknologi yang terbesar di Indonesia. Selama tiga bulan, penulis menjalani program magang sebagai desainer grafis dalam divisi creative marketing. Melalui program magang ini, penulis ingin belajar bagaimana cara kerja desainer Ruangguru dalam merancang desain untuk kegiatan marketing. Penulis mendapatkan kesempatan untuk mengerjakan konten reguler media sosial Ruangguru sebagai media utama dalam menyampaikan informasi dan promosi. Selain itu, penulis juga mengerjakan berbagai tugas lain seperti merancang aset, mendesain konten media sosial produk Ruangguru, ikut serta dalam photoshoot, dan masih banyak lagi. Tentunya proses magang di Ruangguru tidak lepas dari adanya kendala, seperti kurangnya referensi, keterbatasan laptop penulis, dan tantangan bekerja di tengah pandemi Covid-19. Tetapi hal ini menjadi pembelajaran bagi penulis untuk dapat meningkatkan diri, baik secara teknis maupun nonteknis. Berdasarkan pengalaman dan proses kerja, penulis membuat laporan ini untuk memberikan gambaran mengenai Ruangguru, alur koordinasi, proses perancangan, hingga hasil akhir dari desain yang penulis rancang

    FRET Biosensors: Engineering Fluorescent Proteins as Biological Tools for Studying Parkinson’s Disease

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    Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a common neurodegenerative disease with over 200,000 new cases each year. In general, the cause of the disease is unknown, but oxidative stress inside of neurons has been associated with the disease’s pathology for some time. Currently, techniques to study the onset of PD inside of neurons are limited. This makes treatments and causes difficult to discover. One solution to this has been fluorescent protein biosensors. In short, these proteins can be engineered to glow when a certain state is achieved inside a cell. The present research discusses the engineering of a genetically-encoded fluorescent protein (FP) sensor able to detect reactive oxygen species (peroxide, hydroxyl, superoxide, etc.) inside of neurons, giving one the ability to enhance their understanding of the role these species play in the onset of the disease. This sensor relies on Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) between a green fluorescent protein and a red fluorescent protein to facilitate red-shifting of the sensor’s emission spectrum. Linked via a short polypeptide chain, the energy transfer efficiency of these combined FPs can vary greatly. Various linker lengths and FP combinations were experimentally tested to draw conclusions about their performance. The current trajectory of the research currently implies that those combinations with the shortest linker lengths will yield the highest-performing sensors. This sensor is another vital piece in the library of tools which can be used to help us begin answering the many questions we have about PD and its pathology

    Development of a trifunctional non-competitive antagonist suitable for activity-dependent profiling

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Chemistry, 2008.Vita.Includes bibliographical references.The muscle-type nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) is a ligand-gated ion channel required for fast synaptic transmission at the neuromuscular junction. It is the archetype of the Cys-Loop superfamily of receptors and a prototypic allosteric protein. The muscle-type AChR has two distinct transmitter binding sites found in the extracellular ligand-binding domain. When acetylcholine binds these sites, a series of still unresolved conformational changes occur, leading to opening of the transmembrane pore over 40 A distant from the binding sites. High resolution structures of the intact receptor and the acetylcholine binding protein have provided greater insight into the structural basis of the allosteric mechanism coupling agonist binding and pore opening. However, comprehensive models of the agonist-bound receptor in its closed and open states are still not available. In particular, the details describing the conformation of binding site residues and the dynamics of their interactions with agonists and competitive antagonists are still under investigation. These details are of particular importance to the design of AChR agonists, partial agonists, and competitive antagonists which may have therapeutic potential for treating neuromuscular and neurological pathologies. Using single-channel electrophysiology we investigated details of the agonist-bound open-state transmitter binding sites. Using a series of structurally related organic cations, we observed a structure-activity relationship that suggests cation-n binding interactions are important for open-state affinity. We also conducted a structure-function study to measure kinetic and thermodynamic differences in agonist binding to the two different transmitter binding sites in both the closed and open states. We observed that the two binding sites have unequal affinities for the agonist choline in the closed state and equal affinities in the open state. The state-dependent difference in affinities suggests that binding determinants from the a subunits predominantly determine open-state choline affinity at each site.(cont.) In the last chapter, we exploit the state-dependent affinities of small molecules for the AChR to develop a probe for live-cell labeling. The ability of a noncompetitive antagonist incorporating state-dependent AChR binding, photoreactivity, and click chemistry moieties was characterized electrophysiologically, and state-dependent photolabeling of AChRs in live cells was demonstrated. A probe with these characteristics is suitable for investigating the activity-dependent changes in AChRs associated with the complex synaptic changes associated with neuromuscular and neurological disorders.by Mathew C. Tantama.Ph.D
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