223 research outputs found

    Software Techniques to Mitigate Errors on Noisy Quantum Computers

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    Quantum computers are domain-specific accelerators that can provide a large speedup for important problems. Quantum computers with few tens of qubits have already been demonstrated, and machines with 100+ qubits are expected soon. These machines face significant reliability and scalability challenges. The high hardware error rates limit quantum computers. To enable quantum speedup, it is essential to mitigate hardware errors. Our first work exploits the variability in the error rates of qubits to steer more operations towards qubits with lower error rates and avoid error-prone qubits. Our second work looks at executing different versions of the programs tuned to cause diverse mistakes so that the machine is less vulnerable to correlated errors, thereby making it easier to infer the correct answer. Our third work looks at exploiting the state-dependent bias in measurement errors (state 1 is more error-prone than state 0) and dynamically flips the state of the qubit to measure the stronger state. We perform our evaluations on real quantum machines from IBM and demonstrate significant improvement in the overall system reliability.Ph.D

    Knowledge and Attitude regarding menstrual cups among young women

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    Background: Menstruation is cyclic vaginal bleeding that occurs physiologically as a result of the shedding of the endometrium. The maintenance of adequate perineal hygiene during menstruation is very important. One product which is gaining quite a popularity over few years is a flexible, reusable cup that is inserted inside the vagina to collect blood during menstruation known as a menstrual cup. The benefits of a menstrual cup are numerous which include comfort, hygiene, cost-effectiveness and eco-friendliness. The acceptance of menstrual cups among women in India is varied due to personal and sociocultural factors. The objective of this study was to assess the knowledge and attitude regarding menstrual cups among young women. Methods: A descriptive study design was adopted for the study. 200 young women were selected using non-probability convenient sampling technique. The study tool was administered to assess the knowledge and attitude regarding menstrual cups. Results: Among 200 young women, 49% of young women had adequate knowledge, 43.5% had moderately adequate knowledge and 7.5% had inadequate knowledge regarding menstrual cups. 64.5% of young women had neutral attitude, 31% had positive attitude and 4.5% had negative attitude regarding menstrual cups. Conclusions: Though young women are aware of menstrual cups but majority of them are skeptical towards its use. The findings suggests that mass in-depth awareness programmes for nurses and other health professionals should be organised and support groups need to be created to provide adequate information and counselling to the public regarding the use of menstrual cups.

    The Dirty Secret of SSDs: Embodied Carbon

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    Scalable Solid-State Drives (SSDs) have revolutionized the way we store and access our data across datacenters and handheld devices. Unfortunately, scaling technology can have a significant environmental impact. Across the globe, most semiconductor manufacturing use electricity that is generated from coal and natural gas. For instance, manufacturing a Gigabyte of Flash emits 0.16 Kg CO2_2 and is a significant fraction of the total carbon emission in the system. We estimate that manufacturing storage devices has resulted in 20 million metric tonnes of CO2_2 emissions in 2021 alone. To better understand this concern, this paper compares the sustainability trade-offs between Hard Disk Drives (HDDs) and SSDs and recommends methodologies to estimate the embodied carbon costs of the storage system. In this paper, we outline four possible strategies to make storage systems sustainable. First, this paper recommends directions that help select the right medium of storage (SSD vs HDD). Second, this paper proposes lifetime extension techniques for SSDs. Third, this paper advocates for effective and efficient recycling and reuse of high-density multi-level cell-based SSDs. Fourth, specifically for hand-held devices, this paper recommends leveraging elasticity in cloud storage.Comment: In the proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Sustainable Computer Systems Design and Implementation (HotCarbon 2022

    De novo protein sequence analysis of Macaca mulatta

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Macaca mulatta </it>is one of the most utilized non-human primate species in biomedical research offering unique behavioral, neuroanatomical, and neurobiochemcial similarities to humans. This makes it a unique organism to model various diseases such as psychiatric and neurodegenerative illnesses while also providing insight into the complexities of the primate brain. A major obstacle in utilizing rhesus monkey models for human disease is the paucity of protein annotations for this species (~42,000 protein annotations) compared to 330,210 protein annotations for humans. The lack of available information limits the use of rhesus monkey for proteomic scale studies which rely heavily on database searches for protein identification. While characterization of proteins of interest from <it>Macaca mulatta </it>using the standard database search engines (e.g., MASCOT) can be accomplished, searches must be performed using a 'broad species database' which does not provide optimal confidence in protein annotation. Therefore, it becomes necessary to determine partial or complete amino acid sequences using either manual or automated <it>de novo </it>peptide sequence analysis methods.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The recently popularized MALDI-TOF-TOF mass spectrometer yields a complex MS/MS fragmentation pattern difficult to characterize by manual <it>de novo </it>sequencing method on a proteomics scale. Therefore, PEAKS assisted <it>de novo </it>sequencing was performed on nucleus accumbens cytosolic proteins from <it>Macaca mulatta</it>. The most abundant peptide fragments '<it>b-ions </it>and <it>y-ions</it>', the less abundant peptide fragments '<it>a-ions</it>' as well as the <it>immonium ions </it>were utilized to develop confident and complete peptide sequences <it>de novo </it>from MS/MS spectra. The generated sequences were used to perform homology searches to characterize the protein identification.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The current study validates a robust method to confidently characterize the proteins from an incomplete sequence database of <it>Macaca mulatta</it>, using the PEAKS <it>de novo </it>sequencing software, facilitating the use of this animal model in various neuroproteomics studies.</p

    Detection of ESBL among ampc producing enterobacteriaceae using inhibitor-based method

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    Introduction: The occurrence of multiple β-lactamases among bacteria only limits the therapeutic options but also poses a challenge. A study using boronic acid (BA), an AmpC enzyme inhibitor, was designed to detect the combined expression of AmpC β-lactamases and extendedspectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs) in bacterial isolates further different phenotypic methods are compared to detect ESBL and AmpC. Methods: A total of 259 clinical isolates of Enterobacteriaceae were isolated and screened for ESBL production by (i) CLSI double-disk diffusion method (ii) cefepime- clavulanic acid method (iii) boronic disk potentiation method. AmpC production was detected using cefoxitin alone and in combination with boronic acid and confirmation was done by three dimensional disk methods. Isolates were also subjected to detailed antibiotic susceptibility test. Results: Among 259 isolates, 20.46% were coproducers of ESBL and AmpC, 26.45% were ESBL and 5.40% were AmpC. All of the 53 AmpC and ESBL coproducers were accurately detected by boronic acid disk potentiation method. Conclusion: The BA disk test using Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute methodology is simple and very efficient method that accurately detects the isolates that harbor both AmpCs and ESBLs.Pan African Medical Journal 2013 14:2

    Perancangan Buku Panduan Orang tua Menangani Tantrum Anak Usia 4-7 Tahun

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    Tantrum merupakan masalah perilaku paling umum pada anak yang seringkali membuat orang tua membawa anaknya ke psikolog. Tantrum memang normal dalam perkembangan anak, namun ada masanya anak berhenti melakukan tantrum. Anak di usia 4 tahun ke atas perlu diwaspadai jika masih melakukan tantrum. Faktor penyebab tantrum sangatlah bermacam, namun umumnya masalah berpusat pada orang tua. Orang tua seringkali membiasakan anak menjadi manja, atau seringkali memarahi jika anaknya tantrum. Hal tersebut membuat anak terus mengulangi pola perilaku yang tidak benar, mencontoh cara orang tua yang salah dalam mengekspresikan perasaan. Seharusnya orang tua dapat mengelola atau meregulasi emosi diri, sehingga anak pun turut mengikuti, dan tidak melakukan tantrum. Kurangnya pemahaman orang tua mengenai cara mendidik anak meregulasi emosi dengan benar, serta cara menangani tantrum anak yang kurang tepat membuat penulis merancang buku panduan orang tua untuk dapat menangani tantrum dengan lebih efektif. Metodologi yang digunakan dan mendukung dalam perancangan ini adalah kualitatif dan kuantitatif berbentuk wawancara, FGD, studi existing, kuesioner, dan studi pustaka. Perancangan buku panduan untuk meregulasi emosi orang tua sehingga dapat menangani tantrum anak, diharapkan dapat membantu orang tua menangani anak, dan memudahkan orang tua dalam memahaminya

    Perancangan Konten Media Sosial dan Modul E-book Ruangbelajar Plus di Ruangguru

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    Di masa revolusi keempat ini teknologi semakin mempengaruhi kegiatan seharihari. Kini pendidikan menggunakan teknologi dengan media aplikasi online pada smartphone atau komputer sangat banyak ditawarkan. Salah satu yang menawarkan hal tersebut yaitu Ruangguru â PT Ruang Raya Indonesia. Produkproduk Ruangguru menawarkan pendidikan non formal yang tetap mengacu pada standar nasional pendidikan dalam wujud digital dan non digital yang dapat diakses melalui aplikasi. Melihat berkembangnya sektor tersebut dan minat penulis mengenai inovasi perusahaan membuat penulis mengambil kesempatan bekerja magang di Ruangguru selama 3 bulan. Penulis diposisikan sebagai graphic designer intern salah satu produk Ruangguru yaitu Ruangbelajar Plus dan diberikan tugas yang berfokus pada mendesain media sosial. Selama bekerja magang penulis mendapatkan pengalaman yang berharga, menghadapi berbagai macam kendala dan solusinya, serta penulis mendapatkan wawasan lebih dalam mengasah ilmu desain grafis maupun mengasah softskill

    Synthesizing Quantum-Circuit Optimizers

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    Near-term quantum computers are expected to work in an environment where each operation is noisy, with no error correction. Therefore, quantum-circuit optimizers are applied to minimize the number of noisy operations. Today, physicists are constantly experimenting with novel devices and architectures. For every new physical substrate and for every modification of a quantum computer, we need to modify or rewrite major pieces of the optimizer to run successful experiments. In this paper, we present QUESO, an efficient approach for automatically synthesizing a quantum-circuit optimizer for a given quantum device. For instance, in 1.2 minutes, QUESO can synthesize an optimizer with high-probability correctness guarantees for IBM computers that significantly outperforms leading compilers, such as IBM's Qiskit and TKET, on the majority (85%) of the circuits in a diverse benchmark suite. A number of theoretical and algorithmic insights underlie QUESO: (1) An algebraic approach for representing rewrite rules and their semantics. This facilitates reasoning about complex symbolic rewrite rules that are beyond the scope of existing techniques. (2) A fast approach for probabilistically verifying equivalence of quantum circuits by reducing the problem to a special form of polynomial identity testing. (3) A novel probabilistic data structure, called a polynomial identity filter (PIF), for efficiently synthesizing rewrite rules. (4) A beam-search-based algorithm that efficiently applies the synthesized symbolic rewrite rules to optimize quantum circuits.Comment: Full version of PLDI 2023 pape


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    This research is motivated by the violent behavior toward children that is happening and is sweeping to the family of God's people. In response to this issue, the Seventh-day Adventist Church worldwide has launched a program called "Endit Now" (Adventists Say No to Violance). The authors highlighted the potential indication of violence in educating childrens in the Seventh-day Adventist Church of the Palem and Makarios and conducted a random initial research of 40 respondents. The questionnaire results show that the total negative answer is 36.3%. This data is determined by the author to be the initial hypothesis of this problem. This research presents the theoretical foundation based on "Theological Analysis of Understanding and Application of Parents to Mean "provoke not your children to wrath" Based on Ephesians 6: 4. The author highlights the violent behavior of educating childrens in family members of the congregation and its forms, its potential relevance to be avoided by parents to carry out the task of educating children according to the counsel and teachings of God. The research method describes, understanding and applying the Parents to the meaning, "provoke not your children to wrath" based on Ephesians 6: 4 in the Seventh-day Adventist Church Palem Semi and Makarios, Jakarta Conference, in four variables: Against the Competence of Parent Understanding (X1); Against the Competence of Influencing Factors (X2); Against the Competence of Parent Application in Child Care (X3); Against the Quality Competence of People Results in Child Care (X4). The conclusion and the core purpose of this writing as a result of research analysis of respondents' answers that appear in four parts as follows: First, the results of the variable description test X1 (Correct Biblical Understanding of Ephesians 6: 4), found the answers of respondents with a score of 4.38 or 87.6%. This means that the reality of respondents answer pertained category agree. But in the statement number 5 (We rely on the attitude of patience in educating and nurturing our children) has the lowest answer with a score of 3.85 or 77%, then the remaining 23% is the potential for impatience of parents in educating children.Second, the result of the test of description of variable X2 (factors causing violence affecting parents in educating children), found the result of respondent answer with score 3.57 or 71.4%. This means the reality of respondents' answers to variable X2 is classified in the category agreed 71.4% that the factors that cause violence that affect parents in educating children. A very small percentage of the average is 28.6% who say disagree means not affected by factors that cause violence in the care of their childrens.Third, the results of the X3 variable description test (parents apply the responsibility of God to educate their children), found the answer of the average respondents with a score of 4.32 or 86.4%. This means that the reality of the respondent's answer to the variable X3 is categorized as agreed. But in the statement number 22 (We never discriminate the children with one another) found the lowest answer with a score of 4.02 or 80%, then the remaining answer 20% is the potential to distinguish the child-one with another. Fourth, the result of the X4 variable description test (parental care quality of the children), found Results of respondents' answers with a score of 4.13 or 82.6%. This means the reality of respondents' answers to the variable X4 is classified in the category agree. However, in the statement number 35 (Our children were diligently praying and worshiping) the lowest answer was found with a score of 3.95 or 79%, then the remaining 31% of parents did not find their children persistently praying and worshiping, as a potential lack of quality outcomes Old to his children. The conclusion of all respondents' answers to the variables X1, X2, X3, X4, find the score is 4.13 or 71.3%. This means that the respondent's answer about the Understanding and Application of Parents to mean "provoke not your children to wrath” based on Ephesians 6: 4 on average is agreed. But there are potentials of parental violence in parenting children on the remaining respondent's answer that states do not agree that is 28.7%
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