718 research outputs found

    Penetrasjon og polarisering: NordomrĂĄdene i et historisk perspektiv

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    Etter den kalde krigens slutt ble det tatt initiativ til å øke samarbeidet og samhandlingen i nordområdene, og til å utvikle en mer omfattende norsk politikk for denne regionen. Hvordan passet dette inn i et historisk perspektiv? Rolf Tamnes beskriver utviklingen i nordområdene, fra første bosetting og integrasjon i stater, til samarbeid og senere polarisering mellom statene

    Narrating the Migration Experience. How can the use of young adult migrant narratives and authentic experience in the EFL classroom increase both knowledge and understanding regarding society, history and adolescent migrant identity?

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    This thesis explores how Said’s idea of Orientalism; how the Self mirrors the Other and recognizes otherness, and how these terms and processes influence and interfere with the establishment of personal identity. However, considerable examples in YA migration narrative demonstrate how Orientalism and othering are outdated and archaic mechanisms of identification, although they still intervene with contemporary YA (migrant) identity. Since our modern, multicultural world embraces diversity and distinctiveness, the idea of Self and Other needs to be reconsidered. Hence, the challenges the protagonists of four YA migration novels, We Need New Names(2014) by NoViolet Bulawayo, Sumitra’s Story(1996) by Rukshana Smith, Little Bee(2010) by Chris Cleave, and What is the What(2008) by Dave Eggers, experience as they attempt to reconstruct their identity in a host society distanced from their familiar cultural categorizations of identity, are analysed. Their narratives are used to demonstrate how YA EFL learners might benefit from reading YA (migrant) literature in order to increase historical and/or social understanding, and to form personal identity in a complex world. The four represent contemporary narratives of YA migrants’ struggle to settle with fixed terms of identity. The protagonists experience a bewilderment of identity, floating in-between past and present existence, where their former life and identity interferes with their attempt to establish a personal Self in a host society. Thus, Bhabha’s idea of hybridity and a hybrid space, where cultures and identities interact, is suitable to hermeneutic involvement with these novels after Sais’s ground-breaking theories of Self and Other. Said’s idea of Orientalism and Bhabha’s hybridity and hybrid space of interaction to young adolescents’ experience of in-betweenness, bear upon its educational purpose in the EFL classroom: How the illustrations of a fluid identity in-between childhood and maturity, and simultaneously, how deconstructing the binary opposites of Self and Other and the possibility of reconstructing identity in a third space, facilitate the YA’s understanding of a reconstructed and self-empowering personal identity

    Kalvetap fra en ny synsvinkel

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    Forfatterne skisserer strategier for å begrense tap ved å øke drektighetsprosenten og redusere det tidlige kalvetapet

    Svalbard og stormaktene: fra ingenmannsland til kald krig, 1870-1953

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    Denne studien tar for seg Svalbards rolle i norsk og internasjonal politikk perioden fra 1870-årene og til inngangen av 1950-tallet - fra det tidspunktet da spørsmålet om svalbards stilling ble satt på den internasjonale dagsorden og frem til det stadium da øygruppen var blitt inpasset i etterkrigstidens bipolære maktsystem. Det er Svalbards rolle i stormaktsspillet som står i sentrum for studien. Den gir et innblikk i hvilke stater som generelt deltok i spillet om Svalbard i de forskjellige tidsepokene og hvilke land som var de viktigste

    Svalbard og den politiske avmakt: striden om flyplass, olje, og telemetri-stasjon, 1955-1970

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    Det har rådet ufred om Svalbard i hele vårt århundre. Problemet kan sammenliknes med kronisksykdomsbilde, som nå og da slo ut i akutte kriser. I denne studien blir dette problemet søkt belyst gjennom tre stridsspørsmål i perioden 1955-1970: Bygging av private flyplasser, kappløpet om oljen og diskusjonen om å etablere en telemetristasjon på øygruppen. I alle tre spørsmålene oppstod store utenrikspolitiske komplikasjoner. Forfatteren fremholder at de erfaringer som norske myndigheter her høstet bidro til utformingen av den nye "aktive Svalbard-politikken", som vokste frem fra 1960-tallet

    Development of white matter microstructure and executive functions during childhood and adolescence: a review of diffusion MRI studies

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    Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) provides indirect measures of white matter microstructure that can be used to make inferences about structural connectivity within the brain. Over the last decade, a growing literature of cross-sectional and longitudinal studies have documented relationships between dMRI indices and cognitive development. In this review, we provide a brief overview of dMRI methods and how they can be used to study white matter and connectivity and review the extant literature examining the links between dMRI indices and executive functions during development. We explore the links between white matter microstructure and specific executive functions: inhibition, working memory and cognitive shifting, as well as performance on complex executive function tasks. Concordance in findings across studies are highlighted, and potential explanations for discrepancies between results, together with challenges with using dMRI in child and adolescent populations, are discussed. Finally, we explore future directions that are necessary to better understand the links between child and adolescent development of structural connectivity of the brain and executive functions

    Sosialistinternasjonalen, transnasjonale relasjoner og funksjonell integrasjon

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