456 research outputs found


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    Research purposes are: (1) describing self development activity planning in 2 Toroh Government Junior High School Toroh Subdistrict Grobogan District. (2) describing student self development activity execution in extracurricular in 2 Toroh Government Junior High School Toroh Subdistrict Grobogan District. (3) describing self development activity evaluation in 2 Toroh Government Junior High School Toroh Subdistrict Grobogan District. This research has done in 2 Toroh Government Junior High School Toroh Subdistrict Grobogan District, by using descriptive qualitative approach. Collecting data in this research was using active role observation, deep interview and documentation. Data analysis has done through 3 steps, are: data reduction, data presentation and conclusion/ verification. Research results are (1) self development activity program planning is in counceling service activy and extracurricular, extracurricular program planning made by extracurricular cultivator known by headmaster. Extracurricular programs develope based on student need, includes: dancing, drum band, basketball, band, paiting, volley, pingpong, conversation (English), vocal (sing), and scout. Development activity planning through extracurricular contains activity theme, semester, year, purpose, target, execution time, kind of activity and funding source. (2) Self development activity execution done in extra time (not in lesson time) and as permanent program implementation and have to be followed by students to form student character and attitute. These activities execution based on schedule, especially for extracurricular activity done in every Monday until Saturday about 15.00 up to 17.00. Extracurricular activity purposes to give student chances to improve and express themselves based on their need, talent, and inerest accoding to school condition. 3) Self development activity evaluation especially extracurricular activity done by each cultivator to know changes of student attitude, among cognivity, affective, and psychomotor aspect. Assessment is according to test and non test, final result is qualitative values in raport. Self development activity evaluation in extracurricular is evaluation purposed to know activity accuracy in student interest activity, self development activity evaluation result in extracurricular is qualitative used by headmaster as increasing or decreasing consideration of activities


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    As prospective educators, students must have the competence to write good teaching materials. One indicator of good teaching materials is readability in accordance with the level of education of students. This study aims to determine the legibility of teaching materials by students using the Flesch Formula. The research method used is descriptive quantitative with instruments in the form of performance tests as a data collection tool. The results of this study indicate: (1) based on measurements using the Flesch Formula, 24% of teaching materials are in accordance with the specified readability level and 76% of teaching materials are not in accordance with the specified readability level; (2) A total of 17% of teaching materials are included in the category of moderately easy, 4% easy, 31% moderate, 24% quite difficult, 21% difficult, and 3% very difficult; and (3) other factors that cause incompatibility of teaching materials made by students are sentences that are too complex with the number only ranging from 2-7 sentences every 100 words. Therefore, prospective teachers should develop the skills of writing teaching materials well by practicing independently or under the guidance of the lecturer. Institutions can also make policies to deepen the writing of teaching materials for students in existing courses or insert new courses in the curriculum structure

    Zeolite and Organic Fertilizer Application to The Improvement of Available P and Soybean (Glycine max L) Seed Yield in Alfisols

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    The problem of low soybean yield on Alfisol is low soil fertility. The availability of P is often a constraint because the P element on the Alfisol soil is strongly bound by Al and Fe elements. Efforts to increase the availability of P element in Alfisols can be done by ameliorant of zeolite and organic fertilizer. This study objective was determined of zeolite and organic fertilizer in increasing of available P and soybean yield on Alfisols. A field experiment was conducted using Randomized Block Design consisting of two factors: a dose of zeolite (0 ton ha-1, 2.5 tons ha-1, and 5 ton ha-1), and organic fertilizer (no organic fertilizer, quail, and cow manure 5 ton ha-1 respectively). The results showed that zeolite 5 ton ha-1 is the highest effect on the increasing of available P, pH, organic matter, and saturation base as big as 5.19, 5.21, 24.03, and 21.55 respectively, while cow manure is improved to organic matter and saturation base 26.17, and 21.38% respectively.The combination of zeolite and cow manure 5 ton ha-1 gave the highest yield on the number of pods (101 pods plants-1), and the 1000 seeds weight is 153 g


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    As prospective educators, students must have the competence to write good teaching materials. One indicator of good teaching materials is readability in accordance with the level of education of students. This study aims to determine the legibility of teaching materials by students using the Flesch Formula. The research method used is descriptive quantitative with instruments in the form of performance tests as a data collection tool. The results of this study indicate: (1) based on measurements using the Flesch Formula, 24% of teaching materials are in accordance with the specified readability level and 76% of teaching materials are not in accordance with the specified readability level; (2) A total of 17% of teaching materials are included in the category of moderately easy, 4% easy, 31% moderate, 24% quite difficult, 21% difficult, and 3% very difficult; and (3) other factors that cause incompatibility of teaching materials made by students are sentences that are too complex with the number only ranging from 2-7 sentences every 100 words. Therefore, prospective teachers should develop the skills of writing teaching materials well by practicing independently or under the guidance of the lecturer. Institutions can also make policies to deepen the writing of teaching materials for students in existing courses or insert new courses in the curriculum structure

    Penambahan Berbagai Perisa Dan Bahan Campuran Terhadap Preferensi Konsumen Pada Sosis Belut (Monopterus Albus)

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of a variety of seasioning and seasioning mixed materials to test consumer preferences in eel sausages (Monopterus albus). This research was carried out experiments using nine treatments, which consists of: K1: basic formulation, K2: The addition of carrageenan 1% + 1% barbeque seasioning. (w/w), K3: The addition of carrageenan 1% + 1% curry seasioning. (w/w), K4: The addition of carrot flour 1.5% + 1% barbeque seasioning. (w/w), K5: The addition of flour carrot curry seasioning 1.5% + 1%. (w/w), K6: The addition of egg yolks 2% + barbeque seasioning 1%. (w/w), K7: The addition of 2% egg yolks + 1% curry seasioning. (w/w), K8: The addition of 1.5% oyster mushrooms + 1% barbeque seasioning. (w/w), and K9: The addition of 1.5% oyster mushroom + 1% curry seasioning. (w/w). Data were analyzed statistically by using a Preference Test Mapping with assistance XL STAT software version 2013. Test hedonic and descriptive analyzed using PCA (Principal Component Analysis). Agglomerative hierarchical clustering (AHC) was used to see all grades of eel sausage. Based on the descriptive analysis using PCA and hedonic analysis using the AHC showed that treatment K2 (addition of 1% carrageenan seasioning barbeque + 1%) and treatment of K4 (addition of carrot flour 1.5% + 1% seasioning barbeque) were expressed panelists who liked their color. Preference Mapping analysis results showed that the treatment K2 (addition of 1% carrageenan + barbeque seasioning 1%) and treatment of K4 (addition of 1.5% carrot flour + 1% barbeque seasioning) was the best treatment with the ability to be Able to explain the diversity of the data is by 80-100%


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    The judicial system in Indonesia is dynamic and adaptive to the development of science and law, not least within the scope of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia, one of which relates to the amicus curiae (friends of the judiciary). In practice, amicus curiae are generally presented in cases or trials that get public attention and the livelihoods of many people, such as the environment, land, labor, and so on. Nevertheless, there is no regulation or Supreme Court Regulation on the application of amicus curiae in the trial, but various practices have occurred within the court. This paper will discuss: (a) how the concept of amicus curiae is in the justice system in several countries, (b) the practice and application of amicus curiae in the judiciary in Indonesia, and (c) the opportunity for the Supreme Court to issue regulations or circulars that seek to regulate the implementation of the amicus curiae as part of legal developments in Indonesia. This writing uses a qualitative method with a normative juridical approach. The results of this paper conclude that amicus curiae have become a good practice in the judicial system in Indonesia, especially in public cases, and the Supreme Court has the authority to make arrangements through PERMA as a foundation and procedure guide for all judicial personnel and society in Indonesia


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    ABSTRAKREFURBISHING PENGENDALI ARUS LISTRIK PENGELASAN PADA MESIN LAS RESISTANCE  SPOT  WELDING  ME-25   UNTUK  PERAKITAN  KELONGSONG  BAHAN BAKAR NUKLIR PLTN. Mesin las ME-25 adalah jenis  resistance spot welding (RSW) yang digunakan untuk perakitan kelongsong bahan bakar nuklir PL TN di Pusat  Teknologi Bahan Bakar Nuklir (PTBN) -  BATAN. Pengendali arus dan waktu pengelasan dari mesin tersebut rusak. Disain pabrikan pengatur  arus dan waktu pengelasan dari mesin tersebut berbentuk modul elektronik dengan tujuan untuk mempermudah proses perawatan perbaikan jika terjadi kerusakan pada mesin. Namun demikian dalam operasionalnya,  tujuan disain tersebut tidak bisa  dijalankan  karena  suku  cadang  modul  tersebut  tidak  mudah  diperoleh  di  pasaran. Perbaikan modul tidak mungkin dilakukan karena modul didisain untuk tidak diperbaiki,  tetapi diganti dengan modul yang baru.  Oleh karena itu,  teknik refurbishing yaitu membuat rangkaian elektronik sendiri yang berfungsi seperti modul yang rusak tersebut harus dilakukan agar mesin las tersebut tetap dapat berfungsi.  Dalam makalah ini, disain,  konstruksi dan pengujian atas tindakan  refurbishing  tersebut  dilakukan.   Prinsip  dasar  dari  modul  tersebut  terdiri  dari pembangkit pulsa periodik yang  dapat diatur sudut  fasanya dengan perioda  sama   dengan perioda listrik yang digunakan (PLN) serta sebuah programmable timer yang digunakan untuk menentukan  waktu operasonal dari deretan pulsa yang  dibangkitkan tersebut.   Refurbishing tersebut  telah berhasil dilaksanakan,  dan  dari pengujian  yang  dilakukan oleh  tim jaminan kualitas PTBN, mesin las ME-25 dapat diterima dan layak untuk beroperasi kembali.Kata kunci : refurbishing, pengendali arus pengelasan,  RSW,  thyristor, elektronik daya. ABSTRACTREFURBISHING OF ELECTRIC CURRENT CONTROL WELDING OF RESISTANCE SPOT WELDING MACHINE ME-25 FOR NPP's NUCLEAR FUEL CALDDING ASSEMBLY. Welding machine ME-25 is a resistance spot welding (RSW) machine that is used for NPP's nuclear fuel cladding assembly in the Center of Nuclear Fuel Materials Technology (PTBN) - BATAN.  The electric current control and its timing process of the welding machine is defective. The manufacturer design of the current control and the timing process of the welding machine is in the form of a modular electronics with the aim to facilitate during any curative maintenance program in case of the machine is malfunction. However, in operational, the design objectives can not be executed because the module part is not readily available in the market. To repair the module is not possible because the module is not designed to be repaired,  but replaced with a new one.  Therefore, a refurbishing technique must be done,  that is constructing own design of electronic circuits that function like the faulty module to be replaced,  so  that the welding machine can still work properly.  In this paper, the design, construction, and testing of the refurbishing work are performed.  The basic principle of the module contains both a periodic pulse-train generator that its phase-angle can be set variably in which the pulse-train period equals to the period of the electricity in use and a programmable timer that is used to determine the time operational of the pulse-train generated. The refurbishing work has been successfully implemented, and from the testing conducted by the quality assurance team of PTBN,  the welding machine ME-25 is acceptable and feasible to operate.Key words: refurbishing, weld current control, RSW, thyristor, power electronics