73 research outputs found

    A mean ergodic theorem for actions of amenable quantum groups

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    We prove a weak form of the mean ergodic theorem for actions of amenable locally compact quantum groups in the von Neumann algebra setting.Comment: 9 page

    Intersecting Jones projections

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    Let M be a von Neumann algebra on a Hilbert space H with a cyclic and separating unit vector \Omega and let \omega be the faithful normal state on M given by \omega(\cdot)=(\Omega,\cdot\Omega). Moreover, let {N_i :i\in I} be a family of von Neumann subalgebras of M with faithful normal conditional expectations E_i of M onto N_i satisfying \omega=\omega\circ E_i for all i\in I and let N=\bigcap_{i\in I} N_i. We show that the projections e_i, e of H onto the closed subspaces \bar{N_i\Omega} and \bar{N\Omega} respectively satisfy e=\bigwedge_{i\in I}e_i.This proves a conjecture of V.F.R. Jones and F. Xu in \cite{JonesXu04}

    On the tensor product of weights on W*-algebras

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    Continuous and discrete flows on operator algebras

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    Let (N,R,θ)(N,\R,\theta) be a centrally ergodic W* dynamical system. When NN is not a factor, we show that, for each t0t\not=0, the crossed product induced by the time tt automorphism θt\theta_t is not a factor if and only if there exist a rational number rr and an eigenvalue ss of the restriction of θ\theta to the center of NN, such that rst=2πrst=2\pi. In the C* setting, minimality seems to be the notion corresponding to central ergodicity. We show that if (A,R,α)(A,\R,\alpha) is a minimal unital C* dynamical system and AA is either prime or commutative but not simple, then, for each t0t\not=0, the crossed product induced by the time tt automorphism αt\alpha_t is not simple if and only if there exist a rational number rr and an eigenvalue ss of the restriction of α\alpha to the center of AA, such that rst=2πrst=2\pi.Comment: 7 page

    Indicatorii principali de sănătate reproductivă umană

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    În lucrare sunt expuşi indicatorii situaţiei demografi ce atât în lume, cât şi în Republica Moldova. Se analizează situaţia sănătăţii reproductive şi indicatorii principali ai pierderilor reproductive (mortalitatea maternă, perinatală, avortul), incidenţa, cauzele şi structura acestor indicatori. Sunt făcute unele propuneri în ceea ce priveşte ameliorarea situaţiei în domeniul sănătăţii reproductive

    Услуги здравоохранения, дружественные к молодежи через призму стандартов качества

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    IMSP Institutul Mamei şi CopiluluiBackground: The Youth Friendly Health Services in Moldova (YFHS) are focused on real needs and age peculiarities particularities of adolescents and teenagers in their health and development priority interest, from medical and psycho-social positions. YFHS are contribute significantly to solve the priority health issues of young people: STI/HIV/ AIDS, unwanted pregnancy, mental health problems as a result of substance abuse, psychological and emotional disturbances of personality, health problems as a result of violence, disturbances of nutrition, particularly malnutrition, developmental disorders during puberty. Records provided by the WHO shows that access to quality health services for young people with a holistic approach offered according to the standards of youthfriendly health services, is one of the major factors for the protection of young people across health issues, including sexual and reproductive health. Aim of the study: Evaluation of quality of the youth-friendly health services according to the quality standards of YFHS in Moldova at the beginning of their implementation. Materials and methods. Following instruments were used for the study: 1-questionnaire for young beneficiaries of YFHC, 2-questionnaire for young people in the community (service coverage tool), 3 - questionnaire for manager of YFHC, 4- questionnaire for providers of YFHS, 5 - observation sheet of providing YFHS. Result. The beneficiary of YFHS is most commonly a teenager aged 15-19 years, who is a school boy/girl or a student, most commonly a girl, a boy rarely, mostly unmarried; the beneficiary of reproductive health offers (RHO) is in absolute majority of cases is a girl aged between 19 and 24 years, more often married or divorced. About 37% of the specialists included in the study did not receive training in YFHS, adolescent health and development. At the initial stage of implementation of quality standards, the evaluated institutions meet these standards in about 57%, ranging from 49% to60% in YFHS and RHO. Conclusions: The study showed the portraits of the beneficiaries from the institutions that provide YFHS.To increase the quality of services provided to the beneficiaries in the evaluated institutions, it is necessary to strengthen human potential through training specialists of YFHS in adolescent health and development. To ensure sustainability of education is necessary to introduce topics related to adolescent health and development in undergraduate and postgraduate curricula. At the initial stage of implementation of quality standards, the evaluated institutions meet these standards in about 57%, ranging from 49% to 60% in YFHS and in reproductive health offices.Введение. Услуги здравоохранения дружественные к молодежи, в Молдове основаны на реальных потребностях здоровья и развития подростков и молодежи, учитывая их возрастные особенности, как с медицинской, так и с психо-социальной позиции. Данные, предоставляемых ВОЗ, показывают, что доступ к медицинским услугам, дружественным к молодежи, в соответствии со стандартами качества, является одним из основных факторов защиты молодых людей от многих проблем здоровья, включая сексуальное и репродуктивное здоровье. Цель исследования: Оценка качества услуг дружественных к молодежи в соответствии со стандартами качества УЗДМ в Молдове до их внедрения в практику. Материалы и методы. В исследовании были использованы следующие инструменты: 1 – опросник для молодых клиентов УЗДМ, 2 – опросник для молодых людей на улице (инструмент охвата услугами), 3 – опросник для руководителей УЗДМ, 4 – опросник для поставщиков УЗДМ, 5 – анкета наблюденияза предоставлениемУЗДМ. Результаты:Исследование выявило портреты клиентов учреждений, которые предоставляют УЗДМ. Клиентами ЦЗДМ чаще всего являются подростки,средний возраст которых от 15 до 19 лет, школьники / студенты, чаще всего незамужние девушки. Клиентами кабинетов репродуктивного здоровья в абсолютном большинстве случаев являютсямолодые женщины в возрасте 19-24 лет, чаще – состоящие в браке или разведенные.Около 37% опрошенных поставщиков УЗДМ не получили подготовку в области УЗДМ, здоровья и развития подростков. На начальных этапах внедрения стандартов качества, данные учреждения отвечают этим стандартам на 57%, от 49% (кабинеты репродуктивного здоровья) до 60% (центры здоровья, дружественные к молодежи). Выводы: Исследование выявило портреты клиентов учреждений, которые предоставляют УЗДМ. Для повышения качества УЗДМ необходимо повышение квалификации персонала путем пересмотра университетской и постуниверситетской подготовки с внедрением модулей по здоровью и развитию подростков. На начальном этапе внедрения стандартов качества УЗДМ, учреждения выполняют стандарты качествавсреднем на 57%, от 49% в кабинетах репродуктивного здоровьяи до 60% в ЦЗДМ

    Trends in air temperature and atmospheric precipitation in Botoşani between 1961 and 2017

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    Air temperature and precipitations are major factors affecting the climate of a certain place. They define the basic matrix of the climate, and their evolution are of interest for the whole of both human and scientific community. The purpose of the present study is to highlight the sign and the magnitude of the trend in the air temperature at Botoşani city weather station for the whole period 1961-2017, and for both its major subdivisions (1961-1990 and 1991-2017, respectively) throughout different temporal subsets (from the level of an average year to the level of a month). Besides air temperature, we determined the evolutive trend in the amount of rainfall using a similar methodology (based mainly on the Mann- Kendall and t tests).Following our approach, we showcased the thermal and pluviometric reality at Botoşani, which is in a continuous change (as for the temperature values) or in a relatively dynamic balance (with respect to the amount of precipitations). More precisely, at Botoşani, against an annual average temperature of 9.4°C and an annual average of precipitations of 569.0 mm, after the year 1961 and mostly after 1990, the tendency was positive, which indicates an increase in air temperature. From a thermal point of view, considered annualy, seasonally and by warm and cold seasons (excepting autumn, with an insignificant increase), air temperature displayed a representative increase in value over the assessed period (1961-2017). On the whole, the annual temperature values increased by 0.32°C / decade, which presents a maximum statistical significance. Annual amount of rainfall increased over the period 1961 – 2017 by 4.46--5.35 mm/ decade, but this was not statistically significant.</p

    Aplicarea metodelor invazive în diagnosticul prenatal: retrospectiva rezultatelor pe anii 2009-2011

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    Indentifi carea precoce a posibilelor riscuri în ceea ce privesc malformaţiile congenitale ale fătului, astăzi, a devenit un obicei comun în societăţile dezvoltate, iar necesitatea unui diagnostic prenatal veridic, creşte odată cu apariţia tendinţei de a avea copil la vârsta după 35 de ani. Din 1298 gravide incluse în studiu, care pe parcursul anilor 2009-2011 au fost supuse diagnosticului prenatal invaziv, în 28 cazuri au fost depistate aberaţii cromozomiale la făt. Totodată, în perioada respectivă, au fost depistaţi 202 nounăscuţi cu malformaţii congenitale, iar circa 70% copii cu sindromul Down s-au născut de la mame cu vârsta după 35 de ani. Respectarea cu stricteţe a prevederilor Ghidului Naţional de Perinatologie, unde este specificat că gravida după 35 de ani face parte din grupul de risc, ar reduce substanţial de numărul malformaţiilor congenitale depistate postnatal, cu toate că în curs de trei ani s-a atestat o creştere succesivă a solicitării diagnosticului prenatal invaziv

    Пренатальная диагностика мышечной дистрофии и спинальной мышечной атрофии за последние 4 года и эффективности существующей методологии пренатальной диагностики в Республике Молдова

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    IMSP Institutul Mamei şi Copilului Centrul de Sănătate a Reproducerii şi Genetică MedicalăIntroduction. The severity of hereditary diseases is already well known throughout the world. The monitoring and prevention of hereditary diseases are the current tasks of medical genetics and health. Prenatal diagnosis (PD) is one of the methods proposed to prevent the birth of children with congenital malformations incorrigible, monogenic and chromosomal pathologies. Muscular dystrophy Duchenne / Becker and spinal muscular atrophies are neuromuscular hereditary X-linked and respectively autosomal recessive disorders and that are frequently encountered in Moldova and can be detected through prenatal diagnosis. Materials and methods. The research was held in the scientific department of the Centre for Reproductive Health and Medical Genetics, Laboratory of Human Molecular Genetics. After medico-genetic consultation pregnant women who are at risk of having a pregnancy affected by a hereditary disease, namely Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy (DMD/B) and spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) undergo prenatal diagnosis (PD), which Moldova is achieved by methods such as multiplex PCR, PCR / RFLP, the primer sets specific and polymorphic sites. Purpose. The purpose of the work is to present data of prenatal diagnosis of neuromuscular disorders with high frequency in Moldova during the last four years. Results. In total were performed 14 prenatal diagnoses: 9 - DMD/B and 5 for SMA during 2011-2014. Making the prenatal diagnosis of DMD/B and SMA has allowed the direct analysis of deletions or RFLP test and were detected 4 affected fetuses, 3 of them were with DMD / B and 1 with SMA. Have been analyzed the strategies for prenatal diagnosis of these diseases in different countries and their methods. Conclusions. Prenatal diagnosis is an important strategy and an effective way to prevent the birth of children with hereditary monogenic diseases in families at risk. This strategy applies to all populations, but with different methodologies. The methods of modern molecular genetic prenatal diagnosis raise the efficiency and precision to 98%. The efficiency of prenatal diagnosis in Moldova is 71,4%. Analyzing different diagnostic methods used in the world was proposed as the method which will be better implemented in Moldova.Введение. Тяжесть наследственных заболеваний хорошо известна во всем мире. Лечебно-диагностические стратегии и методы анализируются и затем ставятся акценты в их развитии. Ключевой особенностью является неравномерного их распределение. Мониторинг и предотвращение наследственных заболеваний являются текущими задачами медицинской генетики. Пренатальная диагностика (ПД) является главным методом предотвращения рождения детей с моногенной и хромосомной патологии. Миодистрофия Дюшенна / Беккера и спинальная мышечная атрофия являются наследственными нервно-мышечными болезнями, которые часто встречаются в Р. Молдова и проведение ПД этих заболеваний возможно в нашей стране. Материалы и методы. Исследования проводились в научном отделе Центра Репродуктивного Здоровья и Медицинской Генетики, в лаборатории молекулярной генетики человека. После медико-генетического консультирования беременных женщин с высоким риском наследственных болезней, а именно МДД/Б и СМА проводится ПД. Мультиплексная ПЦР и анализ сцепления (ПЦР- ПДРФ) используются в Республике Молдова. Цель. Анализ результатов пренатальной диагностики, проведенных за последние четыре года в Лаборатории молекулярной генетики человека и оценка эффективности ПД в РМ. Результаты. В течение 2011-2014г. было сделано 14 пренатальных диагностических тестов: 9ПД на МДД/Б и 5 на СМА. Используя прямой поиск протяженных делеций методом МПЦР и анализ сцепления (ПЦР- ПДРФ) позволило выявить 4 плода с наследственными болезнями: 3 плода с МДД/Б и одного c СМА. Проанализировано стратегии и методы ПД, использующиеся в разных странах в настоящее время и проведен анализ эффективности применения существующих методов ПД в РМ. Эффективность составляет 71,4%. Выводы. Пренатальная диагностика является важной стратегией и эффективным способом предотвратить рождение детей с наследственными моногенными заболеваниями. Стратегия ПД применяется во многих популяциях, но с использованием различных методов. Применение молекулярно-генетических методов при современной ПД повышает эффективность и точность до 98% по данным литературы, но эффективность ПД в РМ составляет 71,4%. Предложены современные молекулярно-генетические методы ПД, которые повысят эффективность и точность ПД