661 research outputs found

    The Aesthetic Politics of Unfinished Media: New Media Activism in Brazil

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    This article analyzes the role of key visual technologies in contemporary media activism in Brazil. Drawing on a range of media formats and sources, it examines how the aesthetic politics of activists in protests that took place in 2013 opened the way for wider sociopolitical change. The forms and practices of the media activists, it is argued, aimed explicitly at producing transformative politics. New media technologies were remediated as a kind of equipment that could generate new relationships and subjectivities, and thereby access to intentionally undetermined futures

    Maternal Obesity and Fetal Macrosomia: An Integrative Review of the Literature Regarding Interventions

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    Research suggests pre-pregnancy obesity is associated with an increased risk of macrosomia in the newborn. Since women are expected to gain weight during pregnancy, the standard recommendation of weight loss for obesity is not ideal for this population. In this systematic review of the literature regarding interventions for maternal obesity to reduce fetal macrosomia, 149 articles were screened using three different databases to identify recent randomized controlled trials related to this topic. A total of 11 full text articles were analyzed and included in the review. The articles addressed nutritional, lifestyle, and pharmacological interventions. The results indicated there is currently insufficient evidence to support specific treatment options for women with obesity during pregnancy to reduce the risk of fetal macrosomia

    Plantas de uso medicinal ou ritual numa feira livre no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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    Este trabalho procura documentar as espécies e os usos de plantas vendidas por ervatários numa feira semanal do bairro da Tijuca na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Foi realizado entre os meses de agosto/98 e agosto/99, e participaram da pesquisa quatro vendedores, com média de 15 anos de experiência no mercado, fornecendo as plantas e informações sobre seus nomes vulgares, usos e o preparo dos remédios. A feira foi visitada regularmente e os espécimes encontrados foram coletados, fotografados, herborizados e identificados através da consulta de livros, chaves e especialistas, e comparação com exemplares de herbário. A coleta resultou em 151 espécies distribuídas em 59 famílias, a melhor representada sendo Asteraceae (21), Lamiaceae (13), Solanaceae (9), Leguminosae (6), e as restantes representadas por até 5 espécies. As plantas foram classificadas em 4 categorias segundo a procedência: comprada de terceiros (16%), cultivada nos jardins particulares dos vendedores (23%), ruderal (21%), e coletada da Mata Atlântica (40%). Foram documentadas 60 utilidades medicinais e rituais, e 15 formas de preparar as ervas, o número de indicações sendo 30% para uso externo e 70% para uso interno, e a forma mais comum, o chá. Além dos dados obtidos na feira, uma descrição botânica e um levantamento bibliográfico dos usos na medicina popular e em rituais afro-brasileiros são apresentados para cada espécie. Analisa-se o papel das plantas na saúde e na vida religiosa das pessoas do bairro, o conhecimento dos ervatários e a preocupante coleta das plantas da Mata Atlântica

    Lab Notes: Write-up of an experiment in collaborative anthropology

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    What are the actual practices of intellectual co-laboring? In the spring of 2006, we began an experiment in collaborative anthropology. There was a dual impetus to our efforts: a desire to deal head-on with inadequacies in our academic environment; and a strong feeling that the classic norms of qualitative inquiry needed to become contemporary. Collaboration struck us as potentially key to both. We drew a parallel to laboratory experiments. In the textbook version, one begins with a question, formulates a hypothesis, then tests it by adapting or inventing techniques and practicing them. With a certain irony, we nicknamed our experiment the “labinar,” lab plus seminar. From the beginning, we understood the “labinar” as an experiment in venue construction and form. We understood it as an intervention into pedagogic practice, as well as anthropological inquiry. Our reasoning was that the world is different than it was when the standards of qualitative human or social science became codified in the heyday of traditional anthropological fieldwork

    Socially and Biblically Responsible Investing

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    The practice of socially responsible investing (SRI) has grown over the last century. A variation of this practice known as biblically responsible investing (BRI) has accompanied part of this growth. The introduction of non-financial criteria into the investment process has the potential to put an advisor’s counsel in opposition to the primary goal of investing, namely, to gain a return on one’s investment (William, 2009). This paper contains an overview of socially and biblically responsible investing, and a discussion concerning the scriptural and ethical ramifications of advising clients to invest in BRI

    Ilai Rowner. The Event: Literature and Theory. U of Nebraska P, 2015.

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    Review of Ilai Rowner. The Event: Literature and Theory. U of Nebraska P, 2015. xv + 311 pp

    Mizzou Basketball Memories

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    spring 2013"Daughter of former MU basketball coach shares Big Seven tournament memories."[Story by] Susan Stalcup Gray ; Photos from the 1952 Savita

    Spiritual Biologicals

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    A estética política do ativismo através de novas mídias

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    Neste capítulo, analisa-se a documentação visual dos protestos de 2013, contrastando a cobertura da grande mídia em São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro com a de ativistas usando as tecnologias de nova mídia. Os temas centrais são a forma como o exercício do poder político é mediado através de novas tecnologias de mídia e a racionalidade política que anima os ativistas. Dito de outro modo, pergunta-se: por que os atores criaram imagens da forma que o fizeram e que objetivos políticos estavam em jogo? No que se segue, consideram-se principalmente as utilizações de filmagens feitas à mão com telefone celular, a difusão de tais imagens pelas redes sociais (mídia social) e a interação entre os ativistas e os governos municipais. Sugere-se que as novas tecnologias de mídia, através da qual a linguagem visual dos ativistas foi criada, eram postas a serviço de um tipo de política radical, no sentido de almejar algo diferente na raiz. Em vez de um modo de ação política com objetivos governamentais definitivos, os ativistas re-mediaram novas tecnologias de mídia como um tipo de equipamento que poderia gerar novas relações e subjetividades e, assim, acesso a um futuro intencionalmente indeterminado

    Policing Uncertainty: On Suspicious Activity Reporting

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    A number of the men who would become the 9/11 hijackers were stopped for minor traffic violations. They were pulled over by police officers for speeding or caught by random inspection without a driver’s license. For United States government commissions and the press, these brushes with the law were missed opportunities. For some police officers though, they were of personal and professional significance. These officers replayed the incidents of contact with the 19 men, which lay bare the uncertainty of every encounter, whether a traffic stop, or with someone taking photos of a landmark. Representatives from law enforcement began to design policies to include local police in national intelligence, with the idea of capitalizing on what patrol officers already do in dealing with the general public. Several initiatives were launched, among these, the Suspicious Activity Reporting Initiative. Routine reporting of suspicious activity was developed into steps for gathering, assessing and sharing terrorism-related information with a larger law enforcement and intelligence network. Through empirical analysis of counterterrorism efforts and recent scholarship on it, this chapter discusses prevention, preemption, and anticipation as three technologies of security, focusing on how each deals with uncertainty. The Suspicious Activity Reporting Initiative, this analysis suggests, is an anticipatory technology which constitutes police officers and intelligence analysts as subjects who work in a mode of uncertainty.
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