150 research outputs found


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    The up to 1200 m thick Norian succession of the Quattervals Nappe (Central Austroalpine, Italy) documents a tectonically-driven passage from intertidal facies (Dolomia Principale-Hauptdolomit), represented by early-dolomitized bedded to massive gray dolostones, to intraplatform basin sediments (Pra Grata Formation and Quattervals Limestone), consisting of resedimented dark limestones and thin bedded laminated limestones, alternating (mainly in the Pra Grata Formation) with intraformational breccias containing abundant shallow-water facies. The transitional and basinal facies contain an interesting ostracod assemblage, beside bioclastic layers containing shallow-water and upper slope skeletal grains.The ostracod fauna is rich in specimens belonging to few genera, denoting restricted environmental conditions characterized by variations of salinity and low oxygenation. Despite the intense deformation and recrystallization related to the Alpine tectonics, the paleontological analysis of the ostracod assemblage from the base of the Quattervals Limestone, allowed the identification of the two new species of ostracods Rhombocythere dimorphica and Kerocythere quattervalsi in association with other already known forms.&nbsp

    Conception d'une formation sur la biosécurité en élevage à destination des vétérinaires des pays du réseau méditerranéen de santé animale(REMESA)

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    L’émergence, la rĂ©Ă©mergence ou mĂȘme la persistance de certaines maladies animales autant Ă  l’échelle locale qu’internationale constitue l’un des principaux facteurs limitants dans le champ des productions animales. En rĂ©ponse Ă  ces enjeux, dans son code zoosanitaire pour les animaux terrestre, l’OIE recommande Ă  ses pays membres l’application stricte de mesures de biosĂ©curitĂ© et insiste sur l’importance de l’adoption d’une logique de formation et de sensibilisation de tous les acteurs du domaine de la santĂ© animale sur Ă  la mise en place de telles mesures en Ă©levage. Le RĂ©seau MĂ©diterranĂ©en de SantĂ© Animale oeuvre aussi, au travers de projets collaboratifs entre ses propres membres, au renforcement des moyens et des mesures de prĂ©vention et de lutte contre les maladies animales dans la rĂ©gion mĂ©diterranĂ©enne. Pour s’inscrire dans cette dynamique, en tant que centres collaborateurs de l’OIE et en tant qu’institutions relevant de pays membres du RĂ©seau MĂ©diterranĂ©en de SantĂ© Animale (REMESA), l’École Nationale des Services vĂ©tĂ©rinaires (ENSV-FVI France) et le Centre National de Veille Zoosanitaire (CNVZ-Tunisie) se sont rĂ©uni pour Ă©laborer une formation opĂ©rationnelle sur le thĂšme de la biosĂ©curitĂ© en Ă©levage Ă  destination des vĂ©tĂ©rinaires des pays du REMESA. Le travail rĂ©alisĂ© dans le cadre de cette thĂšse a notamment abouti Ă  la crĂ©ation d’un dispositif de formation fondĂ© sur la mĂ©thode pĂ©dagogique dite des « mises en situation » en s’appuyant sur des cas concrets rencontrĂ©s en filiĂšre volailles et ruminants. L’objectif Ă©tant pour les participants, d’ĂȘtre in fine capables de conseiller les Ă©leveurs de leur clientĂšle sur la mise en Ɠuvre de mesures de biosĂ©curitĂ© dans leurs Ă©levages

    Further evaluation of a hearing loss simulator

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    Thesis (M. Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1995.Includes bibliographical references (p. 74-76).by David Soleau Lum.M.Eng

    Palaeocopida (Ostracoda) across the Permian–Triassic events: new data from southwestern Taurus (Turkey)

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    Abstract. The Palaeocopida have been considered as an entirely Palaeozoic group and their disappearance as a marker for the Palaeozoic–Mesozoic boundary. Despite this, 11 Palaeocopida species have been recorded in the Early Triassic. New data obtained in southwestern Taurus at the Permian– Triassic section of Ă‡ĂŒrĂŒk daǧ, permit an assessment of this problem. This paper synthesizes the data on lowermost Triassic ostracodes and revises the youngest Palaecopida occurrences. A new Early Triassic Palaeocopida species is described (Reviya curukensis n. sp.)

    Ostracodes Tournaisiens du massif de la Tombe (Synclinorium de Namur - Belgique)

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    70 benthic Ostracode species have been discovered in Lower Tournaisian (Tn1b?) and Middle Tournaisian (Tn2) limestones of «Massif de la Tombe» (South part of Namur Synclinorium). A table gives the faunal inventory. Two new species are described: Shishaella hastierensis n. sp. and Bairdia (B.) raoulti n. sp. Paleoecological affinities and variations in the Ostracode assemblage are discussed. Comparison is made with Dinant Synclinorium

    Modern Black Sea oceanography applied to the end-Permian extinction event

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    The modern Black Sea has a mixed upper layer in the top 150−200 m of the water column, below which the water is anoxic, separated from the mixed layer by a redox boundary. There is limited vertical movement of water. Pyrite framboids form in the water column of the anoxic zone, then have been traditionally interpreted to sink immediately and accumulate in the sediments of the Black Sea. Thus the occurrence of framboids in sediments in the rock record is widely interpreted to indicate poorly oxygenated to anoxic conditions in ancient environments. However, in the Permian−Triassic boundary (PTB) microbialites of South China, which formed in shallow marine conditions in contact with the atmosphere, the published occurrence of framboids is inconsistent with abundant gastropod and ostracod shells in the microbialite. Furthermore, in the modern Black Sea: (a) framboids may be suspended, attached to organic matter in the water column, thus not settle to the sea floor immediately after formation; and (b) the redox zone is an unstable complex area subject to rapid vertical water movement including occasional upwelling. The model presented here supposes that upwelling through the redox zone can lead to upward transport of suspended pyrite framboids into the mixed layer. Advective circulation could then draw suspended framboids onto the shelf to be deposited in oxygenated sediments. In the Permian−Triassic transition, if framboids were upwelled from below the redox boundary and mixed with oxygenated waters, sediment deposited in these conditions could provide a mixed signal for potentially misleading interpretations of low oxygen conditions. However, stratigraphic sampling resolution of post-extinction microbialites is currently insufficient to demonstrate possible separation of framboid-bearing layers from those where framboids are absent. Profound differences between microbialite constructors and sequences between western and eastern Tethys demonstrate barriers to migration of microbial organisms. However, framboid occurrences in both areas indicate upwelling and emphasise vertical movement of water from the lower to upper ocean, yet the mixed layer advective motion may not have been as effective as in modern oceans. In the modern Black Sea, such advection is highly effective in water mixing, and provides an interesting contrast with the PTB times.Russian work was supported by EU-funded project PIRSES-GA-2009-247512

    Earliest Triassic microbialites in the South China Block and other areas; controls on their growth and distribution

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    Earliest Triassic microbialites (ETMs) and inorganic carbonate crystal fans formed after the end-Permian mass extinction (ca. 251.4 Ma) within the basal Triassic Hindeodus parvus conodont zone. ETMs are distinguished from rarer, and more regional, subsequent Triassic microbialites. Large differences in ETMs between northern and southern areas of the South China block suggest geographic provinces, and ETMs are most abundant throughout the equatorial Tethys Ocean with further geographic variation. ETMs occur in shallow-marine shelves in a superanoxic stratified ocean and form the only widespread Phanerozoic microbialites with structures similar to those of the Cambro-Ordovician, and briefly after the latest Ordovician, Late Silurian and Late Devonian extinctions. ETMs disappeared long before the mid-Triassic biotic recovery, but it is not clear why, if they are interpreted as disaster taxa. In general, ETM occurrence suggests that microbially mediated calcification occurred where upwelled carbonate-rich anoxic waters mixed with warm aerated surface waters, forming regional dysoxia, so that extreme carbonate supersaturation and dysoxic conditions were both required for their growth. Long-term oceanic and atmospheric changes may have contributed to a trigger for ETM formation. In equatorial western Pangea, the earliest microbialites are late Early Triassic, but it is possible that ETMs could exist in western Pangea, if well-preserved earliest Triassic facies are discovered in future work
