23,049 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this research to determine the general overview, the effectiveness and the constraint encountered in the management of teachers quality resource improvement at vocational high school based on International standard in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. This is a descriptive research. The research was conducted at three vocational high school based on international standard in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, that is SMK N 1 Bantul, SMK N 2 Wonosari, and SMK N 2 Pengasih. Research carried out starting from the date of 19 September 2011 until 19 December 2011. The data source is a teachers at the school consists of three teachers in each majors. Instrument in this study were semi-closed questionnaire. Techniques of data collection conducted by questionnaires and unstructured interviews. The quantitative data analyzed using descriptive statistical techniques, while qualitative data analyzed with qualitative descriptive. In management of teachers quality resource improvement at vocational high school based on International standard in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, consist of 5 process / stages: 1) Recruitment, 2) Selection Process (filtering), 3) Placement/Assignment process, 4) Assessment / Evaluation performance, and 5) career development of teachers. Generally not implemented properly , especially in the recruitment and selection of new teachers. Seen from the three vocational high school based on international standard which researched, there is only one school that do their own recruitment and selection process, even only a limited to non-permanent teachers. Whereas for the placement process, evaluation and career development is still considered less effectively implemented by the school. Constraints that often encountered in the recruitment and selection process is was still conducted in full by the district government / city government. Constraints in the placement process, the assessment process, and career development is a lack of school budgets, mistake of placement by the district government / local government, as well as technical and non technical constraints. Keyword : management, teachers resource, vocational high school base on international standar


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    People usually tend to use some politeness strategies in order to make the communication process between speaker and hearer going smoothly without any sense hurting each others. This paper is only focused on describing about Brown and Levinson’s politeness strategies. According to Brown and Levinson, there are four politeness strategies, namely: bald on record, positive politeness, negative politeness, and off record and fifteen substrategies of positive politeness and ten substrategies of negative politeness. It is important that during the communication which happens among the participants use a polite language. Being polite to the hearer is generally more important to do than being polite toward the speaker itself, because if the speaker uses the polite language to the hearer in fact he does not only respect the hearer but also he maintains his own dignity


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    “Time is money” is one of the most popular phrases in the world. Nowadays, human life depends on time as it is everything. According to history, the time creator was humans. After knowing how to count time, they became afraid about time, out of time, and they became aware about keeping time, saving time. Humans became selfish about time. Their ego made them want time to be faster or slower. They are afraid about their age, to be old, to be dead. Another wants to die, and some want it to come faster and soon. It is all because of their knowledge about time, after they know how to count it


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    The purpose of this research is to find out the design of Modul Gambar Teknik, describing the learning process of technical drawing through Media Pembelajaran Modul Gambar Teknik in exertion to improve the technical drawing skill. In addition the purpose of this research is to find out the outcomes of learning the technical drawing course using Media Pembelajaran Modul Gambar Teknik at the students of class 1TAV1 in SMK Negeri 2 Yogyakarta TA 2010/2011. This research method is using the Classroom Action Research (CAR) with the cycle model that implemented as collaborative and passive participative. Implementation of learning through Media Pembelajaran Modul Gambar Teknik in action is interpolated to the cycles of actions. The research was originally planned for 1 cycle, but in the realization it takes three cycles with the whole students of the class 1TAV1 from Audio Video Departement in SMK Negeri 2 Yogyakarta as the research subject with a population 36 students consisting of 26 male and 9 female. Meanwhile the technique of data collection is done through observation, field notes, questionnaires and document of the learning outcomes. These data were analyzed using analysis of Miles-Huberman, which is started from data collection, data reduction, data presentation until the conclusion of the research is obtained. The learning outcomes of technical drawing using Media Pembelajaran Modul Gambar Teknik based on the criteria of class’s average score 80,00 and KKM score 80,00, with students percentage above the KKM is 80,00% or approximately 29 students. In the first cycle, there are 11 (30,56%) students that get the score above the KKM (80,00) and 25 (69,44%) students that get the score below the target of KKM, with the treatment that given by the teacher is only the explanation of the module. Then in the 2nd cycle its become 15 (41,67%) students that get the score above the KKM (80,00) while the other students who still get their score below the KKM is 21 (58,33%), with the treatment of module explanation along with the distribution of the drawing samples in the finished form, and in the 3rd cycle there are 30 (83,33%) students that get the score above the KKM (80,00) while the other student who still get the score below the target of KKM is 6 (16,67%) students, with the treatment given by the teacher is module explanation, providing PCB samples in the finished form along with the video tutorial of job sheet 3. Meanwhile the completeness criteria of finishing the job (6x45 minutes) in the cycle 1, 2 and 3 all of the students completed in completing job sheet. There are improvements of the class’s average score from cycle 1 (75,92) become 77,89 in the cycle 2 or increased ↑1,96 (7,39%), while from cycle 2 to cycle 3 become 79,97 or increased ↑2,09 point (13,95%). From the score of the drawing that shows the improvement from cycle 1 to cycle 3, it can be concluded that the using of Modul Gambar Teknik to improve the drawing skill are reasonable to be used as a learning media


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    This research is aimed to develop learning media, know of performance, find out the proper level of media eligibility and find out the students’ responses toward the use of interactive learning media computer component and installation of operating system based on multimedia in teaching and learning process on the subject matter of Information and Communication Technology at the main material: computer component and installation of operating system. This learning media is expected to be able to use as supporting device in teaching and learning process. The developing of this learning media uses Research and Development (R & D) method which contains of 8 levels of steps. The steps of this media developing process are as follows: analysis, media designing, implementation, testing, first revision, try –out, second revision and production. This learning media was developed by using the software of Macromedia Flash 8. The testing conducted in this research was in the form of alpha testing by using validation from some experts’ judgments; they are software experts, learning media experts and material experts. After conducting alpha testing and the validation result achieved the criteria used as a proper interactive learning media, then, it was conducted beta testing. It was such a testing to find out how the students’ responses toward the use of the media. Beta testing is conducted by using the students. This research was conducted in the tenth grade students of SMA N 1 Bantul, Jl. Wahid Hasyiem, Bantul, Yogyakarta. It involved 30 students for the instrument trial and 115 students taken from 7 classes to find out how the students’ responses toward the use of the learning media. The method used in collecting the data is likert scale questionnaire. The data collected then analyzed by using descriptive analysis technique by modifying average mark into a proper score interval. The research finding shows that the validation level in this interactive learning media from the software engineering experts is 67,5 in feasible category, from the learning media experts is 105,5 in very feasible category and from the material experts is 149,75 in very feasible category, while the students’ responses toward the use of interactive learning media achieves 128,54 in very feasible category. From the testing result shown, it can be concluded that the use of interactive learning media computer component and installation operating system based on multimedia for the tenth grade students is significantly proper to use. Keywords: developing, interactive learning media, prope

    BOOK REVIEW OF Soe Hok Gie: Biografi Sang Demonstran WRITEN BY MUHAMMAD RIFAI

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    Soe Hok Gie: Biografi Sang Demonstran merupakan sebuah buku yang menjelaskan tentang gambaran kehidupan seorang keturunan china yang bernama Soe Hok Gie. Berawal dari kehidupan masa kecilnya lelu kemudian beranjak ke kehidupan dewasanya sampai saat-saat kritis dia meninggal. Begitu banyak peristiwa yang terjadi pada masa Gie, terutama tentang kebijakan pemerintah yang sering meruikan rakyat. Hal tersebut membuat Gie yang pada saat itu berstatus sebagai mahasiswa tak bisa berdiam diri. Gie mencoba untuk menggkritik kebijakan tersebut. Selain itu Gie juga aktif dalam kegiatan pecinta alam. Gie menjadi pelopor berdirinya organisasi pecinta alam di UI. Banyak sekali contoh dintandakan dan karakter Gie yang patut kita jadikan contoh dan teladan untuk para pemuda di masa sekarang. Adapun kekurangan dan kelebihan dari buku ini menurut penulis menilai secara keseluruhan sudah baik dan menarik untuk dibaca


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui proses perancangan media pembelajaran digital menggunakan Software Microsoft Office PowerPoint untuk mendukung pembelajaran pada mata pelajaran ilmu bahan di SMK Muhammadiyah Prambanan, serta mengetahui kelayakan dari media pembelajaran yang dibuat tersebut. Metode yangdigunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitiandan pengembangan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMK Muhammadiyah Prambanan dengan melibatkan 28 orang siswa jurusan teknik pemesinan sebagai responden. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan angket atau kuesioner serta evaluasi pretest dan posttest. Data yang didapat merupakan data kuantitatif berupa skor dengan skala 5 (rentang 1 sampai 5). Teknik analisis data yang digunakan untuk mengolah data tersebut menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif kuantitatif untuk mengetahui kelayakan media pembelajaran yang dibuat. Hasil penelitian ini berupa media pembelajaran yang berbentuk CD pembelajaran. Proses perancangan media pembelajaran dilakukan beberapa tahap: (1) studi pendahuluan, meliputi proses survei lapangan, studi kepustakaan, dan penyusunan produk awal atau draft model; (2) pengembangan, meliputi uji coba terbatas dan uji coba lebih luas; (3) pengujian, meliputi pretest, perlakuan dan posttest. Hasil uji kelayakan yaitu: (1) evaluasi oleh ahli materi menghasilkan total rerata nilai sebesar 4,63 dengan kriteria sangat baik; (2) evaluasi oleh ahli media pembelajaran manghasilkan total rerata nilai sebesar 4,47 dengan kriteria sangat baik; (3) evaluasi pada uji coba terbatas menghasilkan total rerata nilai sebesar 4,34 dengan kriteria sangat baik; (4) evaluasi pada uji coba lebih luas menghasilkan total rerata nilai sebesar 4,18 dengan kriteria baik. Untuk mengukur pengaruh terhadap penerapan media pembelajaran digunakan evaluasi: (1) pretest menghasilkan total rerata nilai sebesar 6,02; (2) posttest menghasilkan total rerata nilai sebesar 8,14

    Apartemen Mahasiswa UNSRI Di Indralaya

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    UNSRI student apartments in Indralaya is a place of residence for students and prospective students who come from out of town or in the city to live and also facilities that support the education of universities UNSRI Indralaya. UNSRI student apartments in Indralaya consists of several facilities, namely living room as a residence and other supporting facilities as a requirement in the activities such as: food court, clinic, library, sports facilities, and musholla. All these facilities are accommodated in two building masses. The development of UNSRI student apartments in Indralaya is also a step from the questionnaire that has been distributed to the students of UNSRI Indralaya. Based on the results of the questionnaires from 43 respondents obtained 31 new project respondents to accommodate the students who need a place to live near the campus area. The theme applied to the design of student apartments UNSRI in Indralaya is "Level". This theme is taken because of the philosophy that can be used to increase the level like school education into college. This theme is embodied in the form of a contemporary building with a green architecture approach
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