6 research outputs found

    Pola Komunikasi Dakwah Bil Hal Muhammadiyah pada Masyarakat Agraris

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    Not only oral (tabligh, oral, and written) da'wah that can be done to touch certain communities such as the farming community, but also the planned dakwah bil hal (da'wah with action).  Dakwah bil hal   requires a communication pattern so that various activities planned in the program can be carried out following the expectations of the parties involved. By using qualitative descriptive methods and interactive model data analysis techniques. It is known that there are four communication patterns implemented by Muhammadiyah administrators in Bandung Regency including interpersonal communication patterns, group communication, public communication, and mass communication. Interpersonal communication patterns and group communication patterns are the most effective communication used in the implementation of preaching when it comes to Muhammadiyah

    REPRESENTASI IDEOLOGI ISLAM DALAM CERITA PENDEK (Analisis Semiotika pada Cerita Pendek Karya Helvy Tiana Rosa)

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    Abstrak Penelitian ini menganalisis teks fiksional yaitu cerpen dengan judul Jaring-jaring Merah sebagai wacana yang dikonstruksikan oleh penulis ceritanya, Helvy Tiana Rosa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tanda-tanda yang digunakan Helvy Tiana Rosa dalam mewakili pesan ideologi Islam pada cerpennya. Untuk memahami hal tersebut, peneliti menggunakan metode interpretif dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan pisau analisis semiotika Roland Barthes . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada teks ditemukan beberapa tanda yang digunakan untuk mewakili ideologi Islam, di antaranya ideologi yang mendominasi cerpen ini adalah ideologi tentang keadilan, akhlak perempuan muslim, dan ukhuwah islamiyah (persaudaraan umat Islam). Selain itu tampak pula perspektif fundamentalisme (untuk membedakannya dengan liberalisme) yang dilatarbelakangi oleh dua peristiwa sosial penting saat itu yaitu pertama pemerintahan Orde Baru runtuh dan kedua adalah pencabutan status Aceh sebagai Daerah Operasi Militer (DOM). Kedua peristiwa tersebut mendorong pengarang untuk memunculkan wacana tandingan terhadap hegemoni wacana selama itu sehingga pesan yang diusungnya direpresentasikan dengan kecenderungan dan pola yang berpihak kepada kaum tertindas. Kata kunci: Refresentasi, Ideologi, Islam, Akhlak, Keadilan, Abstract This research analyzed fictional text on short story with title “The Red Net” as a discourse constructed by the writer, Helvy Tiana Rosa. The goal of this research was to know the signs used by Tiana Rosa to represent ideology of Islam on her short story. To understand it, the researcher used the interpretive method with qualitative approach and semiotic analysis of Rolland Barthes, The result of research shows that some signs found in text which used to represent Islamic ideology. Dominant ideology in this short story is ideology about justice, akhlak of moslem women, and Islamic friendship. Besides that, it seems fundamentalism perspective( to distinguish it with liberalism) cause there are two important social events influencing this text production, First: the collapse of Orde Baru (sociopolitical order in Indonesia since 1965). Second: revocation of Aceh status as military operation zone. Those both events motivated the writer to bring out equal discourse to hegemony discourse for all that time, so that she carried the message endeavor by representing the tendency and pattern which sides with oppressed society. Keyword: Refresentation; Ideology; Moeslem; Morals; Justic


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    Introduction: A brand’s popularity on social media affects its customers’ purchasing intention and purchasing decision. Background Problem: A review of the literature shows that a brand’s popularity on social media has a secure connection with its content and the time information about it is posted; allegedly the brand’s interactions are also influential. Indicators of its popularity include the number of likes, shares, comments, and views for it. Novelty: Previous brand popularity studies were limited to the features of likes, comments, and shares as a function of the content and time, and OLS was commonly used. However, this study adds the views feature and the function of the administrator’s comments to complete the gap. GLS is used as the method of analysis. Research Method: Data are collected through the observation of six top international food and beverage products’ categories on the Facebook fan page. The data were analyzed using the Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR), and the Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis methods. Findings: The study’s findings shows that video and the day to post have a significant influence and increase the number of likes, shares, comments, and views. A caption only shows significance to increase the number of likes and shares. The hour has a significant effect on comments and shares. The time of posting indicates that posting on weekdays and during busy periods is more effective for increasing the popularity of brands. The administrator’s comments significantly influence the increase in the number of comments and views, while two-way communication is more significant for increasing a brand’s popularity. Conclusion: These findings provide a deeper insight to help managers to improve their brand’s popularity on social media by exploring how brands manage their fan pages

    Family Communication Patterns in Early Marriage

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    Families in Siderang Legok, Cintanagara Village, Cigedug District, Garut Regency, which have family members between 6-14 people, are used to marrying off their children at a young age under the terms of the Marriage Law. This study aims to obtain data and information about internal family communication patterns which consist of causes of early marriage and high childbirth rates; the role of the government and related parties and the daily life of local families in caring for several children. The research method is qualitative with a case study approach. While the subject of research is the head of the family/deputy head of the family as actors, assisted by village officials who understand the actual conditions of the local community. The theory used is prophetic communication consisting of (1) Humanization, (2) Liberation, and, (3) Transcendence. The results of the study show that marriage at an early age which has an impact on childbirth rates is a normal matter as part of an effort to humanize humans because early marriage is better than free association with people of different sexes. Then, the government, through the BKKBN and village apparatus, who have tried their best, have failed to get significant results. Family planning continues, early marriage is still ongoing, and the birth rate is still high. What is unique, their daily life looks as usual, does not seem worried or restless. They are used to having many children and feel obligated to care for them, which is strengthened by a religious atmosphere that makes religion (Islam) the mainstay. The conclusion is that in the Siderang Legok family environment, there are no worries about getting married at an early age and having many children, because once you are married, whatever happens, you have to be ready to face it. Appeals and assistance from the government and related parties are still being followed even though the results achieved are not satisfactory. Then the back of religion ranks first

    Family Communication Patterns in Early Marriage

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    Families in Siderang Legok, Cintanagara Village, Cigedug District, Garut Regency, which have family members between 6-14 people, are used to marrying off their children at a young age under the terms of the Marriage Law. This study aims to obtain data and information about internal family communication patterns which consist of causes of early marriage and high childbirth rates; the role of the government and related parties and the daily life of local families in caring for several children. The research method is qualitative with a case study approach. While the subject of research is the head of the family/deputy head of the family as actors, assisted by village officials who understand the actual conditions of the local community. The theory used is prophetic communication consisting of (1) Humanization, (2) Liberation, and, (3) Transcendence. The results of the study show that marriage at an early age which has an impact on childbirth rates is a normal matter as part of an effort to humanize humans because early marriage is better than free association with people of different sexes. Then, the government, through the BKKBN and village apparatus, who have tried their best, have failed to get significant results. Family planning continues, early marriage is still ongoing, and the birth rate is still high. What is unique, their daily life looks as usual, does not seem worried or restless. They are used to having many children and feel obligated to care for them, which is strengthened by a religious atmosphere that makes religion (Islam) the mainstay. The conclusion is that in the Siderang Legok family environment, there are no worries about getting married at an early age and having many children, because once you are married, whatever happens, you have to be ready to face it. Appeals and assistance from the government and related parties are still being followed even though the results achieved are not satisfactory. Then the back of religion ranks first