43 research outputs found

    Cloud condensation nuclei activation properties of Mediterranean pollen types considering organic chemical composition and surface tension effects

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    Wind-dispersed pollen grains emitted from vegetation are directly injected into the atmosphere being an important source of natural aerosols globally. These coarse particles of pollen can rupture into smaller particles, known as subpollen particles (SPPs), that may act as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) and affect the climate. In this study, we characterize and investigate the ability of SPPs of 10 Mediterranean-climate pollen types to activate as CCN. A continuous flow CCN counter (CCNC) was used to measure the activation of size-selected (80, 100 and 200 nm dry mobility diameter) particles at different supersaturations (SS). Hygroscopicity parameter (Îș) for each SPP type and size has been calculated using Îș-Köhler theory. Organic chemical speciation and protein content has been determined to further characterize pollen solutions. Furthermore, the surface activity of SPPs has also been investigated by using pendant drop tensiometry. All studied SPP samples show critical supersaturation (SSCrit) values that are atmospherically relevant SS conditions. Hygroscopicity Îș values are in the range characteristic of organic compounds (0.1–0.3). We found that organic speciation and protein content vary substantially among pollen types, with saccharides and fatty acids being the only organic compounds found in all pollen types. A clear relationship between SPP activation and its organic composition was not observed. This study also reveals that all SPPs investigated reduce the surface tension of water at high concentrations but at diluted concentrations (such as those of activation in the CCNC), the water surface tension value is a good approximation in Köhler theory. Overall, this analysis points out that pollen particles might be an important source of CCN in the atmosphere and should be considered in aerosol-cloud interactions processes.This work was supported by BioCloud project (RTI2018.101154.A.I00) funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, FEDER “Una manera de hacer Europa” and NUCLEUS project (PID2021-128757OB-I00) funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and NextGenerationEU/PRTR. This work received support from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program through projects ACTRIS.IMP (grant agreement No 871115) and ATMO_ACCESS (grant agreement No 101008004), by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through projects ELPIS (PID2020-120015RB-I00) and ACTRIS-España (CGL2017-90884REDT)). By the Junta de AndalucĂ­a Excellence, project ADPANE (P20-00136), AEROPRE (P-18-RT-3820) and by University of Granada Plan Propio through Visiting Scholars (PPVS2018-04), Singular Laboratory (LS2022-1) programs and Pre-Competitive Research Projects Pre-Greenmitigation3 (PP2022.PP34). Funding for open access charge, University of Granada/CBUA. Andrea Casans is funded by Spanish ministry of research and innovation under the predoctoral program FPI (PRE2019-090827) funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, FSE “El FSE invierte en tu futuro”. Fernando Rejano is funded by Spanish ministry of universities through predoctoral grant FPU19/05340. Juan AndrĂ©s Casquero-Vera is funded by FJC2021-047873-I, MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and NextGenerationEU/PRTR. Elisabeth Andrews is funded in part by NOAA cooperative agreements NA17OAR4320101. Thanks to the NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory for the use of the CCN counter.Peer reviewe

    Reliability of a multi-state system subject to shocks using phase-type distributions

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    The reliability of a multi-state system is considered. The system is subject to both internal wear-out and external shocks causing damage that cumulates as shocks follow one another. As a consequence of this cumulating damage, the system wear-out process can be affected. The study of the system is achieved by means of phase-type distributions, which are used to model: the inter-arrival times between shocks, the magnitude of the damage due to the shocks, and the lifetime distribution of the system between shocks. In the latter case, the phases of the phase-type distribution refer to the different degradation levels (‘states’) of the system. The lifetime distribution of the system is affected by the shocks in different ways: if the cumulated damage after a shock exceeds q predefined thresholds, the system can no longer evolve in the first q least degraded levels; the corresponding phase-type distribution is then defined on the remaining phases. But after each shock causing no threshold to be exceeded, only the initial probability vector of the phase-type distribution is modified in order to account for a decrease in the expected residual lifetime of the system. Two particular cases are studied. First, several thresholds on the cumulated damage can be exceeded following the occurrence of one shock; secondly, only one threshold at a time can be exceeded

    Analysis of k-Out-of-N-Systems with Different Units under Simultaneous Failures: A Matrix-Analytic Approach

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    An N-system with different units submitted to shock and wear is studied. The shocks cause damage and, eventually, simultaneous failures of several units. The units can also fail due to internal failures. At random times, the system is inspected, and the down units are simultaneously replaced by identical ones. The arrival of shocks is governed by a Markovian arrival process. The operational times and the interarrival times between inspections follow phase-type distributions. The generator of the multidimensional Markov process modeling the system is constructed. This is performed introducing indicator functions for the different transition rates among the units using the algorithm of Kronecker. This is a general Markov process that can be applied for modeling different reliability systems depending on the structure of the units and how the systems operate. The general model is applied to the study of k-out-of-N systems, calculating the main performance measures. A practical example is presented showing the approximation of the model to a system with units following different Weibull distributions

    Optimizing Costs in a Reliability System under Markovian Arrival of Failures and Reposition by K-Policy Inspection

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    This paper presents an N warm standby system under shocks and inspections governed by Markovian arrival processes. The inspections detect the number of down units, and their replacement is carried out if there are a minimum K of failed units. This is a policy of the type (K, N) used in inventory theory. The study is performed via the up and down periods of the system (cycle); the distribution of these random times and the expected costs for each period comprising the cycle are determined on the basis of individual costs due to maintenance actions (per inspection and replacement of every unit) and others due to operation or inactivity of the system, per time unit. Intermediate addressed calculus are the distributions of the number of inspections by cycle and the expected cost involving every inspection, depending on the number of replaced units. The system is studied in transient and stationary regimes, and some reliability measures of interest and the cost rate are calculated. An optimization of these quantities is performed in terms of the number K in a numerical example. This general model extends to many others in the literature, and, by using the matrix-analytic method, compact and algorithmic expressions are achieved, facilitating its potential application

    A Longitudinal Study of the Bladder Cancer Applying a State-Space Model with Non-Exponential Staying Time in States

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    A longitudinal study for 847 bladder cancer patients for a period of fifteen years is presented. After the first surgery, the patients undergo successive ones (recurrences). A statemodel is selected for analyzing the evolution of the cancer, based on the distribution of the times between recurrences. These times do not follow exponential distributions, and are approximated by phase-type distributions. Under these conditions, a multidimensional Markov process governs the evolution of the disease. The survival probability and mean times in the different states (levels) of the disease are calculated empirically and also by applying the Markov model, the comparison of the results indicate that the model is well-fitted to the data to an acceptable significance level of 0.05. Two sub-cohorts are well-differenced: those reaching progression (the bladder is removed) and those that do not. These two cases are separately studied and performance measures calculated, and the comparison reveals details about the characteristics of the patients in these groups

    Two shock and wear systems under repair standing a finite number of shocks

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    A shock and wear system standing a finite number of shocks and subject to two types of repairs is considered. The failure of the system can be due to wear or to a fatal shock. Associated to these failures there are two repair types: normal and severe. Repairs are as good as new. The shocks arrive following a Markovian arrival process, and the lifetime of the system follows a continuous phase-type distribution. The repair times follow different continuous phase-type distributions, depending on the type of failure. Under these assumptions, two systems are studied, depending on the finite number of shocks that the system can stand before a fatal failure that can be random or fixed. In the first case, the number of shocks is governed by a discrete phase-type distribution. After a finite (random or fixed) number of non-fatal shocks the system is repaired (severe repair). The repair due to wear is a normal repair. For these systems, general Markov models are constructed and the following elements are studied: the stationary probability vector; the transient rate of occurrence of failures; the renewal process associated to the repairs, including the distribution of the period between replacements and the number of non-fatal shocks in this period. Special cases of the model with random number of shocks are presented. An application illustrating the numerical calculations is given. The systems are studied in such a way that several particular cases can be deduced from the general ones straightaway. We apply the matrix-analytic methods for studying these models showing their versatility.Shock and wear model Repair Replacement Markovian arrival process Phase-type distribution