1,228 research outputs found

    Mariàngela Vilallonga, Margarida Casacuberta & Anna Perera Roura (ed.) : «La Construcció Literària del Territori: Costa Brava i Empordà», Girona, Institut de Llengua i Cultura Catalanes, 2018, 327 p.

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    Book review: Mariàngela Vilallonga, Margarida Casacuberta & Anna Perera Roura (ed.): La Construcció Literària del Territori: Costa Brava i Empordà, Girona, Institut de Llengua i Cultura Catalanes, 2018, 327 p., ISBN: 978-84-9984-436-7

    Joys and Sorrows of Literary Translation : a Tale of Two Poets

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    La novela de Maria-Mercè Marçal trata igualmente de traducción y de poesía. La biografía ficcionalizada de Tarn / Vivien incluye algunas de las composiciones de la poeta de nacimiento inglés y expresión francesa, traducidas o re-escritas por Marçal al catalán. Cito dos pasajes del primer capítulo que hablan de la composición de poemas, en las tres versiones: la original, la castellana de Pilar Giralt Gorina, y la mía al inglés. Concluyo describiendo algunas de las diferencias lingüísticas que aparecen en las traducciones en los tres idiomas, con algunas soluciones posibles

    The U.S. Government\u27s Global Food Security Strategy and the Effectiveness of Agriculture-Led Growth Through the Perspectives of Climate Change and Sustainability

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    The United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Global Food Security Strategy Fiscal Year 2022-2026 addresses food security in developing countries. The U.S. Global Food Security Strategy set forth by USAID lays forth a strategy for increasing food security in twelve targeted low-income and developing nations. How well the USAID policy does this with consideration of climate change, sustainability, and socio-economic well-being is crucial to examine given the fact that climate change impacts and predictions are now affecting food systems at all stages, from growth through production. The following discussion combines elements of a policy brief and research paper to provide analysis and critiques of this policy. This paper will argue that one of the policy’s primary objectives, inclusive and sustainable agriculture-led economic growth, is a generalized approach that may not lead to success in all of the target countries. This is in part due to the role agriculture plays in contributing to climate change. Rather than agriculture-led growth, the policy should instead work to address food insecurity through customized solutions for each target country or region and avoid promoting a single strategy. Additionally, the policy could be improved by incorporating alternative food sources to aid in expanding the availability of food and help shift away from a sole focus on agricultural production. With these two policy alternatives, the U.S. Global Food Security Strategy will be better positioned to succeed in mitigating food insecurity globally

    Book Review: Sex, Love and Marriage in the Light of Following Jesus

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    Paul Flaman, Sex, Love and Marriage in the Light of Following Jesus. Ottawa, ON: Justin Press, 2015. Pp. 390. $23.95 Canadian

    The Limits of Presidential Recess Appointment Power

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    The power of the presidency ebbs and flows: popular presidents during times of national calamity seem to be able to do almost anything they want. Other times, the nation’s chief executive must practically beg Congress to support his national agenda. There are, however, a few areas where every president can exercise almost absolute power, such as making a recess appointment to high federal office without Senate oversight. Of particular importance among these appointments are federal judgeships because judges play a major role in policy-making. This article examines the constitutional, legislative, and traditional authority of the President to make recess appointments. The second section discusses the background of the current debate by framing the issue in the context of recent controversial appointments. The third section examines the constitutional language and common law interpretation of the President’s authority. The fourth section looks at appointment power legislation passed by Congress. The fifth section provides parliamentary and legislative recommendations for Congress to act upon to keep its authority. The article concludes with a rational for a limited presidential recess appointment power

    Consequences Exceed the Law

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    The faint tinge of whiskey tickles at Pete’s nostrils. Five miles from his destination and no longer on the main street, Pete assures himself he is in the clear. He accelerates; the pedal fights back against the sole of his boot. He exceeds the speed limit and simultaneously the wind current strengthens in the cab. The boys in the back cheer at the clockwise progression of the speedometer. Rachael McNerney wrote this narrative to reach out to at least one, if not many, drivers who haven\u27t been persuaded by numerous statistics. She dedicates this piece to Pete for his strength and courage; to her parents, Timothy and Violet, for their wisdom and for instilling in her the ability to distinguish between right and wrong (through trial and error); and lastly, to her three brothers, Colin, Michael, and Brian, whom she loves unconditionally and urges to always have fun while making good choices. Rachael encourages everyone to find their passion, whether in writing or life in general. Most of all never be afraid to try new things, for that may be where your passion is hiding

    Proxy and Agency: the rest is literature

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    De entre la gran multitud de emigrantes catalano-parlantes que llegó a la Cuba colonial, un cierto número de mujeres llegó a La Habana en busca de sus esposos, aquellos con los que se habían casado “por poderes” (poders) justo antes de realizar el largo viaje. La obra de Carmen Riera Cap al cel obert narra la historia de las hermanas Fortesa, enviadas desde Mallorca. A Isabel la eligió su padre para casarla con un primo rico y se envió a María para acompañarla. Solamente María sobrevive el terrible viaje, que tiene lugar durante la última fase del control español sobre Cuba. Una vez en Cuba y recuperada de los avatares del viaje, María considera la vida monástica, pero en vez de ello, en su primera decisión real, acepta la oferta de matrimonio de Josep Fortalesa. El sistema de poderes continuó aun tras la independencia de Cuba del control de España en 1898 y esta forma de matrimonio conforma el tema de L’herència de Cuba de Margarida Aritzeta, en cuya portada se describe como “absolutament verídica”. Eugènia se casa con Basilio, un vecino de su pequeño pueblo aragonés cuando él, por medio de una carta y billete a la isla, manda que la traigan una vez instalado él allí después del viaje de 1925. Las dos novelas forman, de manera conjunta y a grandes rasgos, unos cien años de historia cubana, desde finales del siglo diecinueve hasta finales del siglo veinte, poniendo de relieve la lucha de mujeres que a menudo parecen arrastradas como hojas secas en un huracán, como diría Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda.Among the great multitude of catalano-speakers emigrants that came to the colonial Cuba, a certain number of women came to Havana in search of their husbands, those with which they have a proxy marriage just before making the long journey. Carmen Riera's work "Cap to call Albert" tells the story of the two Fortesa sisters, that were sent from Mallorca. Isabel was chosen by his father for marrying with his rich cousin and Mary was sent to accompany her. Only Mary survives the terrible journey, which takes place during the last phase of the Spanish control of Cuba. Once in Cuba and retrieved from the trip vicissitudes, María considers the monastic life, but instead, in her first real decision, she accepts the offer of marriage from Josep Fortalesa. The system of proxy marriage continued even after the Cuban independence of Spanish control in 1898 and this form of marriage is the subject of “L'herència of Cuba” written by Margarida Aritzeta, described as "absolutely true". Eugènia is married to Basil, a neighbor of his small village of Aragon when he, by means of a letter and ticket to the island, mandates that they bring her once installed, after the trip of 1925. The two novels are, jointly and broadly, about a hundred years of Cuban history, from the late nineteenth century until the end of the twentieth century, highlighting the women's struggle who often seem dragged as dry leaves in a hurricane, as it would be said by Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda.peerReviewe

    Master of Science

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    thesisSpanning 1.7 million km2 with glacial ice that exceeds 3,000 m thick in the interior, the Greenland ice sheet plays a large role in Earth's response to climate change. A recently discovered firn aquifer within the ice sheet has the potential to buffer or enhance sea level rise by retaining or outputting its contents into the ocean. This study examines englacial hydrology to determine if the subsurface firn aquifer can discharge water into the ocean via hydraulic fracturing of crevasses. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Operation Ice Bridge Accumulation Radar and Airborne Topographic Mapper data is used to map the top of the aquifer and ice surface elevation profiles by measuring water-table return signals. These profiles are input into a groundwater flow model (SEEP2D), based on Darcy's law, to determine the aquifer's potential water discharge into an existing crevasse at the lower elevation end of the aquifer profile. Next, conservation of mass equations are imple

    Book Review: Politics of the Person as the Politics of Being

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    David Walsh, Politics of the Person as the Politics of Being. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 2016. Pp. 299. $39

    The Limits of Presidential Recess Appointment Power

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    The purpose of this article is to examine the constitutional, legislative, and traditional authority of the President to make recess appointments. The second section discusses the background of the current debate by framing the issue in the context of recent controversial appointments. The third section examines the constitutional language and common law interpretation of the President’s authority. The fourth section looks at appointment power legislation passed by Congress. The fifth section provides parliamentary and legislative recommendations for Congress to act upon to keep its authority. The article concludes by providing a final examination of the reason for a limited presidential recess appointment power