33 research outputs found

    A Method for Automatic Image Rectification and Stitching for Vehicle Yaw Marks Trajectory Estimation

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    The aim of this study has been to propose a new method for automatic rectification and stitching of the images taken on the accident site. The proposed method does not require any measurements to be performed on the accident site and thus it is frsjebalaee of measurement errors. The experimental investigation was performed in order to compare the vehicle trajectory estimation according to the yaw marks in the stitched image and the trajectory, reconstructed using the GPS data. The overall mean error of the trajectory reconstruction, produced by the method proposed in this paper was 0.086 m. It was only 0.18% comparing to the whole trajectory length.</p

    A Novel Gaussian Extrapolation Approach for 2D Gel Electrophoresis Saturated Protein Spots

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    Analysis of images obtained from two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2D-GE) is a topic of utmost importance in bioinformatics research, since commercial and academic software available currently has proven to be neither completely effective nor fully automatic, often requiring manual revision and refinement of computer generated matches. In this work, we present an effective technique for the detection and the reconstruction of over-saturated protein spots. Firstly, the algorithm reveals overexposed areas, where spots may be truncated, and plateau regions caused by smeared and overlapping spots. Next, it reconstructs the correct distribution of pixel values in these overexposed areas and plateau regions, using a two-dimensional least-squares fitting based on a generalized Gaussian distribution. Pixel correction in saturated and smeared spots allows more accurate quantification, providing more reliable image analysis results. The method is validated for processing highly exposed 2D-GE images, comparing reconstructed spots with the corresponding non-saturated image, demonstrating that the algorithm enables correct spot quantificatio

    The convention's for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms aiming at administrative legal procedure

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    Master work is written on very actual theme, because at present international law human rights and freedoms and position of individual are consolidated directly in international documents. Although international law could not directly regulate all human rights and duties, because the biggest part of individual rights and duties are and will be regulated by concrete state legal regulations and ensured by help of state institutions. International law regulations are only additional and work only there, where state mechanism does not work. Master work newness – searching the Convention’s for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms influence on Lithuania’s administrative process essence and meaning. The aim of master work is not only analyzing peculiarity of aiming above mentioned document, but to find out the role of that document in active work of public administration institutions. In that master work first time is studied the Convention’s for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms influence on Lithuania’s administrative legal procedure and is tried to forecast the development of administrative process doctrine in this context. First of all in this work is explained the conception of administrative process, the main touches and structure institutions, which implement administrative legal procedure. In the work is also described the Convention’s for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms purpose and meaning. In work is analyzed practice of the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania according to aiming the Convention’s for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in Lituahania’s administrative legal procedure. According to get research results, at the ending the work was stated, that the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania from year 2001 are directly basing on rules of the Convention’s for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms or jurisprudence of European Court of Human Rights. The rules of the Convention’s for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in Lituahania’s administrative legal procedure are realized in two recognized ways – reference and incorporation

    Periodontal diseases of dogs and cats

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    Methods of the work: The research was accomplished in clinic “A” in Kaunas from March, 2013 until October, 2014. An individual dental card was formed for each animal brought to the clinic. An inspection of every animal was carried out in two stages. During the first stage of the inspection the brought animal was examined without general anaesthetic and oral hygiene procedures. This stage consisted of clinical trial of oral cavity, teeth and surrounding fabric. The second stage of inspection was proceeded using the general anaesthetic (using preparations of Ketamidor 10% solution for injection and Sedaxylan 20 mg/ml solution for injection). The following tests were proceeded to each patient: Index of Tooth mobility (M), Index of Dental plaque (PI), Index of calculus (CI), and Index of Gingivitis (GI). The result and findings of the research: The biggest number of patients brought to the clinic consisted of dogs aged from 3 to 6 (female – 54% (65), male – 46 % (55)) and cats of the same age as dogs (male – 67% (14), female – 33% (7)), which had the symptoms of periodontal pathological condition. The most frequent periodontal morbidity noticed for species of Yorkshire Terriers dogs. (46,67 % (56)) and Persian cats (33,33 % (7)). Dental plaque was identified for the most part of Persian (33,33 %(7)), mongrel (23,81 % (5)) and Siamese (19,05 % (4)) cats and Yorkshire Terrier (46,67 % (56)), mongrel (14,17 % (17)) and Russian Terrier (10,00% (12)) dogs. Animals aged between 3 and 6 mostly had periodontal problems. Identification of tooth mobility revealed the most frequent problem of 7th and 8th incisors and 9th molar of dogs while cats suffer from the tooth mobility of mandible molars and incisors

    Synthetic Data Generation for the Development of 2D Gel Electrophoresis Protein Spot Models

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    Two-dimensional electrophoresis gels (2DE, 2DEG) are the result of the procedure of separating, based on two molecular properties, a protein mixture on gel. Separated similar proteins concentrate in groups, and these groups appear as dark spots in the captured gel image. Gel images are analyzed to detect distinct spots and determine their peak intensity, background, integrated intensity, and other attributes of interest. One of the approaches to parameterizing the protein spots is spot modeling. Spot parameters of interest are obtained after the spot is approximated by a mathematical model. The development of the modeling algorithm requires a rich, diverse, representative dataset. The primary goal of this research is to develop a method for generating a synthetic protein spot dataset that can be used to develop 2DEG image analysis algorithms. The secondary objective is to evaluate the usefulness of the created dataset by developing a neural-network-based protein spot reconstruction algorithm that provides parameterization and denoising functionalities. In this research, a spot modeling algorithm based on autoencoders is developed using only the created synthetic dataset. The algorithm is evaluated on real and synthetic data. Evaluation results show that the created synthetic dataset is effective for the development of protein spot models. The developed algorithm outperformed all baseline algorithms in all experimental cases

    Automatic selection of two-dimensional electrophoresis gel with least geometric distortions

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    The paper presents an algorithm for automated selection of the highest quality two-dimensional gel electrophoresis image. The quality criterion is the amount of vertical geometric distortions of the gel. The aim is to select the least distorted gel from the group received during the same biochemical experiment. Vertical geometric distortions displace proteins of the same molecular mass from the horizontal line and have a greater impact on the determination of protein characteristics than horizontal distortions. After presenting algorithm for evaluation of distortions and selection of base gel results are compared to expert's made selections. If necessary, algorithm may be adapted for horizontal distortion evaluation. Article in Lithuanian. Automatinė dvimatės elektroforezės gelių su mažiausiais geometriniais iškraipymais atranka Santrauka.&nbsp;Straipsnyje pristatomas algoritmas, skirtas automatiniam kokybiškiausio dvimatės elektroforezės gelio nustatymui. Kokybės kriterijumi yra vertikalių geometrinių iškraipymų gelyje kiekis. Iš biocheminio eksperimento metu gautos grupės gelių atrenkamas vienas gelis su mažiausiais vertikaliais geometriniais iškraipymais. Vertikalūs iškraipymai, dėl kurių vienodos molekulinės masės baltymai išsidėsto ne horizontalėje, turi didesnę įtaką baltymų parametrų nustatymui. Darbe pristatomas geometrinių iškraipymų įvertinimo algoritmas, jo taikymas atrenkant kokybiškiausią gelį bei algoritmo rezultatų palyginimas su eksperto gelių atrankos rezultatais. Reikalui esant algoritmas gali būti adaptuojamas horizontalių iškraipymų įvertinimui. Reikšminiai žodžiai: dvimatė elektroforezė, 2ME, geometriniai iškraipymai, automatinė gelių analizė

    Labeled dataset for bee detection and direction estimation on entrance to beehive

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    The datasets for bee detection, pose estimation and segmentation consist of organized folders containing both images and corresponding labels. The detection dataset comprises a total of 7200 individual frames collected at 8 different beehives. The pose dataset contains 400 images of bees annotated with two key points per bee. The first point marks a head, second point marks a stinger. All frames have a resolution of 1920×1080 pixels. The segmentation dataset contains 2300 cropped images of bees. These cropped images are annotated with triangular markers that aid in estimating directional vectors. The labels in all proposed datasets were saved in YOLO format. The labeling process was automated by training YOLOv8 model on a set of manually annotated images for bee detection. After detection, all the labels were visually revised and corrected. Frames were captured using stationary mounted camera 30 cm above beehive landing boards. The data collection period spanned from June to July 2023 in Vilnius district

    Vector model for mapping of visual space to subjective 4-D sphere

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    Here we present a mathematical model of binocular vision that maps a visible physical world to a subjective perception of it. The subjective space is a set of 4-D vectors whose components are outputs of four monocular neurons from each of the two eyes. Monocular neurons have one of the four types of concentric receptive elds with Gabor-like weighting coeficients. Next this vector representation of binocular vision is implemented as a pool of neurons where each of them is selective to the object's particular location in a 3-D visual space. Formally each point of the visual space is being projected onto a 4-D sphere. Proposed model allows determination of subjective distances in depth and direction, provides computational means for determination of Panum's area and explains diplopia and allelotropia

    Assesment of nitrification and denitrification rate in biological nitrogen removal from wastewater

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    Biological nitrogen removal from wastewater is based on nitrification and denitrification processes in biological treatment plants with activated sludge. Slowed growth of nitrification bacteria is one of basic problems in biological nitrogen removal from wasterwater. Using biological nitrogen removal technologies at changing nitrification and denitrification rate, it is very important to evaluate properly aeration and reduced aeration duration and to estimate nitrification and denitrification rate. To this purpose an investigation was carried out at Utena Wastewater Treatment Plant. Nitrification and denitrification rate was estimated during five experiments in aeration tanks when the duration of aeration and reduced aeration was from 120 to 180 min. Nitrification and denitrification rate at a different aeration regime and impact of aeration regime on biological nitrogen removal was estimated in the work. Assesment of nitrification and denitrification rate in biological nitrogen removal from wastewater Santrauka Biologinis azoto šalinimas iš nuotekų pagrįstas nitrifikacijos ir denitrifikacijos procesais, vykstančiais biologinio valymo įrenginiuose su veikliuoju dumblu. Lėtas nitrifikuojančių bakterijų augimas yra viena iš svarbiausių problemų, šalinant azotą iš nuotekų nitrifikacijos būdu. Todėl labai svarbu nustatyti nitrifikacijos ir denitrifikacijos greičius, vertinant minėtus procesus. Veikiančiuose nuotekų valymo įrenginiuose buvo atlikti tyrimai, nustatytos azoto koncentracijos veikliajame dumble aerotanke, įvertintas azoto sunaudojimas veikliuoju dumblu biocheminiuose procesuose. Buvo vertinami nitrifikacijos ir denitrifikacijos procesai aerotankuose, keičiant aeravimo ir prislopintos aeracijos trukmes nuo 120 iki 180 min. Buvo nustatyti nitrifikacijos ir denitrifikacijos greičiai, aerotankams dirbant skirtingais aeravimo režimais, įvertinta aeravimo režimo įtaka biologiniam azoto šalinimo efektyvumui. Определение скоростей нитрификации и денитрификации при биологическом удалении азота из сточных вод Резюме Биологическое удаление азота из сточных вод обосновано процессами нитрификации и денитрификации, происходящими в очистных сооружениях с активным илом. Медленный рост нитрифицирующих бактерий – главная проблема при удалении азота из сточных вод с помощью процесса нитрификации. Важно установить скорости нитрификации и денитрификации при оценке этих процессов. С этой целью на очистной станции были произведены исследования – установлена концентрация азота в активном иле в аэротенке, оценено употребление азота в биохимических процессах с активным илом. Во время исследований были оценены процессы нитрификации и денитрификации в аэротенке, меняя время аэрации и уменьшенной аэрации от 120 до 180 мин. Установлены скорости нитрификации и денитрификации в работе аэротенка с разными режимами аэрации, a также оценено влияние режима аэрации на биологическую эффективность удаления азота. First Published Online: 14 Oct 2010 Ключевые слова: скорость нитрификации, скорость денитрификации, нитраты, аммиачный азот, биологически активный потенциал. Reikšminiai žodžiai: nitrifikacijos greitis (qN), denitrifikacijos greitis (qDN), nitratai, amoniakinis azotas, biologinis aktyvusis potencialas (BPA)

    Nespecifinių psichikos sutrikimų, sergant neurosifiliu, diagnostikos ir gydymo iššūkiai

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    Syphilis has been a health hazard worldwide since its existence, often causing long term disability or even death. Even though in Lithuania the incidence of syphilis has been slowly decreasing over several years, we still see many patients with different stages of the dis ease in the hospital setting. In this article, we present a unique and challenging case of a 52 year-old woman with neurosyphilis with a very polymorphic clinical presentation. We discuss the diagnostic and treatment difficulties, compare our case with the experience of other authors and provide our own findings on this topic