638 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this presentation is to describe the development of team and individual skills in young ice hockey, soccer and basketball players in the age group seven to ,- nineteen. Both transversal and longitudinal studies were canied out. The number of subjects were in ice hockey, soccer, and basketball 342, 138 and 85, respectively. The development of team skills in match conditions were explained by game understanding including rules and player behaviour in selected situations of the games, decision- The development of team skills were evaluated in all games using the total number of manoeuvres with ball or puck, passes, receptions, interceptions, dribbles, scoring shots and percentage of successful actions related to the mentioned manoeuvres. The basic match analysis in all games were achieved using a video recording and playback system and observation sheets with the operationally defined qualitative and quantitative variables. Selected conventional field soccer tests were curried out on ice hockey, soccer and basketball. The relationships between skills in test and match was evaluated with multivariate analysis. Also the relative successful actions in match conditions were described with regression analysis methods using selected background tests as ' independent variables. Small differences were found in the average values between teams in the same age category. Large differences were found in the individual skills, perceptual abilities, game understanding and physical abilities. As a dependent variable, the successful actions in match conditions were explained with independent variables (skill, speed, strength, endurance, and their combinations). In all games skill and speed explained, dominantly, the success in match conditions. Also, the organisational (team selection and training) and team sociological factors played important role with respect to the success of the teams

    Wind tunnel measurements in ski jumpers and simulation of the jumps

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    Ski jumping performance can be divided into different phases as follows: gliding, takeoff, transient flight, actual flight, flare-out and landing. It has been suggested that in the phase of transient flight the drag should be at its minimum, during actual flight the lift-to-drag ratio a tits maximum, and in the flare-out phase the lift at its maximum. The purpose of the tunnel measurements was to investigate ski jumpers attempting to reach their minimal drag of the gliding position in the up-hill and individual maximal lift-to-drag ratio and achieve the optimal flying position with a low pitching moment coefficient for the said phase according to the feeling from their sensor motor feedback system. The jumpers were attached to an overhead three-component platform-balance with a modified "seat" and belts on the abdominal side of the hip. The system was pivoted close to the center of gravity in order to allow the jumper to adjust the angle of attack. A 3 dimensional flight posture model with sixteen points was created for the measurements. In the flight phases when the lift-to-drag ratio was at its maximum, the individual averaged positions for selected sample times were calculated for the angle of attack of skis, lower legs and upper body. The sweep angle of the skis (V - angle ) and the distance of the ankle joints were also calculated. The deviation was large in all measured variables. The height and "a real mass ratio" of the jumper had a positive effect on the lift-to-drag ratio. Positive regression coefficients for the lift-to-drag ratio in respect to the average values were found in the angle of attack of the skis, trunk and V-angle. The low pitching moment indicated that it was relatively easy to find a stable flying position in the wind tunnel. Therefore, wind tunnel conditions could be useful in training basic flying technique for a longer period of time. A modified Aquila simulation program for the center of gravity of the jumper-equipment system was developed to work in Excel. The input variables were as follows: air density, initial velocity at starting gate, mass of the jumper-equipment system, friction coefficient, aerodynamic reference area, takeoff force, aerodynamic parameters during gliding phases on the track and in the air, sensitivity of lift-to-drag ratio for head and side winds, profile of the jumping hill starting gate position and head and side wind velocity. The output variables were as follows: the tangential and normal component of the velocity at the takeoff table, resultant velocity, release angle, instantaneous x-, y- and z- coordinates, v x-, v y- and v z- components and resultant velocity as a function of time. The length of a jump was defined as the distance travelled when the path of the jumper's center of gravity intersected the profile the of the hill. In a hill of K = 120 m, the relative difference between the simulated and measured jumps was on average 2.8 %. The largest difference between the measured jump and simulated one could be 10 - 20 m, if the wind velocity was between 1.0 m s-l following and 3.0 m s-1 head wind. It can be concluded that the simulation model of center of gravity was in agreement with real jumps

    Virus-host systems in sea ice

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    Virus-host systems in sea ice Sea ice is one of the largest habitats on Earth. A specialized microbial community lives inside the narrow brine channels that are formed during freezing process, when salt and other components from sea water concentrate between ice crystals. These microbes have an active role in the biogeochemistry of the sea ice by primary production, degradation of material and excreation of compounds, which effect the gas exchange between the ocean and atmosphere and the nutrient status of the under ice sea. Sea ice microbial community consist of auto- and heterotrophic protists, prokaryotes and viruses. The main heterotrophs are the bacteria. Viruses are the most abundant lifeform on Earth. They are found everywhere where there is life and they infect all kinds of cells. Infections are crucial for viruses because they can reproduce only by using a host cell to produce new virus particles. Majority of the viruses infect the most numerous cells on Earth, the prokaryotes, i.e. bacteria and archaea. Viruses infecting bacteria (bacteriophages or phages) are a major factor in bacterial mortality. They can also control the community composition of bacteria because of the high specificity of the infection. Bacteria have different mechanisms to avoid phage infections and phages need to evolve to be able to reproduce. This arms race of phages and bacteria can lead to co-evolution. Although viruses are known to have significant effects on bacterial communities in various habitats, not much is known about the viruses in the sea ice. Before this project, only three isolates have been reported from the Arctic sea ice. The aim in this thesis was to get a better understanding of the phages and their role in sea ice. For that, isolation, cultivation and purification methods needed to be developed and optimized. Bacteria and phages were isolated from samples taken from Baltic and Antarctic sea ice. The phage particles were purified and characterized by their morphology, structural protein patterns and host range. The identities of the host bacteria were analyzed by their 16S rRNA gene sequence. Effect of temperature on the host bacterial growth and phage infections, and the adsorption and life cycle of the phages, was experimentally studied. The abundance of virus-like particles in Antarctic sea ice was analyzed using flow cytometry. The first phage-host systems were isolated from Baltic Sea ice and Antarctic sea ice. All of the phages infected bacterial strains belonging to genera that are typically abundant in sea ice i.e. Shewanella, Flavobacterium, Paraglaciecola and Octadecabacter. All the bacterial strains and phages were cold-active. The adsorption and life cycle of phages was suprisingly fast at tested 4 °C. The phage infections were specific to certain bacterial strains. A complex phage-host system network was seen among two of the phages and 15 closely related bacterial strains from Antarctica, which may be a result of co-evolution. The abundance of virus-like particles in melted Antarctic winter sea ice (105 106 particles ml-1 bulk ice) was high when considering that they are normally concentrated in the brine channels. The amount of virus-like particles in sea ice even during Antarctic winter, indicates that viruses are an active and important member of the sea ice microbial community. Adsorption and life cycle studies show that phage infections may be efficient in the closed and concentrated environment of sea ice brines. By the strain specificic infections the phages can control the bacterial community composition and this way effect the community functions. The co-evolution of phages and bacteria may be important factor in the bacterial evolution.Virukset ja niiden isäntäbakteerit merijäässä Merijää on yksi maapallon suurimmista elinalueista. Erityinen mikrobiyhteisö elää merijään sisällä olevissa suolavesikanavissa, jotka muodostuvat meriveden jäätyessä, kun suola ja muut epäpuhtaudet tiivistyvät jääkiteiden väliin. Nämä mikrobit muokkaavat merijään rakennetta ja kemiallista koostumusta yhteyttämällä, ja hajottamalla sekä erittämällä yhdisteitä. Tämä vaikuttaa mm. kaasujen vaihtoon meren ja ilmakehän välillä ja merijään alapuolisen veden ravinnetilanteeseen. Merijään mikrobiyhteisö koostuu alkueliöistä ja alkeistumallisista sekä viruksista. Virukset ovat maapallon yleisin elämänmuoto ja niitä löytyy kaikkialta. Virukset lisääntyvät infektoimalla solullisia eliöitä ja tuottamalla uusia viruskappaleita näiden avulla. Valtaosa viruksista infektoi maapallon yleisimpiä solullisia eliöitä, alkeistumallisia bakteereita ja arkeoneja. Bakteereita infektoivat virukset (bakteriofagit tai faagit) ovat merkittävä syy bakteerien kuolleisuuteen ja mahdollisesti myös evoluutioon. Vaikka tiedetään, että yleisesti virusten merkitys bakteeriyhteisöihin on merkittävä, merijään viruksista on vain hyvin vähän tutkittua tietoa. Ennen tätä tutkimusta merijäästä on eristetty vain kolme faagia Pohjoiselta jäämereltä. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää faagien merkitystä merijäässä eristämällä niitä ja niiden isäntäbakteereita tarkempia tutkimuksia varten Itämerestä ja Etelämannerta ympäröivästä Eteläisestä jäämerestä. Jotta tämä oli mahdollista, oli kehitettävä ja paranneltava eristys-, kasvatus- ja puhdistusmenetelmiä. Eristettyjen faagien ulkomuoto määritettiin ja niiden rakenneproteiineja vertailtiin keskenään, jotta voitiin varmistaa faagien olevan keskenään erilaisia. Isäntäbakteerien suku määritettiin. Tutkittiin lämpötilan vaikutusta bakteerien kasvuun ja faagien infektioon, kuten myös faagien tarttumista isäntäsolun pintaan ja uusien fagipartikkelien tuotannon kestoa. Myös viruksen kaltaisten kappaleiden määrää mitattiin Eteläisen jäämeren merijäästä virtaussolulaskennan avulla. Tämän tutkimuksen aikana eristettiin ensimmäiset faagit isäntäbakteereineen Itämeren ja Eteläisen jäämeren merijäästä. Kaikki eristetyistä faageista infektoivat bakteerikantoja, jotka kuuluvat yleisiin merijäästä löydettyihin bakteerisukuihin Shewanella, Flavobacterium, Paraglaciecola ja Octadecabacter. Kukin faagi pystyi infektoimaan vain tiettyjä bakteerikantoja. Kaikki bakteerikannat ja faagit olivat sopeutuneita kylmiin olosuhteisiin. Faagin tarttuminen isäntäsolun pintaan ja uusien viruspartikkelien tuotanto tapahtuivat yllättävän nopeasti kylmissä olosuhteissa. Kaksi faageista infektoi eri tehokkuuksilla 15 läheisesti sukua olevaa bakteerikantaa, mikä saattaa johtua faagien ja bakteerien keskinäisestä sodankäynnistä ja evoluutiosta. Viruksen kaltaisia kappaleita oli Eteläiseltä jäämereltä otetuissa näytteissä 105 106 kappaletta millilitrassa sulatettua merijäätä. Tämä on runsas määrä, erityisesti kun jäävirukset ovat normaalisti tiivistettynä kapeisiin suolavesikanaviin. Virusten kaltaisten kappaleiden suuri määrä Eteläisen jäämeren merijäässä osoittaa, että virukset ovat tärkeä osa jäämikrobiyhteisöä. Jäävirusinfektiot vaikuttavat myös olevan hyvin tehokkaita, sillä ne kykenevät tarttumaan isäntäsoluun ja lisääntymään nopeasti. Infektoimalla vain tiettyjä, tarkasti määrättyjä bakteerikantoja, virukset voivat muokata bakteeriyhteisön lajisuhteita ja vaikuttaa näin yhteisön toimintaan. Virusten ja bakteerien välinen sodankäynti voi olla tärkeä tekijä bakteerien evoluutiossa

    NÄIN MEILLÄ PÄÄTETÄÄN : Vammaisten itsemääräämisoikeus palveluohjauksessa Varsinais-Suomessa

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    Luhtanen, Paula & Savola, Marina. Näin meillä päätetään. Vammaisten itsemääräämisoikeus palveluohjauksessa Varsinais-Suomessa. Diak, Pori. Kevät 2015, 55 s., 2 liitettä. Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu, Sosiaalialan koulutusohjelma, sosionomi (AMK). Näin meillä päätetään, on Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulun sosiaalialan koulutusohjelman opinnäytetyö, joka tehtiin kvalitatiivisen tutkimuksen menetelmin Varsinais-Suomen alueella. Opinnäyteyön tutkimuskysymykset olivat: miten palveluohjauksessa tulee näkyväksi asiakkaan etu, ja miten palveluohjauksessa todentuu kehitysvammaisen asiakkaan itsemääräämisoikeus sekä miten vahvistetaan ja tuetaan kehitysvammaisen omien tavoitteiden toteutumista. Aineiston keruu toteutettiin Webropol-kyselyn avulla. Kysely lähetettiin kaikille Varsinais-Suomen kuntien vammaispalveluista vastaaville työntekijöille ja niitä lähetettiin 24 kappaletta. Saatu laadullinen aineisto analysoitiin sisällönanalyysiä hyödyntäen. Tulosten mukaan vammaisten itsemääräämisoikeus palveluohjauksessa voitiin jakaa ns. estäviin ja mahdollistaviin tekijöihin. Ammattihenkilöstöä ohjaavat ammatilliset taidot sekä eettisyys, mutta samaan aikaan myös tarveharkintaa ohjaavat lainalaisuudet. Niissä vastauksissa, joissa vammaisten itsemääräämisoikeutta tuettiin vahvimmin, nousi esiin myös vahva palveluohjaksellinen työote. Johtopäätöksenä voitiin todeta, että tämä opinnäytetyö sekä aikaisempi tutkimustieto tukevat ajatusta siitä, että vammaisten itsemääräämisoikeus on edelleen monista poliittisista muutoksista huolimatta heikosti toteutuvaa. Tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan tulkittiin, että muutoksen tulisi lähteä ammattihenkilöstön asenteesta ja palveluohjauk-sellisen työotteen lisäämisestä.ABSTRACT “This is how the decisions are made”, is a Diaconia university of applied sciences social service education program thesis that has been done with qualitative research methods in the area of Varsinais-Suomi. The research questions were: How does the advantage of a customer become visible in case management, how is it possible to realize the self-determination of a customer and how is it possible to reinforce and support the disables own goals. The collecting of material was executed by a Webropol-questionnaire. The questionnaire was sent to all employees in charge of disability services in Varsinais-Suomi municipalities and 24 questionnaires were sent. The qualitative material gathered was analyzed using content analysis. According to the findings the self-determination of the disabled in case management can be divided into preventing and allowing factors. The professional personnel need their expertise and an ethical approach to work, as well as they need to work in accordance with the specific laws. In those answers where the self-determination of the disabled was supported the strongest, also a strong case management was practiced. As a conclusion it is notable that this thesis and the previous researches support the idea that the self determination of the disabled is despite several political changes weakly performed. According to our research findings we interpret that the change should start from the attitudes of the professional personnel and adding more case management


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    Introduction the motion of rotating body segments of different shots in badminton can be described in terms of angular position, displacement, velocity or acceleration. The linear velocity of the rotating racket hitting the shuttle is directly proportional to the sum of both the angular velocity and the radius of rotation of the consecutive body segments in badminton strokes (Lee 1993). The timing of these consecutive rotational movements is important in relation to the hit of the racket with the shuttle (Gowitzke 1979).The linear momentum of the clearing arm and racket transfers to the shuttle according to the analogy of the force impulse and the change of linear momentum. The purpose of the present preliminary research was to' study the release velocity of the shuttle in maximal clear placing the shuttle on the opponent scourt in junior badminton players, to explain the produced angular and linear velocities and accelerations in the racket, hand, forearm, upper arm and trunk. METHODS Ten volunteer junior badminton player strained to perform maximal clears on the court. For motion analysis subjects performed a minimum of five successful clears. The fastest clear of every subject was selected for detailed analysis. Anthropometric data (Mean+S.D.) for the subjects was as follows: age 12.223.3years, height 1.562k0.137 m and mass46.85 11.0 kg. On average, they had training 1.851.7 years in badminton. Each clear was recorded for 3 D analysis with NAC 400 (side view) high speed video(100 fps) and Magnavox (back view)camcorder (60 fps). The optical axis of the cameras were perpendicular. The calibration scaling frame was rectangular with the dimensions of 2.0 m x 2.0-m x3.0 m. The same racket and shuttle were used in all measurements. An APAS was used to process frame crabbing, digitizing, smoothing (DLT) and transformation. The mechanical model of trunk, head, upper arm, lower arm and hand (twelwe points) was combined with the racket (four points) and shuttle. A descriptive analysis was performed on the differences in instantaneous positions, linear and rotational velocities. RESULTS The maximal release velocities of the shuttle were in the youngest subject (8years) and oldest one (19 years) 20.2and 56.0 ms-', respectively. The maximal linear velocities in the youngest and oldest subject were as follows: racket head 15.9 and 44.0 ms-' , wrist 4.7 and10.8 ms-', elbow 2.5 and 5.9 ms-' and shoulder 1.6 and 2.9 ms-', respectively. CONCLUSION In conclusion, the most experienced subject produced high speed for the shuttle through the kinematic chain of body segments with high angular and linear velocity through the impact of the shuttle and racket. The correct timing pattern of the consecutive body segments was also observed. The lengths and high angular velocities of the body segments were advantageous features for badminton players. REFERENCES Gowitzke, B.A. (1979) In: Science in Racquet Sports. J.Terauds (ed.) pp. 7-1 5.Del Mar, CA: Academic Publishers.Lee, K.B. (1993) In: Biomechanics inSports XI, J. Hamill. T.R. Derrick & E.H.Elliott (eds), pp. 239-242, University of Masschusetts, Amherst, MA


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    Naked 2/3 scale model without and with reference skis, four different pairs of skis and two different suits were evaluated in the 2 * 2 m2 low speed wind tunnel. The tests were car-ried out using 30–35 ms–1 flow speed equaling Reynolds number 2.4 * 106. The positions of angle of attack ranged from -8 degree to +12 degree. Reference position 0-degree equals incidence of 30 degree of plane defined by skis with zero flow speed. The aero-dynamic characteristics were drag, lift and pitching moment, which were transformed into dimensionless coefficients. In general, it can be stated that 60 % of the aerodynamic forces were acting on the body of the model and 40 % on the skis. If the ski area in-creased by 1 % the aerodynamic forces increased 0.4 %. The relative increments in the length of the jump in a K 120 jumping hill with the skis A, B and C were 5.5 %, 6.2 % and 5.1 %, respectively. The effects of variation on air permeability of the suits were on the drag 7–12 % and lift 12–25 %

    Aerodynamics Of Soccer Balls And Volleyballs

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate range, flight time, speed and trajectory of selected official soccer balls and volleyballs in a constant release angle (18 degree) shot by a ball gun with a hydraulic shooting steel leg mechanism in an indoor soccer hall. Five soccer balls (m=0.422 ± 0.010 kg, d=0.108 + 0.002 rn, p=(0.69 + 0.01) x 105 Nm-2) and five volleyballs (m=0.278 ± 0.006 kg, d=0.105 + 0.002 rn, p=(0.69 ±0.01) x 105 Nm-2) were used. Three speeds of the kicking steel leg were applied to the stationary and rotating balls with two constant angular velocities (45.6 and 65.0 radls). All shots of the balls were recorded with two JVC 707 5-VHS camcorders (50 Hz) for kinematic and kinetic motion analysis. An APAS performance analysis system was used for detailed 3D analysis of the release phase of the shot. The range of the ball was measured in x-z coordinates on the Astroturf ground. A Panasonic camcorder with timer was used to measure the flight time of the ball. A 3- way ANOVA was applied in order to study the differences of the balls and their behaviour in the placid air. The release velocities of the stationary soccer balls with three speed categories .were 18.8 + 0.1 ms·1, 23.1 ± 0.1 msand 26.5 ± 0.1 ms-1 and in volleyballs 20.5 ± 0.2 ms-I, 25.6 ± 0.2 ms-1 and 29.4 ± 0.2 ms-1, respectively. The range of the fastest shot off the soccer balls was on average 44.8 m with the lateral deviation of 3.3 degrees. The average range of the volleyballs in the fastest shots without spin was 45.2 m with the lateral deviation of 4.8 degrees. The average ground speeds in the fastest shots of the soccer ball and volleyball were 20.6 ms-1 and 24.7 ms-1, respectively. With the fastest spin and shot the range and deviation of soccer balls and volleyballs were 34.4 m and 38.6 m and 19.7 and 21.4 degrees, respectively. The main effects of the ball type, shot speed and spin were significant (