316 research outputs found

    Research of factors, which influence on diagnostic and treatment process of patients with lung cancer

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    Research of factors that influence the diagnostic and treatment process of patients with lung cancer. Objectives. To study the degree of confidence of lung cancer patients towards doctors of different specialties, determine the level and sources of their medical awareness

    Село і місто в постмодерному тексті

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    У статті розглядаються особливості зображення села та міста у сучасній постмодерній літературі. Матеріалом для дослідження слугують твори українських письменників Ю. Андруховича, Л. дереша, О. Ірванця. Ключові слова: постмодернізм, бінарна опозиція, село, місто.В статье рассматриваются особенности изображения села и города в современной постмодерной литературе. Материалом для исследования служат произведения украинских писателей Ю. Андруховича, Л. Дереша, А. Ирванца. Ключевые слова: постмодернизм, бинарная оппозиция, село, город.At the article author pay’s attention to the image of the village and town at the present postmodern literature. The Literary works of Ukrainian writers – J. Andruhovich, L. Deresh, A. Irvanets – was taken as the material of the research. Keywords: postmodern, binary opposition, village, town

    Межпредметные связи естественнонаучных дисциплин как способ формирования научного мировоззрения школьников

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    У статті розкрито важливість міжпредметних зв’язків природничих дисциплін (біологія, фізика, хімія) як засобу формування наукового світогляду школярів, що сприяє реалізації мети природничої освіти, функція якої формування у школярів цілісності знань про природу.The paper discusses importance of the intersubject communications of the courses in natural sciences (biology, physics, chemistry) as an approach to the development of scientific vision that promotes implementation of the goal of education in natural sciences the function of which is to form integral knowledge about nature.В статье раскрыта важность межпредметных связей естественнонаучных дисциплин (биология, физика, химия) как способа формирования научного мировоззрения, способствующего реализации цели естественнонаучного образования, функция которого – формирование целостности знаний о природе

    KSNet-Approach to Knowledge Fusion from Distributed Sources

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    The rapidity of the decision making process is an important factor in different branches of the human life (business, healthcare, industry, military applications etc.). Since responsible persons make decisions using available knowledge, it is important for knowledge management systems to deliver necessary and timely information. Knowledge logistics is a new direction in the knowledge management addressing this. Technology of knowledge fusion, based on the synergistic use of knowledge from multiple distributed sources, is a basis for these activities. The paper presents an overview of a Knowledge Source Network configuration approach (KSNet-approach) to knowledge fusion, multi-agent architecture and research prototype of the KSNet knowledge fusion system based on this approach

    Context-based modelling of information demand: approaches from information logistics and decision support

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    Readily available information is a crucial basis for making decisions, solving problems, or performing knowledge intensive work. Providing such information meeting the needs of a user has to be based on an accurate, purpose-oriented and up-to-date representation of the demand in question. The paper is devoted to a study of different context-based models of user demand. The selected approaches from the fields of information logistics and decision support are based on enterprise models and objectoriented constraint networks (OOCN). Combining these approaches will allow for an orchestrated use of enterprise models and OOCN for decision support. Discussion and integration of these approaches is illustrated using an example enterprise model, a related information demand context and a corresponding decision support context

    Ultradispersed Electro-explosive Iron Powders as Catalysts for Synthesis of Liquid Hydrocarbons of CO and H[2]

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    Catalytic activity of ultradispersed iron powders (UDIP) obtained by electric explosion of the conductor in media of nitrogen, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide in synthesis of liquid hydrocarbons by Fischer-Tropsch method was studied. It was shown that iron powder obtained in media of CO[2] has the highest specific surface area. A sample of powder was pelletized at pressure of 21 MPa during 30 seconds with use of 10 mass% polyvinyl alcohol as adhesive for experimentation in catalytic system. Catalyst fraction of 1-2 mm was selected for study. The experiments were carried out under conditions of 1 MPa, 300 mln/min of total reactants consumption, and varied values of temperature and reactants ratio. The maximal conversion level of CO was reached at 290°С and reactants ratio of H[2]:CO=2 in the initial mixture. It was shown that UDIP has high activity at lowered concentration of hydrogen in the initial mixture. The obtained mixture of liquid hydrocarbons is applicable for further refining for upgrading and improving of operating features

    Анализ иммунохимических показателей при вертеброгенном болевом синдроме

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    The immune system can react to pain by synthesis of the natural antibodies to pain-regulating mediators which affec t the nervous system. In this study, the analysis of content antibodies to opioid peptides (β-endorphin and orphanin FQ) and biogenic amines (serotonin and dopamine) in vertebrogenic pain syndrome (PS) was carries out in serum of PS patients. It has been found that this PS is accompanied by an increase in the production of antibodies to the neurotransmitters studied, and the immune response to opioid peptides is more profound than to biogenic amines. The antibodies levels were higher in female patients than in males (especially for orphanin FQ). These data indirectly correlate with the PS intensity and the dynamics of its regression, evaluated using a visual analogue scale (VAS). Thus, the pain intensity measured by VAS in women was higher, in compare with men and the dynamics of decrease was lower. In addition, it was found that during the significant decrease of the pain intensity, there was no significant decrease in antibody levels to antinociceptive mediators. Apparently, this observation indicates the antibodies to antinociceptive mediators can effect the mechanisms of transition from acute to chronic pain and in maintenance of chronic pain.Иммунная система может реагировать на боль образованием антител к медиаторам, регулирующим болевой сигнал, и через них влиять на нервную систему. В данной работе был проведен анализ содержания антител к опиоидным пептидам (β-эндофину и орфанину) и биогенным аминам (серотонину и дофамину) при вертеброгенном болевом синдроме (БС). Установлено, что данный БС сопровождается повышением продукции антител к исследуемым нейромедиаторам, причём к опиоидным пептидам иммунный ответ более выражен, чем к биогенным аминам. У женщин показатели содержания антител выше, чем у мужчин, особенно к орфанину. Эти данные косвенно коррелируют с показателями интенсивности БС и динамики его регресса, оценку которой проводили по визуально-аналоговой шкале (ВАШ). Так обнаружено, что интенсивность боли по ВАШ у женщин была выше, чем у мужчин, и динамика регресса ниже. На фоне достоверного снижения интенсивности БС не происходит значимого снижения уровней антител к антиноцицептивным медиаторам. По-видимому, это наблюдение указывает на влияние данных антител на процессы хронизации и поддержания болевого состояния