191 research outputs found

    Real extensions of distal minimal flows and continuous topological ergodic decompositions

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    We prove a structure theorem for topologically recurrent real skew product extensions of distal minimal compact metric flows with a compactly generated Abelian acting group (e.g. Zd\Z^d-flows and Rd\R^d-flows). The main result states that every such extension apart from a coboundary can be represented by a perturbation of a so-called Rokhlin skew product. We obtain as a corollary that the topological ergodic decomposition of the skew product extension into prolongations is continuous and compact with respect to the Fell topology on the hyperspace. The right translation acts minimally on this decomposition, therefore providing a minimal compact metric analogue to the Mackey action. This topological Mackey action is a distal (possibly trivial) extension of a weakly mixing factor (possibly trivial), and it is distal if and only if perturbation of the Rokhlin skew product is defined by a topological coboundary.Comment: This paper is an extension and generalisation of http://arxiv.org/abs/0909.0192. The result has been generalised from actions of the group of integers to actions of Abelian compactly generated transformation groups. Therefore the title had to be changed (homeomorphisms vs. flows

    Centralizer and liftable centralizer of special flows over rotations

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    The liftable centralizer for special flows over irrational rotations is studied. It is shown that there are such flows under piecewise constant roof functions which are rigid and whose liftable centralizer is trivial

    Poisson suspensions and infinite ergodic theory

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    We investigate ergodic theory of Poisson suspensions. In the process, we establish close connections between finite and infinite measure preserving ergodic theory. Poisson suspensions thus provide a new approach to infinite measure preserving ergodic theory. Fields investigated here are mixing properties, spectral theory, joinings. We also compare Poisson suspensions to the apparently similar looking Gaussian dynamical systems.Comment: 18 page