95 research outputs found

    Generalization of Einstein-Lovelock theory to higher order dilaton gravity

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    A higher order theory of dilaton gravity is constructed as a generalization of the Einstein-Lovelock theory of pure gravity. Its Lagrangian contains terms with higher powers of the Riemann tensor and of the first two derivatives of the dilaton. Nevertheless, the resulting equations of motion are quasi-linear in the second derivatives of the metric and of the dilaton. This property is crucial for the existence of brane solutions in the thin wall limit. At each order in derivatives the contribution to the Lagrangian is unique up to an overall normalization. Relations between symmetries of this theory and the O(d,d) symmetry of the string-inspired models are discussed.Comment: 18 pages, references added, version to be publishe

    Multi-Valued Verification of Strategic Ability

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    Some multi-agent scenarios call for the possibility of evaluating specifications in a richer domain of truth values. Examples include runtime monitoring of a temporal property over a growing prefix of an infinite path, inconsistency analysis in distributed databases, and verification methods that use incomplete anytime algorithms, such as bounded model checking. In this paper, we present multi-valued alternating-time temporal logic (mv-ATL*), an expressive logic to specify strategic abilities in multi-agent systems. It is well known that, for branching-time logics, a general method for model-independent translation from multi-valued to two-valued model checking exists. We show that the method cannot be directly extended to mv-ATL*. We also propose two ways of overcoming the problem. Firstly, we identify constraints on formulas for which the model-independent translation can be suitably adapted. Secondly, we present a model-dependent reduction that can be applied to all formulas of mv-ATL*. We show that, in all cases, the complexity of verification increases only linearly when new truth values are added to the evaluation domain. We also consider several examples that show possible applications of mv-ATL* and motivate its use for model checking multi-agent systems

    Dopuszczalność rejestracji niekonwencjonalnych znaków towarowych w orzecznictwie Trybunału Sprawiedliwości UE

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    On 16 March 2019 the amendment of the Act – the Industrial Property Law, which implemented the European Parliament and EU Council Directive 2015/2436 of 16 December 2015, aiming the rapprochement of legislation within the membership countries regarding trade marks. The essential change, that the amendment implemented is the cancellation of the necessity of graphical representation of the trade mark, what allows to simplify the registration of the unconventional trade marks. The purpose of the article is to present how the registration of unconventional trade marks looked within the light of the Luxembourg tribunal’s statements.W dniu 16 marca 2019 r. weszła w życie nowelizacja ustawy Prawo własności przemysłowej, która implementowała dyrektywę Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2015/2436 z dnia 16 grudnia 2015 r. mającą na celu zbliżenie ustawodawstw państw członkowskich odnoszących się do znaków towarowych. Istotną zmianą, jaką wprowadziła nowelizacja, jest zniesienie wymogu graficznej przedstawialności znaku towarowego. Umożliwi to łatwiejszą rejestrację niekonwencjonalnych znaków towarowych. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest zaprezentowanie, jak w świetle orzecznictwa trybunału luksemburskiego przedstawiała się rejestracja niekonwencjonalnych znaków towarowych

    Higher order dilaton gravity: brane equations of motion in the covariant formulation

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    Dilaton gravity with general brane localized interactions is investigated. Models with corrections up to arbitrary order in field derivatives are considered. Effective gravitational equations of motion at the brane are derived in the covariant approach. Dependence of such brane equations on the bulk quantities is discussed. It is shown that the number of the bulk independent brane equations of motion depends strongly on the symmetries assumed for the model and for the background. Examples with two and four derivatives of the fields are presented in more detail.Comment: 32 pages, references added, discussion extended, typos corrected, version to be publishe

    Inversive Meadows and Divisive Meadows

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    Inversive meadows are commutative rings with a multiplicative identity element and a total multiplicative inverse operation whose value at 0 is 0. Divisive meadows are inversive meadows with the multiplicative inverse operation replaced by a division operation. We give finite equational specifications of the class of all inversive meadows and the class of all divisive meadows. It depends on the angle from which they are viewed whether inversive meadows or divisive meadows must be considered more basic. We show that inversive and divisive meadows of rational numbers can be obtained as initial algebras of finite equational specifications. In the spirit of Peacock's arithmetical algebra, we study variants of inversive and divisive meadows without an additive identity element and/or an additive inverse operation. We propose simple constructions of variants of inversive and divisive meadows with a partial multiplicative inverse or division operation from inversive and divisive meadows. Divisive meadows are more basic if these variants are considered as well. We give a simple account of how mathematicians deal with 1 / 0, in which meadows and a customary convention among mathematicians play prominent parts, and we make plausible that a convincing account, starting from the popular computer science viewpoint that 1 / 0 is undefined, by means of some logic of partial functions is not attainable.Comment: 18 pages; error corrected; 29 pages, combined with arXiv:0909.2088 [math.RA] and arXiv:0909.5271 [math.RA

    Dietary Intake of Minerals in Diets of Adults Preparing for Marathon

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the mineral content in the diets of amateurs preparing for a marathon. The examined group consisted of 92 women (W), whose average age was 30.8 ±6.7 years and 66 men (M), whose average age was 33.2 ±6.6 years. The evaluation of the mineral content of the diets of the surveyed people was done using three-day dietary records which included one day of the weekend. The average daily sodium content in the diets of women was 1,952.2 ±729.2 mg, and in the diets of men it was 3,093.1 ±1,063.3 mg whereas potassium content was 3,361.6 ±798.5 mg and 3,900.3 ±982.3 mg respectively. The potassium content of less than 90% of fulfilling the norm was observed in the diets of 84.8% of women and 66.7% of men. The average content of calcium in the diets of women and men amounted to 887.5 ±278.8 mg and 1,162.6 ± 434.3 mg/day respectively. The diets of 30.4% of women and 16.7% of men had insufficient calcium content as compared to the norms. The average daily phosphorus and magnesium content was significantly higher in men than in women (1,374.6 ±348.6 vs 1,823.5 ±473.0 mg and 373.4 ±107.1 vs 423.6 ±108.8 mg). Magnesium intake was insufficient in the diets of 14.1% of women and 28.8% of men. The average daily content of iron, zinc and copper in the group of women was: 12.1 mg, 10.1 mg and 1.4 mg, while in the diets of men respectively 14.8 mg, 13.5 mg and 1.5 mg. The highest percentage of diets not fulfilling the norm was found for calcium and potassium in women, and potassium and magnesium for men

    Dietary Intake of Antioxidant Vitamins in Diets of Amateur Adults Preparing For a Marathon

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the content of antioxidant vitamins in the diet of amateurs preparing for a marathon. The study group consisted of 92 women (30.8 ±6.7 years old) and 66 men (33.2 ±6.6 years old). Assessment of the content of antioxidant vitamins in the diet of the subjects was made on the basis of the 3-day dietary records. The average content of vitamin A in the diets of women surveyed was 1,296.8 mg/day and 1,499.7 mg/day in the diets of men. The vitamin A content of less than 90% of the norm was observed in the diets of 2.2% women and 9.1% men. The average content of vitamin C in the diet amounted to 130.6 (women) and 111.4 (men) mg/day. Significantly more men than women (30% vs 13%) did not fulfill the norm for vitamin C. The average vitamin E content was higher in the diets of men than in women (15.2 vs 13.0 mg/day; p < 0.0001). The vitamin E content was insufficient compared to norms in the diets of 10% of women and 12% of men. The average content of vitamins A, C and E in the diet of the subjects significantly exceeded the recommendations. The largest proportion of diets, not meeting the stated norms for vitamin C were in the group of men