42 research outputs found

    Development of a multi-functional ventilated façade with an integrated collector-storage: numerical model and experimental facility

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    The paper reports on physical modeling and experimental evaluation of glazed systems. A multi-functional ventilated façade with an integrated collector-storage is developed and mounted on a test cell facility under real weather conditions. The component uses solar radiation to produce solar heated water flow, which in turn can provide space heating or fulfill domestic hot water demands. Different operational modes of the ventilation channel are analyzed in order to improve the thermal performance of the buildings with glazed façades. The existing numerical platform for the prediction of the thermal performance of buildings and solar systems is used to implement a numerical model to address the multi-functional ventilated façade with integrated collector-storage element. The model uses the measured outdoor data as boundary conditions to obtain predictions by means of a general energy balance in the test room and the façade component. The model permits different levels of simulation depending on the desired precision in each element, applying a modular methodology. In this study, the convection heat transfer coefficient within the parallelepiped storage tank is obtained from a direct numerical simulation (DNS) of turbulent natural convection flow of water, while the remaining empirical information is obtained from the literature for similar geometries.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    On the validity of the Boussinesq approximation in a tall differentially heated cavity with water

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    In the present work, the fluid flow and heat transfer inside an integrated solar collector installed on an advanced fac¸ade are investigated. According to Gray and Giorgini [1], the use of the Boussinesq approximation can be considered valid for variations of thermosphysical properties up to 10 % with respect to the mean value. In the configuration under study, there is a variation of about 20 % in the dynamic viscosity and 15 % in the thermal expansion coefficient. Thus, the main objective of this work is to analyse the validity of the Boussinesq approximation for the turbulent natural convection flow of water in a rectangular parallelepiped tank. The significance of the Boussinesq effects is studied comparatively by means of detailed DNS simulations.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    Numerical Analysis of Viscoelastic Fluid Injection Processes

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    In this work, a numerical framework aimed at simulating high-viscous and viscoelastic liquid injection processes is presented. The study of fluid injection with viscoelastic properties, such as synthetic polymers, is of great importance in several industrial sectors, such as metallurgy, automotive, food and pharmaceutical products, ink jets and 3D printers. In this work, a Geometrical Volume-of-Fluid (VOF) method is used to represent the interface, while finite-volume discretizations of Navier-Stokes equations on collocated unstructured meshes are solved through a fractional step method. Viscoelastic constitutive models are used to resolve the non-Newtonian behaviours. The employed implementations allow integrating different types of constitutive equations and stabilization approaches. The test case proposed in the current work consist of the simulation of the discharge of a polymeric jet from an upper nozzle into an air-containing cavity with solid bottom. The behavior of the fluids under analysis is validated by observing the onset of fluid-buckling s tructures. This phenomenon consists in the appearance of toroidal oscillation (as coiling and folding patterns) after the jet hits the solid surface and begins to accumulate. First, low-Reynolds number (Re<1.0) Newtonian Jets are analyzed, with the objective of validating the appearance of buckling as a function of Re number, and comparing the results with reference works. Finally, the potentialities of the proposed numerical methods are shown by simulating buckling phenomena in viscoelastic Jets described with the Oldroyd-B constitutive model.This work was developed in the context of a research project (BASE3D 001-P-001646) co-financed by the European Union Regional Development Fund within the framework of the ERDF Operational Program of Catalonia 2014-2020 with a grant of 50% of total cost eligible. The work has also been financially supported by a competitive R+D project (ENE2017-88697-R) of the Spanish Research Agency. The author E.Schillaci acknowledges the financial support of the Programa Torres Quevedo (PTQ2018- 010060).Postprint (published version

    Non-Oberbeck-Boussinesq natural convection in a tall differentially heated cavity

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    Turbulent flow in a water-filled rectangular parallelepiped tank of an integrated solar collector is analyzed by means of a set of two and three dimensional simulations. The geometry and the working conditions of the prototype yield an aspect ratio of Γ = 6:68, Rayleigh number of Ra = 2:2 x 10 11 and a Prandtl number of Pr = 3:42. Diff erent coarse DNS simulations and LES simulations using the dynamic Smagorinsky SGS and WALE model are presented. Validity of the Oberbeck-Boussinesq approximation is questioned. Heat transfer and first and second order statistics are studied.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Numerical simulation of the micro-extrusion process of printable biomaterials

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    This work aims to gain a better understanding of how the rheological properties of printable materials affect their processability, as well as the quality of the final product, which at the end can lead to reducing time and costs of the process and increase product development. As the first step, the proper rheological non-Newtonian models are extracted from experimental studies. Later, three-dimensional numerical simulation of extrusion process is performed in the context of Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) of governing equations, where the whole physics of fluid motion is taken into account. A finite-volume fractional step approach is used to solve the Navier-Stocks equations on collocated arbitrary meshes. Geometrical volume-of-fluid (GVOF) interface capturing approach is used to resolve the topological changes of the moving interface. The governing equations are solved using High-Performance Computing (HPC) parallel approaches. Besides the contribution of this work to the advancement of numerical techniques applied to multiphase complex flows, obtained results will shed light on the nature of non-Newtonian extrusion process with vast applications in the 3D printer industrial sectors.This work was developed in the context of a research project (BASE3D 001-P-001646) co-financed by the European Union Regional Development Fund within the framework of the ERDF Operational Program of Catalonia 2014-2020 with a grant of 50% of total cost eligible.Postprint (published version

    Directive 86-5: Drop Shipments; Retailer Engaged in Business in Commonwealth; Massachusetts Consumer

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    The present work addresses a flat plate solar collector with transparent insulation material (TIM) and high temperature protection system. The design and optimization of the collector have been numerically carried out by means of a parallel object-oriented simulation tool which is capable of simulating all the entities constituting the system as a whole, using efficient coupling between the elements. Three variants of the design are chosen to first test them under laboratory conditions. These collectors then are mounted in the roof of a hospital building, where their performance are comparatively tested along with a conventional flat plate solar collector, under real meteorological conditions and during long periods of time. Thus, due to long term exposure of the collectors, aspects such as reliability, durability, energy performance, correct functioning of the protection system will be analyzed, with the objective of improving the detected shortcomings for the future generations of the present design.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Numerical simulation of the micro-extrusion process of printable biomaterials

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    This work aims to gain a better understanding of how the rheological properties of printable materials affect their processability, as well as the quality of the final product, which at the end can lead to reducing time and costs of the process and increase product development. As the first step, the proper rheological non-Newtonian models are extracted from experimental studies. Later, three-dimensional numerical simulation of extrusion process is performed in the context of Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) of governing equations, where the whole physics of fluid motion is taken into account. A finite-volume fractional step approach is used to solve the Navier-Stocks equations on collocated arbitrary meshes. Geometrical volume-of-fluid (GVOF) interface capturing approach is used to resolve the topological changes of the moving interface. The governing equations are solved using High-Performance Computing (HPC) parallel approaches. Besides the contribution of this work to the advancement of numerical techniques applied to multiphase complex flows, obtained results will shed light on the nature of non-Newtonian extrusion process with vast applications in the 3D printer industrial sectors

    Thermal and fluid dynamic optimization of a CPV-T receiver for solar co-generation applications: numerical modelling and experimental validation

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    Solar co-generation, i.e., the generation of electricity and heat in a single device by concentrating the sunbeams, has the potential to significantly increase the overall system performance. The main challenge is related to the cooling of solar cells. In order to do so, it is essential to reduce the thermal resistance between the cell and heat transfer fluid. This paper features the optimization procedure of a low-cost custom concentrated photovoltaic thermal (CPV-T) receiver for a parabolic trough collector using silicon solar cells. A finite volume model for the thermal process has been developed. Hence, a fluid dynamic thermal simulation of the receiver is presented. The optimized heat sink tube geometries have been manufactured and tested in a lab environment, allowing for a comparison between modelling and experimental test results. Three possible heat sink geometries have been designed and compared regarding their overall heat transfer coefficient with respect to the non-dimensional pumping power, i.e. the ratio between the overall transferred heat and the energy required for pumping. The overall heat transfer coefficient for a finned heat sink has been increased up to 60% with respect to a baseline case without fins under similar conditions.This project has received funding from SOLAR-ERA.NET Cofund 2 joint call undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. This work has also been supported by Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBİTAK) under grant number 219M028. The authors acknowledge the Heat and Environment Laboratory, Mechanical Engineering Department, METU, and the help of Bulent G. Akinoglu and Elsen Aydin. D. Santos acknowledges FI AGAUR-Generalitat de Catalunya fellowship (2022FI_B2_00173).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Numerical study of the non-Oberbeck-Boussinesq effects in turbulent water-filled cavities

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    The work carried out in the framework of the present thesis aims at shedding light into the complex phenomena involved in turbulent water-filled cavities, questioning the validity of the well-established Oberbeck-Boussinesq effects, and determining the influence of these on the flow structure and heat transfer. First, the relevance of the variable thermophyical properties have been submitted to investigation by means of direct numerical simulations of a differentially heated cavity flow using the aspect ratio of a particular prototype. The simulations consider the so-called non-Oberbeck-Boussinesq effects, and study the temperature range for which these effects could be considered relevant. The work has been conducted employing a 2D flow assumption, estimating that this methodology -promoted by the necessity of a compromise between the accuracy and the cost of the simulations- would be valid to detect the non-Oberbeck-Boussinesq effects without the loss of generality, even though the actual flow structures of the flow are inherently 3D. The numerical results have revealed that up to the temperature difference of 30 ºC, Oberbeck-Boussinesq solution can estimate the heat transfer within 1 % error, although the loss of symmetry is certified even for a temperature difference of 10 ºC. Moreover, it has been observed that the boundary layers at hot and cold isothermal confining walls behave differently, such that the boundary layer instabilities and transition to turbulence location move downstream along the hot wall and upstream along the cold wall. As a consequence, the stratification region shifts upwards, giving rise to higher stratification numbers. Later, the non-Oberbeck-Boussinesq effects have been studied considering three-dimensional domain by means of direct numerical simulations, in the quest of analyzing their impact on the three-dimensional flow structure. The results have revealed delayed transition in the hot wall and earlier triggered transition in the cold wall boundary layers. This has been shown to be a consequence of the initial heating of the cavity due to favorable heat transfer properties in the hot wall boundary layer, which results in warmer upper cavity. As time advances, due to the influence of the stratified flow feeding the hot and cold boundary layers, the strength of the natural convection gradually decreases and increases in the hot and cold boundary layers, respectively. When a balance is attained between these two boundary layers, the cold wall boundary is found at a higher equivalent Rayleigh number, justifying its premature transition. Accordingly, the early transitioning cold wall boundary layer is thicker. This boundary layer interacts actively with the hot wall boundary layer, causing vertical oscillations in the transition to turbulent locations on both boundary layers. This interaction is also responsible for the degradation of the already shifted stratification zone. Besides the qualitative agreement in some aspects, this important effect is not captured by means of 2D simulations, which invalidates 2D flow hypothesis when it comes to describing the flow characteristics with non-Oberbeck-Boussinesq effects. As for the heat transfer, the Non-Oberbeck-Boussinesq effects do not necessarily enhance the heat transfer, as Oberbeck-Boussinesq solution is observed to overestimate the Nusselt number by about 3 %. Last but not the least, considering the huge computational resources required for simulating these turbulent natural convection flows with water, and bearing in mind the importance of an appropriate modeling of the present phenomena, different subgrid-scale models have been analyzed in order to predict the thermal and fluid dynamics of the flow within a turbulent water-filled cavity. It has been shown that the performance of the models is directly linked to the accurate prediction of the transition to turbulence, which is the main challenge in the proper modeling of this flow.El treball realitzat en el marc de la present tesi té com a objectiu analitzar els fenòmens complexos involucrats en la convecció natural en cavitats amb aigua en règim turbulent, qüestionant la validesa de la ben establerta hipòtesi d'Oberbeck-Boussinesq. S'ha estudiat la influència dels efectes Oberbeck-Boussinesq sobre l'estructura de flux i la transferència de calor. En primer lloc, l'efecte de la dependència en la temperatura de les propietats termofísiques variables s'ha estudiat mitjançant simulacions numèriques directes del flux en una cavitat amb aigua escalfada diferencialment, emprant l'hipotèsi de flux 2D. Els resultats numèrics han revelat que per diferències de temperatura fins a 30 ºC, la solució Oberbeck-Boussinesq pot estimar la transferència de calor amb un error màxim d'1%, tot i que la pèrdua de simetria està certificada fins i tot per una diferència de temperatura de 10 ºC. D'altra banda, s'ha observat que les capes límit en les dues parets es comporten de manera diferent, de tal manera que les inestabilitats de la capa límit i el punt de transició es mouen aigües avall en la paret calenta i aigües amunt en la freda. Com a conseqüència d'això, la regió d'estratificació es desplaça cap amunt, donant lloc a un nombre d'estratificació més elevat. Tot seguit, els efectes Oberbeck-Boussinesq s'han estudiat tenint en compte el flux 3D per mitjà de simulacions numèriques directes, en la recerca d'analitzar el seu impacte en l'estructura del flux tridimensional. Els resultats han confirmat la transició retardada a la paret calenta i la transició provocada aigües amunt a la paret freda. S'ha demostrat que aquest fet és una conseqüència de l'escalfament inicial de la cavitat a causa de les propietats de transferència de calor favorables a la capa límit de la paret calenta, el que resulta en un escalfament de la part superior de la cavitat. A mesura que avança el temps, a causa de la influència del flux estratificat que alimenta les dues capes límit, la força de la convecció natural disminueix i augmenta gradualment en la capa límit de les parets calenta i freda, respectivament. Quan s'arriba a un equilibri entre aquestes dues capes límit, la capa límit de la paret freda es troba a un nombre de Rayleigh equivalent superior, justificant la seva transició prematura. En conseqüència, la capa límit de la paret freda és més gruixuda. Aquesta capa límit interactua activament amb la capa de la paret calenta, causant oscil·lacions verticals en el punt de transició en les dues capes límit. Aquesta interacció també és responsable de la degradació de la zona d'estratificació. Aquest important efecte no és capturat per mitjà de simulacions 2D, el que invalida la hipòtesi de flux 2D quan es tracta de descriure les característiques de flux amb efectes no-Oberbeck-Boussinesq. Pel que fa a la transferència de calor, els efectes no Oberbeck-Boussinesq no milloren necessàriament la transferència de calor, tal com s'observa a la solució Oberbeck-Boussinesq al sobreestimar el nombre de Nusselt en un 3%. Finalment, tenint en compte els enormes recursos computacionals necessaris per a la simulació d'aquestes cavitats en règim turbulent amb aigua, i tenint en compte la importància d'una modelització adequat dels fenòmens que s'hi troben, s'han analitzat els diferents models LES utilitzant un cas semblant, però sense efectes Boussinesq. S'ha demostrat que el rendiment dels models està directament relacionat amb la predicció precisa del punt de transició, que és el principal repte en la modelització adequada d'aquest flux.Postprint (published version

    SISTEMES TÈRMICS II (Examen 2n quadrimestre, 1r parcial)

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