838 research outputs found

    Robert Altman : erste bibliographische Notizen

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    Die folgende Arbeitsbibliographie entstand im Kontext eines Seminars zu den Filmen Altmans. Sie versteht sich als eine erste Durchsicht des Materials und soll fortgeschrieben werden. Die Oscar-Verleihung im MĂ€rz 2006 wird auch das akademische Interesse an Altmans Filmen beleben - insbesondere fĂŒr diesen Kontext versteht sich die folgende Sammlung. Wir bitten, uns ErgĂ€nzungen und Korrekturen, Abstracts und Hinweise auf Mehrfachabdrucke zuzusenden, wir werden sie in die Bibliographie einfĂŒgen und sie gelegentlich in erweiterter Fassung online zugĂ€nglich machen

    Hitting a Moving Target

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    Network Analysis of Passing Patterns in Handball

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    Network analysis is used in a number of different fields to study systems ranging from molecular interactions to social interactions between humans. With the increase of available data, it is not surprising that network analysis methods are now used to analyze human behavior and interactions in sports. Handball is a popular sport in Europe, and while it has been studied, it has not been studied with network methods. In this work, passing data was collected from two international competitions to study the passing behavior of the Norwegian women’s handball team. The data were divided into multiple scenarios to try to explore how the team’s and individual players\u27 playing styles depended on whether the team was leading, trailing, or scoring goals. Star players were also compared with their replacements to see if there was any statistical evidence available as to why the star players may be unique. We found differences between the star players and their replacements, some differences between the team’s passing behavior when leading and trailing and when scoring goals, and that the team appears to have a specific prescribed playing style for each position

    How to Fix Unpaid Arbitration Awards

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    Catch Hell Blues

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    My novella features four friends attempting to navigate the transition between high school and adulthood while coming of age in the midst of political turmoil and an American epidemic of substance misuse. They attend a house party, inebriate, and drive around Los Angeles in a 1996 BMW 7 series while waxing philosophic about God, free-will, and beauty. After purchasing more alcohol, they vandalize a Confederate flag, which incites a road-rage incident. The second half of the novella details their separation from one another and struggles with personal loss and substance abuse

    Bolshevik for Capitalism: Ayn Rand & Soviet Socialist Realism

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    Since the late 1950s, Russian-American novelist and philosopher Ayn Rand has been “the ultimate gateway drug to life on the right.” Her philosophy – “Objectivism” – combined militant atheism, libertarian natural rights, and a philosophical commitment to what she called “the virtue of selfishness,” and earned her the admiration of such luminaries as Alan Greenspan: a remarkable achievement for an immigrant woman who learned to speak English in her late 20s. What is less-often observed is that Rand’s work, especially her mature novels The Fountainhead (1943) and Atlas Shrugged (1957), bear a close stylistic resemblance to the Soviet Socialist Realist novel. This thesis identifies these similarities and attempts to answer the question of why a heavily Soviet-inflected writer was able to reach such cultural and political prominence in, of all places, America

    Proteins in Fish Muscle

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    Fi-Kje-Te rapporte

    Markedsreaksjoner pÄ salg- og tilbakeleieannonseringer : En eventstudie av selskaper pÄ Oslo BÞrs og NASDAQ OMX Stockholm

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    I denne oppgaven undersÞker vi hvilken effekt annonsering av salg og tilbakeleietransaksjoner har pÄ norske og svenske selskapers markedsverdi, notert pÄ henholdsvis Oslo BÞrs og NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. Den empiriske studien er gjennomfÞrt ved Ä benytte en eventstudie, hvor salg- og tilbakeleieannonseringen defineres som hendelsen. I tillegg undersÞker vi om et sett av predefinerte selskaps- og transaksjonsspesifikke variabler kan forklare en eventuell endring i markedsverdien. Basert pÄ vÄre analyser eksisterer det unormal avkastning ved annonsering av salg- og tilbakeleietransaksjoner. Den gjennomsnittlige unormale avkastningen pÄ annonseringsdagen er 1,52 % nÄr vi baserer analysen pÄ det norske og det svenske markedet samlet. Analysen pÄviser ogsÄ unormal avkastning i eventvinduene (-1,1) og (-5,5), henholdsvis 1,60 % og 2,23 %. Basert pÄ dette konkluderer vi med at det eksisterer kortsiktige positive effekter pÄ unormal avkastning som fÞlge av salg- og tilbakeleieannonseringer. Videre viser analysen at den unormale avkastningen avhenger av den frigjorte kapitalen skal benyttes til. Selskaper som annonserer at de Þnsker Ä benytte midlene til Ä fokusere pÄ kjernevirksomhet har en unormal avkastning pÄ 1,40 % pÄ annonseringsdagen. Dette er signifikant hÞyere enn den unormale avkastning til selskaper som benytter kapitalen til andre formÄl. Disse selskapene har en signifikant unormal avkastning pÄ 0,92 %. Av de Þvrige selskaps- og transaksjonsspesifikke variablene finner vi at rentedekningsgraden har en signifikant negativ effekt pÄ unormal avkastning i eventvinduet (-1,1). Dette kan tyde pÄ at aksjemarkedet ser positivt pÄ at selskaper som opplever finansielt stress gjennomfÞrer STL-transaksjoner, da de pÄ denne mÄten realiserer aktiva uten Ä skade driften. Dersom vi korrigerer datasettet for ekstreme observasjoner finner vi at rentedekningsgraden er signifikant negativ i eventvinduene (-1,1) og (-5,5) og gevinst signifikant positiv i eventvinduet (-1,1)
