677 research outputs found

    Un essai de formalisation des études sur l’art paléolithique pour la connaissance des sociétés préhistoriques

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    Paleolithic art is a fundamental tool for the understanding of prehistoric societies. The relationships between paleolithic art and archaeological sites have been investigated and show the existence of nearly all the types of artistic expressions (sculptures, paintings, engravings, drawings, clay modelling, mammoth bone assemblages, etc.) in various sites like rock shelters, open-air sites, burials, deep caves, open caves and rock open-air sites. Unfortunately, old discoveries and tourism have destroyed in most cases the relationship between mobiliar and cave art with archaeological structures, limiting to recent discoveries the capability of a global approach. The different interpretative theories of prehistoric art since XIX century have been remembered both for symbolic explanations (Reinach, Breuil, Bégouen, Raphaêl, Laming-Emperaire, Leroi-Gourhan, Sauvet, Vialou, Clottes) and for social explanations (Efimenko, Abramova, Semenov, Iakovleva, Sieveking, Conkey, Bahn), and their revision due to the recent 14C AMS dates directly obtained on paintings made by charcoal. The critical question of the building of a reliable chronological framework is discussed. A method to study prehistoric art is then proposed, in five main steps: Step 1: Acquisition (recording); Step 2: Acquisition (signs, species and scenes determination); Step 3: Structuring (craftsmen workflow: space selection, physical-chemical studies, stylistic analysis, panel organization); Step 4: Structuring (chronological and spatial organization of the decorated space, relationships between the decorated space and the territory of hunters-gatherers); Step 5: Modelling (the craft system, the social system and the symbolic system of the hunter-gatherer society)

    Marcus Antonius' Campaign against the Pirates in 102 BC

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    The struggle between the Roman State and Mediterranean pirates is a problem in ancient history that has not been sufficiently studied. By analyzing events from the turn of the 1st century BC, the author provides information about the first serious military campaign, as well as the qualitative and quantitative Roman staff directed against the piracy in Cilicia. The author concludes that the problem of piracy was not solved and claims that Cilicia was established not as a province but as a military command aimed to resolve the situation in the Mediterranean Sea

    «Damocles’ sword» of power: factors of legitimacy in ancient Athens

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    Статтю присвячено дослідженню чинників легітимності влади у Стародавньому світі. Легітимність – це «Дамоклів меч» влади епохи Античності. Сумніви громадян щодо легітимності влади спричиняють її втрату. Обґрунтування авторитету влади, права на владу та чинників її визнання стає однією з центральних проблем для античної філософії та політики. Виокремлено чинники легітимності влади монархії (релігія, традиційне панування), аристократії (знатне походження, військові перемоги), тиранії (харизматична легітимність особистісної влади), демосу (колективна легітимність, раціоналізм). інтерпретовано «остракізм» як наочний результат процесу делегітимації влади. Відзначено особливості реформ Перикла, в основі яких раціональна організація влади, введення оплати за працю задля суспільної користі («містофорія»), демократія.The article is devoted to the study of the factors of the legitimacy of power in the Ancient World. Legitimacy is the «the Sword of Damocles» of the era of antiquity; the doubts of citizens about the legitimacy of power is a direct way to its loss. That is why the rationale for the authority of power and the right to power become one of the central one for ancient philosophy and politics. The factors of the legitimacy of the power of the monarchy (religion, traditional domination), aristocracy (noble origin, military victories), tyranny (charismatic legitimacy of personal power), demos (collective legitimacy, rationalism) are singled out. «Ostracism» as an obvious result of the process of delegitimization of power is interpreted. The peculiarities of Pericles' reforms, which are based on rational organization of power, introduction of payment for work for the sake of public benefit («mystophoria»), democracy, are noted.Статья посвящена исследованию факторов легитимности власти в Древнем мире. Легитимность – это «Дамоклов меч» власти эпохи Античности. Сомнения граждан относительно легитимности стают причиной ее потери. Именно поэтому обоснования авторитета власти, права на власть, факторов признания власти становятся одними из центральных задач для античной философии и политики. Выделены факторы легитимности власти монархии (религия, традиционное господство), аристократии (знатное происхождение, военные победы), тирании (харизматическая легитимность персональной власти), демоса (коллективная легитимность, рационализм). Интерпретирован «остракизм» как наглядный результат процесса делегитимации власти. Отмечены особенности реформ Перикла, в основе которых рациональная организация власти, введение оплаты за труд ради общественной пользы («мистофория»), демократия

    The Legitimacy of Power and Control over Violence in a Transitional Society

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    Статтю присвячено дослідженню легітимності влади та контролю над насильством у перехідному суспільстві. Зазначено, що в умовах перехідного суспільства особливої політичної ваги, а відтак і наукової актуальності набуває проблема насильства. Її вирішення пов’язується зі здатністю класу забезпечити легітимність влади. У класичних концепціях легітимності наголошується, що лише держава має монополію на насильство. Проте у перехідному суспільстві до насильства можуть вдаватись і окремі групи та політичні організації з метою збереження влади та власності. Відповідно до неоінституційної теорії така ситуація є характерною ознакою суспільства обмеженого доступу.The article is devoted to the study of the legitimacy of power and control over violence in a transitional society. It is noted, that the problem of violence in a transitional society has a special political weight, and therefore a scientific relevance. The solution of this problem is directly related to the ability of the political class to ensure the legitimacy of power. In classical concepts of legitimacy is stated, that only the state has a monopoly on violence. However, in transitional societies, individual groups and political organizations can also resort the violence to preserve power and property. According to the non-institutional theory, this situation is a hallmark of limited access orders.Статья посвящена исследованию легитимности власти и контроля над насилием в переход- ном обществе. Отмечено, что в условиях переходного общества особый политический вес и научную актуальность приобретает проблема насилия. Ее решение связывается со способностью политического класса обеспечить легитимность власти. В классических концепциях легитимности отмечается, что только государство имеет монополию на насилие. Однако в переходном обществе к насилию могут прибегать отдельные группы и политические организации с целью сохранения власти и собственности. Согласно неоинституциональной теории такая ситуация является характерным признаком общества ограниченного доступа

    Web-Based Monitoring and Evaluation: Research Activity Assessment Case Study

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    The work is devoted to issues of monitoring and evaluation system development. It is suggested to use the web as the source of data for monitoring. The assessment of web-based indicators for monitoring is realized with the help of Rasch model. The application of suggested approach is illustrated by the case study of universities research activity assessment

    The third mission : Enhancing academic engagement with industry

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    There is an ongoing debate in the literature about a “third mission” for universities. Examples of successful academic spin-offs have led to a widespread policy of encouraging collaboration between the academic and commercial worlds. However, the commercialization of research-based innovations often suggests a conflict of interest to academics. In this study we explore what types of knowledge spillover are preferable for academics and how universities can support them. Analysing a survey of 226 academics in a medium-sized university in Norway, we found that supporting the entrepreneurial knowledge and skills of academics might cause a modest increase in their entrepreneurial intentions. At the same time, we found that incentives for joint research projects with industrial partners enhance academics’ desire to take part in such collaborations. We conclude by questioning the well-publicized policy efforts focused on boosting academic start-ups. We argue that more knowledge about starting and running a business would be helpful, but only for a small number of academics who are already interested in such activities. To enhance broader academic involvement in the “third mission”, policies should encourage a wider range of activities and focus on providing incentives, such as tax regimes or co-funding possibilities, for other types of research-industry collaboration, such as joint research projects.publishedVersio

    Zeptometer displacement sensing using cavity opto-magneto-mechanics

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    Optomechanical systems have been proven to be very useful for precision sensing of a variety of forces and effects. In this work, we propose an opto-magno-mechanical setup for spatial displacement sensing where one mirror of the optical cavity is levitated in vacuum via diamagnetic forces in an inhomogenous magnetic field produced by two layers of permanent magnets. We show that the optomechanical system can sense small changes in separation between the magnet layers, as the mechanical frequency of the levitated mirror shifts with changing magnet layer separation dd. We use Quantum Fisher Information (QFI) as a figure of merit of the displacement sensing precision, and study the fundamental precision bound that can be reached in our setup. Nonlinear interaction inherently present in the optomechanical Hamiltonian improves the precision, and we show that in the case of a pure state of the optical cavity, one can achieve extremely small displacement sensing precision of Δd36×1021m\Delta d\sim36\times10^{-21}\text{m}. Further, we incorporate decoherence into our system to study the effect of leaking photons from the optical cavity on the QFI