640 research outputs found

    Spin Matrix for the Scaled Periodic Ising Model

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    The matrix elements of the spin operator for the periodic Ising model in a basis of eigenvectors for the transfer matrix are calculated in the massive scaling limit

    Periodic Ising Correlations

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    In this paper, we first rework B. Kaufman's 1949 paper, "Crystal Statistics. II. Partition Function Evaluated by Spinor Analysis", by using representation theory. Our approach leads to a simpler and more direct way of deriving the spectrum of the transfer matrix for the finite periodic Ising model. We then determine formulas for the spin correlation functions that depend on the matrix elements of the induced rotation associated with the spin operator in a basis of eigenvectors for the transfer matrix. The representation of the spin matrix elements is obtained by considering the spin operator as an intertwining map. We exhibit the "new" elements V+ and V- in the Bugrij-Lisovyy formula as part of a holomorphic factorization of the periodic and anti-periodic summability kernels on the spectral curve associated with the induced rotation for the transfer matrix.Comment: 36 page

    Online learning through Reinforcement learning in a high-fidelity physics simulator

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    Postponed access: the file will be accessible after 2023-11-21MasteroppgÄve i informatikkINF399MAMN-INFMAMN-PRO

    Dubbing attitudes: An Attitudinal Study of the Use of Accents in DreamWorks Animated Films and their Norwegian Dubbed Versions

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    FormĂ„let med denne oppgaven har vĂŠrt Ă„ undersĂžke bruken av engelske og norske uttalevarianter i et utvalg animasjonsfilmer fra selskapet DreamWorks. 12 filmer ble analysert med fokus pĂ„ uttale/dialekt og et utvalg variabler knyttet til karaktertyper. Dette ble gjort for Ă„ undersĂžke potensielle systematiske korrelasjoner mellom muntlig sprĂ„k og karaktertrekk, med en antagelse om at mĂ„ten aksenter/dialekter blir brukt i animasjonsfilmer reflekterer bevisste valg, som igjen reflekterer sprĂ„kholdninger i samfunnet. Et mĂ„l med oppgaven har vĂŠrt Ă„ sammenligne mĂ„ten sprĂ„klig variasjon blir brukt i de engelsktalende og de norsktalende versjonene av filmene, og de norske dubbede versjonene av filmene ble derfor ogsĂ„ analysert. Denne studien er bygget pĂ„ Rosina Lippi-Green sin studie fra 1997, som undersĂžkte bruken av ulike engelske uttalevarianter i animerte filmer fra Disney. Hun avslĂžrte systematiske mĂžnster for hvordan ulike uttalevarianter ble fremstilt, og argumenterte for at dette er med pĂ„ Ă„ viderefĂžre holdninger og stereotypier til barn som ser pĂ„ disse filmene. I ettertid har hennes arbeid blitt viderefĂžrt i flere masteroppgaver, og det er gjort lignende studier av blant annet barne-TV (DobrowGidney 1998) og TV-serier for voksne (Dragojevic et.al.2016). Det er meg bekjent ikke gjennomfĂžrt studier av denne typen hvor fokuset er pĂ„ DreamWorks, ei heller studier hvor bruken av uttalevarianter i engelsktalende filmer blir sammenlignet med uttalevarianter i dubbede versjoner pĂ„ norsk. Basert pĂ„ funn fra tidligere studier, var det ventet Ă„ finne systematiske korrelasjoner mellom karaktertrekk og uttalevarianter, samt bruk av lingvistiske stereotypier. Ettersom norske dialekter og dialektbruk stĂ„r sterkt i det norske samfunnet, var det ventet Ă„ finne stĂžrre variasjon i uttalevariantene i de dubbede versjonene, og mindre bruk av lingvistiske stereotypier, enn i originalversjonene. Funnene viser at det er korrelasjoner mellom karaktertrekk og uttalevarianter i bĂ„de de originale og de dubbede versjonene, og at forskjellene mellom originalen og dubbingen er mindre enn forventet. Faktisk viste det seg at det var stĂžrre variasjon i bruken av uttalevarianter i de originale filmene enn i de norske dubbingene, hvor var klart mest bruk av Ăžstlandske dialekter. Det ble ogsĂ„ funnet at utenlandske aksenter ble oversatt i dubbingen nĂ„r den samsvarte med lingvistiske stereotyper, men i mindre grad nĂ„r den utenlandske aksenten ble brukt ikke-stereotypisk.Engelsk mastergradsoppgaveENG350MAHF-ENGMAHF-LÆF

    Meir enn mote? : ei undersÞking av balansert mÄlstyring i Sparebanken Sogn og Fjordane

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    Balansert mÄlstyring er eit styringssystem som har hatt eit gjennombrot dei siste Ära, og denne masterutgreiinga gjev eit innblikk i korleis balansert mÄlstyring fungerar i Sparebanken Sogn og Fjordane. Vi samla inn data ved hjelp av kvalitative intervju, og ved Ä nytte grounded theory har vi forsÞkt Ä finne samanhengar i data som forklarar effektane av Ä innfÞre balansert mÄlstyring. Vi var spesielt interesserte i systemet som eit kommunikasjonsverktÞy, og dÄ om balansert mÄlstyring fÞrer til at visjon og strategi vert formidla ned til dei tilsette slik at dei forstÄr si rolle i Ä nÄ bedrifta sine overordna mÄl og klarar Ä vurdere optimal eigeninnsats i forhold til banken si mÄloppnÄing. VÄre resultat viser at forstÄinga til dei tilsette i banken har endra seg i positiv retning, men ikkje til det som er optimalt i fÞlgje teorien. Det at dei har fÄtt auka forstÄing har ikkje hatt noko sÊrleg innverknad pÄ handlingane deira, men banken har likevel lukkast med Ä operasjonalisere strategien slik at dei tilsette til ei viss grad handlar i trÄd med visjonen. Gjennom analysen viste det seg at ogsÄ andre faktorar vart pÄverka av balansert mÄlstyring. Det som merka seg ut var at dei tilsette vart meir fokuserte og medvetne pÄ kva banken ynskjer Ä oppnÄ og kva dei sjÞlve kan gjere for Ä bidra, noko som gav dei tilsette retningslinjer Ä handle ut frÄ. Ein viktig drivar var det Ä ha personlege mÄl, samstundes som leiartype var ein avgjerande medierande variabel

    Ship Leadership, Situation Awareness, and Crew Safety Behaviour—Preregistered Replications in Two Survey Datasets

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    Situation awareness is often assumed to be crucial for working safely. Self-reported context-general measures can be an efficient way to measure situation awareness in large datasets and test how it relates to other individual, organizational, and environmental variables. In a previous structural equation model (Sétrevik & Hystad, 2017) authentic leadership accounted for situation awareness and self-report of committing unsafe actions, while situation awareness accounted for subjective risk assessment and commitment of unsafe actions. The current study performed preregistered replications of the same associations in two novel but similar datasets. Both datasets replicated that higher situation awareness was associated with fewer unsafe actions and with lower subjective risk assessment. One of the new datasets measured leadership, and more authentic leadership was found to be associated with higher situation awareness and fewer unsafe actions. The preregistered structural equation models explained large amounts of the variance in situation awareness and unsafe actions and medium to large amounts of the variance in subjective risk assessment. We also tested adjusted models that incorporated more of the measured items and improved the validity of the measures. The study supports the claim that a crewmember’s cognitive states (such as perception, understanding, and prediction of safety signals) are associated with safety outcomes and that leadership qualities may facilitate this relationship. This preregistered replication in two novel datasets increases the reliability of the previously identified relationships.publishedVersio

    Spin operator matrix elements in the quantum Ising chain: fermion approach

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    Using some modification of the standard fermion technique we derive factorized formula for spin operator matrix elements (form-factors) between general eigenstates of the Hamiltonian of quantum Ising chain in a transverse field of finite length. The derivation is based on the approach recently used to derive factorized formula for Z_N-spin operator matrix elements between ground eigenstates of the Hamiltonian of the Z_N-symmetric superintegrable chiral Potts quantum chain. The obtained factorized formulas for the matrix elements of Ising chain coincide with the corresponding expressions obtained by the Separation of Variables Method.Comment: 19 page

    The dimensionality of the 12-item general health questionnaire (GHQ-12): Comparisons of factor structures and invariance across samples and time

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    Because of its brevity, the 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) has become one of the most popular and used measure for detecting psychological distress. Originally intended as a unidimensional measure, the majority of subsequent factor-analytic studies have failed to support GHQ-12 as a unitary construct and have instead proposed a plethora of multidimensional structures. In this study, we further examined the factor structure in two different military samples, one consisting of crewmembers from four different frigates deployed in anti-piracy operations and Standing NATO Maritime Group deployments (N = 591) and one consisting of crewmember from three different minehunters/sweepers serving in Standing NATO Mine Counter-Measures Group deployments (N = 196). Results from confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) performed in the first sample supported a bifactor model, consisting of a general factor representing communality among all items and two specific factors reflecting common variance due to wording effects (negatively and positively phrased items). A multi-group CFA further confirmed this structure to be invariant across our second sample. Structural equation modeling also showed that the general factor was strongly associated with symptoms of insomnia and mental health, whereas the specific factors were either non-significantly or considerably weaker associated with the criterion variables. Overall, our results are congruent with the notion that the multidimensionality demonstrated in many previous investigations is most likely an expression of method-specific variance caused by item wording. The explained unique variance associated with these specific factors was further relatively small. Ignoring the multidimensionality and treating GHQ-12 as a unitary construct will therefore most likely introduce minimal bias to most practical applications.publishedVersio

    Tilgangsstyring av elektronisk pasientjournal : en Delphistudie av dagens utfordringer og synliggjĂžring av potensielle forbedringer

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    Masteroppgave i helse- og sosialinformatikk HSI 500 Universitetet Agder 2014In health care, access to sensitive information about patients is a necessity in order to offer care to the patient, and maintain patient safety. At the same time it is important that the information is protected against unauthorized access, to ensure patient privacy. Access control is an essential function in electronic health records (EHR) to maintain the duality between patient safety and patient privacy by ensuring that authorized personnel are allowed access to information they need. However, care processes are often unpredictable, and a number of end users can be involved in treatment across organizational units in the same health enterprise. As a consequence, it is hard to implement strict access control rules, and exception mechanisms must be used. In the specialist care, role based access control (RBAC) is mainly used as access control model, and it has since 2001 been a requirement in Norway that access control in EHR must be given on the basis of decisions about health care, so called decision based access. Within few years, this will be used in all Norwegian health enterprises. Literature shows a number of challenges with access control in EHR, but empirical data on experiences with the use and setup of decision based access, is almost nonexistent. The purpose of this study was therefore to identify what the end users and system administrators are experiencing as the most important challenges using decision based access, and what they consider important factors for the improvement of the access control. To answer this, a Delphi survey was conducted, and it is taken out reports from an EHR database. The survey and reports show that a number of challenges that have been identified in previous studies are still present. The access control is not sufficiently tailored to treatment processes, and extensive use of exception mechanisms is necessary to protect patient safety, which generates long event records that are not followed up systematically, and therefore may go at the expense of patient privacy. Possible improvements of the challenges uncovered include more education, standardization of access control, easier use of exception mechanisms and a more process oriented access control. Keywords Access Control, Delphi, Electronic Health Records, Information security, Patient safet
