323 research outputs found

    Die Privatisierung bewaffneter Konflikte im 20. Jahrhundert

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    Im Zuge der geopolitischen Entwicklungen des 20. Jahrhunderts fand eine Wandlung der Konfliktlagen statt. Von den zwischenstaatlichen Kriegen clausewitz’scher Konzeption bis 1945 zu den Konfliktszenarien der „neuen Kriege“ nach dem Ende der Bipolarität entwickelte sich ein Prozess zunehmender Privatisierung der Gewaltakteure. An die Stelle regulärer Armeen treten immer häufiger Söldner und hoch spezialisierte private Militärunternehmen. Die konfliktbeeinflussenden Handlungsweisen und Funktionen des Personals dieser Unternehmen werden vom Völkerrecht jedoch nicht berücksichtigt. Das Fehlen eines eindeutigen Rechtsstatus erzeugt insbesondere hinsichtlich der Einhaltung der Menschenrechte einen dringenden Handlungsbedarf auf internationaler Ebene private Militärfirmen einem allgemeingültigen Kontroll- und Regulierungssystem zu unterwerfen. Die hier aufgezeigten internationalen wie einzelstaatlichen Regulierungsmaßnahmen insbesondere jedoch die Bestrebungen der UN-Arbeitsgruppe zum Einsatz von Söldnern zu einer Registrierungs- und Strafverfolgungskonvention für private Militärfirmen sowie Strategien der freiwilligen Selbstkontrolle durch den Internationalen Verhaltenskodex offenbaren einen intensivierten Prozess zur Entwicklung internationaler Kontroll- und Regulierungsmechanismen vor dem Hintergrund der immensen Herausforderung der Findung gemeinschaftlich akzeptierter internationaler Richtlinien.In the course of the geopolitical changes during the 20th century a transformation of armed conflicts has occurred. From Clausewitz’ conceptions as a dominant model of inter-state warfare until 1945 up to the conflict scenarios of the “new wars” since the end of the post cold war era a rise of privatization of the conflict actors has emerged. Regular military forces are increasingly often replaced by mercenaries and private military companies. While the tasks fulfilled by the employees of these companies are affecting the conflict situations they are not accounted by international law. Due to the lack of a clear legal status, especially in consideration of compliance with human rights, the international political system has to address an increased need for action to establish a universally valid system to monitor and regulate private military companies. The international but also national attempts presented in this thesis to regulate private military service providers especially the efforts of the UN-Working Group on the use of mercenaries to develop an UN-Convention for registration and prosecution of private military companies as well as strategies of voluntary self regulation initiated by the international code of conduct reveal an intensified process to build up international mechanisms for monitoring and regulation in view of the tremendous challenge to achieve commonly accepted international standards for regulation

    Nāgārjunas Mūlamadhyamakakārikā: translation and interpretation

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone ja teose „Keskmise tee juurvärsid“ tõlgetDoktoritöö käsitleb budistliku filosoofi Nāgārdžuna (umbes 150–250) teost „Keskmise tee juurvärsid“ (Mūlamadhyamakakārikā, MMK). Tegemist on šuunjavaada koolkonna nn. nullteefilooofia kõige olulisema teosega. Töös sisaldub MMK kommenteeritud tõlge eesti keelde koos sissejuhatusega ning üheksa artiklit. Artiklid puudutavad MMK-s kasutatud budistliku terminoloogia võtmemõisteid ja nende tõlkimist, aga samuti budismiuuringute metodoloogilisi küsimusi. MMK tõlgete ja tõlgenduste lugu läänes peegeldab lääne filosoofias valitsevate mõttevoolude vahetumist. See on taganud tõlgenduste pideva uuenemise, mille puhul on nüüdseks kõige tugevamalt pinnale jäänud XX sajandi kandvad voolud nagu dekonstruktsioon, arusaam lõputust semioosist, lingvistiline filosoofia jt. MMK puhul on tegemist tekstiga, mis genereerib teisi tekste. See tähendab, et tõlgenduste ja kommentaaride voog kuulub selle teksti pragmaatikasse, mida kinnitab ka kaasaegse nagardžuniaana ulatuslik väli. Nāgārdžuna oli budistlik õpetaja ja tema õpetus on pigem meetod kui teooria. Sellest johtub ka semiootika kui meetodi olulisus, samuti usundifenomenoloogia lähtekoht vabanemiskogemuse ja teadvuse transformatsiooni vaatlemisel. Nāgārdžuna kasutab Juurvärssides mõistetena ja väidetena esinevaid „kaitsevahendeid“, mis teksti tõlgendamist olulisel määral suunavad. Nende ülesanne on vältida asjade absurdile ja nullteeloogikale taandamise juures negativistlik-nihilistlikku tõlgendust. Need on hoiatus eikuhugi viiva tee eest (anavasthā), tegudega seotud moraalset vastutust edasi kandev vääramatu vägi (avipranāśa), maailma kategoriseerimise puhul eksitav mõistemaru (prapañca), ülima ja tavatõe eristus ning hoidumine moraalirelativismist. Kaitsevahendid pakuvad seni väga rikkalikele Nāgārdžuna-uuringutele suurima lisaväärtuse ja nendele pühendatud ka töö lõppjäreldused.The doctoral thesis deals with Root Stanzas of the Middle Way (Mūlamadhyamakakārikā, MMK), the most important writing for the śūnyavāda school by Buddhist philosopher Nāgārjuna (ca 150–250). The thesis consists of the Estonian translation of the MMK with commentaries, an introduction and nine articles. The articles deal with the key concepts of Buddhism as they appear in the MMK, and their investigation, as well as methodological questions relating to Buddhist Studies. The history of the translation and interpretation of MMK is dependent on changes in the currents of thought in Western philosophy. This has ensured a continuous process of interpretation, including the mainstream currents of thought in the 20th century including deconstruction, the understanding of unlimited semiosis, and linguistic philosophy as the best-known. MMK is a text that generates other texts. This means that a constant increase in interpretation and comment is part of the pragmatics of these texts, as confirmed by the vast field of modern nāgārjuniana. Nāgārjuna is a Buddhist philosopher whose teaching is method rather than theory. Hence the importance of semiotics as a method, as well as phenomenology of religion as the framework for the experience of liberation and transformation of consciousness. In MMK different concepts and assertions are used as mechanisms of defence against negative or nihilist interpretation. The zero way or the logic of the absurd does not mean ethical relativism. The most important mechanisms for defence are anavasthā, a warning against an endless series (also called infinite regression); avipranāśa (the unperishable), a mechanism for the transmission of karma; prapañca, flourishing but misleading conceptualisation; distinction between conventional and ultimate truth; avoiding moral relativism. Highlighting the mechanisms of defence against nihilism would be the most innovative contribution to the vast research area of nāgārjuniana

    Be Still My Racing Heart: An Analysis of Worry Content and Stress Responses in Hookups

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    The original conceptualization of a stress response revolves around the concept of “fight or flight,” but work led by Shelley Taylor illuminated a unique response to danger called “tend and befriend.” Taylor’s theory posits that some people, especially women, exhibit behaviors related to the protection of offspring (“tending”) the seeking out of social support and affiliation for the purpose of mutual protection and comfort (“befriending”). While this theory has been applied primarily to life-threatening dangers, it can also be applied to sexual situations, including hook-ups, which have the potential to turn violent or forceful, triggering a stress response. Through this lens, differences in the nature of responses to stressful hook-up situations were analyzed to evaluate their relationship with the content of one’s worries related to hook-ups. A large sample of young adults completed a survey on hookup behavior that included questions about how worried they were during hookups and questions about the nature of stress responses. Results indicated that there is a range of responses that includes fight or flight responses, tend and befriend responses and freezing responses. Results are discussed in relation to Taylor’s theory and gender roles.https://orb.binghamton.edu/research_days_posters_2021/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Müssen unsere Bürogebäude klimatisiert werden?

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    Application of Inverse Models for Long-Term-Energy-Monitoring in the German Enbau: Monitor Project

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    in order to pave the way for energy savings and utilizing solar energy in non residential buildings, the german federal ministry of economics and technology (bmwi) has established an energy research program called "energy optimized building" that supports the planning and evaluation of demonstration projects. enbau:monitor, as the related accompanying project, documents and analyzes these projects on a common platform. in the framework of enbau:monitor, two different monitoring phases were defined. a detailed monitoring takes place during the first two years of operation. after this period a long-term energy monitoring was established in order to evaluate the sustainability of the innovative designs and systems. fraunhofer ise defined enhanced guidelines for the long-term-energy-monitoring and developed a system for prescription of the placement of meters. furthermore the application of inverse models for automated control of the energy use connected to heating, cooling and electricity is envisaged. the paper presents the new concept as well as the most important findings of the enbau:monitor project

    Sensitivity Analysis with Building Simulations to Support the Commissioning Process

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    Building performance simulations can support the commissioning process of buildings. This paper introduces an approach to implement saving measures using sensitivity analysis with a simulation model and data analysis of measured data from the building. The building that is analyzed is a large non-residential building that was equipped with a data acquisition system. Global sensitivity analysis methods including Monte Carlo (MC) techniques are used to determine the parameters and variables for which the buildings energy consumption is most sensitive to. This information is employed for the optimization of the building operation. Furthermore, the MC simulations are used to quantify the uncertainty of the simulation results given the uncertain simulation parameters or variables. The MC simulations of the building are used to calculate the energy savings for some operational improvements and the corresponding uncertainty. One saving measure was implemented in the real building and the result of the implementation is analyzed using the measured data