76 research outputs found

    A prophet like Moses? A narrative-theological reading of the Elijah narratives

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    If one reads the Moses and Elijah narratives in their canonical order and arrangement, the typical reader's response, since rabbinic times, is to note the manifold parallels between them. These parallels appear at all the various levels of any discourse: they may be found at the verbal level, recognizable in significant words and phrases; at the level of story, they emerge in the framework of the narrative, in the progression of the plot and in characterisation; most significantly, the parallels colour the conceptual level, in terms of both significant motifs and overarching themes. This cumulative resonance peaks at I Kgs 19 and 2 Kgs 2, two critical components of the Elijah cycle, compelling an appraisal of the character Elijah against the character Moses. Such a comparison becomes a legitimate exercise considering the promise in Deut. 18:18 of another like Moses. With Moses established as Israel's prophet par excellence, the debate often turns on deciding whether Elijah follows the paradigm or falls short of it. Thus, 1 Kgs 19, which relates Elijah's experiences at Horeb, is regularly read as Elijah's critical failure as a Mosaic prophet; he indicts Israel rather than intercedes for them. This thesis argues that such a reading dislocates the parallels the narrative carefully builds up between 1 Kgs 19 and Exod. 32-34; further, this negative portrayal of Elijah makes it difficult to reconcile 1 Kgs 19 with the remainder of the Elijah narratives, notably, with 2 Kgs 2 where Elijah is accorded an exit that indubitably affirms his service as prophet. An alternative reading is offered which is particularly sensitive to any inner-biblical exegesis as may be mediated by the Mosaic resonance. This reading identifies the theological thrust, and the implications for the larger narrative of the "primary history" of Israel, of Elijah being read (and perhaps, presented by the narrator), as a prophet like Moses

    American and English picaresque novels in twain’s the adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Dickens’ Oliver Twist

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    ENGLISH This research is entitled “American and English Picaresque Novel in Twain’s ‘The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’ and Dickens ‘Oliver Twist’”. The data of this research is gotten from two of novel which is written by the writer from American and England, the novel entitled “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” and “Oliver Twist”. The purpose of this research analysis for finding the definition and characteristics of picaresque novel and differentiate between the novel from American and English. This research was directed to answer three basic questions about picaresque novel. First, the structure of picaresque novel from “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”; second, the structure of picaresque novel “Oliver Twist”; and the third, similarities and differences of both novels. The theory that is used in this research is the theories that have relate with the picaresque novel. The theory that is used in this paper is the theories by Harris, Thrall and Hibbard. There were some steps that are used in collecting data. Before analyzing the data about picaresque novel, the researcher reads that novel and reads the material that concerned with the discussion in this research. Then, the researcher gives the code in the quotation that included in the structure of picaresque elements, and the researcher writes it into the little notes for writing in chapter IV. Then, it is analyzed by its elements. The elements of picaresque novel that is found finally, as followed: the story is written in first person point of view, tells about the rogue life, from the social low-class, there is no plot, the character is constant, the method of written the novel is use realistic style, satirize the arbiter, the character is as hero and he doesn’t do the actual crime. INDONESIA Penelitian ini berjudul American and English Picaresque Novel in Twain’s “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” and Dickens “Oliver Twist”. Data penelitian ini diambil dari dua novel karya penulis Amerika dan Inggris yang berjudul The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn dan Oliver Twist. Analisa penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan pengertian dari novel picaresque dan membedakan antara novel dari Amerika dan Inggris. Pada dasarnya, dalam penelitian ini mencakup tiga pertanyaan tentang novel picaresque. Yang pertama yaitu struktur picaresque dalam novel “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”, yang kedua yaitu struktur picaresque dalam novel “Oliver Twist”, dan yang ketiga yaitu persamaan dan perbedaan kedua novel tersebut. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu teori-teori yang berhubungan dengan novel picaresque. teori yang digunakan yaitu teori picaresque yang dikemukakan oleh Harris, Thrall dan Hibbard. Ada beberapa langkah yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data. Sebelum membuat analisa tentang novel picaresque, peneliti terlebih dahulu membaca kedua novel tersebut kemudian peneliti juga membaca tentang materi yang terkait dengan pembahasan dalam penelitian, lalu peneliti memberikan tanda di kutipan yang termasuk dalam ciri-ciri novel picaresque dan peneliti menulis dalam sebuah catatan kecil untuk ditulis pada bab IV kemudian dianalisa sesuai dengan ciri-cirinya. Ciri-ciri novel picaresque yang ditemukan dari teori yaitu diantaranya: penulis bertindak sebagai orang pertama, bercerita tentang kehidupan seorang anak nakal, berasal dari kelas sosial bawah, tidak ada plot, karakter bersifat tetap, metode penulisan novel menggunakan gaya realis, bersifat menyindir penguasa, tokohnya hero dan tidak melakukan kejahatan yang sebenarnya

    Identification of Infant Feeding Practices in Eastern Kentucky and Southern West Virginia That Correlate with High Weight-for-Length

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    Background: Approximately 20% of children in the United States are obese. West Virginia and Kentucky rank in the top 10 for obesity rates in children as young as 2-4 years old. Obesity increases the risk for numerous short-term health problems and impacts long-term health, development, quality of life, and life expectancy. Research indicates that obesogenic behaviors can be addressed prior to the development of obesity or significant health problems to prevent, rather than treat. Interventions targeting caregivers of infants younger than 2-years can promote early development of healthy feeding habits that persist through the developmental stages of nutrition. Before a community can make healthy changes, an assessment is required to determine current practices and needs. Methods: Sixty-three caregiver-infant dyads were enrolled. Demographics were obtained from infant medical records and caregiver report. Caregivers completed two surveys (Infant Feeding Styles Questionnaire, Infant Feeding Questionnaire) via telephone. Surveys assessed beliefs and practices of infant feeding, especially as they related to 5 characteristic feeding styles. Results: Twenty-seven dyads completed study visits. At least 1/3 of the infant sample population was considered high weight-for-length (HWFL). Caregivers of HWFL infants had lower Responsive Feeding (RF) scores (p= .035), and these infants had a higher number of siblings (p= .017) and fell later in birth order (p= .012). Though not statistically significant, the rate of HWFL was at least twice as high among infants whose caregivers utilized WIC. Discussion: This study confirmed the presence of high weight status early in life in this community. It confirmed RF association with weight status and revealed potentially high-risk groups. Conclusion: Primary care interventions should be implemented that focus on early prevention through overall healthy feeding practices. Individual community needs may differ, and an assessment facilitates customized care and reduces “trial and error.” Community interventions should incorporate these findings and similar assessments should continue in other communities

    Discordance of Drug Susceptibility Test Data between the CDC Mycobacteriology Laboratory and Local Public Health Laboratories Participating in Tuberculosis Clinical Trials, TBTC, CDC

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    BACKGROUND: Multi drug resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB) is a serious public health concern in many parts of the world. As per the WHO- 2010 global report on Surveillance and response 3.6% of all incident TB cases globally are multidrug resistant. In this regard, there is an increasing demand for timely, reliable and comprehensive drug susceptibility testing (DST) as MDR-TB surveillance is being geared up. The intent of this analysis is to determine whether there is a need to continue routine confirmatory DST testing at CDC in addition to just sending the isolates for genotyping. Analysis is done by measuring the discordance between the results of laboratory DST at CDC and the local labs drug type, drug testing concentrations, and study sites. METHODS: The data for this analysis was provided by the Tuberculosis Trials Consortium (TBTC), CDC. Data for this analysis was collected over nearly two decades (1993-2011), gathered from 7 clinical trials. Discordance between the local and CDC lab DST results was measured using Kappa statistic. Sensitivity and specificity analysis was done by taking the CDC DST lab results as the gold standard. Discordance levels were calculated by local sites and baseline drug resistance for each antibiotic in each study was measured. RESULTS: Average Kappa values for inter rater agreement for all the studies was 0.6444 whereas the overall level of discordance across all studies is 7.786%. Drug resistance at baseline was highest for Isoniazid and Streptomycin (except Study 23 and 22). CONCLUSION: Though the current results show few DST result discordances between local and CDC labs, it is better to continue to send isolates to the centralized lab (CDC) in view of the worldwide threat of drug resistant TB epidemic, the recommendations of the current literature and the benefits of reliable confirmatory testing services and availability of other molecular diagnostic methods

    Tanggung Jawab Para Pihak Dalam Hal Terjadi Gagal Serah Dalam Transaksi Sertifikat Bank Indonesia Repurchase Agreement (SBI- Repo)

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    Sertifikat Bank Indonesia adalah surat berharga dalam mata uang Rupiah yang diterbitkan oleh Bank Indonesia sebagai pengakuan utang berjangka waktu pendek. Transaksi Repo adalah transaksi penjualan surat berharga oleh peserta Operasi Pasar Terbuka kepada Bank Indonesia, dengan kewajiban pembelian kembali oleh Peserta Operasi Pasar Terbuka sesuai dengan harga dan jangka waktu yang disepakati. Transaksi Sertifikat Bank Indonesia (SBI) dengan menggunakan transaksi Repo yang mensyaratkan pengembalian instrumen tersebut kepada Bank Indonesia besar kemungkinan terjadinya gagal serah dalam transaksi Sertifikat Bank Indonesia Repurchase Agreement (SBI-Repo) dan para pihak harus bertanggungjawab apabila terjadi gagal serah dalam transaksi SBI Repo. Tanggung jawab yang harus dilakukan oleh pihak yang melakukan tindakan gagal serah dengan pemberian sanksi yaitu sanksi administratif dan sanksi perdata. Sanksi tersebut diatur dalam PBI No. 18/12/PBI/2016 tentang Operasi Moneter dan SEBI No. 18/24/DPM Tanggal 31 Oktober 2016 tentang Operasi Pasar Terbuka

    Archeota, Fall 2018

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    This is the Fall 2018 issue of Archeota, the official publication of the SJSU SAASChttps://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/saasc_archeota/1008/thumbnail.jp


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    Penelitian ini berjudul Media Sosial Sebagai Media Kampanye Anti Kekerasan Seksual (Studi Deskrptif Kualitatif Tantang Penggunaan Media Sosial Instagram Sebagai Media Kampanye Anti Kekerasan Seksual oleh Akun Instagram @dearcatcallers.id). Penelitian ini berupaya membahas penggunaan media sosial Instagram sebagai media kampanye anti kekerasan seksual yang dilakukan oleh akun Instagram @dearcatcallers.id yang berfokus untuk mendeskripsikan pesan, karakteristik, dan efek yang terkandung dalam media sosial Instagram yang digunakan sebagai media kampanye anti kekerasan seksual oleh akun Instagram @dearcatcallers.id. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif-kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini meliputi: wawancara mendalam, observasi, studi kepustakaan, dokumentasi, dan penelusuran data online. Informan pada penelitian ini berjumlah 12 orang yang sebelumnya telah ditentukan melalui metode purposive-sampling yang mana informan dipilih sesuai data yang dibutuhkan. Ada dua teori yang menjadi landasan dalam membahas penelitian ini. Kedua teori itu adalah Medium Theory Marshall McLuhan dan Marshall Innis dan Media Richness Theory yang dikemukakan oleh Richard Daft dan Robert Lengel. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa penggunaan media sosial Instagram sebagai media kampanye anti kekerasan seksual yang dilihat pada konteks keadaan hari ini dapat diakui efektif. Hal ini berdasarkan keseluruhan hal yang berkaitan dengan media sosial Instagram itu sendiri yang dikaji melalui pendeskripsian pesan, karakteristik, dan efek media sosial Instagram berlandaskan pendekatan Medium Theory dan Media Richness Theory. Penelitian ini melahirkan kesimpulan bahwa era komunikasi elektronik telah melahirkan masyarakat yang bergantung pada informasi yang berunsur hiburan dan media sosial Instagram yang menjanjikan pesan informasi berupa pesan visual dan juga kuasa penuh dalam mentransimisikan informasi secara personal sekaligus secara real-time tanpa mengenal jarak telah membuka jalan bagi siapapun termasuk pengelola akun Instagram @dearcatcallers.id untuk mengampanyekan anti kekerasan seksual melalui media sosial Instagram secara efektif. Singkatnya, perkembangan media komunikasi pada hari ini telah memungkinkan siapapun dapat menyebarkan informasi secara masif melalui media sosial asalkan media sosial tersebut memiliki unsur yang utama meliputi: berkemampuan membuat, menyimpan, dan mentransmisikan informasi yang “menghibur” secara real-time tanpa mengenal jarak. Kata Kunci: Media Sosial, Instagram, Anti Kekerasan Seksual, Medium Theory, Media Richness Theory, Kampanye, @dearcatcallers.id


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    Larangan penggunaan kekuatan oleh suatu negara terhadap negara lain diatur hukum internasional dalam Pasal 2 ayat (4) Piagam PBB. Ketentuan ini memiliki pengecualian dan boleh dilakukan dengan ketentuan yang diregulasikan dalam Pasal 51 Piagam PBB mengenai pertahanan diri. Namun dalam praktek hubungan internasional sering terjadi pelanggaran ketentuan ini, terutama oleh Amerika Serikat. Sebagai negara adidaya, Amerika Serikat sering melakukan invasi menggunakan kekuatan terhadap negara-negara di dunia atas dasar kepentingan individu negara. Kepentingan negara ini dimuat dalam bentuk kebijakan politik luar negeri milik Amerika Serikat dan sering melanggar prinsip hukum internasional yang telah ada sebelumnya. Oleh karena itu, tindakan yang melanggar hukum internasional tersebut menimbulkan dampak serius terhadap negara-negara yang mengalami invasi oleh Amerika Serikat. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pengaturan invasi dalam hukum internasional, praktek implementasi invasi yang dilakukan Amerika Serikat pasca perang Dunia II, serta pertanggunjawaban yang dapat dibebankan kepada Amerika Serikat atas tindakan invasi nya. Oleh karena itu metode penelitian hukum yang digunakan untuk meneliti identifik masalah adalah metode penelitian hukum normatif. Sehingga tulisan ini menggambarkan hukum internasional mengenai penggunaaan kekuatan yang berlaku untuk kemudian dikaitkan dengan praktek yang dilakukan oleh Amerika Serikat sebagai spesifikasi secara deskriptif analitis. Dalam mengumpulkan data guna menunjang tulisan, dilakukan studi pustaka yang difokuskan terhadap Piagam Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa, prinsip hukum internasional dan hukum humaniter, serta literatur ilmiah mengenai kasus implementasi penggunaan kekuatan. Hasil tulisan ini menyimpulkan bahwa hukum internasional mengatur invasi sebagai serangan menggunakan kekuatan yang dilakukan oleh suatu negara terhadap negara lain. Pelaksanaan invasi melanggar larangan penggunaan kekuatan dalam Pasal 2 ayat (4) Piagam PBB, dan dapat dikategorikan sebagai salah satu tindakan agresi dalam Pasal 8bis ayat (2) huruf (b) Statuta Roma. Pasca Perang Dunia II, Amerika Serikat telah melakukan invasi ke beberapa negara-negara di kawasan Amerika latin, serta Afghanistan dan Irak. Invasi-invasi tersebut turut melanggar hukum humaniter internasional yang terdapat dalam Konvensi Den Haag 1899 dan 1907, serta Konvensi Jenewa 1949. Dengan demikian, pertanggungjawaban yang perlu dipenuhi Amerika Serikat didasari pada tanggung jawab negara dalam Draft International Law Commission tahun 2001 tentang State Responsibility on Internationally Wrongful Act. Kata kunci : penggunaan kekuatan, Amerika Serikat, tanggung jawab, tanggung jawab negara, hukum internasiona

    Complementary Aspect-Based Opinion Mining across Asymmetric Collections Using CAMEL

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    We propose CAMEL, a novel theme model for complementary aspect-based opinion mining across asymmetric collections CAMEL picks up data complementarity by demonstrating both normal and explicit aspectes crosswise over assortments, while keeping all the comparing suppositions for contrastive investigation. An auto-labeling scheme called AME is likewise proposed to help separate among viewpoint and opinion words without elaborative human marking, which are additionally upgraded by including word implanting based comparability as another element. In addition, CAMEL-DP, a nonparametric option in contrast to CAMEL is likewise proposed dependent on coupled Dirichlet Processes. Broad examinations on genuine world multi-collection audits information exhibit the prevalence of our strategies over aggressive baselines. This is especially obvious when the data shared by various assortments turns out to be genuinely divided

    A survey on detecting financial fraud with anomaly feature detection

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    Trading/transaction arrange uncovers the cooperation among substances and therefore abnormality identification on exchanging systems can uncover the elements associated with the fraud movement; while highlights of elements are the portrayal of elements and irregularity location on highlights can reflect subtleties of the fraud exercises. In this way, system and highlights give integral data to fraud discovery, which can possibly improve fraud identification execution. Be that as it may, most of existing strategies center on systems or highlights data independently, which doesn't use both data. In this, we propose a novel fraud recognition structure, CoDetect, which can use both system data and highlight data for money related fraud location. What's more, CoDetect can all the while distinguishing money related fraud exercises and the element designs related with the fraud exercises
