114 research outputs found

    On Colorings of Graph Powers

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    In this paper, some results concerning the colorings of graph powers are presented. The notion of helical graphs is introduced. We show that such graphs are hom-universal with respect to high odd-girth graphs whose (2t+1)(2t+1)st power is bounded by a Kneser graph. Also, we consider the problem of existence of homomorphism to odd cycles. We prove that such homomorphism to a (2k+1)(2k+1)-cycle exists if and only if the chromatic number of the (2k+1)(2k+1)st power of S2(G)S_2(G) is less than or equal to 3, where S2(G)S_2(G) is the 2-subdivision of GG. We also consider Ne\v{s}et\v{r}il's Pentagon problem. This problem is about the existence of high girth cubic graphs which are not homomorphic to the cycle of size five. Several problems which are closely related to Ne\v{s}et\v{r}il's problem are introduced and their relations are presented

    Bounds for Visual Cryptography Schemes

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    In this paper, we investigate the best pixel expansion of the various models of visual cryptography schemes. In this regard, we consider visual cryptography schemes introduced by Tzeng and Hu [13]. In such a model, only minimal qualified sets can recover the secret image and that the recovered secret image can be darker or lighter than the background. Blundo et al. [4] introduced a lower bound for the best pixel expansion of this scheme in terms of minimal qualified sets. We present another lower bound for the best pixel expansion of the scheme. As a corollary, we introduce a lower bound, based on an induced matching of hypergraph of qualified sets, for the best pixel expansion of the aforementioned model and the traditional model of visual cryptography realized by basis matrices. Finally, we study access structures based on graphs and we present an upper bound for the smallest pixel expansion in terms of strong chromatic index

    Note on the smallest root of the independence polynomial

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    One can define the independence polynomial of a graph G as follows. Let i(k)(G) denote the number of independent sets of size k of G, where i(0)(G) = 1. Then the independence polynomial of G is I(G,x) = Sigma(n)(k=0)(-1)(k)i(k)(G)x(k). In this paper we give a new proof of the fact that the root of I(G,x) having the smallest modulus is unique and is real

    Some New Bounds For Cover-Free Families Through Biclique Cover

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    An (r,w;d)(r,w;d) cover-free family (CFF)(CFF) is a family of subsets of a finite set such that the intersection of any rr members of the family contains at least dd elements that are not in the union of any other ww members. The minimum number of elements for which there exists an (r,w;d)CFF(r,w;d)-CFF with tt blocks is denoted by N((r,w;d),t)N((r,w;d),t). In this paper, we show that the value of N((r,w;d),t)N((r,w;d),t) is equal to the dd-biclique covering number of the bipartite graph It(r,w)I_t(r,w) whose vertices are all ww- and rr-subsets of a tt-element set, where a ww-subset is adjacent to an rr-subset if their intersection is empty. Next, we introduce some new bounds for N((r,w;d),t)N((r,w;d),t). For instance, we show that for rwr\geq w and r2r\geq 2 N((r,w;1),t)c(r+ww+1)+(r+w1w+1)+3(r+w4w2)logrlog(tw+1), N((r,w;1),t) \geq c{{r+w\choose w+1}+{r+w-1 \choose w+1}+ 3 {r+w-4 \choose w-2} \over \log r} \log (t-w+1), where cc is a constant satisfies the well-known bound N((r,1;1),t)cr2logrlogtN((r,1;1),t)\geq c\frac{r^2}{\log r}\log t. Also, we determine the exact value of N((r,w;d),t)N((r,w;d),t) for some values of dd. Finally, we show that N((1,1;d),4d1)=4d1N((1,1;d),4d-1)=4d-1 whenever there exists a Hadamard matrix of order 4d