96 research outputs found

    The aluminothermetical welding process, or the generation of intense heat through the combustion of aluminium

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    A (in)compatibilidade entre o poder moderador das forças armadas e a supremacia constitucional : uma análise da ADI 6457

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    Orientadora : Profa. Dra. Eneida Desiree SalgadoMonografia (graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Jurídicas, Curso de Graduação em DireitoInclui referênciasResumo : A presente pesquisa se desenvolve através do estudo de caso objetivando compreender e discutir a Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade nº 6457, proposta pelo Partido Democrático Trabalhista (PDT) em face das declarações do Presidente da República Jair Messias Bolsonaro, em reunião Ministerial, cujo vídeo foi divulgado por ordem do então Ministro do Supremo Tribunal Federal Celso de Mello, em que o Presidente afirmava querer "fazer valer o artigo 142 da Constituição". Bolsonaro e juristas renomados do país, como Ives Gandra Martins, partiram para defesa de que o artigo 142 da Constituição Federal, de alguma forma, conferiria poder ao Presidente da República para invocar as Forças Armadas como um Poder Moderador em momentos de crises institucionais para solucionar conflitos entre os Poderes da República. O presente artigo, então, além de elencar os principais argumentos trazidos à discussão pelos atores da ADI 6457, propõe uma análise semântica e de conceituação técnica de cada expressão que compõe o artigo 142 da Constituição Federal e, ainda, busca na doutrina e na pesquisa dos anais da Assembleia Constituinte de 1987/88 compreender qual o sistema de moderação de conflitos institucionais foi escolhido pelo constituinte para ordenar o sistema político brasileiro. Conclui-se que nenhuma das expressões utilizadas pelo constituinte permite interpretação diversa de que os conflitos entre os poderes devam ser resolvidos pelo sistema de freios e contrapesos, de que não cabe qualquer ingerência ou moderação das Forças Armadas no poder civil do país e de que a atuação das Forças Armadas deva ser estritamente dentro da sistemática material e procedimental da Constituição, onde inclusive, limita-se o poder supremo do Presidente da República com relação às Forças Armadas.Abstract: This research is developed through a case study aiming to understand and discuss the Direct Action of Unconstitutionality nº 6457, proposed by the Democratic Labor Party (PDT) against statements by the President of the Republic Jair Messias Bolsonaro, in a Ministerial meeting, whose video was released by order from the Minister of the Supreme Federal Court Celso de Mello, in which the President stated that he wanted to "enforce artigo 142 of the Constitution". Bolsonaro and renowned brasilian jurists, like Ives Gandra Martins, set out to defend that artigo 142 of the Federal Constitution, in some way, would confer power on the President of the Republic to invoke the Military Forces as a Moderating Power in times of institutional crises to resolve conflicts between the Powers of the Republic. This article, then, in addition to listing the main arguments brought up for discussion by the actors of ADI 6457, proposes a semantic analysis and technical conceptualization of each expression that makes up artigo 142 of the Federal Constitution and, still, seeks in the doctrine and research of the 1987/88 Constituent Assembly annals to understand which system of moderation of institutional conflicts was chosen by the constituent to order the brazilian political system. It is concluded that none of the expressions used by the constituent allows a different interpretation than that the conflicts between the powers should be resolved by the system of checks and balances, that there is no interference or moderation by the Military Forces in the country's civil power and that the performance of the Military Forces must be strictly within the material and procedural systematics of the Constitution, where even the supreme power of the President of the Republic in relation to the Military Forces is limited

    Asymptotically Stable Ill-Posedness of Geometric Quasilinear Wave Equations

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    It has been known since the work of Smith and Tataru in \cite{TataruLWP} that quasilinear wave equations (g^{-1})^{\a\b}(\Phi)\partial^{2}_{\a\b}\Phi=\mathcal{N}(\Phi,\partial\Phi) are locally well-posed in H2+ϵ×H1+ϵ(R3)H^{2+\epsilon}\times H^{1+\epsilon}(\mathbb{R}^{3}). The sharpness of this result was immediately known, given an older result due to Lindblad in \cite{QuasiIllP} which showed that the equation \BBox_{m}\Phi=-\Phi(\Lb^{2}_{(Flat)}\Phi) is illposed in H2×H1(R3)H^{2}\times H^{1}(\mathbb{R}^{3}). We show that the recent work of Speck, Holzegel, Luk and Wong in \cite{ShockPlane} on nearly plane symmetric shock formation is intimately connected to the low-regularity illposedness of geometric quasilinear wave equations in H2×H1(R3)H^{2}\times H^{1}(\mathbb{R}^{3}). Indeed, as with shock formation, this is actually a generic phenomenon: for almost all (g^{-1})^{\a\b}(\Phi) which are perturbations of the Minkowski metric we can specify initial data which is arbitrarily small in H2×H1(R3)H^{2}\times H^{1}(\mathbb{R}^{3}) but whose H˙1\dot{H}^{1} energy blows up arbitrarily fast in the domain of future dependence of the data. We demonstrate that illposedness is actually a corollary of the nearly planar shock formation theorem in 3+13+1 dimensions. The nearly planar shock formation result actually gives us even more: the stability of the breakdown under asymptotically small perturbations of ``Lindblad-type" initial data. In other words, Lindblad's result is not simply an artifact of symmetry. We then show that the proof in \cite{ShockPlane} extends from 2+12+1 to 3+13+1 dimensions. This is largely the same argument, although elliptic estimates are now necessary to control some of the new top-order error terms which are nontrivial in the 3+13+1 dimensional setting. In order to control these terms we follow the structure presented in \cite{ShockSpeck}. Our result demonstrates that the conjectural local well-posedness of the timelike minimal surface equation in H3×H2(R3)H^{3}\times H^{2}(\mathbb{R}^{3}) is an exceptional case: every other equation in its class of irrotational, compressible relativistic fluid equations is illposed in H3×H2(R3)H^{3}\times H^{2}(\mathbb{R}^{3})

    The sociology of morality and education : a theoretical critique applied to an empirical study of moral judgement making in a girls comprehensive school

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    The study examines the reasons for Sociology's lack of contribution\ud towards the theory and practice of moral education aid sets out to suggest\ud am approach to the sociology of morality which would be relevant to\ud educational research.\ud Pars: I discusses the sociology of morality's theoretical heritage,\ud the American pragmatic tradition, and the ethical foundations of the\ud sociological traditions derived from Marx, Durkheim and Weber. The\ud inadequacies of the founding fathers' conceptualisation of morality and\ud the effect of this theory on sociological practice is discussed with\ud reference to studies in deviance and education.\ud The critical theory of alrgen Habermas is reviewed and it is suggested\ud that his work could provide a basis for a sociological study of morality\ud in which theory relates to practice and where morality is seem both\ud socially and universalistically.\ud Part II describes an attempt to put Habermas' moral theory into\ud practice in an empirical study of moral judgement in a girls' comprehensive\ud school. A theoretical scheme for conceptualising and analysing procedures\ud of moral judgement is presented. The scheme incorporates conceptualisations\ud of Habermas and Schutz and allows moral judgement to be approached as a\ud procedure involving the ideal and the real and relating beliefs and\ud practices. The basis of the scheme is the assessment of the style of the\ud judgemental procedures according to Habermas' distinction between work and\ud interaction. This approach is contrasted with the essentially Kantian\ud scheme of Lawrence Kohlberg.\ud A study is conducted in the sixth form of Greenbank School w'ien the\ud scheme is applied. An intensive phase investigates the relatioiships of\ud home and school to the function of moral consciousness. It allows certain\ud observations about the function of comprehensive education to be made. The study illustrates the potential of Habermasian theory for a\ud sociology of morality and helps to pinpoint weaknesses in his formulations.\ud It serves as a practical critique of Kantian based approaches to morality

    The diseases of Egypt, of which you were afraid

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    My comps was concerned with the perception and judgment of good and evil through an exploration of the Biblical plagues in patterns in a domestic setting, like wallpaper. The media are woodcut and screen-printing on paper