677 research outputs found

    L'inter-fonctionnalité des équipes de développement de nouveaux produits affecte-t-elle leur performance ?

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    Les recherches consacrées à la relation inter-fonctionnalité - performance d'un nouveau produit font état de résultats contradictoires. Si le recensement des contingences théoriques affectant cette relation par Troy, Hirunyawipada et Paswan (2008) semble exhaustif, celui des facteurs méthodologiques est partiel. Nous évaluons l'effet de 24 modérateurs, dont 16 sont méthodologiques, qui pourraient affecter la relation entre intégration inter-fonctionnelle et performance du nouveau produit.Inter-fonctionnalité; performance des nouveaux produits; méta-analyse

    Pourquoi l’orientation client ne stimule pas nécessairement une gestion des réclamations efficace : le rôle négligé de l’orientation envers les réclamations.

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    International audienceThis communication addresses how customer orientation can prevent defensive organizational behaviors towards complaints. We argue that prospect theory offers a relevant theoretical framework to address that question. When managers and employees view complaints nega-tively, they are likely to exhibit defensive behaviors towards complaints, which results in an ineffective complaint management. A study conducted with 137 complaint managers show that investments into complaint management do not yield returns if customer orientation does not result in a firm’s orientation toward complaints. Senior management as a critical to play in implementing a complaint orientation of corporate culture.Nous avons recours à la théorie des perspectives pour expliquer comment l’orientation client peut éviter les comportements organisationnels défensifs vis-à-vis des réclamations. Lorsque les managers et les employés ont une conception négative des réclamations, ils développent des comportements défensifs, et cela se traduit par un management inefficace des réclama-tions. Les résultats d’une étude menée auprès de 137 responsables marketing montrent que des efforts en termes de gestion des réclamations sont efficaces si l’orientation client se traduit par une orientation envers les réclamations. Le rôle des managers est important pour favoriser une orientation réclamation dans la culture organisationnelle

    An Ecotechnical Alternative: An Embankment of Incinerated Municipal Solid Waste

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    Incineration seems to be one of the best solutions to solve the problem of household refuse disposal. In compliance with European legislation, part of this incinerated refuse, could be used in public works. The authorities are fully aware of the high economic stakes involved, and this is the reason why they would like to control and define the conditions of use of such incinerated refuse. An innovative alternative is presented in this paper, involving the use of slag from Municipal Solid Waste Incineration (I.M.S.W.R.), lightened by the inclusion of old tyres, and strengthened with a layer of geosynthetics, in order to build a retaining wall for a road embankment. With the possibility of seeding the wall facing, the structure can be blended harmoniously into the site. This reinforced structure was monitored in order to check its behavior, especially its thermal behavior

    Orientation marché:comment l’aborder et que peut-on réellement en attendre ?

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    (VF)L’impact positif de l’orientation marché, qui est une orientation stratégique des organisations, sur leur performance est communément admis. Pourtant, certains travaux peinent à observer cet effet. Dans cet article, nous proposons un état des connaissances établies sur ce point : l’orientation marché a-t-elle réellement un impact positif et dans quelles circonstances l’observe-t-on ? Au-delà de sa contribution à la performance commerciale d’une organisation, l’orientation marché contribue- t-elle à sa performance financière ?(VA)The positive effect of market orientation on organizational performance is widely acknowledged. However, several studies fail to produce convincing evidence of such a positive impact. In the present article, we review established knowledge in this field. Does market orientation truly have a positive impact, and under which circumstances one might observe it? Does market orientation also contribute to the firm’s financial performance?Orientation marché;méta analyse; performance;market orientation;meta-analysis.

    Characterisation of soils with stony inclusions using geoelectrical measurements

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    Characterisation and sampling of coarse heterogeneous soils is often impossible using common geotechnical in-situ tests once the soil contains particles with a diameter larger than a few decimetres. In this situation geophysical techniques - and particularly electrical measurements - can act as an alternative method for obtaining information about the ground characteristics. This paper deals with the use of electrical tomography on heterogeneous diphasic media consisting of resistive inclusions embedded in a conductive matrix. The adopted approach articulates in three steps: numerical modelling, measurements on a small-scale physical model, and field measurements. Electrical measurements were simulated using finite element analyses, on a numerical model containing a random concentration of inclusions varying from 0 to 40 %. It is shown that for electrode spacing 8 times greater than the radius of inclusions, the equivalent homogeneous resistivity is obtained. In this condition, average measured resistivity is a function of the concentration of inclusions, in agreement with the theoretical laws. To apply these results on real data, a small-scale physical model has been built, where electrical measurements were conducted both on the model and on each phase. From these laboratory measurements, a very satisfying estimation of the percentage of inclusions has been obtained. Finally, the methodology applied to a real experimental site composed of alluvial fan deposits made of limestone rocks embedded in a clayey matrix. The estimated percentage of rock particles obtained via electrical measurements was in accordance with the real grain size distribution

    Real-scale investigation of the kinematic response of a rockfall protection embankment

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    This paper addresses the response of rockfall protection embankments when exposed to a rock impact. For this purpose, real-scale impact experiments were conducted with impact energies ranging from 200 to 2200 kJ. The structure was composed of a 4m high cellular wall leaned against a levee. The wall was a double-layer sandwich made from gabion cages filled with either stones or a sand–schreddedtyre mixture. For the first time, sensors were placed in different locations within the structure to measure real-time accelerations and displacements. The test conditions, measurement methods and results are presented in detail. The structure’s response is discussed in a descriptive and phenomenological approach and compared with previous real-scale experiments on other types of embankments

    Diseño de marcos para actuar y hacer actuar: la actividad de prescripción en una empresa hortícola

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    Esta tesis, desarrollada en el marco del proyecto AgriQuadra [], se refiere a la actividad de prescripciĂłn en una empresa del sector hortĂ­cola perteneciente a un grupo de productores franceses. Estamos particularmente interesados en la actividad de elaboraciĂłn de las prescripciones realizadas por supervisores encargados de prescribir y organizar el trabajo de los obreros de producciĂłn (Gotteland-Agostini, 2013). El trabajo de los supervisores desde el punto de vista de la ergonomĂ­a En ergono..

    Conceber quadros para agir e fazer agir: a atividade de prescrição em uma empresa de horticultura

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    Essa tese foi desenvolvida no contexto do projeto AgriQuadra [] e aborda a atividade de prescrição em uma empresa do setor hortícola pertencente à um grupo produtor francês. Nós nos interessamos particularmente na atividade de elaboração das prescrições realizadas por supervisores encarregados de prescrever e organizar as tarefas dos trabalhadores de produção (Gotteland-Agostini, 2013). O trabalho dos supervisores do ponto de vista da ergonomia Em ergonomia, muitas pesquisas focaram em mostr..

    L’Allemagne et l’Autriche-Hongrie en Chine, 1895-1918

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    L’article s’appuie sur des recherches en archives effectuées au Centre d’Archives Diplomatiques de Nantes (CADN), au Service Historique de la Défense (SHD) de Vincennes, à l’Österreichisches Staatsarchiv (OESTA), au Haus-, Hof-, und Staatsarchiv (HHSTA) de Vienne et au Bundesarchiv (BA) à Berlin-Lichterfelde. Il constitue une première tentative de théoriser l’impérialisme informel allemand et austro-hongrois tel qu’il a pu exister en Chine entre 1895 et 1918 (hormis le territoire de Kiautschou, qui a été déjà très étudié), afin de lever le voile sur une partie de l’histoire impériale en Chine jusque-là peu connue et qui constitue même dans l’historiographie (hormis pour des questions telles que par exemple Kiautschou ou la guerre des Boxers) une terra incognita, notamment en ce qui concerne les trois concessions allemandes et austro-hongroise de Tianjin et Hankou. Les trois axes principaux de cet article sont l’impérialisme informel, la comparaison des impérialismes allemand et austro-hongrois en Chine, et enfin l’analyse de la période cruciale de la Première Guerre mondiale pour les impérialismes en question.Der Artikel stützt sich auf Nachforschungen im Centre d’Archives Diplomatiques de Nantes (CADN), im Service Historique de la Défense (SHD), Vincennes, im Österreichischen Staatsarchiv (OESTA), im Wiener Haus-, Hof-, und Staatsarchiv (HHSTA) sowie im Bundesarchiv Berlin-Lichterfelde (BA). Erstmals wird hier der Versuch unternommen, über die weithin bekannten Themen des Schutzgebietes Kiautschou und des Boxer-Krieges hinaus die Geschichte des deutsch-österreichischen Imperialismus im China der Jahre 1895 bis 1918 aufzuarbeiten und auf theoretischer Ebene zu abstrahieren. Tatsächlich stellt eine eingehende Untersuchung der deutschen und österreichisch-ungarischen Niederlassungen in China, mit Ausnahme Kiaoutchous, bislang ein Desiderat in der geschichtswissenschaftlichen Forschung dar. Die Gliederung des Artikels beinhaltet eine Untersuchung des informellen Imperialismus in China, eine Gegenüberstellung der deutschen und der österreichisch-ungarischen Unternehmungen sowie eine Analyse der Auswirkungen des Ersten Weltkriegs auf dieselben.The article is based on archival research done at the Centre d’Archives Diplomatiques de Nantes (CADN), at the Service Historique de la Défense (SHD) in Vincennes, at the Österreichisches Staatsarchiv (OESTA), the Haus-, Hof-, und Staatsarchiv (HHSTA) in Vienna and at the Bundesarchiv (BA) in Berlin-Lichterfelde. It constitutes a first attempt to theorize the German and Austro-Hungarian informal imperialism as it existed in China between 1895 and 1918 (except for the territory of Kiautschou, which has already been studied extensively), in order to uncover a part of China’s imperial history. Until now, it has been understudied, even in historiography (except for matters such as Kiautschou or the Boxer War), particularly as far as the three German and Austro-Hungarian concessions are concerned. The three main axes of this paper are the informal imperialism, the comparison between German and Austro-Hungarian imperialisms in China, and finally the analysis of the crucial era of the First World War for these imperialisms

    Certified Global Minima for a Benchmark of Difficult Optimization Problems

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    PreprintWe provide the global optimization community with new optimality proofs for 6 deceptive benchmark functions (5 bound-constrained functions and one nonlinearly constrained problem). These highly multimodal nonlinear test problems are among the most challenging benchmark functions for global optimization solvers; some have not been solved even with approximate methods. The global optima that we report have been numerically certified using Charibde (Vanaret et al., 2013), a hybrid algorithm that combines an Evolutionary Algorithm and interval-based methods. While metaheuristics generally solve large problems and provide sufficiently good solutions with limited computation capacity, exact methods are deemed unsuitable for difficult multimodal optimization problems. The achievement of new optimality results by Charibde demonstrates that reconciling stochastic algorithms and numerical analysis methods is a step forward into handling problems that were up to now considered unsolvable. We also provide a comparison with state-of-the-art solvers based on mathematical programming methods and population based metaheuristics, and show that Charibde, in addition to being reliable, is highly competitive with the best solvers on the given test functions
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