442 research outputs found

    Phonological representations and repetition priming

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    An ubiquitous phenomenon in psychology is the `repetition effect': a repeated stimulus is processed better on the second occurrence than on the first. Yet, what counts as a repetition? When a spoken word is repeated, is it the acoustic shape or the linguistic type that matters? In the present study, we contrasted the contribution of acoustic and phonological features by using participants with different linguistic backgrounds: they came from two populations sharing a common vocabulary (Catalan) yet possessing different phonemic systems. They performed a lexical decision task with lists containing words that were repeated verbatim, as well as words that were repeated with one phonetic feature changed. The feature changes were phonemic, i.e. linguistically relevant, for one population, but not for the other. The results revealed that the repetition effect was modulated by linguistic, not acoustic, similarity: it depended on the subjects' phonemic system

    VMED 589: Anesthesiology & Small Animal Surgery: Faculty-Led Inquiry into Reflective Scholarly Teaching (FIRST) Project

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    A Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree requires a strong background in basic and clinical sciences. Clinical sciences are typically presented as laboratory-heavy courses, ideally with experiential learning components. Veterinary surgery and anesthesia are a high-stakes disciplines that requires a foundation of didactic instruction followed by repeated hands-on practice. VMED 589 Anesthesiology and Small Animal Surgery is the first course in anesthesia that students encounter in their four-year curriculum and the second course in surgery. It is designed to deliver the basic principles of anesthesia, followed by repetitive practice to ensure the safety of the veterinary patient. Anesthetic risk assessment, induction, maintenance, recovery, monitoring, problem-solving, domestic species’ differences, and legal record-keeping are covered. Many students find the anesthesia part of the curriculum to be the most challenging part of the class, as it involves the convergence of knowledge from several previous basic sciences courses in a short timeframe. Assessment for this course uses traditional exams consisting of multiple-choice questions (MCQs), post-anesthesia section exams for students before and after anesthesia, student surveys following Objective Structured Clinical Exams (OSCEs), and student reflections following anesthetic events. Student performance on traditional exams was comparable to previous years. Students\u27 performances on the post-anesthesia exam appeared to be affected by time since the last material but not by the experience of the anesthetic events. Students indicated satisfaction with the OSCEs and opportunities for preparation, and students also noted that they derived confidence from the ability to perform two anesthetic events as part of the class. This portfolio describes the anesthesia portion of VMED 589, including the design, implementation of materials, and outcomes of interest to identify strengths and areas for improvement

    La Edad de Oro del electroscopio

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    Es en verdad el electroscopio un instrumento de medición que se puede calificar como muy simple consta, en su versión más elemental, aquella que se presenta al comienzo de los textos básicos, para no aparecer nunca más en los capítulos siguientes, de dos livianas hojuelas de metal unidas por su parte superior, las cuales al ser cargadas con electricidad se repelen mutuamente. El valor del ángulo que forman brinda una idea sobre la cantidad de carga en juego. El todo viene dentro de una caja de metal, que aísla al elemento sensor de las influencias externas, provista de una ventana de cristal que evita las perturbaciones mecánicas de la atmósfera y permite observar las hojuelas

    La transición de Enrique Gaviola hacia la Astrofísica

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    La Astronomía es reconocida como la primera ciencia, cuya formación se pierde en la noche de los tiempos cuando el hombre observaba entre temeroso y maravillado el tránsito de los astros. Es por otra parte opinión casi unánime que la Ciencia Moderna está claramente identificada con la Revolución Copernicana, con la obra del gran filósofo de la transición que fue Kepler, con el florentino que apuntó un anteojo hada el cielo, con la gran síntesis newtoniana. En la Argentina la Astronomía fue la primera de las ciencias exactas en lograr un nivel internacional

    Lead Job Generation

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    En el proyecto presente se ha diseñado e implementado un Sistema Gestor de Bases de Datos (SGBD) para facilitar al usuario, que es la persona que busca empleo, solicitar empleo, seguir sus procesos de selección y analizar la información que se genera durante la búsqueda de empleo. Los objetivos específicos del proyecto son los que se presentan a continuación. 1) Gestionar de forma eficiente toda la información que se genera en las solicitudes de empleo y en los posteriores procesos de selección. 2) Permitir llevar el control al usuario de sus solicitudes de empleo y de los procesos de selección en los que está implicado. 3) Integrar en un único entorno todo lo necesario para solicitar empleo, controlar los procesos de selección y analizar los datos que se generan en la búsqueda de empleo. 4) Crear una base de datos con la toda información que genera el usuario durante la búsqueda de empleo. Una vez identificadas las necesidades de los usuarios, el primer paso del proyecto fue realizar un diseño para el SGBD que asumiera todos los objetivos presentados. Este se realizó siguiendo un modelo de datos relacional y consiste en un diseño conceptual y un diseño lógico. El diseño físico se ha realizado mediante Microsoft Access e instrucciones en SQL. Una vez implementado el SGBD, el principal logro incide en la capacidad que tiene éste para registrar la actividad del usuario durante la búsqueda de empleo. Esto permite que el usuario pueda consultar y controlar de forma ágil y sencilla sus solicitudes y gracias a un cuadro de mando, incluido en el propio SGBD, el usuario puede tomar decisiones en base a los resultados que va obteniendo. Una vez analizado el potencial de la aplicación se plantean posibles utilizaciones de ésta al margen del uso de forma individual por el usuario. Un sector donde podría tener una gran aceptación sería el universitario. Un SGBD como el del proyecto presente permitiría a la universidad conocer al detalle que realizan sus estudiantes para buscar empleo y asesorarles en función de casos de éxito para orientar mucho mejor sus carreras profesionales

    Passive Disposal of Launch Vehicle Stages in Geostationary Transfer Orbits Leveraging Small Satellite Technologies

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    Once a satellite has completed its operational period, it must be removed responsibly in order to reduce the risk of impacting other missions. Geostationary Transfer Orbits (GTOs) offer unique challenges when considering disposal of spacecraft, as high eccentricity and orbital energy give rise to unique challenges for spacecraft designers. By leveraging small satellite research and integration techniques, a deployable drag sail module was analyzed that can shorten the expected orbit time of launch vehicle stages in GTO. A tool was developed to efficiently model spacecraft trajectories over long periods of time, which allowed for analysis of an object’s expected lifetime after its operational period had concluded. Material limitations on drag sail sizing and performance were also analyzed in order to conclude whether or not a system with the required orbital performance is feasible. It was determined that the sail materials and configuration is capable of surviving the expected GTO environment, and that a 49 m2 drag sail is capable of sufficiently shortening the amount of time that the space vehicles will remain in space

    Drug Testing Government Assistance Recipients

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    Eligibility for government assistance is based on income levels and is generally given to single parents and lower income families. Government assistance programs like welfare, SNAP (food stamps), and unemployment all help support people who have less income than what is necessary to support themselves and or their families. Programs like welfare and unemployment give checks that can be cashed and used at the discretion of the recipient. Who is to say recipients aren’t spending tax payer dollars on illegal drugs? People aren’t going to admit to government officials that they use illegal drugs so to be sure that they aren’t I believe that to be eligible for any government assistance program, recipients should agree to having to submit to random drug tests

    Reducing the Noise Impact of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles by Flight Control System Augmentation

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    The aim of this thesis is to explore methods to reduce the noise impact of unmanned aerial vehicles operating within acoustically sensitive environments by flight control system augmentation. Two methods are investigated and include: (i) reduction of sound generated by vehicle speed control while flying along a nominal path and (ii) reduction of acoustic exposure by vehicle path control while flying at a nominal speed. Both methods require incorporation of an acoustic model into the flight control system as an additional control objective and an acoustic metric to characterize primary noise sources dependent on vehicle state. An acoustic model was developed based on Gutin’s work to estimate propeller noise, both to estimate source noise and observer noise using two separate acoustic metrics. These methods can potentially mitigate the noise impact of unmanned aerial systems operating near residential communities. The baseline flight control system of a representative aircraft was augmented with a control law to reduce propeller noise using feedback control of the commanded flight speed until an acoustic target was met, based on the propeller noise model. This control approach focuses on modifying flight speed only, with no perturbation to the trajectory. Multiple flight simulations were performed and the results showed that integrating an acoustic metric into the flight control system of an unmanned aerial system is possible and useful. A second method to mitigate the effects of noise on an observer was also pursued to optimize a trajectory in order to avoid an acoustically sensitive region during the path planning process. After the propeller noise model was incorporated into the vehicle system, simulations showed that it is possible to reduce the noise impact on an observer through an optimization of the trajectory with no perturbation to the flight speed

    Forgiving Ourselves: Let the Healing Begin

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