252 research outputs found


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    Hasil studi awal di Pondok Pesantren Al-Ishlah Bulusan Kota Semarang, sebanyak 50% status gizi remaja putri mengalami gizi lebih. Remaja saat ini mempunyai pola makan yang tidak sehat. Penerapan kompetensi yang mencakup sikap, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan tentang pemilihan makanan sesuai dengan standar Pedoman Gizi Seimbang Indonesia diperlukan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran gizi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui asosiasi kompetensi Pedoman Gizi Seimbang Indonesia dengan status indeks massa tubuh remaja putri. Desain penelitian yang digunakan survei dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan cara purposive sampling berjumlah 44 orang remaja putri. Data dikumpulkan dengan wawancara dan di analisis dengan menggunakan uji Rank Spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa status indeks massa tubuh pada remaja putri yaitu hampir seluruhnya status gizi lebih (95,5%), kekurangan konsumsi energi (86,4%), kekurangan konsumsi protein (95,5%) dan tingkat kompetensi tentang Pedoman Gizi Seimbang yang baik (84,1,%). Secara umum, jika tingkat kompetensi dilihat dari kompetensi pengetahuan tentang Pedoman Gizi Seimbang baik (56,8%), tingkat kompetensi sikap tentang Pedoman Seimbang yang positif (52,3%) dan tingkat kompetensi keterampilan tentang Pedoman Gizi Seimbang yang baik (40,1%). Berdasarkan uji Rank Spearman ada hubungan tingkat kompetensi (sikap, pengetahuan, keterampilan) dengan status indeks massa tubuh (p value = 0,017 dan koefisien korelasi (ρ) = -0,359). Pengurus pondok pesantren disarankan agar meningkatkan pengelolaan makanan dan menertibkan pembelian makanan di Pondok Pesantren yang sesuai Pedoman Gizi Seimbang. Kata Kunci: Indeks Massa Tubuh, Remaja Putri, Kompetensi Gizi,Asupan Zat Gizi, Pedoman Gizi Seimban

    Evidence of a Critical Histidine Residue in Soluble Aspartic Aminotransferase

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    Photooxidation of extramitochondrial α-aspartate aminotransferase in the presence of methylene blue or Rose bengal leads to a loss of enzymatic activity which follows first order kinetics. Amino acid analysis shows that histidine is the only amino acid residue significantly affected by photooxidation. Of the 8 histidine residues present in the enzyme monomer, 2 are oxidized rapidly at a rate identical with that of the activity loss, while the other 6 are destroyed much more slowly. The pH dependence of the rate of the photo-induced inactivation of the enzyme corresponds to that expected for the photooxidation of imidazole groups. The behavior of the enzyme in Sephadex G-200 is identical before and after extensive photooxidation, while the starch gel electrophoretic pattern changes after photooxidation. It is concluded that the loss of enzyme activity caused by photooxidation is related to the destruction of 1 histidine residue


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) pelaksanaan manajemen dalam kegiatan kesiswaan, (2) pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Aktif, Kreatif, Efektif, dan Menyenangkan (PAKEM) dalam kegiatan kesiswaan, dan (3) pelaksanaan Peran Serta Masyarakat (PSM) dalam kegiatan kesiswaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah Kepala Sekolah, guru, pengurus Komite Sekolah, dan anggota serta orang tua peserta didik. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan model Miles dan Huberman yang meliputi reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi teknik dan triangulasi sumber. Hasil penelitian di SDN Kotagede V menunjukkan: (1) manajemen telah diterapkan dalam kegiatan kesiswaan melalui perencanaan kegiatan kesiswaan (rapat), pengorganisasian (pembagian tugas pelatih dan penataan jadwal), kepemimpinan (pelaksanaan kegiatan kesiswaan), dan pengawasan (mengawasi dan mengevaluasi pelaksanaan kegiatan kesiswaan), (2) SDN Kotagede V telah melaksanakan Pembelajaran Aktif, Kreatif, Efektif, dan Menyenangkan (PAKEM) melalui pembelajaran yang membuat peserta didik aktif, menumbuhkan kreativitas, melaksanakan pembelajaran yang efektif, dan membuat suasana belajar menjadi menyenangkan, (3) SDN Kotagede V telah melibatkan Peran Serta Masyarakat (PSM) dalam kegiatan kesiswaan dengan menggali dukungan, tenaga, pikiran, dan dana dari wali murid dan masyarakat sekitar . Ketiga pilar Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah (MBS) telah terlaksana di SDN Kotagede V dalam kegiatan kesiswaan. Kata kunci: pelaksanaan MBS, kegiatan kesiswaan, SDN Kotagede


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    Abstract The results of peptide map patterns, end group analysis, and disc electrophoresis experiments in gels containing 8 m urea show that serine transhydroxymethylase from rabbit liver consists of four identical polypeptide chains. Evidence is presented to show that serine transhydroxymethylase can exist in an oxidized form and a reduced form. The oxidized form is about 60% as active as the reduced form but can be converted to the reduced form by incubation with a sulfhydryl compound, such as dithiothreitol, and pyridoxal 5'-phosphate. In the absence of a sulfhydryl compound the reduced enzyme is converted to the oxidized enzyme over a period of several weeks at -5°. The apoenzyme is converted to the oxidized form in a few hours. The reduced enzyme has 12 sulfhydryl groups which react with 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid). Kinetically they are of two classes. Eight of these sulfhydryl groups react rapidly and four more slowly. The oxidized enzyme has only eight sulfhydryl groups which react with 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid), four reacting rapidly and four more slowly. The reaction of the enzyme with 5,5'-dithiobis(2nitrobenzoic acid) causes dissociation of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate and complete loss of enzymatic activity

    Isolation and Characterization of Multiple Forms of Glutamate-Aspartate Aminotransferase from Pig Heart

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    Abstract At least four different protein fractions provided with aspartate aminotransferase activity can be isolated from pig heart cytoplasm. No difference is detected in the sedimentation coefficient, immunodiffusion properties, and primary structure (as studied by quantitative amino acid analysis and peptide mapping of tryptic digests) of the three main fractions, called, respectively, α, β, and γ in their order of increasing anodic mobility on starch gel electrophoresis. The three main fractions differ significantly in specific activity, kinetics of recombination of the apoenzyme with the coenzyme, and behavior in 8 m urea. The most visible difference among them is in the way in which the coenzyme is bound to the enzyme protein. In the α and β fractions, pyridoxal phosphate is bound mostly in an "active" mode, characterized by absorption peaks at 362 or 430 mµ (depending upon the pH) and by the capacity to transaminate reversibly with the amino acid substrates. In the γ form, most of the coenzyme is bound in a nonactive mode, characterized by an absorption peak at 340 mµ and by the incapacity to react with amino acid substrates. Upon aging, the α and β fractions lose some activity, while a portion of their coenzyme becomes bound in the inactive mode. Even after these changes have occurred, the various fractions maintain their electrophoretic individuality, which is also preserved after resolution and after treatment with concentrated urea. Electrophoretic analyses carried out on a water extract of a single heart taken immediately after the death of the animal reveal the presence of the various subforms; this indicates either that the various subforms exist as such in the living cell or, if they are artifacts, that they must be formed very early in the preparation and under extremely mild conditions