7,070 research outputs found

    Volume discharge in a gas, excited by an electron beam under conditions of nonuniform ionization

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    Volume discharge in gases excited by electron beams is discussed. The steady state electric field distribution is derived. The voltage-current and energy characteristics are described

    Model DNA for investigation of mechanism of nucleotide excision repair

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    The living cell DNA is under permanent attack of a variety of exogenous and endogenous damaging factors. Nucleotide excision repair (NER) is main pathway which removes a wide variety of bulky DNA adducts formed by UV light, electrophilic environmental mutagens, and chemotherapeutic agents. NER process in mammalian cells consistently leads to the very specific excision of damaged DNA fragments 24–32 nucleotides in length. The following DNA repair synthesis and DNA ligation restore intact DNA helix. The main set of the genes inactivated in NER-deficient higher eukaryotic cells was identified; about 30 proteins are involved in the specific multi-subunit complexes responsible for NER process. The specific NER feature is wide substrate specificity and great difference of damages elimination efficiencies. A key limiting step in NER is damage recognition and verification. One of the advanced and upcoming approaches to NER process investigation is based on the application of model DNAs – artificial DNA structures, which are analogs of substrate or intermediates of the repair process. This article reviews our current knowledge concerning the model DNA design, synthesis and application as a tool for the NER process comprehensive study

    Studies of the effect of cerebroprotective substances on the course of stress-induced behavioral depression

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    Atrophic disturbances of neurons of the limbic structures of the brain, which lead to insufficient regu-lation of emotions and mood, cause depression. Substances with cerebroprotective activity have the ability to inhibit further development and even reverse atrophic damage to neuron

    The role of chemokine genes in the formation of terminal stage of chronic renal failure

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    The data on the role of chemokine genes (+1931A/T CCL4, A/G CXCL11 (rs4512021), -403A/G CCL5, C/G CCL2 (rs2857657), -801G/A CXCL12) in the formation of terminal stage of chronic renal failure, in patients with chronic glomerulonephritis, is presented in the work. It was established, that the allele A CXCL11 (rs4512021) (OR = 1.65) was the marker for the development of terminal stage of chronic renal insufficiency, and the genotype GG CXCL11was a protective factor for the development of terminal stage of chronic renal failure (OR = 0.22

    Associations of Cytokines Genetic Variants with Myomatous Knots Sizes

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    The article presents study of cytokines molecular genetic markers’ impact on nature of uterus affection with myomatous knot

    Analysis of Involvement of Cytokine Genetic Polymorphisms in Development of Genital Endometriosis

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    The article outlines the role of cytokines in development of genital endometriosis. There were detected associations between genetic polymorphisms and their combinations and development of genital endometriosis among women in the Central region of Russi

    Electro-Chemo-Mechanical Modeling of Artificial Solid Electrolyte Interphase to Enable Uniform Electrodeposition of Lithium Metal Anodes

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    Nonuniform electrodeposition of lithium during charging processes is the key issue hindering development of rechargeable Li metal batteries. This deposition process is largely controlled by the solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) on the metal surface and the design of artificial SEIs is an essential pathway to regulate electrodeposition of Li. In this work, an electro-chemo-mechanical model is built and implemented in a phase-field modelling to understand the correlation between the physical properties of artificial SEIs and deposition of Li. The results show that improving ionic conductivity of the SEI above a critical level can mitigate stress concentration and preferred deposition of Li. In addition, the mechanical strength of the SEI is found to also mitigate non-uniform deposition and influence electrochemical kinetics, with a Young\u27s modulus around 4.0\ua0GPa being a threshold value for even deposition of Li. By comparison of the results to experimental results for artificial SEIs it is clear that the most important direction for future work is to improve the ionic conductivity without compromising mechanical strength. In addition, the findings and methodology presented here not only provide detailed guidelines for design of artificial SEI on Li-metal anodes but also pave the way to explore strategies for regulating deposition of other metal anodes

    Possibility of investigation of the microstreams and associations by the radiotomographic method

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    This article contains the tomographic problem's solution of the radiants distribution study by the meteor radar data. It was received the distribution of meteors velocities for the parts of celestial sphere with angular dimensions 10° × 10° and 1° × 1°. Was shown that the angular dimensions of most of radiants are equal 1° - 3° and larger part of the sporadic background looks like a totality of microstreams. © 1995 Kluwer Academic Publishers

    Професор Микола Вiкторович Поляков — вчений, педагог

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    Статья посвящена 70-летию известного ученого, педагога, член-корреспондента НАН Украины, ректора Днепропетровского национального университете имени Олеся Гончара профессора Николая Викторовича Полякова — одного из основателей кафедры дифференциальных уравнений ДНУ.The article is devoted to 70-anniversary of the famous scientist, teacher, of the member of the Academy of Ukraine Sciences, of the rector of Dnipropetrovsk National University named O.Gonchara Professor Nikolai Viktorovich Polyakov which is the one of the founders of the Dierential equations Department of DNU.Стаття присвячена 70-рiччю вiдомого вченого, педагога, член-корреспондента НАН України, ректора Днiпропетровського нацiонального унiверситету iменi Олеся Гончара професора Миколи Вiкторовича Полякова — одного iз засновникiв кафедри диференцiальних рiвнянь ДНУ