155 research outputs found


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    A new formulation for the analysis of propagation of electromagnetic waves over imperfectly conducting planar surfaces is proposed. The classical approach for the analysis of this problem uses the Sommerfeld formulation. In Sommerfeld formulation, the wave function corresponding to a point source is expanded in terms of the propagation constants of the various waves in the radial direction from the source. This gives rise to the well-known Sommerfeld integrals which are highly oscillatory and slowly-decaying in nature, especially when the source is mounted just on top of a planar boundary between two media of arbitrary conductivity. In addition, the nature of the convergence for these integrals is extremely slow and may not yield stable results. In this dissertation we present an approach, developed originally by Schelkunoff, which expands the wave function in terms of the waves emanating perpendicular to the planar interface, not parallel to it as in Sommerfeld formulation. Expressions are given for both cases of vertical and horizontal electric dipoles on top of a planar interface. The debatable nature of this problem is unavoidable, thus a detailed analytical comparison between the Sommerfeld integrals and the expressions derived here is given. Based on the study given in this dissertation, the true rationale in relating the work of Zenneck and Sommerfeld to the relatively new field of surface plasmons is exposed. A detailed literature study as well as an analytical critique of the field of plasmonics and its relation to Sommerfeld-Zenneck surface waves is presented. Finally, some applications of the new formulation are discussed using numerical simulations


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    This research aims to identifying the prospect of information technology application on notary\u27s duty and authority implementation on acte production. Information technology application on notary\u27s duty and authority implementation has good prospect. The genesis of act number 40th 2007 about Limited Corporation and act number lIst 2008 about Electronic Information and Transaction are the actual legitimation concerning notary activity relatively. The studies have been correlated with legal evidence aspect. By yuridis normative characteristic method, the numerous literatures were collected as secondary data for documentation study. Field survey was also done to collect primary data through interview. The data were analyzed qualitatively. The exploitation of information technology on production acte builds a penetration leading to the new professional notary firmament. Nevertheless, all sorts of perfecting is still needed, either normatively or technically, includes establishment of related institutional equipment. Information technology based notary acte product basically has legal power of evidence if conducted by the electronic system on which the operationalizing appropriates to prevails regulation

    Chromatography Method for Simultaneous Determination of Five Synthetic Dyes by High Performance Liquid Chromatography

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    An effective analytical method for the simultaneous determination of five synthetic colorants (i.e., Tartrazine, Brilliant Black, Sunset yellow, Brilliant Blue and Erythrosine) in wine by Reversed-Phase High-Performance Liquid Chromatography with a Diode Array detector was established. The experimental parameters, including the spectrophotometric properties, detection limits and recoveries of studied synthetic colorants, were studied in detail. These parameters were determinated according to statistical methods.Under optimized conditions, the recoveries for all experimental samples were in the range of 98.03–103.5%, and this method had good linearities in the tested ranges with correlation coefficients (r2) >0.9991. The limits of quantification for five synthetic colorants were between 0.054 and 0.1 mg.L−1. Keywords: synthetic dyes, high performance liquid chromatograph

    Using Resources from a Closely-related Language to Develop ASR for a Very Under-resourced Language: A Case Study for Iban

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    International audienceThis paper presents our strategies for developing an automatic speech recognition system for Iban, an under-resourced language. We faced several challenges such as no pronunciation dictionary and lack of training material for building acoustic models. To overcome these problems, we proposed approaches which exploit resources from a closely-related language (Malay). We developed a semi-supervised method for building the pronunciation dictionary and applied cross-lingual strategies for improving acoustic models trained with very limited training data. Both approaches displayed very encouraging results, which show that data from a closely-related language, if available, can be exploited to build ASR for a new language. In the final part of the paper, we present a zero-shot ASR using Malay resources that can be used as an alternative method for transcribing Iban speech

    Education and social class formation in contemporary Egypt.

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    The main concern of this research is to study the influence\ud of class power, culture and ideologies on educational\ud policies, access and practices in the context of the changing\ud political, economic and social policies of Egypt during the\ud modern period.\ud In order to study that, the thesis works on two levels,\ud theoretical and empirical.\ud The theoretical level presents the historical, methodological\ud and theoretical broad context for the empirical study. This\ud includes the study of the following:\ud 1.- The economic and political situation in Egypt,\ud 2.- State power and social class formation, and\ud 3.- The system and policies of education in Egypt.\ud The empirical study is concerned with study of the following\ud subjects:\ud 1.- Cultural and ideological perspectives of members from\ud different class positions,\ud 2.- Class perspectives on general educational issues,\ud 3.- The ways in which 1 and 2 influence the distribution of\ud educational opportunities for members from different class\ud positions, and\ud 4.- Differences between and within social classes concerning\ud the above points

    Determining ACE-2 Level and Some Relevant Biochemical Parameters and studying the effect of Gender in Iraqi Diabetic Patients with Glomeruli and Renal Tubules Fibrosis as Early Prediction Marker

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    مرض الكلى السكري هو مرض يصيب الكبيبات ويتداخل مع حاجز الترشيح الكبيبي ) (GFB والذي يعمل على تمكين الكلى من التنقية الانتقائية للماء والمذابات بالإضافة إلى الحد من حركة الجزيئات الكبيرة مثل الألبومين  . في البطانة الكبيبية ، والخلايا المسراق ، وخلايا القدم ، وحد الفرشاة للأنابيب القريبة ، يتم التعبير عن الإنزيم المحول للأنجيوتنسين 2 وأن الكلى تمثل المنطقة الأكثر تعبيرًا عن هذا الإنزيم. وبالتالي تهدف الدراسة الحالية إلى تقييم مستوى ACE-2 في هذه الحالة مقارنة بالحالة الصحية.اشتملت الدراسة على 120 ذكر وأنثى تتراوح أعمارهم بين (30-65) سنة. تم تقسيم تسعين مريضًا مصابًا بداء السكري من النوع 2 إلى ثلاث مجموعات على أساس معايير ACR تشمل البيلة الألبومينية الطبيعية والبيلة الألبومينية الدقيقة والبيلة الألبومينية الكبيرة (30 مريضًا لكل مجموعة) و 30 شخصًا يتمتعون بصحة جيدة كانوا بمثابة المجموعة الضابطة ، الذين زاروا مستشفى بغداد التعليمي / المدينة الطبية و مستشفى اليرموك التعليمي ، في الفترة ما بين ديسمبر 2021 ومايو 2022. تم تحديد مستويات ACE-2 باستخدام تقنية ELISA . اظهرت النتائج فروقات ذات دلالة ﺇ حصائية بين اعتلال االكلية السكري ومجموعة السيطرة في حالة الاناث .ولكن لاتوجد فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية في حالة الذكور تم الحصول على نتائج مماثلة في ايون البوتاسيوم كما أوضحت النتائج وجود فروق معنوية في أيون الصوديوم ، و ACR، و eGFR ، واليوريا ، و FBS ، والكرياتينين بين مجموعة اعتلال الكلية السكري والمجموعة الصحية. يمثل ACE-2 علامة جيدة للتنبؤ المبكر في حالة اعتلال الكلية السكري. عززت نتائج تحليل بيانات ROC أهمية ACE-2 في تشخيص حالة المرض المدروسة.                                                                Diabetic kidney disease is an illness of the glomerulus that interferes with the glomerular filtration barrier (GFB), which is worked to enable kidney to selective purification of water and solutes in addition to limiting the movement of large macromolecules such as albumin. In the glomerular endothelium, mesangial cells, foot cells, and the brush border of the proximal tubules, ACE-2 is expressed and that the kidneys represent the highest-expressing region of this enzyme. Thus, the current study aimed to evaluate ACE-2 level in this case compared to healthy condition. The study Conducted with 120 male and female ranging in age (30-65) years old. Ninety patients with type 2 diabetes subdivided into three groups on the basis of ACR criteria including normoalbuminuria, microalbuminuria, macroalbuminuria (30 patients for each group) and 30 healthy people served as the control group, all visited Baghdad Teaching Hospital / Medical City and Al-Yarmouk Teaching Hospital, at the period between December 2021 and May 2022.  ACE-2 levels were determined using the ELISA technique. Urea results showed significant differences between diabetic nephropathy in patient and control group in female cases but no significant differences in male patients with diabetic nephropathy and control group. Similar results were obtained in K ion. Also the results revealed significant differences in Na ion, ACR, eGFR, Urea, FBS, creatinine between diabetic nephropathy groups and healthy group.ACE-2 represents a good marker for early prediction in diabetic nephropathy case. ROC data analysis support the importance of ACE-2 in diagnosis of the studied disease case.

    Evaluating the performance of some Primitive Wheat Triticum dicoccum Genotypes

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    Seven wheat genotypes (Triticum dicoccum) and the local check sham5 variety were planted during  growing season 2010/2011under rainfed conditions using RCBD with three replications. Yield components (number of total and fertile tillers, number and weight of grains per spike, weight of thousand grain and individual plant grain yield) were studied in two sites in order to define the differences between the studied genotypes in both sites and to provide the superior genotypes for breeding programs. Results showed that the genotype PW70 was significantly superior in (grain yield, number and weight of grain per spike) comparing to check. While, the genotypes (PW96, PW119, PW123) were significantly superior in thousand grain weight comparing to check, as well as the genotype (PW81, PW127) were significantly superior in total and fertile tillers number comparing to check. Most traits were significantly superior in Al-Ghab site

    Correlation, Regression and Path analysis among yield and yield traits in Triticum dicoccum

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    Seven wheat genotypes (Triticum dicoccum) and the local check sham5 were planted all at Al-Ghab and Izra Research centers in The General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research in Syria during growing season 2010/2011. Yield components (number of total and fertile tillers per plant, number and weight of grains per spike, weight of thousand grain and individual plant grain yield) were studied in two sites in order to predict their effect and to determine their effects on grain yield in order to define selection criteria for grain yield. Results revealed all studied traits except total tillers number were positively correlated with grain yield, and only (fertile tillers number and grain number per spike and grain weight per spike) had a significant regression with grain yield and these traits can explain about (27.6, 67.7, 62.2)% respectively of the variation final grain yield. Results of path analysis indicated that the direct effect of fertile tillers per plant and grain weight per spike on grain yield was positive and high (0.6178, 0.7563) respectively, so that we can depend on them in breeding program as selection criteria to increase grain yield in plant


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    هدفت هذه الدراسة التعرف الى أثر جهاز مبتكر على تعليم مهارة الدوران المزدوج لجهاز حصان الحلق وبعض القدرات البدنية لدى الناشئين في الجمباز، والفروق بين أفراد المجموعتين الضابطة والتجريبية في المتغيرات البدنية والمهارية، وقد اشتملت عينة الدراسة على ( 10 ) لاعبين ناشئين من مركز نور الزعبي للجمباز - الزرقاء - تراوحت اعمارهم من(8-12)سنة، تم تقسيمهم إلى مجموعتين ضابطة وتجريبية، حيث تم تطبيق البرنامج التعليمي لمدة ( 8 ) أسابيع بواقع ( 24 ) وحدة تعليمية وزمن كل وحدة (60) دقيقة، وقد تم اختيارهم بالطريقة العمدية وتم إجراء التكافؤ بينهم وإدخال المتغير المستقل ( الجهاز المبتكر ) على المجموعة التجريبية. وقد أظهرت النتائج المتعلقة بالمجموعة التجريبية وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية في مهارة الدوران المزدوج على حصان الحلق بين القياسين القبلي والبعدي ولصالح القياس البعدي حيث بلغت قيمة ت ( 9.13)، ووجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية في اختبار رفع القدمين من التعلق بقيمة ت ( 4.81 )، واختبار مرونة الجذع بقيمة ت (4.70)، واختبار تسلق الحبل بقيمة ت (5.30)، و عدم وجود فروق ذات دلالة أحصائيا بين القياسين في اختبار الوقوف على اليدين حيث كانت قيمة ت (0.30). كما اظهرت النتائج وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية في مهارة الدوران المزدوج على حصان الحلق بين المجموعتين في القياس البعدي و لصالح المجموعة التجريبية حيث بلغت قيمة (ت)المحسوبة بين المجموعتيين (6.42) بمستوى دلالة (0.0)، وعدم وجود فروق ذات دلالة احصائية بين المجموعتين في القياس البعدي في المتغيرات البدنية . وأوصى الباحثون بتعميم استخدام الجهاز المبتكر في قاعات الجمباز والمراكز التدريبية في المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية لما له من نتائج فعالة في عملية تعليم مهارة الدوران المزدوج على حصان الحلق، وضرورة ابتكار وتصميم أجهزة مساعدة أخرى لتطوير مهارات مختلفة في رياضة الجمباز، وإجراء بحوث مستقبلية مشابهة في تعليم وتدريب مهارات الجمباز.The aim of this study was to identify the efficiency of a Creative Machine that would help teach the double leg circle on the pommel horse in gymnastics as well as some physical attributes for youth gymnastic players. Ten youth players 8-12 years old, from "Nour Al Zu'bi Gymnastic Center - Al Zarqa" enrolled in this study. The participants were divided into an experimental group and a control group. The duration of the trial was 8 weeks and 24 one hour classes. The innovative device was introduced to the control group only. The Sample was chosen purposively. The results indicated that there were significant differences on the double leg circle on the pommel horse performance technique and some Physical Abilities in the experimental group. Strength (4.81), trunk flexibility (4.70) and the rope climb (5.30) were improved significantly in the experimental group and whereas, no differences were found on handstand test. Differences were also found between experimental and control groups with regard to the double leg circle and no significant differences on physical performances test. The researchers recommend using this device in gymnastics halls and training centers in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Because of its effective on teach the double leg circle skill, as well as the necessity of creating other supporting devices to develop other skills in the gymnastic sport. Similar researches in teaching and training the gymnastic skills need to be investigate