147 research outputs found

    Moses: Divine Servant and Israelite Hero

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    Use of an Artificial Pond and Marshes by Amphibians and Reptiles in West Virginia

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    A farm pond approximately 40 years old located in Wayne County, West Virginia was studied to determine the ingress and egress of amphibians and reptiles. In addition to the pond, 2 small marshes were also examined. The study extended from February 2003 to November 2003. The pond is approximately 36 m long and 38 m wide and is located on a south-facing hillside at 202 m in elevation. A drift fence composed of landscaping cloth was constructed to completely encircle the site. At every 5.15 m, funnel traps were positioned on both sides of the fence. Traps were checked daily during the study period. The most common species found entering and exiting the pond were (in order of frequency) Rana clamitans melanota, Notophthalmus v. viridescens, and Pseudacris c. crucifer. Other species less frequently observed included R. palustris, R. catesbeiana, P. brachyphona, Ambystoma maculatum, Terrapene c. carolina, and Scincella lateralis. Ten other species were trapped while entering or exiting the pond. The most common species trapped within the marshes were P. brachyphona, Pseudacris c. crucifer, Bufo americanus, and Hyla chrysoscelis. This is the first extended study of amphibians and reptiles in an artificial pond in West Virginia and demonstrates that farm ponds can provide habitats for reproduction and foraging for many species. With the rapid loss of natural pools and ponds due to habitat alterations, artificial aquatic systems play an important role in the preservation of amphibians and reptiles in the central Appalachians

    In All Fairness: Using Political Broadcast Access Doctrine to Tailor Public Campaign Fund Matching

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    Recent United States Supreme Court decisions have undermined the viability of campaign public financing systems, a vital tool for fighting political corruption. First, Citizens United v. FEC allowed privately financed candidates and independent groups to spend unlimited amounts of money on campaigning. Publicly financed candidates now risk being vastly outspent. Second, Arizona Free Enterprise Club’s Freedom PAC v. Bennett invalidated a proportional fund matching system whereby privately financed candidates’ or independent groups’ spending triggered funds to publicly funded candidates. These decisions effectuate a libertarian speech doctrine: all speakers, individual or corporate, must be absolutely unburdened. To comply with this approach, public financing must be tailored to reduce its monetary correlation with, and corresponding burden on, privately funded speech. This Article proposes matching broadcast advertising access costs as a measured solution. The proposed system does not burden privately funded speech, and it increases media availability: if a privately financed candidate or independent group purchases advertising time, the publicly financed candidate is provided funds to purchase equivalent time. Matching access costs reduces any burden on speakers while importing First Amendment jurisprudence and telecommunications law to support the constitutionality of this system. These laws recognize the First Amendment rights of the electorate, the problem of political advertising market saturation, and the values of an informed citizenry. Essential for democracy is an informed, engaged, and participating citizenry. Matching broadcast access costs increases available information, comports with th

    Prevention of Depression and Anxiety in Residential Homes for the Elderly

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    Beekman, A.T.F. [Promotor]Horst, H.E. van der [Promotor]Schaik, D.J.F. van [Copromotor]Marwijk, H.W.J. van [Copromotor

    In All Fairness: Using Political Broadcast Access Doctrine to Tailor Public Campaign Fund Matching

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    Recent United States Supreme Court decisions have undermined the viability of campaign public financing systems, a vital tool for fighting political corruption. First, Citizens United v. FEC allowed privately financed candidates and independent groups to spend unlimited amounts of money on campaigning. Publicly financed candidates now risk being vastly outspent. Second, Arizona Free Enterprise Club’s Freedom PAC v. Bennett invalidated a proportional fund matching system whereby privately financed candidates’ or independent groups’ spending triggered funds to publicly funded candidates. These decisions effectuate a libertarian speech doctrine: all speakers, individual or corporate, must be absolutely unburdened. To comply with this approach, public financing must be tailored to reduce its monetary correlation with, and corresponding burden on, privately funded speech. This Article proposes matching broadcast advertising access costs as a measured solution. The proposed system does not burden privately funded speech, and it increases media availability: if a privately financed candidate or independent group purchases advertising time, the publicly financed candidate is provided funds to purchase equivalent time. Matching access costs reduces any burden on speakers while importing First Amendment jurisprudence and telecommunications law to support the constitutionality of this system. These laws recognize the First Amendment rights of the electorate, the problem of political advertising market saturation, and the values of an informed citizenry. Essential for democracy is an informed, engaged, and participating citizenry. Matching broadcast access costs increases available information, comports with th

    Preventie van depressie en angst in verzorgingstehuizen

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    Achtergrond Bewoners van verzorgingshuizen vormen een risicogroep voor het ontwikkelen van een depressieve en/of angststoornis. Deze stoornissen komen veel voor en hebben een grote impact op het welzijn en functioneren van de betrokkene, maar worden vaak slecht herkend. Wij vroegen ons af of een stepped-care programma ter preventie van depressieve en angststoornissen in verzorgingshuizen haalbaar en effectief zou kunnen zijn. Methoden In een pragmatische gerandomiseerde gecontroleerde trial vergeleken we de effecten van het programma met gebruikelijke zorg in veertien verzorgingshuizen. In totaal deden 185 bewoners mee, die op de Centre for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) minstens 8 punten scoorden, niet leden aan een depressieve of angststoornis en ook niet aan een ernstige cognitieve stoornis. De deelnemers kregen een stepped-care preventieprogramma (n = 93) of gebruikelijke behandeling (n = 92). De deelnemers aan het preventieprogramma kregen eerst een afwachtend beleid en als ze niet opknapten achtereenvolgens een zelfhulpinterventie, een psychologische life-review en een verwijzing naar de huisarts. Onze primaire uitkomstmaat was de incidentie van een depressieve stoornis of angststoornis gedurende het jaar na inclusie. Resultaten De incidentie van depressie en angst samen nam niet af door de interventie: de gecombineerde incidence rate ratio (IRR) was 0,50 (95%-betrouwbaarheidsinterval (BI) 0,23 tot 1,12). Ten opzichte van de gebruikelijke zorg bracht het preventieprogramma wel het indicentierisico voor depressie omlaag (IRR 0,26; 95%-BI 0,12 tot 0,80) maar niet dat voor angst (IRR 1,32; 95%-BI 0,48 tot 3,62). Conclusie De resultaten suggereren dat het toegepaste steppedcare preventieprogramma bij ouderen in verzorgingshuizen wel helpt tegen depressie, maar niet tegen angst
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