193 research outputs found

    Performance parameters of low-density ammonium nitrate base explosives; experimental results and J. Taylor\u27s method

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    Ammonium nitrate has been known to the explosive industry for a long time. Compelled by the ever increasing mining costs, in 1954 Akremite was introduced to the market. It is a simple carbonaceous ammonium nitrate mixture and is the cheapest explosive available to the open-pit operators. During the following years considerable amount of research was done, resulting among others with the introduction of ammonium nitrate-hydrocarbon mixtures as an explosive. During the Second World War research was done toward the refinement of the hydrodynamic theory. Several methods of calculating the detonation velocities of the explosives were introduced: Brown (1942), Kistiakowski and Wilson (1942), and Brinkley and Wilson (1943). During the post-war period two more methods were introduced, namely by Cook (1947-8) and by Taylor and Patterson (1949). This thesis concerns mainly with the behavior of ammonium nitrate and fuel oil No. 2 mixture. The Taylor\u27s method has been chosen to check the experimental data. Experiments were performed during the period July - November 1957 --Introduction, page 1

    Tailored therapy in type 2 diabetes:unintended effects of glucose-lowering agents

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    The clinical treatment landscape of type 2 diabetes has rapidly evolved over the last decades. With the arrival of several new treatment options, the possibility of tailored therapy for patients with type 2 diabetes has become an option. This thesis investigated several advantages and disadvantages of the treatment options. Some of the results contradict with the Dutch treatment guideline, e.g. gliclazide does not seem to better than other sulphonylureas with regard to some important outcomes and there might be role for thiazolidinedionen in the treatment of selected patients. This underlines the importance of tailored therapy. However, this thesis also showed that implementation of tailored therapy is difficult and that there is room for improvement in guidelines and among prescribers

    Current Diagnosis and Management of Thyroid Nodules

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    Thyroid nodules are frequently found. Although they are often palpable, many are found incidentally during unrelated radiographic studies. Ten to 15% of thyroid nodules represents thyroid malignancy. Clinician suc as an internist/endocrinologist have to  classify the nodule, stratify the risk of thyroid cancer, performed a diagnostic work-up, provide medical / non-surgical therapy, select candidates for surgery and provide appropriate follow-up that should last a lifetime. This article provide an up-date review of diagnostic approach and management of thyroid nodules, focusing on current algorithm in lights of the most recent published American Thyroid Association thyroid nodule and differentiated thyroid cancer management guidelines

    Birds of Nusa Dua Sewage Treatment Ponds, Bali, and an unusual foraging behaviour of egrets

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    Hiperglikemia dan Aterosklerosis Arteri Karotis Interna pada Penderita Pasca Stroke Iskemik

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    Hyperglycemia and atherosclerosis of internal carotid artery in post ischemic stroke patientBackground: Atherosclerosis is the primary cause of death in stroke. Marker of atherosclerosis in carotid artery is intima media thickness (IMT) of artery walls. One of trigger atherosclerosis is hyperglycemia. The objective of the study is to investigate the association between hyperglycemia to atherosclerosis of internal carotid artery in post ischemic stroke patient.Methods: A cross sectional design study, patients post ischemic stroke admitted outpatient clinic of neurology department at Dr. Kariadi General Hospital Semarang, start at May 2010 until July 2010. Analysis of atherosclerosis using carotid duplex ultrasound, analysis of hyperglycemia with fasting blood glucose levels, two-hour postprandial glucose levels and also HbA1c levels using bloodvenous in the laboratory of clinical pathology department at Dr. Kariadi General Hospital. Descriptive statistic and logistic regression test were performed to analyze the data.Result: The mean of fasting blood glucose (FBG) levels were 113.93 (SD 42.2) mg/dL, two-hours postprandial glucose (2hPPG) levels were 182.4 (SD 76.5) mg/dL, HbA1c levels were 6.4 (SD 1.5)%. The mean of intima media thickness of internal carotid artery was 1.2 (SD 1.9) mm. No significance difference between FBG, 2hPPG and A1c (95% CI, p>0.05) to atherosclerosis of internalcarotid artery in post ischemic stroke patient.Conclusion: There are no significant association between hyperglycemia and atherosclerosis of internal carotid artery in post ischemic stroke patient

    Pengaruh Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah Terhadap Hasil Belajar Materi Hukum Newton Tentang Gerak

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of problem-based learning to improve learning outcomes physics class X SMA Negeri 1 Seputih Mataram. The samples used in the study were students of class X MIA 1 as an experimental class using problem-based learning model and class X MIA 2 as the control class using direct learning model. The method used is the pretest-posttest control group design. Data were tested using independent samples t-test. Based on the results obtained experimental class pretest and posttest 33.72 at 59.97 with an average increase of 26.25 learning outcomes and results obtained control class pretest and posttest 36.19 at 50.28 with an average increase learning outcomes by 14 09. Based on the test results the difference of learning outcomes using independent sample t-test of 0.000, it can be concluded that there are significant USAge based learning model of the physics student learning outcomes.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari model pembelajaran berbasis masalah untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar fisika siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Seputih Mataram. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah siswa kelas X MIA 1 sebagai kelas eksperimen menggunakan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah dan kelas X MIA 2 sebagai kelas kontrol menggunakan model pembelajaran langsung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. Data yang diuji menggunakan uji independent sampel t-test. Berdasarkan hasil pretest kelas eksperimen diperoleh 33,72 dan posttest sebesar 59,97 dengan peningkatan rata-rata hasil belajar sebesar 26,25 dan hasil pretest kelas kontrol diperoleh 36,19 dan posttest sebesar 50,28 dengan peningkatan rata-rata hasil belajar sebesar 14,09. Berdasarkan hasil uji perbedaan hasil belajar menggunakan independent sampel t-test sebesar 0,000, dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh penggunaan model pembelajaran berbasis terhadap hasil belajar fisika siswa

    The principle of non-pharmacologic management of osteoarthritis

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    Background: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common problem in the elderly population and has very significant effect toward the daily activity of the elderly. The incidence and prevalent of OA is expected to increase in the upcoming decade with the doubling of the aging population. The management of OA could be classified into surgical and non-surgical with the latter could be further divided into pharmacological and non-pharmacological. Despite a wide array of publications discussing about surgical and pharmacological intervention of OA, there are still little references about its non-pharmacological intervention. Aim: Thus, the aim of this review is to describe about the non-pharmacological rehabilitative management of OA which is considered as more applicable with less side effect compared to surgical or pharmacological intervention. Conclusion: Hopefully, the information would be helpful in constructing a more comprehensive approach toward OA patient especially in elderly.</p

    Sign Found In The Movie Spiderman : Far From Home

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    This research analyze the kinds and functions of the signs found in the movie Spiderman : Far from Home. There are some methods used in writing this research, they are data sources, data collection, data analysis, and presenting the result of the analysis. In this research writer used the movie entitled “Spiderman: Far from Home” as the data source. The writer applied some methods of research those are by watching the movie, taking any signs that found in it, and then it was classified based on their kinds of sign on the collecting the data. In analyzing the data, the writer applied the theory of Chandler in his book entitled Semiotic for Beginners (1931) as the main theory and supported by other theories that are relevant to this topic. The analysis of data was done by explaining all the signs found in the movie based on its kind and function. The result of the research shows that the signs found in the movie Spiderman: Far from Home consist of 3 Icons, 5 Indexes and 8 Symbols. In the Icon there are, 3 Ideational Metafunctions. In the Index there are, 4 Ideational Metafunctions and 1 Interpersonal Metafunctions. In the Symbol there are, 6 Ideational Metafunctions, 4 Interpersonal Metafunctions and 4 Textual Metafunctions. Keywords: Sign, Icon, Index, Symbol, Movie Spiderman : Far from Hom


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    Latar belakang Hipoglikemia adalah penyulit utama dalam pengendalian kadar gula darah pasien diabetes melitus. Keterlambatan dalam mengenali faktor – faktor, gejala klinis, dan menangani hipoglikemia dapat berakibat fatal. Gejala klinis yang dialami saat kejadian hipoglikemia juga dapat mempengaruhi kualitas hidup pasien diabetes melitus. Hanya sedikit penelitian di indonesia mengenai hipoglikemia pada diabetes melitus. Tujuan Mengetahui faktor – faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi terjadinya hipoglikemia pada penderita diabetes melitus. Metode Penelitian ini merupakan studi observasional dengan pencatatan dan wawancara terhadap 40 responden penderita diabetes melitus yang pernah mengalami hipoglikemia. Faktor - faktor yang dicatat antara lain usia, riwayat hipoglikemia berulang, jenis terapi OHO, jenis terapi insulin, dosis terapi insulin, durasi olahraga dan riwayat absorbsi glukosa terganggu. Derajat hipoglikemia dikelompokkan menjadi ringan, sedang, dan berat. Uji statistik dilakukan dengan Uji Spearman dan Lambda. Hasil Rata – rata ± standar deviasi durasi olahraga dalam satu minggu yang dilakukan oleh responden yaitu (2,42 ± 2,37) jam. Durasi olahraga memiliki korelasi bermakna dengan derajat hipoglikemia (r= -0,388 , p=0,013). Durasi olahraga dalam satu minggu diduga menggambarkan keadaan umum pasien. Usia, riwayat hipoglikemia berulang, terapi salisilat, jenis terapi OHO, jenis terapi insulin, dosis terapi insulin, gangguan ginjal, dan keterlambatan asupan glukosa tidak bermakna terhadap kejadian hipoglikemia. Kesimpulan Durasi olahraga dalam satu minggu berpengaruh terhadap hipoglikemia. Penderita diabetes melitus dengan keterbatasan fisik cenderung untuk mengalami derajat hipoglikemia yang lebih berat. Kata kunci: Hipoglikemia, diabetes melitus, olahraga, keterbatasan fisik
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