5,621 research outputs found

    Slightly generalized Generalized Contagion: Unifying simple models of biological and social spreading

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    We motivate and explore the basic features of generalized contagion, a model mechanism that unifies fundamental models of biological and social contagion. Generalized contagion builds on the elementary observation that spreading and contagion of all kinds involve some form of system memory. We discuss the three main classes of systems that generalized contagion affords, resembling: simple biological contagion; critical mass contagion of social phenomena; and an intermediate, and explosive, vanishing critical mass contagion. We also present a simple explanation of the global spreading condition in the context of a small seed of infected individuals.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures; chapter to appear in "Spreading Dynamics in Social Systems"; Eds. Sune Lehmann and Yong-Yeol Ahn, Springer Natur

    Functional centrality in graphs

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    In this paper we introduce the functional centrality as a generalization of the subgraph centrality. We propose a general method for characterizing nodes in the graph according to the number of closed walks starting and ending at the node. Closed walks are appropriately weighted according to the topological features that we need to measure

    A seismic tomography, gravity, and flexure study of the crust and upper mantle structure across the Hawaiian Ridge: 2. Ka'ena

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    The Hawaiian Ridge, a classic intraplate volcanic chain in the Central Pacific Ocean, has long attracted researchers due to its origin, eruption patterns, and impact on lithospheric deformation. Thought to arise from pressure-release melting within a mantle plume, its mass-induced deformation of Earth's surface depends on load distribution and lithospheric properties, including elastic thickness (Te). To investigate these features, a marine geophysical campaign was carried out across the Hawaiian Ridge in 2018. Westward of the island of O'ahu, a seismic tomographic image, validated by gravity data, reveals a large mass of volcanic material emplaced on the oceanic crust, flanked by an apron of volcaniclastic material filling the moat created by plate flexure. The ridge adds ∼7 km of material to pre-existing ∼6-km-thick oceanic crust. A high-velocity and high-density core resides within the volcanic edifice, draped by alternating lava flows and mass wasting material. Beneath the edifice, upper mantle velocities are slightly higher than that of the surrounding mantle, and there is no evidence of extensive magmatic underplating of the crust. There is ∼3.5 km of downward deflection of the sediment-crust and crust-mantle boundaries due to flexure in response to the volcanic load. At Ka'ena Ridge, the volcanic edifice's height and cross-sectional area are no more than half as large as those determined at Hawai'i Island. Together, these studies confirm that volcanic loads to the west of Hawai'i are largely compensated by flexure. Comparisons to the Emperor Seamount Chain confirm the Hawaiian Ridge's relatively stronger lithospheric rigidity

    Reprocessing of legacy seismic reflection profile data and its implications for plate flexure in the vicinity of the Hawaiian islands

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    During 1975–1988, an academic research ship, R/V Robert D. Conrad, acquired more than 150,000-line-km of multichannel seismic reflection profile data from each of the world's main ocean basins and their margins. This extensive legacy seismic data set, which involved both single ship and two-ship data acquisition, has been widely used by the marine geoscience community. We report on our experience in reprocessing seismic reflection profile data acquired during Conrad cruise RC2308 to the Hawaiian Islands region in August/September 1982. We show that the application of modern, industry standard processing techniques, including filtering, de-bubble, deconvolution, and migration, can significantly enhance 40+ year old legacy seismic reflection profile data. The reprocessed data reveals more precisely, and with much less scatter, the flexure of Cretaceous Pacific oceanic crust caused by the Pliocene-Recent volcanic loads that comprise the Hawaiian Islands. A comparison of observed picks of top oceanic crust which has been corrected for the Hawaiian swell and the Molokai Fracture Zone with the calculations of a simple 3-dimensional elastic plate (flexure) model reveals a best fit elastic plate thickness of the lithosphere, Te, of 26.7 km, an average infill density of 2,701 kg m−3, and a Root Mean Square difference between observations and calculations of 305 m. Tests show these results depend weakly on the load density assumed and that the average infill density is close to what would be predicted from an arithmetic average of the flanking moat infill density and the infill density that immediately underlies the volcanic edifice

    A New Methodology for Generalizing Unweighted Network Measures

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    Several important complex network measures that helped discovering common patterns across real-world networks ignore edge weights, an important information in real-world networks. We propose a new methodology for generalizing measures of unweighted networks through a generalization of the cardinality concept of a set of weights. The key observation here is that many measures of unweighted networks use the cardinality (the size) of some subset of edges in their computation. For example, the node degree is the number of edges incident to a node. We define the effective cardinality, a new metric that quantifies how many edges are effectively being used, assuming that an edge's weight reflects the amount of interaction across that edge. We prove that a generalized measure, using our method, reduces to the original unweighted measure if there is no disparity between weights, which ensures that the laws that govern the original unweighted measure will also govern the generalized measure when the weights are equal. We also prove that our generalization ensures a partial ordering (among sets of weighted edges) that is consistent with the original unweighted measure, unlike previously developed generalizations. We illustrate the applicability of our method by generalizing four unweighted network measures. As a case study, we analyze four real-world weighted networks using our generalized degree and clustering coefficient. The analysis shows that the generalized degree distribution is consistent with the power-law hypothesis but with steeper decline and that there is a common pattern governing the ratio between the generalized degree and the traditional degree. The analysis also shows that nodes with more uniform weights tend to cluster with nodes that also have more uniform weights among themselves.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figure

    The Emergence of Norms via Contextual Agreements in Open Societies

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    This paper explores the emergence of norms in agents' societies when agents play multiple -even incompatible- roles in their social contexts simultaneously, and have limited interaction ranges. Specifically, this article proposes two reinforcement learning methods for agents to compute agreements on strategies for using common resources to perform joint tasks. The computation of norms by considering agents' playing multiple roles in their social contexts has not been studied before. To make the problem even more realistic for open societies, we do not assume that agents share knowledge on their common resources. So, they have to compute semantic agreements towards performing their joint actions. %The paper reports on an empirical study of whether and how efficiently societies of agents converge to norms, exploring the proposed social learning processes w.r.t. different society sizes, and the ways agents are connected. The results reported are very encouraging, regarding the speed of the learning process as well as the convergence rate, even in quite complex settings

    A seismic tomography, gravity, and flexure study of the crust and upper mantle structure of the Hawaiian Ridge: 1

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    The Hawaiian Ridge has long been a focus site for studying lithospheric flexure due to intraplate volcano loading, but crucial load and flexure details remain unclear. We address this problem using wide-angle seismic refraction and reflection data acquired along a ∼535-km-long profile that intersects the ridge between the islands of Maui and Hawai'i and crosses 80–95 Myr-old lithosphere. A tomographic image constructed using travel time data of several seismic phases reveals broad flexure of Pacific oceanic crust extending up to ∼200–250 km either side of the Hawaiian Ridge, and vertically up to ∼6–7 km. The P-wave velocity structure, verified by gravity modeling, reveals that the west flank of Hawaii is comprised of extrusive lavas overlain by volcanoclastic sediments and a carbonate platform. In contrast, the Hāna Ridge, southeast of Maui, contains a high-velocity core consistent with mafic or ultramafic intrusive rocks. Magmatic underplating along the seismic line is not evident. Reflectors at the top and bottom of the pre-existing oceanic crust suggest a ∼4.5–6 km crustal thickness. Simple three-dimensional flexure modeling with an elastic plate thickness, Te, of 26.7 km shows that the depths to the reflectors beneath the western flank of Hawai'i can be explained by volcano loading in which Maui and the older islands in the ridge contribute ∼43% to the flexure and the island of Hawai'i ∼51%. Previous studies, however, revealed a higher Te beneath the eastern flank of Hawai'i suggesting that isostatic compensation may not yet be complete at the youngest end of the ridge

    Tracking advanced persistent threats in critical infrastructures through opinion dynamics

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    Advanced persistent threats pose a serious issue for modern industrial environments, due to their targeted and complex attack vectors that are difficult to detect. This is especially severe in critical infrastructures that are accelerating the integration of IT technologies. It is then essential to further develop effective monitoring and response systems that ensure the continuity of business to face the arising set of cyber-security threats. In this paper, we study the practical applicability of a novel technique based on opinion dynamics, that permits to trace the attack throughout all its stages along the network by correlating different anomalies measured over time, thereby taking the persistence of threats and the criticality of resources into consideration. The resulting information is of essential importance to monitor the overall health of the control system and cor- respondingly deploy accurate response procedures. Advanced Persistent Threat Detection Traceability Opinion Dynamics.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech